190 resultados para Nigeria-Níger Delta


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Aquaculture production in Nigeria has increased tremendously in recent times; along with this increase is the rise in the level of waste outputs from aquaculture practices. The discharge of waste from aquaculture operations on continuous basis leads to eutrophication and destruction of natural ecosystem in receiving water body. Controlled wastes production strategies is necessary to maintain sustainable aquaculture growth into the future, as long-term sustainability of fish culture systems depends on their ability to reduce their waste outputs. The release of solid wastes is mainly a function of the digestibility of various dietary components while the release of dissolved wastes is mainly a function of the metabolism of nutrients by the fish. This paper critically reviews the impacts of aquaculture wastes on the environment and the strategies to mitigate the effect of these impacts. Future trends and research needs on aquaculture induced effluents are outlined. As the amount of nutrient discharge is typically site and operation specific, effective farm management has been identified as the most important factor to avoid effluent pollution.


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We investigated age, growth, and ontogenetic effects on the proportionality of otolith size to fish size in laboratory-reared delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) from the San Francisco Bay estuary. Delta smelt larvae were reared from hatching in laboratory mesocosms for 100 days. Otolith increments from known-age fish were enumerated to validate that growth increments were deposited daily and to validate the age of fish at first ring formation. Delta smelt were found to lay down daily ring increments; however, the first increment did not form until six days after hatching. The relationship between otolith size and fish size was not biased by age or growth-rate effects but did exhibit an interruption in linear growth owing to an ontogenetic shift at the postflexon stage. To back-calculate the size-at-age of individual fish, we modified the biological intercept (BI) model to account for ontogenetic changes in the otolith-size−fish-size relationship and compared the results to the time-varying growth model, as well as the modified Fry model. We found the modified BI model estimated more accurately the size-at-age from hatching to 100 days after hatching. Before back-calculating size-at-age with existing models, we recommend a critical evaluation of the effects that age, growth, and ontogeny can have on the otolith-size−fish-size relations


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Length-weight relationship parameters of Heterobranchus longifilis males, females and combined sexes are given. The samples were collected from Idodo River, with size ranging from 123 mm total length, L, to 936 mm L. The values obtained for the mean L by sex show that males were significantly (p<0.05) larger than females. The results show that the slope (b) is significantly (p<0.05) below 3.0 for the male, female and pooled sample. The species exhibit a negative allometric growth pattern. The relative condition of fish shows seasonal variation, with females generally being in better condition than the males.


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The development of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) breeding programs in Nigeria is discussed.


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Between May and October 1990, fecundity, egg size and condition factor of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacépède) in the Cross River, Nigeria, were studied. The fecundity (F) of this population varied from 3 046 eggs (total length, L=28.5 cm) to 28 086 eggs (L=64 cm). A mean relative fecundity of 231 eggs/cm or 13 eggs/g of fish was obtained for this population. The fecundity of this population can be estimated with the formula F=2.511 · L 2.30 or F=52.893 · W 0.78 , total length being in cm and weight (W) in g. The mean egg diameter of this population varied from 0.65 mm to 3.54 mm. Condition factor (CF) of the population varied from 0.24 to 1.34 with 0.977 as the mean; 52.8% had CF higher than the mean and 47% had CF above unity. Smaller fish in this population were in better condition than bigger ones. The egg size and condition factor obtained in this study are evidence that the Cross River population of C. nigrodigitatus can provide excellent broodstock.


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Currently there are 2 sources of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii production in Vietnam - natural production from the rivers and canals and aquaculture production from ponds and ricefields. An account is given of the production of this prawn in the Mekong Delta. The prawns are harvested primarily by a common small scale method using shelter traps. The total annual freshwater prawn production in Vietnam during 1985-90 was reported to vary from 5000 to 8000 tons, most of it from natural fisheries; although there are no official statistics on the production of farmed prawns, the amount is believed to be very small. The grow-out system includes intensive monospecies pond culture, and semi-intensive or extensive integrated rice-prawn or vegetable-prawn culture.


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Aquaculture in riceland has been practiced in Mekong Delta, Vietnam for a long time and integrated rice-freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming has become more and more popular. The integrated farming systems developed and practiced by farmers in the area to produce more food and more cash crops are presented and discussed.


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Economic analysis and performance of the integrated rice-prawn farming systems in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) are reviewed, including the problems and constraints of this integrated system technology.


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The major constraint to the development of aquaculture in Nigeria has been the non-availability of fingerlings in required numbers of cultivable species. A specifically designed trap to collect mullet (Liza falcipinnis; Liza grandisquamis) juveniles during high tides was successful in collecting juveniles year-round. The collectors was more successful during night spring tides than during neap tides or daytime collections. Thus, the use of traps, especially in the tidal zones, could provide a cost-effective method of stocking fish farms by collecting juveniles and seed from the natural environment.


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An investigation was conducted into the food and feeding habits of Synodontis nigrita from the Osun River near Epe, Lagos, Nigeria. The food items in the stomach of the S. nigrita covered a wide spectrum, ranging from various types of plankton to invertebrates and plants. A seasonal variation was also noted in the stomach contents of S. nigrita over the period of investigation. The predominant food items found in the stomach were Polycystis spp., Closterium spp., Oedogonium spp., plant tissues, insect parts and detritus. This suggests that S. nigrita is an omnivore.


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The Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam has high potential for coastal aquaculture, including mollusc culture. Many mollusc species are cultured for domestic and export markets including white clam (Meretrix lyrata Showerby) and blood cockle (Arca granosa). Techniques for clam farming include the nursery and grow-out phases. At present, there are approximately 600 coastal families engaged in clam farming over a total area of 1,870 ha, of which 82.63% is used for the grow-out phased and 17.7% for the nursery phase. Nursery areas are near the coast and receive less than 5 hours of sunlight per day. The average area for a nursery is 3-4 ha and it is fenced with a net or bamboo stakes to prevent clams from escaping and to prevent water currents from carrying them away. Grow-out farm areas are further from the coast and are exposed to sunlight for only 2-3 hours/day. Average farm area for grow-out is 5-6 ha, and may or may not be fenced. Average operating cost is US$1100 per ha for nursery and US$757 per ha for grow-out (the cost of capital assets are not included) with loans being the main source of financial. Problems for clam farmers in the area include natural phenomena, inadequate culture techniques, lack of financing or credit systems, and marketing. Environment-related problems that cause clam mortality include flooding, and freshwater effluent and siltation or sedimentation from Mekong River. Other problems that constrain the development of clam culture in the area are: marketing problems such as lack of buyers and price fluctuations; exploitation of the natural clam populations.


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This contribution gives an overview of the fisheries in the Central Delta of the Niger River (Mali) and highlights the results of a multidisciplinary research and management program conducted in the area to assess the status of the fisheries and improve their management. The importance of multidisciplinary approaches is emphasized to fully elaborate the problems impacting fisheries and the measures for their resolution. Directions for increased decentralization, participation of fishers and ecosystem preservation for improved management of the Central Delta fisheries are briefly discussed.


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This study was an attempt to apply land-based GIS analysis for freshwater aquaculture planning in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. It was based on diverse data sources in order to help decision makers at the site and also to contribute to the modelling of selection processes for aquaculture development planning in the region.