360 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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The most suitable otter trawl for small boats was found to be a 10.9 to 15m 2-seam trawl with 100cm x 50cm x 35kg horizontally curved otter boards together with long single sweep line. For operation from medium sized trawls, 18.26m 2-seam 18.3m 4-seam and 29.26m long wing trawl were found suitable. An 18.3m 4-seam trawl was netting a considerable quantity of off-bottom fishes. Shrimps predominated in the catches of the 29.26m trawl. Productive grounds for Cynagris species, Psenus species and Decapterus species within 50 to 100m depth ranges off Kakinada were available for profitable exploitation.


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Comparative fishing operations were carried out with 0.55; 0.75 and 1.00 buoyancy-weight relations of bottom trawl in order to find out the optimum relation. Two nets, 18.26 m. (60') two seam nylon and 16.16 m. (23') two seam cotton trawls, were used for the experiment. The results showed that the total catch per trawling hour with 0.75 B-W relation was 16.5% and 32.08% more than that with 0.55 and 1.00 B-W relation for nylon net used. A similar trend was noticed with cotton trawl also as the catch rate with 0.75 B-W relation was 13.89% and 25.78% more than that with 0.55 and 1.00 B-W relations. However, the analysis of catch composition indicated that the off bottom fishes like lactarius, upenoides sp., synagris sp. etc., were of more percentage with 1.00 B-W relation, near bottom fish like saurida, sciaenids etc., were more with 0.75 B-W relation, while the bottom fishes like soles, prawns, skates and rays etc., were more with 0.55 B-W relation.


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This paper deals with the results of fishing operations conducted with conventional trawls of size 22.3 - 25.6 m and gear of 32 m long wing and bulged belly designed and developed at the Central Institute of Fishery Technology, from four medium size trawlers of Orissa Fisheries Department during 1970-71 and 1971-72 fishing seasons. By employing suitable and standard size gear there was proper utilisation of the engine power with resultant increase in the total landings of shrimps and bottom and off bottom fishes.


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With the near extinction of many spawning aggregations of large grouper and snapper throughout the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and tropical Atlantic, we need to provide baselines for their conservation. Thus, there is a critical need to develop techniques for rapidly assessing the remaining known (and unknown) aggregations. To this end we used mobile hydroacoustic surveys to estimate the density, spatial extent, and total abundance of a Nassau grouper spawning aggregation at Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, BWI. Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance, density, and spatial extent were similar on two sampling occasions. The location and approximate spatial extent of the Nassau grouper spawning aggregation near the shelf-break was corroborated by diver visual observations. Hydroacoustic density estimates were, overall, three-times higher than the average density observed by divers; however, we note that in some instances diver-estimated densities in localized areas were similar to hydroacoustic density estimates. The resolution of the hydroacoustic transects and geostatistical interpolation may have resulted in over-estimates in fish abundance, but still provided reasonable estimates of total spatial extent of the aggregation. Limitations in bottom time for scuba and visibility resulted in poor coverage of the entire Nassau grouper aggregation and low estimates of abundance when compared to hydroacoustic estimates. Although the majority of fish in the aggregation were well off bottom, fish that were sometimes in close proximity to the seafloor were not detected by the hydroacoustic survey. We conclude that diver observations of fish spawning aggregations are critical to interpretations of hydroacoustic surveys, and that hydroacoustic surveys provide a more accurate estimate of overall fish abundance and spatial extent than diver observations. Thus, hydroacoustics is an emerging technology that, when coupled with diver observations, provides a comprehensive survey method for monitoring spawning aggregations of fish.


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Survey standardization procedures can reduce the variability in trawl catch efficiency thus producing more precise estimates of biomass. One such procedure, towing with equal amounts of trawl warp on both sides of the net, was experimentally investigated for its importance in determining optimal trawl geometry and for evaluating the effectiveness of the recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) national protocol on accurate measurement of trawl warps. This recent standard for measuring warp length requires that the difference between warp lengths can be no more than 4% of the distance between the otter doors measured along the bridles and footrope. Trawl performance data from repetitive towing with warp differentials of 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 20 m were analyzed for their effect on three determinants of flatfish catch efficiency: footrope distance off-bottom, bridle length in contact with the bottom, and area swept by the net. Our results indicated that the distortion of the trawl caused by asymmetry in trawl warp length could have a negative inf luence on flatfish catch efficiency. At a difference of 7 m in warp length, the NOAA 4% threshold value for the 83112 Eastern survey trawl used in our study, we found no effect on the acous-tic-based measures of door spread, wing spread, and headrope height off-bottom. However, the sensitivity of the trawl to 7 m of warp offset could be seen as footrope distances off-bottom increased slightly (particularly in the center region of the net where flatfish escapement is highest), and as the width of the bridle path responsible for flatfish herding, together with the effective net width, was reduced. For this survey trawl, a NOAA threshold value of 4% should be considered a maximum. A more conservative value (less than 4%) would likely reduce potential bias in estimates of relative abundance caused by large differences in warp length approaching 7 m.


