59 resultados para cpue


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This assessment applies to cobia (Rachycentron canadum) located in the territorial waters of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Separation of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean is defined by the seaward extension of the Dade/Monroe county line in south Florida. Mixing of fish between the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico occurs in the Florida Keys during winter months. Cobia annually migrate north in early spring in the Gulf to spawning grounds in the northern Gulf of Mexico, returning to the Florida Keys by winter. Catches of cobia in the Gulf of Mexico are dominated by recreational landings, accounting for nearly 90% of the total. Since 1980, the landings of cobia in the recreational fishery have remained fairly stable at around 400-600 mt with a slight peak of 1,014 mt in 1997. The recreational fishery was estimated to have landed 471 mt in 2000. The landings from the commercial fishery have shown a steady increase from 45 mt in 1980 to a peak of 120 mt in 1994, followed by a decline to 62 mt in 2000. The previous assessment of cobia occurred in 1996 using a virtual population analysis (VPA) model. For this analysis a surplus-production model (ASPIC) and a forward-projecting, age-structured population model programmed in the AD Model Builder (ADMB) software were applied to cobia data from the Gulf of Mexico. The primary data consisted of four catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) indices derived from the Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey (MRFSS) (1981-1999), Southeast region headboat survey (1986-1999), Texas creel survey (1983-1999), and shrimp bycatch estimates (1980-1999). Length samples were available from the commercial (1983-2000) and recreational (1981-2000) fisheries. The ASPIC model applied to the cobia data provided unsatisfactory results. The ADMB model fit described the observed length composition data and fishery landings fairly well based on graphical examination of model residuals. The CPUE indices indicated some disagreement for various years, but the model fit an overall increasing trend from 1992-1997 for the MRFSS, headboat, and Texas creel indices. The shrimp bycatch CPUE was treated as a recruitment index in the model. The fit to these data followed an upward trend in recruitment from 1988-1997, but did not fit the 1994-1997 data points very well. This was likely the result of conflicting information from other data sources. Natural mortality (M) for cobia is unknown. As a result, a range of values for M from 0.2-0.4, based on longevity and growth parameters, were selected for use in the age-structured model. The choice of natural mortality appears to greatly influence the perceived status of the population. Population status as measured by spawning stock biomass in the last year relative to the value at maximum sustainable yield (SSB2000/SSBMSY), spawning stock biomass in the last year relative to virgin spawning stock biomass (SSB2000/S0), and static spawning stock biomass per recruit (SSBR) all indicate the population is either depleted, near MSY, or well above MSY depending on the choice of M. The variance estimates for these benchmarks are very large and in most cases ranges from depleted to very healthy status. The only statement that can be made with any degree of certainty about cobia in the Gulf of Mexico is that the population has increased since the 1980s. (PDF contains 61 pages)


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Nearshore 0-group western Baltic cod are frequently caught as bycatch in the commercial pound net fishery. Pound net fishermen from the Danish Isle of Funen and Lolland and the German Isle of Fehmarn have recorded their catches of small cod between September and December 2008. Abundance patterns were analysed, particularly concerning the influence of abiotic factors (hydrography, meteorology) and the differences between sampling sites. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) differed by site and location, whereas CPUE were highest at Lolland. Correlation between catch and wind/currents were generally weak. However, wind directions and current speeds seem to affect the catch rates. Finally an algorithm was developed to calculate a recruitment index for western Baltic cod recruitment success based on previous analyses.


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Recently, the German redfish fishery displayed a pronounced seasonal pattern in geographic effort distribution and depth. The second and third quarters were the main season when 80 % of the effort was exerted. During the second quarter, the fleet activities were concentrated in international waters close to the Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), fishing at depths exceeding 600 m. In contrast, the catches in the third quarter were taken mainly inside the Greenland EEZ at depths around 300 m. From 1995 to 1998, the annual effort ranged from 14 000 to 18 000 trawling hours, without a trend. This effort yielded about 18 000 to 21 000 t (international catch > 100 000 t) annually. Since 1996, the catch rate (CPUE) decreased during the main season. The decrease in CPUE should be interpreted as the first reaction of the stock to increased exploitation. The fish size also varied seasonally and peaked during the second quarter at depths exceeding 600 m. Here, males were bigger than females and both sexes were equally frequent. The increase of fish size with increasing depth did not contribute to the hypothesis of two separate pelagic redfish stocks above and below 500 m. In contrast, the close relation between fish size and depth point to the so-called “deeper-bigger phenomenon” which was found in numerous fish stocks. Very few redfish in the catches were immature.


