276 resultados para Tropical intraseasonal variations


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Several studies have shown that tropical heating variations at intraseasonal to interannual time scales may be associated with global climate anomalies. During the past decade, relatively high frequency (daily to weekly) variations in tropical convective activity have also been found to produce significant midlatitude responses within days to weeks. In this study, we investigate the processes by which individual tropical cyclones affect midlatitude weather and climate.


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ENGLISH: Comparison of physical and biological environmental factors affecting the aggregation of tunas with the success of fishing by the commercial fleets, requires that catch and effort data be examined in greater detail than has been presented in these publications. Consequently, the United States Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, San Diego, to serve the needs of its program of research on causes of variations in tuna abundance, made arrangements with the Tuna Commission to summarize these catch and effort data by month, by one-degree area, by fishing vessel size-class, for the years 1951-1960 for bait boats and 1953-1960 for purse-seiners. The present paper describes the techniques employed in summarizing these data by automatic data processing methods. It also presents the catch and effort information by months, by five-degree areas and certain combinations of five-degree areas for use by fishermen, industry personnel, and research agencies. Because of space limitations and other considerations, the one-degree tabulations are not included but are available at the Tuna Commission and Bureau laboratories. SPANISH: La comparación de los factores ambientales físicos y biológicos que afectan la agrupación del atún, con el éxito obtenido en la pesca por las flotas comerciales, requiere que los datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo sean examinados con mayor detalle de lo que han sido presentados en estas publicaciones. En consecuencia, el Laboratorio Biológico del Buró de Pesquerías Comerciales de los Estados Unidos, situado en San Diego, a fin de llenar los requisitos de su programa de investigación sobre las causas de las variaciones en la abundancia del atún, hizo arreglos con la Comisión del Atún para sumarizar esos datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de un grado, por clases de tamaño de las embarcaciones de pesca durante los años 1951-1960 en lo que concierne a los barcos de carnada y durante el período 1953-1960 en lo que respecta a los barcos rederos. El presente trabajo describe la técnica empleada en la sumarización de dichos datos mediante métodos automáticos de manejo de datos. También se da aquí la información sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de cinco grados y ciertas combinaciones de áreas de cinco grados para el uso de los pescadores, del personal de la industria y de las oficinas de investigación. Por falta de espacio y otras razones, las tabulaciones de las áreas de un grado no han sido incluídos en este trabajo, pero están a la disposición de quien tenga interés en los laboratorios de la Comisión del Atún y del Buró.


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ENGLISH: Knowledge of the kinds of organisms eaten by tunas, and the relative importance of different kinds of organisms in different situations, is of importance to our understanding of regional and local aggregations and of the behavior of the tropical tunas. Determination of the relative importance of benthic forms in the stomachs of tunas captured in the vicinity of islands and offshore banks, compared with the forms found in the stomachs of those from oceanic areas, distant from these shoal areas, is useful to the understanding of the mechanisms by which the islands and banks attract tuna. A thorough knowledge of the diet may also reveal more about the seasonal and annual variations in the distribution of these fish along the coasts of Mexico, Central America and elsewhere. A knowledge of the diet of the tunas is basic to quantitative studies of the zooplankton and nekton in the Eastern Pacific Ocean with reference to the production of tunas. Studies of the diet of the tropical tunas by examination of stomach contents was, therefore, commenced in late 1957. SPANISH: El conocimiento de las clases de organismos de que se alimentan los atunes, y la importancia relativa de las diferentes clases de organismos en situaciones diferentes, es de valor para nuestra comprensión de las agrupaciones regionales y locales, y de los hábitos de los atunes tropicales. La determinación de la importancia relativa de las formas bénticas en los estómagos de los atunes capturados en la vecindad de las islas y de los bancos apartados de la costa, comparadas con las formas encontradas en los estómagos de los atunes procedentes de áreas oceánicas, distantes de estas áreas poco profundas, es útil para comprender el mecanismo por el cual las islas y los bancos atraen al atún. Un conocimiento completo de la dieta puede revelar también algo más acerca de las variaciones estacionales y anuales en la distribución de estos peces a lo largo de las costas de México, América Central y otras partes. El conocimiento de la dieta del atún es básico para los estudios cuantitativos del zooplancton y del necton en el Océano Pacífico Oriental, con referencia a la producción de los atunes. El estudio de la dieta de los atunes tropicales mediante el examen del contenido estomacal, fué comenzado, por lo tanto, a fines de 1957.


