156 resultados para Biological Substrate


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Spatio-temporal variations in the physicochemical and biological parameters in the Morlaix estuary on the Brittany coast of France were studied. Hydrographically, the estuary can be classified into 3 segments: the upper estuary where stratification always persists, the lower estuary where vertical homogeneity is permanent, and a middle estuary where there is a regular oscillation of stratification and homogeneity during every tidal cycle, stratification being associated with slack waters and homogeneity, with ebb and flood. Nitrogen pollution in the estuary is very intense.


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The biological characteristics off Mithapur, India, indicated fairly high productivity in terms of macrobenthos and phytoplankton pigment concentration. The area sustained low standing stock of zooplankton. The overall biological productivity of plankton and macrobenthos indicated 30-90% reduction from the premonsoon to postmonsoon period. This decline in the standing stock of plankton and benthos was coinciding with the peak fishing season of the area.


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The present study was initiated in conjunction with a project to utilize some of these small tanks as fishponds by introducing desirable species like Tilapia mossambica Peters and harvesting them at the end of a single season which may vary from 4-8 months depending on the reservoir. Two reservoirs Timbirigaswewa and Dalukanawewa were chosen for this study. Both of these are in the Polonnaruwa area (Fig. 1). Timbirigaswewa (Fig 4) is as all rain fed tank of about 30 acres while Dalukanawewa (Fig. 2) is stream fed with an acreage of just over 100.


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Adverse effects of toxic substances on the environmental quality have become a subject of concern in recent years. Toxicity of heavy metals has never been in dispute and therefore their presence in our natural environment is undesirable. This study was undertaken to establish the capability of Perna viridis as a monitor for pollution in the Manora channel. Accumulation of Zinc, Copper, Iron and Manganese by marine mussels, sampled from Manora channel, was determined. Metal load varied markedly between individuals from the same populatin. This variability was partly accounted for systematic relationship between metal load and body weight and age. The distribution of metal between the major organs was considered, but the analysis of separate organs showed no advantage for their use as a biological monitor. comparison between Iron, Manganese, Copper and Zinc concentration in ambient sea water and in the mussel showed no clear correspondence. The results suggest that the mussel is capable of acting as a biological monitor, although may not be a good short term monitor of Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Copper. It may have potential as a long term and site comparison monitor for metals, once inherent variability is taken into account


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Rice bran is widely used by fish farmers as supplementary feed while soybean cake is used both as feed and as fertilizer in fishponds. Both fish meal and shrimp head have been found acceptable as feed ingredients. However, not much is known of the acceptability and efficiency of a mixture of these ingredients as feed for Penaeus monodon larvae. Ninety 127-day old P. monodon were measured for length and weight and were randomly divided into nine aquaria each containing 20 liters of water. These were fed 'lampirong' for two months previous to the study. There were three replications for each treatment. Length, weight, and survival rates were used to compare the efficiency of the diets. Weighed amounts of pellets equivalent to 100% of the body weight were fed during the first three days and reduced to 50% thereafter. A stopwatch was used to determine the length of time that elapsed before the shrimps would approach the pellet. Ten shrimps approximately 4 months in age were placed in 10 liters of water in a 25-liter aquarium. Two grams of each pellet type were placed simultaneously on opposite sides of the aquarium. The time that elapsed from the moment the pellets sunk to the bottom up to the time that any one shrimp approached the pellets was recorded. The group fed the imported pellets gained the most. Those fed FP-2s-77 elongated faster than those fed FP-1s-77. Survival rate of those fed FP-2s-77 was 37% while those fed imported pellets was 73%. Both 1s and 2s pellets disintegrated in water easily but the imported pellets were stable even after six hours in water. The attractability test for the pellets showed that the prawns were more readily attracted to the pellets 1s and 2s than to the imported pellets.


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Experiments were undertaken to assess the survival, spawning, fecundity and nauplii production of ablated P. monodon females reared in flow-through broodstock tanks with white coralline and black sand substrate for 62 days. The similar trend observed in mortality rates in both substrates suggests that variation in substrate material for broodstock tanks is not a likely cause of prawn mortality. There were also no significant differences observed between rematurtion rates, i.e. number of spawnings, under the different treatments. Singnificantly higher nauplii production were observed in females in tanks with white substrates. At present, the land-based broodstock tanks in SEAFDEC utilize white coralline substrates due to higher hatching rate of eggs and nauplii production, convenience in siphoning out debris and excess food that tend to accumulte in the tank, and contrast provided by the white substrate during nightly observations of ovaries.