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ENGLISH: The abundance of skipjack larvae in the central and western Pacific approximately doubled for every 1°C increase in sea-surface temperature (SST) from 23°C to a maximum of about 29°C, and then usually decreased with further increases in SST. Skipjack larvae are scarce in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), so most skipjack recruits and adults in this area are believed to have originated in the central and, possibly, the western Pacific. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE), in short tons per day's fishing, and the catch rate, in number of fish per day's fishing, are estimates of apparent abundance in a fishery. The logarithm of the annual CPUE for skipjack for international baitboats in the EPO for the 1934-1960 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area in the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 0.31), during the July-June period when most of the recruits in each cohort were presumed to have been spawned. Adequate data for other environmental variables were not available for testing with the baitboat data. The other environmental variables available and selected for testing for correlation with estimates of skipjack abundance for purse seiners for the 1961-1984 period and the reasons for their selection are as follows. 1)Wind-mixing index (WMI). The degree of mixing in the upper layers of the ocean is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, called WMI. The degree of mixing in the spawning areas of the central and the western Pacific may affect the concentration of organisms that skipjack larvae feed upon, thereby influencing their survival, and ultimately determining cohort strength and the number of recruits to the eastern Pacific fishery. 2) SST in the fishing areas at the time of fishing (SST). The CPUE for yellowfin tuna has been shown to be inversely related to SST in the fishing areas, and there are indications that skipjack CPUE is lower during EI Nino events when SST is higher than normal. 3) North-south SST gradient across the thermal front off the Gulf of Guayaquil. This is a measure of the degree of upwelling and nutrient enrichment of the upper waters south of the front and ultimately of the production of food for tunas. 4) Speed of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Young skipjack may migrate from the central Pacific to the EPO in the eastward flowing NECC; if so, the number of recruits might be affected by variations in the speed of the current. The logarithm of the annual catch rate of skipjack recruits by international purse seiners in the EPO for the 1961-1984 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area of the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.21),and inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 0.46). The logarithm of CPUE for purse seiners in the area off the Gulf of Guayaquil was not correlated with SST in the spawning area 18 months earlier, but was inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.19), and inversely correlated with the north-south SST gradient in the fishing area at the time of fishing (r2 0.32). Neither of these estimates of apparent abundance from purse seiners were correlated with SST in the fishing areas, or with the speed of the NECC at earlier times. SPANISH: La abundancia de larvas de barrilete en el Pacífico central y occidental se multiplicó por dos, aproximadamente, por cada aumento de 1°Cen la temperatura de la superficie del mar (TSM) entre 23°C y un máximo de unos 29°C, y luego generalmente disminuyó con más aumentos en la TSM. Las larvas de barrilete son escasas en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO), y por lo tanto se cree que la mayoría de los reclutas y adultos en esta zona surgieron del Pacífico central, y posiblemente también del Pacífico occidental. La captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE), en toneladas cortas por día de pesca, y la tasa de captura, en número de peces por día de pesca, son estimaciones de la abundancia aparente en una pesquería. El logaritmo de la CPUE anual de barrilete lograda por barcos de carnada en el OPO en el período 1934-1960 se correlacionó positivamente con la TSM en la zona de desove en el Pacífico central de 18 meses antes (r2 = 0.31), durante el período de junio-julio en el cual se cree que nació la mayoría de los reclutas en cada cohorte. No se dispuso de datos suficientes sobre otras variables ambientales para comprobarlos con los datos de los barcos de carnada. Las demás variables ambientales disponibles y seleccionadas para someterlas a pruebas de correlación con las estimaciones de la abundancia del barrilete de barcos cerqueros en el período 1961-1984, y las razones por su selección, son las siguientes: 1) Indice de mezcla por el viento (IMV). El grado de mezcla en las capas superiores del océano es proporcional al cubo de la velocidad del viento, llamado IMV. Es posible que el grado de mezcla en las zonas de desove del Pacífico central y occidental afecte la concentración de los organismos que alimentan a las larvas del barrilete, afectando así la supervivencia de éstas, y finalmente determinando el tamaño de las cohortes y el número de reclutas a la pesquería del OPO. 2) TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (TSM). Se ha mostrado que la relación de la CPUE del atún aleta amarilla a la TSM en la zona de pesca es inversa, y existen indicaciones que la CPUE de barrilete es inferior durante eventos del Niño, cuando las TSM son superiores a lo normal. 3) Gradiente norte-sur de las TSM a través del frente térmico frente al Golfo de Guayaquil. Esto es una medida del grado de afloramiento y enriquecimiento nutritivo del nivel superior de las aguas al sur de dicho frente, y finalmente de la producción de alimento para los atunes. 4) La velocidad de la Contracorriente Ecuatorial del Norte (CCEN). Es posible que los bariletes juveniles migren del Pacífico central al Pacífico oriental en la CCEN, que fluye hacia el este; de ser así, es posible que la cantidad de reclutas se vea afectada por variaciones en la velocidad de la corriente. El logaritmo de la tasa anual de captura de reclutas de barrilete por cerqueros de varias banderas en el OPO en el período 1961-1964 estuvo correlacionado de forma positiva con las TSM en la zona de desove del Pacífico central de 18meses antes (r2 0.21),y de forma inversa con el IMV de la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.46). El logaritmo de la CPUE de los cerqueros en la zona frente al Golfo de Guayaquil no estuvo correlacionado con las TSM en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes, pero sí estuvo correlacionado de forma inversa con el IMV en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.19),y con el gradiente norte-sur de las TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (r2 0.32). Ninguna de estas estimaciones de abundancia aparente provenientes de barcos cerqueros estuvo correlacionada con las TSM en las zonas de pesca o con la velocidad de la CCEN en épocas anteriores. (PDF contains 140 pages.)


