85 resultados para warm-season precipitation


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Precipitation is a difficult variable to understand and predict. In this study, monthly precipitation in California is divided into two classes according to the monthly temperature to better diagnose the atmospheric circulation that causes precipitation, and to illustrate how temperature compounds the precipitation to runoff process.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): An analysis of the principal components of surface temperature and precipitation in the western U.S. is presented. Data consist of monthly mean temperature and total precipitation for 66 climate divisions west of the Continental Divide, for the years 1931-1984. The analysis is repeated for three separate combinations of months - the water year (Oct - Sept), the cool season (Oct - Mar) and the warm season (Apr - Sept). Inspection of monthly precipitation climatology indicates that selection of these combinations of months results in very few awkward splittings of the natural precipitation seasons found in the West.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Low frequency variations in runoff, AD 1700-1964, in the interior western United States are inferred from smoothed tree-ring series averaged over north, central, and south regions. ... Relative locations of peaks and troughs in streamflow, precipitation, temperature, and tree-ring series suggest that annual precipitation and warm season evapotranspiration variations may both be important to low frequency fluctuations in tree growth and in streamflow.


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There are various tools for monitoring the concentration of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems. Today these studies are based on biological monitoring and biomarkers. The aim of this study was to measure the concentration of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase and catalase as biomarkers of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster Pinctada radiata and their mechanism in aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals lead, cadmium and nickel were measured in soft tissue and studied stations in four seasons. Samples were collected seasonally in Lavan stations, Hendurabi and Nakhilo (in the northern Persian Gulf) from spring 2013 to winter of that year by scuba diving. Pearl oysters are divided according to their shells size; shells separated from soft tissues and were transferred to the laboratory for analysis of heavy metals and enzymes. Moopam standard method for were used for measuring the concentration of heavy metals and for analyzing tissue concentrations of glutathione S-transferase in Clam the method recommended by Habig et al in 1974 were used. For measuring acetylcholinesterase Ellman method were used. Catalase contamination in pearl oyster in the supernatant obtained from the study based on the method homogeate soft tissue of mussels (Abei, 1974) was evaluated. The results showed that the concentration of lead has significant difference in sediments station, the concentration of lead in Lavan is significantly higher than the other two stations, This could be due to the movement of tanker, boats and floating refueling and with a considerable amount of wastewater containing oil and Petroleum into the water, and also due to precipitation and industrial discharges the lead in the region is increasing, land-disposed sewage sludge, has large concentrations of lead. Compare the results of this study with standards related and other similar studies at the regional and international level showed that pollutant concentration of heavy metals in all cases significantly less than all the standards and guide values associated. And also compared to other world research results have been far less than others, Being Less of the conclusion given in this research according that nickel is one of the indicators of oil pollution in the study area and emissions have been relatively low of oil. The concentration of acetylcholinesterase at several stations, in large and small sizes and in the seasons had no significant difference. Variations of catalase, and glutathione S-transferase were almost similar to each other and parameters, station and seasons were significantly different in the concentrations of these enzymes. The effects and interaction between various parameters indicate that following parameters has impact on the concentration of catalase and glutathione S-transferase. Stations; Seasonal changes in antioxidant enzymes related to (assuming a constant in salinity and oxygen) to age, reproductive cycle, availability of food and water temperature. With increasing temperature at warm season, antioxidant enzymes were increase, with increasing temperature and abundance of food in the environment the amount of antioxidant enzymes may increase. The presence of the enzyme concentration may indicate that the higher levels of the enzyme to eliminate ROS activities to be any healthier situation. At the time of gonads maturation and spawning season catalase activity increases. This study also indicates that catalase was significantly higher in the warm season. Due to low pollutants of heavy metals in the study area, a lower level of contaminants were observed in shellfish tissue incidents of international standards and strong correlation between the amount of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster tissue and enzymes was not observed. Therefore, we can say that the pearl oyster remains in a healthy condition and the amount of enzyme is normal.


