20 resultados para asociación cultural


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Prosiguiendo con la política de rescatar documentos que, por diferentes motivos, se han extraviado con el paso del tiempo, el Programa para el estudio y uso sustentable de la biota austral (ProBiota) reedita el primer y único boletín de la Asociación Limnológica y Oceanográfica Argentina (ALOA). Esta asociación pretendía convocar a los hidrobiólogos argentinos, pero interrumpió su camino a poco de iniciado en el año 1953. Los motivos de ese hecho los desconozco; aunque personalmente creo que, entre otras cosas, debe haber influido el quiebre institucional de 1955 cuando se profundizaron nuevamente las heridas en nuestra sociedad. No deja de ser paradójico que hoy, a casi cincuenta años de este suceso, la Asociación Argentina de Limnología (AAL) se encuentre en una situación similar luego de veinte años de trayectoria que se cumplirían en el mes de marzo del próximo año. Hasta 1998, fecha de su último congreso, tuvo un gran impulso generando importantes eventos nacionales e internacionales. Sin embargo, a partir de allí fue decayendo con rapidez y hoy se enfrenta a su inminente disolución. A mi entender, la reversión de este hecho sólo podría lograrse sobre la base del sacrificio personal y del conjunto, solidaridad y, sobre todo, respeto a la memoria de todos aquellos que construyeron las bases de la limnología nacional.


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Este año se cumplieron veinticinco años de la creación de la Asociación Argentina de Limnología. En 1984, en la vieja aula magna de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (en esa época esta unidad académica funcionaba en las instalaciones del Museo de La Plata) un conjunto de mujeres y hombres relacionados con esta disciplina concretaban ese ansiado anhelo aprobando los fundamentos de su formación y eligiendo su primer comisión directiva. Los años siguientes fueron de gran impulso concretando la realización de talleres reuniones, ediciones de boletines y una gran comunicación entre sus asociados. En 1991 se realiza la primer reunión internacional en la ciudad de La Plata con gran repercusión y convocatoria, posteriormente se hacen los congresos de 1994 y 1998 en la ciudades de Tucumán y Buenos Aires respectivamente. A partir de esta fecha comienza a diluirse la actividad de la asociación para desaparecer en los primeros años del presente siglo. No obstante, ya sin el marco de la asociación, se realizan congresos en 2004 y 2008, en las ciudades de Chascomús y San Carlos de Bariloche respectivamente, con singular éxito. Este archivo es una pequeña muestra de algo que unió a un grupo de profesionales con un objetivo común: el desarrollo y proyección regional de esta disciplina. A simple vista lo podríamos calificar de un nuevo fracaso, ya que tuvo el mismo fin de la ALOA (Asociación Limnológica y Oceanográfica Argentina), pero no sería totalmente cierto, ya que la magnitud de las últimas reuniones nos indica que el crecimiento de esta ciencia es importante. Por ello, me parece adecuado que dejemos a un sociólogo y un historiador de la ciencia la interpretación de este fragmento de la rica historia del “limnobios” en nuestro país.


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Recopilación histórica de la ALAIH


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The study examines the integration of cultural, economic and environmental requirements for fish production in Borno State, Nigeria. A reconnaissance survey was conducted transferring some selected Local Government Areas. 60 questionnaires were administered in the six Local Governments representing Southern Borno State with Biu and Shani, central Borno with Konduga & Jere and Northern Borno with Gubia and Kukawa respectively. There is no cultural constraint to fish production but about 63% prefers to invest in other farming activities than in fish farming. 33% are not aware that fish can be cultured apart from getting it from the wild. 35% have the impression that fish farming ventures can be handled by government only. The economic earnings for fish production are high especially in some parts of Northern Borno, but the Local market potentials throughout the state are great. Nigeria has suitable soil for ponds apart from few locations at the central and Northern Borno that are made by sandy soil. Numerous perennial and seasonal rivers, streams, lakes, pools and flood plains adequate for fish culture especially in Southern Borno exist. The mean annual rainfall can result in some water storage in ponds. In areas where the annual precipitation is less than 550mm, exist few flow boreholes with potentials for fish production. The temperature regime may support growth and survival of fish even during the hottest months of the year (March, April and May). With the understanding and manipulation of these requirements, fish production in Nigeria can be greatly enhanced