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ENGLISH: We analyzed catches per unit of effort (CPUE) from the Japanese longline fishery for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) with regression tree methods. Regression trees have not previously been used to estimate time series of abundance indices fronl CPUE data. The "optimally sized" tree had 139 parameters; year, month, latitude, and longitude interacted to affect bigeye CPUE. The trend in tree-based abundance indices for the EPO was similar to trends estimated from a generalized linear model and fronl an empirical model that combines oceanographic data with information on the distribution of fish relative to environmental conditions. The regression tree was more parsimonious and would be easier to implement than the other two nl0dels, but the tree provided no information about the nlechanisms that caused bigeye CPUEs to vary in time and space. Bigeye CPUEs increased sharply during the mid-1980's and were more variable at the northern and southern edges of the fishing grounds. Both of these results can be explained by changes in actual abundance and changes in catchability. Results from a regression tree that was fitted to a subset of the data indicated that, in the EPO, bigeye are about equally catchable with regular and deep longlines. This is not consistent with observations that bigeye are more abundant at depth and indicates that classification by gear type (regular or deep longline) may not provide a good measure of capture depth. Asimulated annealing algorithm was used to summarize the tree-based results by partitioning the fishing grounds into regions where trends in bigeye CPUE were similar. Simulated annealing can be useful for designing spatial strata in future sampling programs. SPANISH: Analizamos la captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE) de la pesquería palangrera japonesa de atún patudo (Thunnus obesus) en el Océano Pacifico oriental (OPO) y central con métodos de árbol de regresión. Hasta ahora no se han usado árboles de regresión para estimar series de tiempo de índices de abundancia a partir de datos de CPUE. EI árbol de "tamaño optimo" tuvo 139 parámetros; ano, mes, latitud, y longitud interactuaron para afectar la CPUE de patudo. La tendencia en los índices de abundancia basados en árboles para el OPO fue similar a las tendencias estimadas con un modelo lineal generalizado y con un modelo empírico que combina datos oceanográficos con información sobre la distribución de los peces en relación con las condiciones ambientales. EI árbol de regresión fue mas parsimonioso y seria mas fácil de utilizar que los dos otros modelos, pero no proporciono información sobre los mecanismos que causaron que las CPUE de patudo valiaran en el tiempo y en el espacio. Las CPUE de patudo aumentaron notablemente a mediados de los anos 80 y fueron mas variables en los extremos norte y sur de la zona de pesca. Estos dos resultados pueden ser explicados por cambios en la abundancia real y cambios en la capturabilidad. Los resultados de un arbal de regresión ajustado a un subconjunto de los datos indican que, en el OPO, el patudo es igualmente capturable con palangres regulares y profundos. Esto no es consistente con observaciones de que el patudo abunda mas a profundidad e indica que clasificación por tipo de arte (palangre regular 0 profundo) podría no ser una buena medida de la profundidad de captura. Se uso un algoritmo de templado simulado para resumir los resultados basados en el árbol clasificando las zonas de pesca en zonas con tendencias similares en la CPUE de patudo. El templado simulado podría ser útil para diseñar estratos espaciales en programas futuros de muestreo. (PDF contains 45 pages.)