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Three aspects of a survey bottom trawl performance—1) trawl geometry (i.e., net spread, door spread, and headrope height); 2) footrope distance off-bottom; and 3) bridle distance off-bottom—were compared among hauls by using either of two autotrawl systems (equal tension and net symmetry) and hauls conducted with towing cables of equal length and locked winches. The effects of environmental conditions, vessel heave, crabbing (i.e., the difference between vessel heading and actual vessel course over ground), and bottom current on trawl performance with three trawling modes were investigated. Means and standard deviations of trawl geometry measures were not significantly different between autotrawl and locked-winch systems. Bottom trawls performed better with either autotrawl system as compared to trawling with locked winches by reducing the variance and increasing the symmetry of the footrope contact with the bottom. The equal tension autotrawl system was most effective in counteracting effects of environmental conditions on footrope bottom contact. Footrope bottom contact was most inf luenced by environmental conditions during tows with locked winches. Both of the autotrawl systems also reduced the variance and increased the symmetry of bridle bottom contact. Autotrawl systems proved to be effective in decreasing the effects of environmental factors on some aspects of trawl performance and, as a result, have the potential to reduce among-haul variance in catchability of survey trawls. Therefore, by incorporating an autotrawl system into standard survey procedures, precision of survey estimates of relative abundance


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Comparative fishing experiments to study the relative utility of different methods for increased vertical spread of bottom trawl and the availability of off bottom fishes in the region were made using gussets, kite, separate float line and side panels on a two seam net. The catch rates as well as composition of fish were studied. The opening of the trawl mouth, both horizontally and vertically, under different operating gears and towing tension on warps were measured and estimated for comparison purposes. Better catch rate with good quality fishes was obtained with the gear operated with separate float line. With kite, the vertical spread was increased with less catch indicating poor concentration of off bottom fishes.


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Horizontal curved, vertical curved and V-shaped otter boards were studied to compare their relative efficiency under identical fishing conditions. The gear operated with V-shaped otter boards performed well followed by the gear fitted with horizontal curved boards. Vertical curved boards were found to be comparatively less efficient, but with slight modification, can be used advantageously for bottom and off bottom fishes. Fishing at various depths with horizontal curved and V-shaped otter boards at different scope ratios showed better performance of horizontal curved boards at a scope ratio of 1:6 and V-shaped otter boards at a scope ratio of 1:5.


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Fishing experiments were undertaken to study the relative utility of a newly designed four seam type net on a conventional two seam net at the centre along the East Coast in both inshore and deeper zones (up to 100m.) and the results indicated that the new four seam net has given higher catch rate of 6 to 8% more with higher catch rate of fish supposed to belong to off bottom region. Further this gear found more selective in obtaining Lactarius, which is one of the good variety of fish from trawlers, in both quantity as well as in quality. In terms of horizontal spread this new net gave less on comparison with the conventional two seam net, thereby showed corresponding increase in vertical spread; but warp tension remained more or less same in both the gear. Both gear have worked equally well in majority of depth ranges experimented with optimum spread. Finally the results indicated that the new net can work well from the present trawlers along the coast.


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Fishing operations were conducted off Kakinada using a 3 panel double trawl net with twin cod-ends to study the utility of the net in catching both bottom and off bottom fishes. The observations indicate that the net is effective in simultaneous catching of bottom as well as off-bottom fishes and separating them while in operation. The design details of the net and the particulars of the fishing operations conducted are presented.


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Response to external electric field (D. C.) of three different varieties of fish namely Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapia mossambica having different anatomical and behavioural characteristics were studied. Clearly distinguished reactions occurred one after another m all the varieties of fish with the increase in field intensity with minor specific variations. These reactions can be broadly classified into initial start (first reaction), forced swimming (galvanotaxis), slackening of body muscle (galvanonarcosis) and state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). The orientation of the organism (projection of nervous element) to the surrounding field has been found to have important bearing on the behaviour reactions. Clearly differentiated anodic taxis and true narcosis set in when fish body axis was parallel to the lines of current conduction. But with greater angle between the body axis and the current lines, fish did not show well marked reactions. Fish body, when perpendicular to current lines responded for anodic curvature and off balance swimming followed by tetanus.


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An investigation was undertaken in order to locate fish using an echo sounder in Dhudawa Reservoir, Madhya Pradesh, India. In general, fish were found to be distributed either towards off-bottom or mid-water areas. Echo sounding is recommended for use in other reservoirs for fish detection.


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Results of the comparative efficiency studies with 10.5 m equal panelled and 10.3 m unequal panelled midwater trawls operated from 10.9 m wooden trawler are presented. Out of the two nets, the latter proved to be relatively good for the capture of off bottom and column fishes like pomfrets, seer, lactarius, catfish, silver bar, ribbon fish and an increase of 84.4% in total catch was observed.


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High opening trawl was found to be effective for the exploitation of bottom and off bottom fishes from Hirakud reservoir compared to bulged belly trawl.