17 resultados para orientamento :: 365 :: Geoingegneria


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During a 1995 aerial video survey of the coastline of Johnstone Strait, an unusual shoreline feature was noted and termed “clam terraces” (inset) because of the terrace-type morphology and the apparent association with high clam productivity on the sandflats. Typical alongshore lengths of the terrace ridges are 20-50m, and across-shore widths are typically 20-40m. An area with an especially high density of clam terraces was noted in the Broughton Archipelago, between Broughton and Gilford Islands of southeastern Queen Charlotte Strait. Clam terraces in this area were inventoried from the aerial video imagery to quantify their distribution. The terraces accounted for over 14 km of shoreline and 365 clam terraces were documented. A three-day field survey by a coastal geomorphologist, archeologist and marine biologist was conducted to document the features and determine their origin. Nine clam terraces were surveyed. The field observations confirmed that: the ridges are comprised of boulder/cobblesized material, ridge crests are typically in the range of 1-1.5m above chart datum, sandflats are comprised almost entirely of shell fragments (barnacles and clams) and sandflats have very high shellfish production. There are an abundance of shell middens in the area (over 175) suggesting that the shellfish associated with the terraces were an important food source of aboriginal peoples. The origin of the ridges is unknown; they appear to be a relict feature in that they are not actively being modified by present-day processes. The ridges may be a relict sea-ice feature, although the mechanics of ridge formation is uncertain. Sand accumulates behind the ridge because the supply rate of the shell fragments exceeds the dispersal rate in these low energy environments. The high density areas of clam terraces correspond to high density areas of shell middens, and it is probable that the clam terraces were subjected to some degree of modification by aboriginal shellfish gatherers over the thousands of years of occupation in the region. (Document contains 39 pages)


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This document is in Spanish. La Direccióh General de P1aneación, Informática y ~ Estadística del Departa~nto de Pesca, presenta las estadí~ ticas básicas del sector pesquero correspondientes a 1978. Comprende los datos referentes a las capturas de productos pesqueros, su industrialización, la comercialización interna y con otros países, el consumo, el valor de la producción, los créditos canalizados al sector, los impuestos provenientes de las capturas, los permisos de pesca comercial y deportiva y la captura de las embarcaciones extranjeras dentro de la Zona Económica Exclusiva de México. Catch statistics for Mexican waters 1978. (PDF has 365 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The several species of clupeoid fishes used as baitfish in the Eastern Pacific tuna fishery are, in some cases, sufficiently similar to make identification difficult. During a review of the anatomy of the intestine of clupeoid fishes it was observed that the morphology of the intestine is sometimes a useful character in the identification of systematic groups. The genera at least can be distinguished by means of the topographical anatomy of the intestines. This also may be a useful character because it is often found that a species occurs in the same area as another species that may be confused with it on external inspection, although it belongs to a different genus. SPANISH: La gran similitud morfológica de varias especies del órden Clupeoidea usadas como cebo en la pesquería de atún del Pacifíco Oriental, hace que su identificación sea en algunos casos difícil. Al realizar una revisión anatómica del intestino de los peces clupeoides, se observó que la morfología del mismo es a veces un carácter útil para la identificación de los diversos grupos sistemáticos. Al menos los géneros pueden ser distinguidos por medio de la anatomía topográfica de los intestinos. Esto también puede ser un carácter útil, puesto que a menudo dos especies pertenecientes a géneros diferentes y que ocupen la misma área, pueden ser confundidos si nos basamos solamente en la morfología externa. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Growth and mortality data for Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ring ens, E. anchoita, E. encraslcbolus, E. japonicus, and E. australis were assembled and compared. Estimates of the coefficients of natural mortality, M, of E. anchoita and Ancboa naso were made from the maximum age of the former and from data for the other species. The relative yields per recruit at different fishing mortality rates and lengths at entry into the fishery were calculated for each species, using what are considered to be the best estimates and other likely values of K, a constant of growth, and M. The maximum yields per recruit are theoretically obtainable at very high fishing mortality rates, except when the length at entry is low relative to the asymptotic length. K and M may be positively related to the temperature and to each other, and if such is the case at higher temperatures greater fishing effort would be needed to attain the maximum yield per recruit. The applicability of the yield-per-recruit approach to the data is discussed, and suggestions for further research are made. SPANISH: Se reunieron y compararon los datos sobre el crecimiento y mortalidad correspondientes a Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ringens, E. anchoíta, E. encrasicbolus, E. japonicus y E. australls. Los estimativos de los coeficientes de la mortalidad natural, M, de E. anchoita y Anchoa naso se obtuvieron según la edad máxima de E. anchoita y según los datos de las otras especies. Se calculó para cada especie el rendimiento relativo por recluta a diferentes tasas de mortalidad por la pesca y a diferentes longitudes de entrada a la pesquería, empleándose lo que se considera que son los mejores estimativos y otros valores probables de K, una constante de crecímíento, y M. El rendimiento máximo por recluta se obtiene teóricamente a tasas muy altas de la mortalidad por la pesca con excepción de cuando la longitud a la entrada es baja en relación a la longitud asintótica. K y M pueden estar relacionadas positivamente a la temperatura y mutuamente, y si este es el caso a temperaturas más altas se necesitará un esfuerzo superior de pesca para obtener el rendimiento máximo por recluta. La aplicabilidad del enfoque a los datos rendimiento-por-recluta es discutido y se hacen sugerencias para otras investigaciones. (PDF contains 66 pages.)


