358 resultados para Mitglied der Akademie


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Comparative fishing trials were conducted in the river Elbe estuary using 9 m commercial brown shrimp beam trawls. To avoid the bycatch of fish a metal sorting grid of the Nordmöre type was used. The elliptical grid was constructed of 6 mm stainless steel bar with a spacing of 20 mm between the bars and housed in a cylindrical frame of 800 mm diameter. It was installed in the extension piece just in front of the codend. The inclination of the grid was 45 degrees. A fish outlet was provided in the upper panel of the trawl at the upper edge of the grid. A series of 8 tows of 15 min duration at a towing speed of 3 kns was done. For evaluation the catch of the main codend was compared to the portion of the catch escaped through the grid. The presence of the grid caused a 97.4 % reduction of the catch of lump sucker, a 90.6 % reduction of the catch of sea scorpion, a 79.3 % reduction of the catch of cod, a 58.8 % reduction of the catch of armed bullhead, a 39.6 % reduction of the catch of dab, a 34.7 % reduction of the catch of flounder, a 32.3 % reduction of the catch of smelt, a 19.8 % reduction of the catch of plaice and a 14.5 % reduction of the catch of brown shrimp.


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Die 26. Jahrestagung der WEFTA fand vom 22. bis 26. September 1996 erstmalig in Polen statt. Gastgeber war P. Bykowski vom Institut für Seefischerei (MIR) in Gdynia, das im Jahre 1996 sein 75jähriges Jubiläum feiern konnte . Die Tagung wurde von etwa 70 Delegierten aus den 16 WEFTA Mitgliedsstaaten und Gästen aus den USA, Rußland, Israel und Litauen besucht. Die Konferenz wurde von Z. Polanski, dem Direktor des Institutes und von M. Brzeski, dem Zweiten Bürgermeister der Stadt Gdynia eröffnet. In 10 Vortragssektionen und einer Postersektion wurden den Teilnehmern insgesamt 38 Vorträge und 24 Poster geboten.


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Distribution and abundance of fish eggs and larvae in North Sea and Baltic Sea have been objectives of fishery research for over 100 years. Most fish species produce pelagic eggs or larvae. The early developmental stages of many marine fish species important to commercial fishery are part of plankton communities, and can be sampled by a single gear. Collections of fish in their larval phase provide material for studies of many aspects of fishery research: e.g. information on plankton communities and abundance of fish species in the area of investigation.


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With the aim to reduce bycatches and discards first investigations were carried out in longlining for cod and eel in the Baltic. In the case of eel fisheries they are compared with small mesh size trawling and in the case of cod fisheries with gillnetting, where during the winter season unwished bycatches of seabirds could be a problem. First results show that these investigations should be continued.


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North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and dab (Limanda limanda) were experimentally stored in ice for 6 days during the 181th cruise of the FRV “Wather Herwig III”. It could be demonstrated that both flat fish species showed the same storage properties and were of a comparable quality until the end of the storage experiment. The quality of both species was determined by sensory assessment of the quality grade, by measuring of the impedance using the German Fischtester VI and the Icelandic RT- tester and pH- and TVB- N- measurements. The average length of North Sea dab is generally small (female: 18,5 ± 3,9 cm; male: 17 ± 2,9 cm), therefore it seemed to be more efficient to process fish portions (eviscerated, head, tail, fins and part of belly flaps removed). The yield by manually processed filets or fish portions from dab is about 30 or 62 %, respectively


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Biological investigations were carried out onboard the German factory trawlers “Wiesbaden” and “Kiel” off the Norwegian coast and at Bear Island from December 1996 to June 1997. Data will be contributed to the assessments of the ICES “Arctic Fisheries Working Group”. Information on distribution and fishery of cod, haddock, saithe, redfish and Greenland halibut are given. Biological aspects of length- and age distributions, and stomach- and gonad investigations are represented. Some aspects of the function of sorting grids used in the Bear Island fishery are discussed.


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Since 1988 the ‘Precautionary Principle’ for human activities in the global environment has rapidly gained recognition in UN conferences (especially UNCED, Rio de Janeiro, 1992). For fisheries the UN Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks was a milestone for the implementation of the Precautionary Approach to fisheries management. The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) and the Scientific Council of NAFO (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation) were requested to implement the Precautionary Approach in the advice for fisheries management. The ICES concept for implementation consists of stock specific biological and management reference points, harvest control rules and recovery plans in case of overfished stocks. The NAFO concept is similar.