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ENGLISH: Analysis of yellowfin tuna size-composition data encompassing data for purse-seiners and baitboats, and including data collected prior to the Commission's sampling program, has permitted a more careful examination of variations in growth rates of yellowfin year classes. SPANISH: El análisis de los datos de la composición de tamaños del atún aleta amarilla correspondiente a los que provienen de los barcos rederos y de carnada, e incluyendo datos recolectados previamente al programa de muestreo de la Comisión, ha permitido un examen más cuidadoso de las variaciones en las tasas de crecimiento de las clases anuales del atún aleta amarilla.


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Interannual variability caused by the El Nino-Southern Oscillation in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP) is analogous to seasonal variability of comparable magnitude. Climatological spatial patterns and seasonal variability of physical variables that may affect the ETP ecosystem are presented and discussed. Surface temperature, surface salinity, mixed layer depth, thermocline depth, thermocline strength, and surface dynamic height were derived from bathythermograph, hydrocast, and CTD data. Surface current velocity, divergence, and upwelling velocity were derived from ship drift reports. Surface wind velocity, wind stress, wind divergence, wind stress curl, and Ekman pumping velocity were derived from gridded pseudostress data obtained from Florida State University. Seasonal maps of these variables, and their deviations from the annual mean, show different patterns of variation in Equatorial (S°S-SON) and Tropical Surface Water (SOlS0N). Seasonal shifts in the trade winds, which affect the strength of equatorial upwelling and the North Equatorial Countercurrent, cause seasonal variations in most variables. Seasonal and interannual variability of surface temperature, mixed layer depth, thermocline depth and wind stress were quantified. Surface temperature, mixed layer depth and thermocline depth, but not local wind stress, are less variable in Tropical Surface Water than in Equatorial Surface Water. Seasonal and interannual variability are close to equal in most of the ETP, within factors of 2 or less. (PDF file contains 70 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The survey aims at demonstrating the close relationship between anomalies of sea temperature observed along the tropical Pacific coast of the Americas and those observed in the oceanwide tropical belt. The survey also covers the variations, from 1952 to the present, of the trade-wind circulations which prove to be responsible for the major part of the anomalies in sea surface temperature. Finally, the thermal feedback effects of the oceanic anomalies upon the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere are treated in a preliminary fashion. SPANISH: El estudio trata de demostrar la estrecha relación que existe entre las anomalías observadas de la temperatura del mar a lo largo de la costa tropical de las Américas y las observadas en la faja tropical de todo el océano. El estudio incluye también las variaciones, desde 1952 hasta el presente, de la circulación de los vientos alisios que demuestra ser responsable por la mayor parte de las anomalías de temperatura de la superficie del mar. Finalmente los efectos termales de las anomalías oceánicas sobre la circulación en gran escala de la atmósfera son tratados en forma preliminar. (PDF contains 62 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Year-class composition of catch, virtual population size and yearclass strength were determined from serial samples of size composition of catches and catch records. Murphy's Solution to the catch equation, which is free from the effects caused by changes in fishing pressure, was used to estimate year-class strength, i.e. the total population of fish age 3/4 years. The resultant estimates indicated that the X55, X56, X57, X62 and X63 year classes were above average and the X58, X59, X60, X61 and X64 year classes were below average. The year-class designation refers to the year of actual entry or presumed year of entry into the commercial fishery (at approximately 1 year of age). The strongest and poorest year classes were the X57 and X61 classes, respectively. The ratio of the strongest to the weakest year class was 2.6. This amount of variation is small compared to that found for other species of fish. It was found that the relationship between stock size and yearclass strength is of no value in predicting year-class strength. As a by-product of the analysis, estimates of the catchability coefficients (qN) of the age groups in the fishery were obtained, These estimates were found to vary with age and time. Age-two fish apparently showed the greatest vulnerability to fishing gear, followed by ages three and one, respectively. The average estimate of the catchability coefficient in weight was calculated and found to compare favorably with Schaefer's estimate. The influence of sea-surface water temperature upon year-class strength was investigated to determine whether the latter can be predicted from a knowledge of sea-surface temperatures prevailing during and following spawning. No correlation was evident. SPANISH: La composición de la clase anual en la captura, el tamaño de la población virtual y la fuerza de clase anual, fueron determinados según una serie de muestras de la composición de tamaño de las capturas y de los registros de captura. La Solución de Murphy de la ecuación de captura, que está libre de los efectos causados por los cambios de la presión de pesca, fue usada para estimar la fuerza de la clase anual, i.e. la población total de peces de 3/4 años. Las estimaciones resultantes indican que las clases anuales X55, X56, X57, X62 y X63 fueron superiores al promedio y que las clases anuales X58, X59, X60, X61 y X64 fueron inferiores al promedio. La designación de la clase anual se refiere al año actual de entrada o al año supuesto de entrada en la pesca comercial (aproximadamente a la edad de 1 año). Las clases anuales más fuertes y más pobres fueron la X57 y X61 respectivamente. La razón de la clase anual más fuerte en relación a la más débil fue 2.6. Esta cantidad de variación es pequeña comparada con la encontrada para otras especies de peces. Se encontró que la relación entre en tamaño del stock y la fuerza de la clase anual no tiene valor en predecir la fuerza de la clase anual. Se obtuvieron estimaciones de los coeficientes de capturabilidad (qN) de los grupos de edad en la pesquería como un producto derivado del análisis. Se encontraron que estas estimaciones variaron con la edad y tiempo. Los peces de edad dos aparentemente presentaron la vulnerabilidad más grande en relación al arte pesquero, seguidos por las edades tres y una, respectivamente. La estimación promedio del coeficiente de capturabilidad en peso fue calculada y se encontró que podía compararse favorablemente con la estimación de Schaefer. La influencia de la temperatura del agua superficial del mar sobre la fuerza de la clase anual fue investigada para determinar si se podía predecir esta última según el conocimíento de las temperaturas superficiales del mar prevalecientes durante el desove y después de éste. No hubo correlación evidente. (PDF contains 44 pages.)


