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Since the commencement of the exploitation of oceanic tuna resources of the Indian Ocean seventeen years ago, the hooked rates for the tuna species have declined in many areas of the Ocean but there are no evidences of such a trend in the case of the sharks. As a result, the percentage composition of sharks in the longline catches and the percentage of the tuna catch damaged by sharks show an increase. Hence there is an urgent need for innovation of the existing longline gear in order to increase the fishing efficiency for hooking the tuna species with a corresponding reduction in its efficiency for hooking sharks. At the beginning of this fishery, hooked sharks were discarded at sea, at a later stage the liver and fins were taken and the carcass discarded and presently the sharks are also brought along with the tuna catch. Though the shark meat has a very low market value it is brought in order to cover up for the declining tuna catches. Thus it has become very necessary to increase the demand for shark meat by developing products or by-products utilizing shark meat and ensuring the successful continuity of the tuna longline fishery. The pattern of distribution of shark species in the time grounds of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans and also the predation of hooked tunas by sharks were discussed earlier (Sivasubranianiam 1963, 1964 and 1966). Some contribution to these studies is made in this paper based on new data become available.
Thirty one species of penaeid prawns have been discovered in Ceylon waters. A taxonomic study of these species was carried out and their distribution in relation to hypothetical oceanographical barriers was discussed (De Bruin 1965.) As penaeid prawns are of important commercial value, a study was made of their distribution and relative abundance in the estuaries and seas round the island. The results of this study are reported in this publication.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the types of anostracans and conchostracans in the Jaffna Peninsula and their distribution in relation to ecological factors, as until now only two species have been mentioned from Jaffna. The present study forms a part of a major project to study the freshwater fauna and their distribution in the Jaffna Peninsula. This work is also a first ecological study on anostracans and conchostracans in Sri Lanka.
The configuration for the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez was studied over 241 km from Ras Mohammed to Ras Sudr including 35 station. Litters, tar balls and aged oil patches aggregated in considerable amounts on the beach and shore line of the middle part due to the oil spills from off-shore oil wells. A large reef flat in the shallow intertidal waters exists at stations 1 and 2 (Ras Mohammed, Protected area) and spars coral patches are less frequent at the Stations from 7 to 13. Density and diversity of marine benthos were higher on hard and cobble bottoms compared to muddy sand and sandy substrates. The assemblages of the benthic fauna are dominated by the gastropod Courmya (Thericium) vulgata; the bivalve Brachiodontes variabilis, and the barnacles Chthamalus stellatus, Balanus amphitrite and Tetraclita rubescens. The distribution of the algal cover in the intertidal region shows high abundance of the brown algae, Sargassum latifolium; padina pavonica and Cystoseira trinodis rather than the green and red algae. These species are found in both polluted and unpolluted areas. The changes in benthic structures in the study area depend not only on the state of pollution but also on the type of substrates.
Shells and shell fragments were the principal constituents of the core sediment taken from LakeMariut. Their trace metals were studied to assess their contribution to environmental adjustment. The results indicated that the shells of Biomphalaria alexandrina, Mercierella enigmatica and Melanoida tuberculate contain higher amounts of Cu and Zn than the widely distributed shells of Lucina sp. and Cerastoderma edule. The Pb contents found in different types of shells were higher than the other metals. The Cd contents found in different shell types were the most important fraction in comparison to the total Cd in the sediments of the lake. The relationship between the concentrations of trace metals and mineralogical analysis revealed that lead tended to be more concentrated in aragonite than in calcite.
A waverider buoy was deployed in Phitti Creek (24°33'N; 67°03'E) for wave measurements during April-July 1986. Using Tucker's method wave records were calculated in terms of significant wave height (Hs) and Maximum Wave Height (Hmax). For each parameter weekly mean and standard deviation values were also computed for statistical analysis. For Hs the lowest mean value of 0.8m and for Hmax the lowest mean value of 1.51m were observed in the fourth week of April whereas the highest mean value observed for Hs was 3.02m and for Hmax was 4.94m in the fourth week of June, 1986.