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In the first quarter of 1997 R.V. “Walther Herwig III” took part in the internationally (ICES) coordinated International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) in the North Sea. A total of 365 half-hour tows using a standardized GOV-net were made by seven research vessels in order to determine the strength of incoming yearclasses of cod, haddock, whiting, Norway pout, herring, sprat, and mackerel. Overall results, though preliminary show a considerable increase of the index figures for cod, Norway pout, herring, and mackerel whereas the indices for haddock, sprat, and whiting indicate lower recruitment figures. Water temperatures and salinity values were unhomogeneously below and above of the longterm mean.


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The relative catch performance and selectively of gillnets and trammel nets were investigated in 12 sampling stations in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. 3 types of nets with dimensions 50mx3m were constructed using 76mm and 178mm meshsizes for two gillnets, 76mm and 178mm meshsizes for the lint and ar mour nets of the trammelnets respectively. All the nets were randomly ganged together to form a fleet of nine nets each, and were set twice in each of the 12 stations which gave a total of 24 fishing operations. A total of 365 fish weighing 88.9kg and belonging to 16 different species were caught in all the nets. The trammelnet had the highest catch by number and weight constituting 60% and 69.22% of the total catch and weight respectively with a relative species Diversity Index of 0.82. This was followed by 76mm gillnet which constituted 38.63% by number, 28.09% by weight, 0.69 relative Species Diversity Index. The 178mm gillnet had the least catch of 1.37% and 2.9% by number and weight respectively with 0.25 relative Species Diversity Index. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the number and weight of fish caught in the different nets. The minimum selection length for these species caught were the same for each net. The trammel net had a wider selection range that skewed to the right, a higher modal and median length indicating larger individual species being entangled in the net


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass 48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts


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This study was conducted to identify a functioning fingerlings production and delivery system for a sustainable aquaculture development. Data were collected from 234 respondents randomly sampled from a population of 600 fish farmers. Results indicated that farmer-to-farmer was the major source of fingerlings production and distribution system. Although this source accessed disadvantaged groups like the rural based, resource poor, less educated and women, it lacked knowledge on how to produce good quality fingerlings. These results suggest that a decentralized and privatized fingerlings production and delivery system should be promoted. For this system to operate effectively the aquaculture department should first identify potential zones for aquaculture growth and profit motivated fingerlings producers and distributors. Furthermore, the institutional mechanism through which farmer-to-farmer will operate should be identified and strengthened through short and long term training programmes. The government should support the system by providing guidelines for good quality fingerlings management; maintain brood stock parents and technical training in Bangladesh.


