502 resultados para Marine reservoir correction


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop on Optical Remote Sensing of Coastal Habitats was convened January 9-11, 2006 at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Moss Landing, California, sponsored by the ACT West Coast regional partnership comprised of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). The "Optical Remote Sensing of Coastal Habitats" (ORS) Workshop completes ACT'S Remote Sensing Technology series by building upon the success of ACT'S West Coast Regional Partner Workshop "Acoustic Remote Sensing Technologies for Coastal Imaging and Resource Assessment" (ACT 04-07). Drs. Paul Bissett of the Florida Environmental Research Institute (FERI) and Scott McClean of Satlantic, Inc. were the ORS workshop co-chairs. Invited participants were selected to provide a uniform representation of the academic researchers, private sector product developers, and existing and potential data product users from the resource management community to enable development of broad consensus opinions on the role of ORS technologies in coastal resource assessment and management. The workshop was organized to examine the current state of multi- and hyper-spectral imaging technologies with the intent to assess the current limits on their routine application for habitat classification and resource monitoring of coastal watersheds, nearshore shallow water environments, and adjacent optically deep waters. Breakout discussions focused on the capabilities, advantages ,and limitations of the different technologies (e.g., spectral & spatial resolution), as well as practical issues related to instrument and platform availability, reliability, hardware, software, and technical skill levels required to exploit the data products generated by these instruments. Specifically, the participants were charged to address the following: (1) Identify the types of ORS data products currently used for coastal resource assessment and how they can assist coastal managers in fulfilling their regulatory and management responsibilities; (2) Identify barriers and challenges to the application of ORS technologies in management and research activities; (3) Recommend a series of community actions to overcome identified barriers and challenges. Plenary presentations by Drs. Curtiss 0. Davis (Oregon State University) and Stephan Lataille (ITRES Research, Ltd.) provided background summaries on the varieties of ORS technologies available, deployment platform options, and tradeoffs for application of ORS data products with specific applications to the assessment of coastal zone water quality and habitat characterization. Dr. Jim Aiken (CASIX) described how multiscale ground-truth measurements were essential for developing robust assessment of modeled biogeochemical interpretations derived from optically based earth observation data sets. While continuing improvements in sensor spectral resolution, signal to noise and dynamic range coupled with sensor-integrated GPS, improved processing algorithms for georectification, and atmospheric correction have made ORS data products invaluable synoptic tools for oceanographic research, their adoption as management tools has lagged. Seth Blitch (Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve) described the obvious needs for, yet substantial challenges hindering the adoption of advanced spectroscopic imaging data products to supplement the current dominance of digital ortho-quad imagery by the resource management community, especially when they impinge on regulatory issues. (pdf contains 32 pages)


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In the Cayman Islands we are enriched with a wonderful natural environment. In this Green Guide to our Marine Environment we hope to show you how all of our lives on these three magical islands are intimately connected to the land and the sea that surrounds it. Like many of our Caribbean neighbours, a large proportion of our economy depends on reef-based fishing, diving and tourism. The beauty of our coral reefs, our beaches and our lagoons is that it is part of our heritage, and it draws many thousands of overseas visitors to our shores. It is our responsibility, as stakeholders sharing this beautiful environment, to do what we can to minimise our impact upon it. Ogier has sponsored the Green Guide, and through this publication, is helping us to preserve our natural and cultural heritage.... [PDF contains 32 pages]


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The annual estimated total marine fish catch in Nigeria for the period 1971 to 1979 is 0.3299 million metric tons. The differential distribution pattern of the predominant fish groups for the maritime states, the component species, their life habits in relation to hydrographic factors leasing to seasonal fluctuations in the fisheries are highlighted, focussing also on the types of fishing carafts and gear in common use along the coastal states and the fish species obtained from them. The landings by the exploratory and commercial fishing trawlers including the distant water vessels (imports) form about 4.24% of the total marine fish landing


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The growth of Sarotherodon (Tilapia) niloticus in Opa reservoir, University of Ife was determined from the fish scales. Compared with the growth in other similar water bodies the growth was comparatively faster in this newly-impounded reservoir


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The current approval procedure for wind farm proposals in the German EEZ only considers site specific conflict analysis between the wind farm and fisheries. Due to the relatively small spatial coverage of single sites potential opportunity losses to the fisheries are always considered as low or negligible. Cumulative effects on fisheries that will occur once all proposed wind farms are in place are not yet considered adequately. However, those cumulative effects will be quite substantial because, in particular, opportunities to catch such valuable species as flatfish will be considerably reduced.