The distribution of mercury in water, sediment and some biological samples of the Rushikulya estuary, east coast of India were assessed during Jan-Dec. 1989. Both the dissolved plus acid leachable mercury contents in water and the sediment mercury discerned conspicuous spatial and seasonal fluctuations. Adsorption on to the suspended particulates was found to be the most likely mechanism for removal of mercury from the water column. Exchange of mercury from sediments to water was observed at high salinities (20-30x10-3). The residual mercury contents in the biological samples revealed that bio-accumulation by bottom-dwelling organisms are higher than the pelagic components.
Distribution of luminous bacteria (LB) in penaeid shrimp grow-out pond water in semiintensive seawater farming system and their resistance to 15 antibacterials were investigated. Total viable counts and luminous bacterial counts in pond water ranged from 2.00xl03 to 1.35xl04/ml and l.OOxl01 to 8.00Xl02/ml, respectively. The percentage composition of LB in the total viable population increased significantly with period of culture. Five species of LB such as Vibrio fischeri, V. harveyi, V. orientalis, V. splendidus 1 and Photobacterium leiognathi were encountered. V. harveyi was the dominant species, constituting >80% of the total LB. Multiple antibiotic resistance was more common in these LB. Pond water isolates showed resistance to at least four antibacterial agents.
A study to measure the heavy metal pollution level in the sediment of coastal and offshore area indicates that high concentration of heavy metals were found around Manora channel and eastern coast of Karachi. In comparison with coastal areas, relatively low concentration of heavy metals was recorded in the offshore area. The result shows that sewage and industrial wastes are the main source of heavy metal pollution in the coastal area. The concentration of heavy metals in the sediments is as follows: Chromium 10.4-33.69, nickel 13.3-47.6, lead 10.0-39.04, cadmium 0.08-0.21, zinc 7.4-73.2 and copper 9.44-18.56 mg/kg. In the offshore areas strong correlation was observed between copper and organic carbon, and calcium carbonate and cadmium. In the shore area such correlation has been recorded among nickel, chromium, zinc, and chromium and copper. The Karachi. coast is viewed as moderately polluted when compared to other continental coastal areas.
Distribution of vitamin B-12 in the skeletal muscle of several marine and fresh water fish and marine invertebrates are reported. The vitamin B-12 content of white muscle of various fish ranges between 0.05 and 1.5 micrograms. The elasmobranch fish, such as sharks and rays, has a lower levels of vitamin B-12. The distribution of vitamin B-12 in the red muscle, heart, brain and liver of various fish is also shown. Content in red muscle varies between 3 and 22 micrograms, averaging 8 micrograms. The values show that the heart is a rich source of vitamin B-12. Internal organs are also rich in vitamin B
Qualitative and quantitative studies on the bacterial flora of two beaches viz., Colva and Siridaon at high tide, mid-tide and low tide levels during the pre-monsoon period were made. Estimations of important nutrients, like inorganic phosphates and nitrates and organic carbon have been made and correlation with the bacterial counts is being attempted. Definite correlation between bacterial population and organic carbon is seen however, no correlation is observed between bacterial counts and other physicochemical parameters.
Homogenates of tissues have been analysed for the presence of 5'-nucleotidase activity. Sexes are not treated individually since no significant differences were observed. All organs showed marked activity, the highest being in the cardiac tissues, then the kidney, spleen, brain, and low values in the liver and muscles. Comparison with data from other fish studied shows a marked difference between O. striatus and O. punctatus.
Studies on the distribution of heavy metals like copper, cadmium, zinc, lead and mercury in deep sea prawns Pandalus borealis in the Oslofjord region showed that those collected from inner and middle fjord contained higher levels of heavy metals than those from the outer fjord. Their content in the edible portions, viz., tail muscle, was less compared to other organs. In terms of metal concentration copper and zinc are present in significant quantities in Pandalus borealis.
Phosphorylase content in the muscle of some fish and shell fish were estimated. Jew fish (Johnius dussumeri) and 'sea naran'(Penaeus indicus) recorded the highest enzyme content among the fish and shell fish studied. As phosphorylase is the key enzyme in glycogenolysis, which is the energy source of fish for muscular activity, the possible role of phosphorylase content as an index of muscular capacity and post-mortem autolysis is discussed.
The distribution of pantothenic acid in free and bound forms in various fish species is reported. It is observed that the fish muscle contains on an average about 12.0µ g pantothenic acid per g. About 60% of the pantothenic acid is present in the bound form as coenzyme A in the fish skeletal muscle.