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Commercial catches taken in southwestern Australian waters by trawl fisheries targeting prawns and scallops and from gillnet and longline fisheries targeting sharks were sampled at different times of the year between 2002 and 2008. This sampling yielded 33 elasmobranch species representing 17 families. Multivariate statistics elucidated the ways in which the species compositions of elasmobranchs differed among fishing methods and provided benchmark data for detecting changes in the elasmobranch fauna in the future. Virtually all elasmobranchs caught by trawling, which consisted predominantly of rays, were discarded as bycatch, as were approximately a quarter of the elasmobranchs caught by both gillnetting and longlining. The maximum lengths and the lengths at maturity of four abundant bycatch species, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Aptychotrema vincentiana, Squatina australis, and Myliobatis australis, were greater for females than males. The L50 determined for the males of these species at maturity by using full clasper calcification as the criterion of maturity did not differ significantly from the corresponding L50 derived by using gonadal data as the criterion for maturity. The proportions of the individuals of these species with lengths less than those at which 50% reach maturity were far greater in trawl samples than in gillnet and longline samples. This result was due to differences in gear selectivity and to trawling being undertaken in shallow inshore waters that act as nursery areas for these species. Sound quantitative data on the species compositions of elasmobranchs caught by commercial fisheries and the biological characteristics of the main elasmobranch bycatch species are crucial for developing strategies for conserving these important species and thus the marine ecosystems of which they are part.


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The dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis) has recently been resurrected as a distinct species in the genus Sebastes. Reproductive biology and growth were examined for this redescribed species in the central Gulf of Alaska. Age and length at 50% maturity were 9.2 years and 365 mm fork length, respectively, which are lower than previously reported. Fertilized ova and eyed embryos were observed in April and evidence of postparturition was not observed until May. The gonadosomatic index decreased with the onset of postparturition in May. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for female dusky rockfish, estimated from the maturity samples, were significantly different from growth parameters derived from Gulf of Alaska fishery-independent survey data.


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The gut contents of Sardina pilchardus specimens captured in Izmir Bay were examined in order to determine their feeding regimes. Of the 365 stomachs examined, 321 (87.95%) contained food and 44 (12.05%) were empty. Analysis of gut contents verified that S. pilchardus feeds on zooplankton. The most important group in the diet of S. pilchardus was copepods (79.79%). Decapod crustacean larvae (8.17%) and bivalves (3.18%) were second and third, respectively, in order of importance. The application of analysis of variance to monthly data of numerical percentage, weight percentage, frequency of occurrence and index of relative importance indicated that there was no significant difference between months. Oncaea media was the most dominant species for six months of the year. Euterpina acutifrons, Centropages typicus, Calanoida, Oncaea sp. and Corycaeus sp. were the most dominant for March, April, May, September, October and December.


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The condition of soft-textured flesh in commercially harvested sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, from southeastern Alaska was investigated by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) scientists from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s Auke Bay Laboratories (ABL) in Alaska and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Wash. Sablefish were sampled by longline, pot, and trawl at five sites around Chichagof Island at depths of 259–988 m in the summer of 1985 and at depths of 259–913 m in the winter of 1986. At the time of capture and data collection, sablefish were categorized as being “firm” or “soft” by visual and tactile examination, individually weighed, measured for length, and sexed. Subsamples of the fish were analyzed and linear regressions and analyses of variance were performed on both the summer (n = 242) and winter (n = 439) data for combinations of chemical and physical analyses, depth of capture, weight vs. length, flesh condition, gonad condition, and sex. We successfully identified and selected sablefish with firm- and soft-textured flesh by tactile and visual methods. Abundance of firm fish in catches varied by season: 67% in winter and 40% in summer. Winter catches may give a higher yield than summer catches. Abundance of firm fish catches also varied with depth. Firm fish were routinely found shallower than soft fish. The highest percentage of firm fish were found at depths less than 365 m in summer and at 365–730 m in winter, whereas soft fish were usually more abundant at depths greater than 731 m. Catches of firm fish declined with increasing depth. More than 80% of the fish caught during winter at depths between 365 and 730 m had firm flesh, but this declined to 48% at these depths in summer. Longlines and pots caught similar proportions of firm and soft fish with both gears catching more firm than soft fish. Trawls caught a higher proportion of soft fish compared to longlines and pots in winter. Chemical composition of “firm” and “soft” fish differed. On average “soft” fish had 14% less protein, 12% more lipid, and 3% less ash than firm fish. Cooked yields from sablefish with soft-textured flesh were 31% less than cooked yields from firm fish. Sablefish flesh quality (firmness) related significantly to the biochemistry of white muscle with respect to 11 variables. Summer fish of all flesh conditions averaged 6% heavier than winter fish. Regulating depth of fishing could increase the yield from catches, but the feasibility and benefits from this action will require further evaluation and study. Results of this study provide a basis for reducing the harvest of sablefish with soft flesh and may stimulate further research into the cause and effect relationship of the sablefish soft-flesh phenomenon.