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The phytoplankton distribution of the Shen Reservoir, Bukuru in the Jos Plateau, Nigeria was monitored at 6 depths. Higher floral abundance occurred within the upper 00-03 meters with highest values at the first 1 meter. Bacillariophyceae and Dinophyceae recorded higher values in March-April with lower values in July and January respectively. Phytoplankton were most abundant in the rainy season. Secchi disc transparency was lowest in the peak of the rainy season (July) due to higher levels of suspended matter resulting from the increased run-off from surrounding farmlands of allochthonous materials as well as higher levels of phytoplankton population arising from the former factor. The low water temperature of December/January 15 degree C plus or minus 2 degree C might have depressed growth among the major groups of plankters but enhanced rapid multiplication of the Chlorophyta, Trachelomonas which showed a bloom at this season


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Details are given of fisheries activities carried out in Bakolori Reservoir within the context of many and varied functions of Sokoto Rima River Basin Development Authority. Experimental fishing was conducted for 55 days in 1979 when the reservoir was only one year old and the exercise continued in 1980 and 1981 also for 85 and 52 days respectively. During the exercise, the catch per unit effort showed an increasing trend with increasing efforts by four times to that of the initial. The fish harvest was 1.205 kg/day when 3.8 nets were operated in 1979, this went up to 3.2 kg when the number of nets were increased to 8.37/day in 1980. This increasing trend continued in 1981 season also when 16.15 nets caught 5.756 kg fish per day. A direct relationship was observed in the fishing efforts and catch. Tilapia, Clarias, Labeo, Schilbe and Synodontis spp, were the most predominant fish species in the catch and contributed more than 97% of the total fish harvest


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In an effort to evaluate the production potential of an artificial impoundment, the phytoplankton of the Shen reservoir was sampled from November 1981 to June 1982 at three stations during three periods of distinct seasonal hydrographic characteristics. The samples were subsampled and quantified. Most of the phytoplankton were identified to the species level. There were in all 53 species comprising Chlorophyceae contributing 36.70% with species of Volvox, Pediastrum, Closterium, Staurodesmus and Ankistrodesmus as dominant species in this group. The Cyanophyceae contributed 30.00% with species of Microcystis, Nostoc , and Oscillatoria as the dominant species. An analysis of temporal and spatial changes in composition and abundance of the various groups showed that these were influenced by water temperature, sampling period and station. Based on the trophic status of the most abundant species, the composition of the phytoplankton is indicative of a tropical reservoir with a moderate productivity for fish culture


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An examination is made of investment prospects in the Nigerian marine fisheries, considering the following sectors: inshore demersal fishery; inshore pelagic fishery; and the offshore pelagic fishery. The marine fisheries resources of countries with which Nigeria has bilateral fishing rights agreements are discussed, considering Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Mauritania. Fishing gear and methods for the marine fishery sectors are outlined. Market potentials for fish products and profitability are also examined


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2003 1. Continued a 3-year threatened Gulf sturgeon population estimate in the Escambia River, Florida and conducted presence-absence surveys in 4 other Florida river systems and 1 bay. 2. Five juvenile Gulf sturgeon collected, near the mouth of the Choctawhatchee River, Florida, were equipped with sonic tags and monitored while over-wintering in Choctawhatchee Bay. 3. Continued to examine Gulf sturgeon marine habitat use. 4. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 20th Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 5. Over 73,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 31 sites. 6. Three stream fisheries assessment s were completed to evaluate the fish community at sites slated for habitat restoration by the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFW). 7. PFW program identified restoration needs and opportunities for 10 areas. 8. Developed an Unpaved Road Evaluation Handbook. 9. Completed restoration of Chipola River Greenway, Seibenhener Streambank Restoration, Blackwater River State Forest, and Anderson Property. 10. Assessments for fluvial geomorphic conditions for design criteria were completed for 3 projects. 11. Geomorphology in Florida streams initiated development of Rosgen regional curves for Northwest Florida for use by the Florida Department of Transportation. 12. Developed a Memorandum of Understanding between partners for enhancing, protecting, and restoring stream, wetland, and upland habitat in northwest Florida 13. Completed aquatic fauna and fish surveys with new emphasis on integration of data from reach level into watershed and landscape scale and keeping database current. 14. Compliance based sampling of impaired waterbodies on Eglin Air Force Base in conjunction with Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Total Maximum Daily Load development support. 15. Surveyed 20 sites for the federally endangered Okaloosa darter, provided habitat descriptions, worked with partners to implement key recovery tasks and set priorities for restoration. 16. Worked with partners to develop a freshwater mussel survey protocol to provide standard operating procedures for establishing the presence/absence of federally listed mussel species within a Federal project area. 17. GIS database was created to identify all known freshwater mussel records from the northeast Gulf ecosystem. 18. Completed recovery plan for seven freshwater mussels and drafted candidate elevation package for seven additional mussels. Developed proposals to implement recovery plan. 19. Worked with Corps of Engineers and State partners to develop improved reservoir operating policies to benefit both riverine and reservoir fisheries for the ACF river system. 20. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation opportunities. 21. Multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects initiated or completed (see Appendix A).