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This study concentrated on the reproductive biology of the small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. The results indicate that this fish is an inshore spawning species, which agrees with other recent studies. It was also found that in areas where fishing intensity was likely to be relatively high, the size at first maturity of R. argentea was reduced, which is likely to be an effect of the fish altering its reproductive strategy according to life history theory. The CPUE results showed a general trend of decreasing with distance from shore, however areas less than one kilometer from the shore were not sampled. Evidence was also found suggesting that the cestode parasite, Ligula intestinalis had an adverse effect on the maturation and fecundity of R. argentea. Some management options concerning the findings in this study are also briefly discussed. (PDF has 82 pages)


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Catch data were collected from three beaches in the Mwanza area of lake Victoria, Tanzania for Oreochromis niloticus (L.), Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and Lates niloticus (L.). Sampling took place in October 1997 and February, June and September 1998. The CPUE for O. niloticus was 3.9 to 6kg boat super(-1) and for R. argentea from 98 to 282 kg boat super(-1). There was no obvious trend in catch rates for L. niloticus. The modal length for O. niloticus recorded at Chole beach was 34cm TL. In February, fish were larger (41-45 cm) than in the other surveys. Rastrineobola argentea caught in October 1997 had modal length at 65 mm TL with some smaller fish. In February and June prominent length modes occurred at 45 and 58 mm respectively, which may represent the same cohort as the small fish caught in October 1997. In September 1998, there were two length modes at 46 and 60 mm. The 60 mm fish may represent the same cohort seen in previous surveys, suggesting growth from approximately 30 mm to 60 mm in an eleven-month period. Lates niloticus landed at Kayenze beach over the four surveys had a modal length of 46 cm TL. Fish species encountered on the three beaches during the surveys were O. niloticus, R. argentea, Bagrus docmak Forsskall, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel, Labeo victorians Boulenger, Synodontis afrofischeri Hilgendorf, Synodontis victoriae Boulanger, Schilbe intermedius (L.), Brycinus jacksonii (Boulanger), Mormyrus kannume Forsskall and Haplochromine cichlids


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The findings are presented of an assessment made of the gillnet fishery in Kainji Lake, Nigeria from 1969 to the present, on the basis of data sets from commercial and experimental gillnet fishing, with the purpose to detect trends in some key fishery monitoring indicators. During this period, there has been an increase in the number of small meshed nets in the fishery resulting in a shift in the mode to lower mesh sizes; consequently, the average mesh size declined gradually in the fishery. This trend is found to be directly correlated with the decline in the CPUE and mean weight of the fish species. It is argued that the observed trend in CPUE and mean weight is forcing the fishermen to switch effort to gears such as traps which have very small meshes and can indescriminately take all sizes of the fish. It is shown that the catch composition by weight of Citharinus citharus, Lates niloticus and tilapias declined in the gillnet fishery in the late 70's and early 80's. Recent data, from 1994 to 1996, however indicates that C. citharus is recovering, but with declining mean weight. This suggests that the exploitation pattern is shifting to the smaller fish through the use of small meshed nets. In general, however, there has not been drastic changes in species bio-diversity in the Lake as a result of predatory effect and ecosystem overfishing as has happened in other great African Lakes. The species composition since lake formation continued to be dominated by fewer that 20 species. The potential yield for the lake has been estimated to be 32,166 tonnes (excluding clupeids) and the required optimum fishing effort to be 1,814 fishing canoes. In view of the relative stability of the species diversity in the lake and the current fish production level, it is proposed here that this MSY be adopted for all species. This would be achieved with the current effort level in the lake assuming that the efficiency of the fishermen and their gears do not improve. It should be reviewed after 10 or more years of catch and effort data collection. (PDF contains 65 pages)