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Fish farming practices in the Lake Kainji Area of Nigeria are categorized under seven main cultural facilities, namely, earthen ponds/reservoirs, indoor/outdoor concrete tanks, plastic tanks, floating cages/hapas, aquaria, sewage and feral conditions. The presence of Bacteria isolates associated with diseased fish conditions varied significantly (P<0.05) with different cultural facilities. The highest bacteria isolates and bacterial disease incidence, 33% and 46% respectively, was associated with diseased fish in the indoor/outdoor concrete tanks. The least incidence of bacteria isolates (3.5%) and blue bacterial disease (3%) was associated with diseased fish in the aquaria and feral conditions. Nine Gram-negative and two Gram-positive bacteria genera were isolated during this investigation. Pseudomonas spp. (23.6%) and Staphylococcus spp. (14.3%), were the predominant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria genera in the different cultural facilities, respectively. This paper highlights the relevance of occurrence and distribution of bacteria isolates associated with diseased fish to bacterial fish diseases under different cultural facilities


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The processes which control the growth, composition, succession and loss from suspension of phytoplankton algae are briefly reviewed, with special reference to function in eutrophic reservoir systems. The ecology of larger algal biomasses supported by high nutrient loading rates are more likely to be subject to physical (wash-out, underwater light penetration, thermal stability and mixing) than to chemical constraints. Sudden changes in the interactions between physical factors temporarily impair the growth of dominant algal species, and advance the succession. Certain algae may be cropped heavily, but selectively, by zooplankton feeding, but they are rarely the species which cause problems in waterworks practice. Grazing, however, does influence succession. A deeper understanding of the operation of loss control mechanism is urgently required. Potentially, manipulation of the physical environment provides an important means of alleviating day-to-day algal problems in eutrophic reservoirs; in terms of cost effectiveness these may prove to be more attractive than reducing nutrient loads at source.


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Most microbiological methods require culture to allow organisms to recover or to selectively increase, and target organisms are identified by growth on specific agar media. Many cultural methods take several days to complete and even then the results require confirmation. Alternative techniques include the use of chromogenic and fluorogenic substances to identify bacteria as they are growing, selective capture using antibodies after short periods of growth, molecular techniques, and direct staining with or without flow cytometry for enumeration and identification. Future microbiologists may not use culture but depend on the use of specific probes and sophisticated detection systems.


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Higher resolution time-stratigraphic records suggest correlation of lower frequency paleoclimatic events with Milankovitch obliquity/precessional cycles and of higher frequency events with the evidently resonance-related Pettersson maximum tidal force (MTF) model. Subsequently published records, mainly pollen, seemingly confirm that atmospheric resonances may have modulated past climatic changes in phase with average MTF cycles of 1668, 1112, and 556 years, as calculated in anomalistic years from planetary movements by Stacey. Stacey accepts Pettersson's dating of AD 1433 (517 YBP) for the last major perihelian spring tide based solely on calculations of moon- and earth-orbital relations to the sun. Use of AD 1433 as an origin for the tidal resonance model seemingly continues to provide a best fit for the timing of cyclical patterns in the presented paleoclimate time series.


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The fishery sector in Uganda has seen important changes in the last two decades. Among the changes registered, is the expansion of fish markets locally, regionally and internationally. Upon which, remarkable benefits have been realized at local and national levels, for instance, it is estimated that an average of 40m$ is being earned annually as foreign exchange. Besides, presently fish accounts for over 50% of total animal protein in take. However, it is argued that sustaining these gains has become an up hill task due to failure to maintain fish quality as a result of the rudimentary and inappropriate sanitary, fish handling and artisanal fish processing practices that both directly and indirectly affect the quality of fish and fish products. Therefore, against this background, a study of 507 respondents was undertaken among the Lake Victoria Communities specifically in Wakiso, Mayuge and Mukono districts. The study examined the perceptions of fishers on the social cultural practices of sanitation, fish handling and artisanal fish processing and consequently identified factors that influenced these practices.