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A diagnostic survey of the incidence of mayfly (Povilla sp.) infestation of wooden infrastructures of the artisanal fishers in ten (10) lagoons and marine fishing villages of Ogun States (Nigeria) was carried out through the application of structured questionnaire and participatory Rural Appraisal interviews. The demographic, infrastructural and socioeconomic characteristics of the ten fishing villages sampled were derived and analyzed. The infestation which occurs all year round is found to be most prevalent (70%) in the wet season, increasing proportionally with salinity from 56% (brackish water); to 63% (marine water). The life-span of Povilla sp. is reduced from 55% to 62% (freshwater); 41% (brackish water) and 38% (marine water). Annual financial loss of N10,000.00 per fisher or N80,000,000.00 to the 8000 artisanal fishers affected in Ogun State is discussed. It is recommended that fishers should preferably use non-wood crafts and infrastructures while adopting appropriate management strategies for containing the existing infestation


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The distribution of Oreochromis niloticus was studied in Opa reservoir (Nigeria) using a graded set of gillnets while the food and feeding habits were studied using a castnet to collect the fish samples. About 90% of the fish specimens were caught near the reservoir bottom while about 69% of the specimens were caught within the inshore area of the reservoir. The species fed mainly on detritus, algae and higher plants. Feeding rhythm in O. niloticus started around 6.00 a.m. and reached a peak by 3.00 p.m. but then declined gradually until 6.00 p.m. These results can be utilized for the proper management of the fish species in the reservoir


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The production and productivity of a water body is largely dependent on its quality. One major source of water pollution is from the agrochemicals from nearby farmlands. The quality of water in the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching and Research Farm Reservoir (Ile-Ife, Nigeria) was monitored between October, 1993 and March, 1994. Structured questionnaires were administered to obtain information on the types of agrochemicals in use on the farm. Water samples were collected fortnightly for analyses of the physico-chemical parameters and ionic content of the water. Investigation revealed that 21 agrochemicals had been in use on the farm. The physico-chemical parameters of the water showed that the water was very poor in nutrient. The high concentration of ammonium ion contents of the water shows an indication that the residues of certain agrochemicals got into the water to pollute it. Agrochemicals should be used with great caution on farmlands especially in areas close to water bodies from which man obtains fish and other proteinous foods. This paper also suggests a regular monitoring of water quality of reservoirs in order to pick the earliest signs of pollution


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In a study undertaken to evaluate the status of the fisheries of Eleiyele Reservoir (Nigeria) between 1995 and 1997, thermal stratification was observed to breakdown between December and March. Of the physico-chemical variables, transparency was positively correlated (p<0.05) with primary productivity, conductivity and dissolved oxygen concentration. Primary productivity ranged between 0.38mgC/m super(2)/d and 3.OmgC/ m super(2)/d, being lowest in April. BOD values ranged between 1.3mg-2.2mgO/l indicative of clean unpolluted water. Nine fish species belonging to the families Cichlidae, Centropomidae and Mochokidae were identified. Cichlids were the most abundant with Hemichromis species being predominant. Fishing was only carried out in the reservoir during the dry season months of November to April. Fish landing data for the reservoir, obtained from the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural resources, Oyo State, in conjunction with comparative data from the Cooperative fishermen was low. It demonstrated a decreasing trend from January to April and during the period between 1985 and 1996, when compared with data collected in 1985 and 1986 from a previous similar study. Reasons for the low fish yield from the reservoir are discussed and compared with other Nigerian reservoirs