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The temperature of water in a river system affects fish in various ways; it has an influence on feeding habits, movement and metabolism. All fish vary in their ability to tolerate fluctuations in temperature, but those that live in a reasonably stable environment are more sensitive to major changes (tropical fish) than are salmon which can tolerate abrupt changes. The body temperature of the majority of fish differs from that of the surrounding water by only 0.5 to 1.0 degrees, and changes in temperature can, in many cases, be a signalling factor for some process, for example spawning, migration or feeding. It has been found, after monitoring the activity in 2,623 salmon in the River Lune, that they live in a water temperature of 0-17 degrees. Whilst salmon ova can develop in a temperature range of 0-12 degrees, spawning takes place within a much closer range, and these tolerances will be found in the Report. This report offers data and analysis of fish movement correlated to water temperature for the years 1964/65.


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Although the mechanisms of climatic fluctuations are not completely understood, changes in global solar irradiance show a link with regional precipitation. A proposed mechanism for this linkage begins with absorption of varying amounts of solar energy by tropical oceans, which may aid in development of ocean temperature anomalies. These anomalies are then transported by major ocean currents to locations where the stored energy is released into the atmosphere, altering pressure and moisture patterns that can ultimately affect regional precipitation. Correlation coefficients between annual averages of monthly differences in empirically modeled solar-irradiance variations and annual state-divisional precipitation values in the United States for 1950 to 1988 were computed with lag times of 0 to 7 years. The highest correlations (R=0.65) occur in the Pacific Northwest with a lag time of 4 years, which is about equal to the travel time of water within the Pacific Gyre from the western tropical Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Alaska. With positive correlations, droughts coincide with periods of negative irradiance differences (dry, high-pressure development), and wet periods coincide with periods of positive differences (moist, low-pressure development).