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The seasonal variations of vertical distribution and abundance over the shelf are investigated for Doliolids, Salps and Larvacea. The 3 groups present many similar ecological features. Two maxima of abundance occur during the little and main cool seasons. The second maximum is usually the most important, except for Salps. The 3 taxons inhabit more superficial layers in cool than in warm seasons. This allows them to follow the phytoplankton maximum which drifts near the thermocline during the warm season. Pelagic Tunicates come back to the phytoplankton enrichment areas by the deeper Ivorian under-current. A relationship between the vertical distribution pattern and the life cycle (sexual or asexual generation) is suggested.


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The warm season is the abundance period of the planktonic larval stages of Decapod Crustacea and of Lucifer faxonii in Ivoirian waters. Two or three maxima occur each year during the enrichments interrupting the warm and oligotropic season: February (small upwellings), June - some years - (first rains) and September - November (flood of rivers, end of cold season). Vertical distribution follows seasonal variations and varies little among the taxons. In a general way, Decapod larvae and Lucifer inhabit superficial layers in cold season and sink down during the warm season. It allows them to follow the maximum of primary production. Lucifer faxonii is breeding almost the year long. Breeds succede at rate of 3,7 weeks approximately.


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Seasonal variations of abundance and vertical distribution over the shelf are investigated for Ostracoda, Cladocera and Cirripede larvae. The main characteristics of the environment are the periodical enrichments mainly caused by upwellings, secondly by the river floods. Ostracoda abundance variations approximately follow phytoplankton outburst. Breeding occurs all over the year. Their vertical distribution is correlated with a discontinuity layer. Diurnal migration, when it occurs in warm season consists in an upward movement during the night towards surface layers. The Ostracoda inhabit bottom layers during the day and migrate at night in intermediate and surface layers. For the main two species of Cladocera, Penilia avirostris and Evadne tergestina, abundance periods follow upwellings, especially during the main cool season. However, Cladocera can grow in low salinity but rich waters. On average Penilia inhabits more superficial waters in cold than in warm seasons. Cirripede nauplii and cypris are more abundant off rocky coasts. Their maxima are in the upwelling periods.


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Graphs of variations of zooplankton biomasses expressed as ash-free dry weight (i.e. organic matter) are presented for the 1969-1979 period. The graph of the average year shows: an enrichment season from mid-July till mid-November in which the biomass is 2.3 times higher than the rest of the year and characterized by a slight decrease of the biomass in late August or early September. The warm season is divided into a period of moderate biomass from November till February, a period of moderate biomass from November till February and a period of steady decline of the biomass till the start of the upwelling at the end of June.


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Three years of weekly sampling from a coastal station and 29 monthly cruises over the whole continental shelf were studied for zooplankton quantitative variation. Settled volumes were preferred to displacement volumes. At the coastal station, near Abidjan, a negative correlation was found between the log2 of zooplankton volume and the preceding fortnight temperature. On the whole shelf, the differences between the 6 considered areas were tested by the variance analysis. There were significative differences in shallow waters only (20 m). During the main cold season, the upwelling of Tabou causes a very important enrichment 30 to 60 nautical miles to the east. Eastwards the plankton drifts and decreases in abundance. The zooplankton maximum is not always inshore, but often in the middle of the shelf and sometimes over the slope. During the little cold season the enrichments caused by coastal upwelling are less abundant and restricted to smaller areas. During the warm season, the waters are uniformly poor. During the cold season, over the 60m depths, the zooplankton maximum lies between 10 and 20 m and seems to sink in deeper waters. In warm season the vertical repartition is rather homogeneous in the first 40 meters. The diel vertical migrations show a very consistent rhythm, varying with the season.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The characterization of inter-decadal climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere is severely constrained by the shortness of the instrumental climate records. To help relieve this constraint, we have developed and analyzed a reconstruction of warm-season (November-April) temperatures from Tasmanian tree rings that now extends back to 800 BC. A detailed analysis of this reconstruction in the time and frequency domains indicates that much of the inter-decadal variability is principally confined to four frequency bands with mean periods of 31, 57, 77, and 200 years. ... In so doing, we show how a future greenhouse warming signal over Tasmania could be masked by these natural oscillations unless they are taken into account.