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Investigations concerning the intensity and duration of spawning seasons of cod stocks are parts of the work of the reproductions ecology of commercial fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. The Institute of Baltic Fisheries Rostock has sampled and analysed data for this goal since 1992. The first data analyses for the spawning season 1997, sampled in the areas Kiel Bay, Mecklenburg Bay and Arkona Sea showed that the process of the spawning season is different compared to the years before. The spawning process starts earlier than the other years in Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay. The results show that a high proportion of the spawning stock was part of the spawning process in this area. The Arkona Sea cod are regarded by ICES definition as belonging to the western cod stock. In this ICES sub-division only a low number of spawned cod was observed in March, the main spawning time of the western cod stock. Opposite to the theory of the stock units intensive spawning activities were observed in June as in the years before in the Arkona Sea.


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The October meeting of the ACFM of ICES gave advice for a number of North-Atlantic fish stocks. The results of the most important stocks are given here from the perspective of German fishery management. The are chiefly North Sea plaice and sole, for which a reduction of 25 % of the fishing mortality (F) is recommended for 1998, North Sea saithe (minus 20 % in F), while North Sea cod is in the process of recovery and North Sea haddock is inside safe biological limits. The mackerel stock of the North Sea has not yet recovered, while the western mackerel stock as an entity has stabilised at a level of about 2.3 million t.


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A study by K.R. Patterson of the Marine Lab, Aberdeen, Scottland, presented to the EU comission in June 1997, investigated the distribution of Herring in the North Sea, i. e. the zonal attachment of the stock to EU and Norwegian waters, respectively. Evaluation of data from the ICES International Bottom Trawl Surveys and Herring Acoustic Surveys conducted in the last 10 years showed a wide variation in biomass and zonal attachment, depending on the type of survey used and the season sampled. However, a mean share of 16 % was estimated to be attached to the Norwegian waters . In contrast to earlier analyses based on commercial catches there is little support that this proportion increases with increasing stock size. It is expected that this study will give rise to some discussion on the forthcoming EU-Norwegian consultations on North Sea herring.


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Cod in the North Sea is expected to reach „Safe biological limit“ due to a strong 1996 year-class. The cod fry was seen first as 5 cm fingerlings in the catches during a hydroacoustic survey in the southeastern North Sea. Back-calculations of the water drift show with high probability that the respective spawning ground was situated in the southwestern North Sea.


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Information is given on the landings of herring and sprat in the Skagerrak/Kattegat and Baltic Sea. Based on assessment units used by the ‘Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N’ and the ‘Baltic Fisheries Assessment’ working group, the total landings are shown for the years 1974 to 1996. Further the quarterly landings for 1996 are listed on national basis by area/Sub-Division. In addition an actual description of the national fleets operating in the Skagerrak/Kattegat and Baltic Sea is given. At least the actual stock development and the catch options estimated by the corresponding working groups for different assessment units is presented.


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A decrease of 137Cs concentration in cod flesh from Barents Sea is shown by six years random sampling. This reduction runs parallel to reduced emissions from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant Sellafield (Great Britain). It must be emphasized that even the highest values from 1992 are lower than comparable ones from the North Sea and from the Baltic. Although there is no increase of the radiation dose on people by consuming these fishes further monitoring should not be stopped. Potential risk arises from radioactive wastes of the russian nuclear navy in their coastal area. Obviously a safe storage seams almost too expensive.


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With the aim to reduce unwanted bycatches and discards in small mesh size trawling for Baltic eel some technical measurements are described and investigated. They include as well sorting grids as the more selective technological alternative longlining.


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Due to the increasing environmental awareness of the public, marine environmental protection became a general interest. Since fishery is one of the strongest direct influences of man on the marine ecosystem, it became criticised, especially because of the discarding of unused fish, which is considered as a waste of the resource. In the different types of fisheries the calculation of the amounts of discards in relationship to the landings vary strongly. One of the reasons is, however, the different use of the terms 'bycatch' and 'discard'. Thus it is important to work with equal terms and definitions, so that fishermen, protectionists and ecologists talk the same language. This contribution tries to define the following terms achieving a generally acceptable terminology which is also explained by the attached diagram.