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The reproductive activity and recruitment of white mullet (Mugil curema) was determined by observations of gonad development and coastal juvenile abundance from March 1992 to July 1993. Adults were collected from commercial catches at three sites in northeastern Venezuelan waters. Spawning time was determined from the observation of macroscopic gonadal stages. Coastal recruitment was determined from fish samples collected biweekly by seining in La Restinga Lagoon, Margarita Island, Venezuela. The examination of daily growth rings on the otoliths of coastal recruits was used to determine their birth date and estimate the period of successful spawning. Fish with mature gonads were present throughout the year but were less frequent between September and January when spawning individuals migrated offshore. In both years, juvenile recruitment to the lagoon was highest between March and June when high densities of 25–35 mm juveniles were observed. Back-calculated hatching-date frequency distributions revealed maximum levels of successful spawning in December–January that were significantly correlated with periods of enhanced upwelling. The relation between the timing of successful spawning and the intensity of coastal recruitment in white mullet was likely due to variations in food availability for first-feeding larvae as well as to variations in the duration of the transport of larvae shoreward as a result of varying current conditions associated with upwelling.


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Dissolved nutrients (PO sub(4)-P, NO sub(3)-N, NO sub(2)-N and SiO sub(4)-Si) estimated in the surface and bottom waters of five selected stations of the Paravur Lake, Kerala, India, during February 1987 to January 1988 revealed distinct seasonal variations. Rainfall and land drainage play significant roles in the nutrient economy, particularly NO sub(3)-N and SiO sub(4)-Si, of this water body. Abnormally high values of PO sub(4)-P indicated extremely polluted condition at the wetting zone of the lake during the premonsoon season. SiO sub(4)-Si showed significant negative relationship with salinity.


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Tilapia from fresh water and brackish water-sources behaved differently during iced and frozen storage. The former showed an ice storage shelf life of about 13 days while the latter showed signs of spoilage beyond 10 days. In their respective freezing characteristics, the samples from the two sources exhibited far more significant variations. The fresh water type iced for 13 days preserved well for over 24 weeks when frozen and kept at a temperature of -18° C, while the brackish water variety held in ice for 10 days and subsequently frozen gave a shelf life of only 8 weeks under similar conditions.


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Results of a preliminary study of the hexane extractable carbonyls from three fish and one shell fish are reported. Volatile carbonyls that can be isolated from oil sardine by distillation at different temperatures in air or nitrogen atmosphere were also studied. Carbonyls were converted to their 2:4 dinitro phenyl hydrozones. These were fractionated by column chromatography and the different fractions were analysed by capillary gas chromatography. The data show wide variations in the content of different carbonyls in different fishes. Carbonyls in distillates from muscle water homogenates of oil sardine showed some differences from the carbonyls extracted with hexane from the same fish. More data is necessary to correlate the carbonyls with the characteristic flavour of each fish.


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This report is a compilation of five regional reviews that document the global status of tropical rivers and inland fisheries in three continents: Latin America, Africa and Asia. It explores the role of ‘valuation’ methods and their contribution to policy-making and river fishery management. From the compilation, the best estimate of the global value of inland fisheries for those three continents is US$ 5.58 billion (gross market value), which is equivalent to 19 percent of the current value of annual fish exports from developing countries (US$ 29 billion) for 2004. The compilation shows that there is a general shortage of information on inland fisheries, especially derived from conventional economic valuation methods, though information from economic impact assessment methods and socio-economic and livelihood analysis methods is more widely available. The status of knowledge about the impact of changes in river management on the value of tropical river fisheries is weak and patchy. Although the impacts of large dams on the hydrology, ecology and livelihood support attributes of tropical rivers are well-recognized, there have been only few valuation studies of these issues. The document highlights the need for further valuation studies of tropical river and inland fisheries in developing countries. It underlines how vital it is for policy-makers and other stakeholders to understand the importance of these natural resources in order to make appropriate decisions concerning their role in development policy and illustrates why capacity building in valuation should become a major priority for agencies concerned with fisheries management and policy-making.


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This study attempts to estimate the economic value of riverine fisheries in tropical Asia and quantify the economic impacts of any changes to the environment that affects rivers and hence fisheries. The value of riverine fisheries has been considered in the following two ways: firstly, through a compilation and summary of the results of existing studies on this topic; secondly, by estimating the direct use value of riverine and floodplain fishing by country using quantities and freshwater fish prices derived from various sources. Furthermore, a review of the characteristics of the fisheries is presented. These fisheries have been shown to be valuable (i.e., economically or socially important) in at least two specific ways: as a generator of commercially marketable output, and as a source of income and employment in relatively impoverished communities.