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This study was carried out to establish trends in the cast net fishery of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The cast net fishery was second in importance to the gillnet fishery in the early years after impoundment of the lake and still continues to be an important component of the fishery. Some of the economically important species such as Citharinus spp, Tilapia spp, Labeo spp, Alestes spp and Synodontis spp are exploited by cast nets. The study has not revealed any drastic perturbation in the species diversity, catch composition, and any real ecosystem overfishing. On the other hand, both the catfish, Auchenoglanis spp and the predator Hydrocynus spp appear to have increased in the catch in recent years. Never-the-less there is a decline in the mean weight of the major exploited fish species due to the capture of under sized fishes without allowing them to grow to 'legally' marketable sizes. The use of small meshed cast net and also fishing in the shallow waters of the lake can give rise to this situation. Thus, there are signs of growth overfishing in the fish stocks. It must also be acknowledged that the situation is complicated by the fact that in a multi-gear fishery as on Kainji Lake, the cast net fishery could not be managed in isolation without due regard to the other competing gears. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE) has declined in the cast net fishery possibly due to the increase in effort by the major fishing gears over the years. The ongoing extension campaigns by the KLFPP appears to be having the desired effect, as there was reduction in the number of the major fishing gears on the Lake in 1997. It can be anticipated that if this trend continues, the CPUE will recover in the long run. Yields observed from the mesh selectivity study revealed that for major species in the cast net fishery, both by number and weight, were maximal at 2.5 inch mesh, which contrasts with the fact that current minimum allowable mesh in the Fisheries Edict for the Lake is 2.0 inch. The adoption of 2.5 inch as the minimum allowable mesh in the cast net fishery is recommended to be included in future revision of existing regulations. It is also recommended that for this control to have a desired effect, the casting of the net from the shore should be prohibited so as to reduce the incidence of juvenile mortality in the nursery areas. (PDF contains 28 pages)


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A tabulated summary is presented of the main fisheries data collected to date (1998) by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project, together with a current overview of the fishery. The data are given under the following sections: 1) Fishing localities and types; 2) Frame survey data; 3) Number of licensed fishermen by state; 4) Mesh size distribution; 5) Fishing net characteristics; 6) Fish yield; 7) Total annual fishing effort by gear type; 8) Total annual value of fish landed by gear type; 9) Graphs of effort and CPUE by gear type. (PDF contains 36 pages)


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A tabulated summary is presented of the main Lake Kainji fisheries data collected to date (1999) by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project, together with a current overview of the fishery. The data are given under the following sections: 1) Fishing localities and types; 2) Frame survey data; 3) Number of licensed fishermen by state; 4) Mesh size distribution; 5) Fishing net characteristics; 6) Fish yield; 7) Average monthly CPUE by gear type; 8)Average monthly fishing activity by gear type; 9) Total annual fishing effort by gear type; 10) Total annual value of fish landed by gear type; 11) Trends of the total yield by gear type. (PDF contains 34 pages)


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Studies were conducted to identify and quantify the proximate factors responsible for the emigration of juvenile bonga Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825) from the Cross River estuary. A time series of bonga cpue, salinity, turbidity and plankton abundance was undertaken, juvenile bonga was abundant in the estuary when salinities ranged between 1 and 9ppt. at salinities outside this range, they were absent. We conclude that salinity is the proximate factor that initiates the emigration of juvenile bonga from the estuary


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For more than 55 years, data have been collected on the population of pike Esox lucius in Windermere, first by the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) and, since 1989, by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (IFE) of the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. The aim of this article is to explore some methodological and statistical issues associated with the precision of pike gill net catches and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) data, further to those examined by Bagenal (1972) and especially in the light of the current deployment within the Windermere long-term sampling programme. Specifically, consideration is given to the precision of catch estimates from gill netting, including the effects of sampling different locations, the effectiveness of sampling for distinguishing between years, and the effects of changing fishing effort.