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For fully three decades there has been an almost steady decline in Maryland's oyster production... are alarmed for its future. Reasons for decline, data supplied,importance of brood oysters and clutch replenishment. Problems of warm weather and bacterial activity as well as tongs grinding the bottom. Conflicts in canning of early season oysters and late season crops like tomatoes. (PDF contains 16 pages)


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From the 1940s until 2003, portions of the island of Vieques, a municipality within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, were used by the US Navy as a base and training facility, resulting in development and zoning history that differ in comparison to other Caribbean islands. The majority of former Navy lands are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service as a National Wildlife Refuge, while a smaller percentage of land was transferred to the Vieques municipality and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. An analysis of the distribution and status of the marine resources is timely in light of the recent land transfer, increases in development and tourism, and potential changes in marine zoning around the island. To meet this need, NOAA’s Biogeography Branch, in cooperation with the Office of Response and Restoration and other local and regional partners, conducted Part I of an ecological characterization to integrate historical data and research into a synthesis report. The overall objective of this report is to provide resource managers and residents a comprehensive characterization of the marine resources of Vieques to support research, monitoring, and management. For example, knowledge of the spatial distribution of physical features, habitats, and biological communities is necessary to make an informed decision of the establishment and placement of a marine protected area (MPA). The report is divided into chapters based on the physical environment (e.g., climate, geology, bathymetry), habitat types (e.g., reefs and hardbottom, seagrasses, mangroves) and major faunal groups (e.g. fish, turtles, birds). Each section includes five subsections: an overview, description of the relevant literature, methods of analysis, information on the distribution, status and trends of the particular resource, and a discussion of ecological linkages with other components of the Vieques marine ecosystem and surrounding environment. The physical environment of Vieques is similar to other islands within the Greater Antilles chain, with some distinctions. The warm, tropical climate of Vieques, mediated by the northeasterly trade winds, is characterized by a dry season (December-April) and a rainy season (May-November), the latter of which is characterized by the occasional passage of tropical cyclones. Compared to mainland Puerto Rico, Vieques is characterized by lower elevation, less annual precipitation, and higher average temperatures. The amount of annual precipitation also varies spatially within Vieques, with the western portion of the island receiving higher amounts of rainfall than further east. While the North Equatorial Current dominates the circulation pattern in the Greater Antilles region, small scale current patterns specific to Vieques are not as well characterized. These physical processes are important factors mitigating the distribution and composition of marine benthic habitats around Vieques. In general, the topography of Vieques is characterized by rolling hills. Mt. Pirata, the tallest point at 301 m, is located near the southwest coast. In the absence of island wide sedimentation measurements, information on land cover, slope, precipitation, and soil type were used to estimate relative erosion potential and sediment delivery for each watershed. While slope and precipitation amount are the primary driving factors controlling runoff, land use practices such as urban development, military activity, road construction, and agriculture can increase the delivery of pollution and sediments to coastal waters. Due to the recent land transfer, increased development and tourism is expected, which may result in changes in the input of sediments to the coastal environment.


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Wintertime precipitation in the mountains of the western United States during a warm or cool period has a pronounced influence on streamflow. During a warm year, streamflow at intermediate elevations responds more immediately to precipitation events; during a cold year, much of the discharge is delayed until the snow melts in spring and summer. Previous efforts at studying these extremes have been hampered by a limited number and length of observational analyses. In this study, we augment this limited observational record by analyzing a simplified general circulation model.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The influence of ENSO on atmospheric circulation and precipitation over the western United States is presented from two perspectives. First, ENSO-associated circulation patterns over the North Pacific/North America sector were identified using an REOF (rotated empirical orthogonal function) analysis of the 700-mb height field and compositing these for extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation Index. ... Second, we examine the variability of precipitation during the warm and cool phases of ENSO for different locations in the western United States.


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In March 2007 CSU-Monterey Bay began hydrologic monitoring of Santa Lucia Preserve for the Santa Lucia Conservancy. This project is a continuation of monitoring begun by Balance Hydrologics as part of the permit requirements for land development. The purpose of this annual report is to present data summaries for the 2007 water year (October 1, 2006 to September 31, 2007). Rainfall in water year 2007 was very low, representing the 15 year drought rainfall. Streamflow was relatively low as well as indicated by baseflow conditions approaching the drought conditions of water-year 1991 (Croyle and Smith, 2007). Document contains 30 pages)