191 resultados para Sewage irrigation - Victoria


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The results of experiments conducted on a pond dyke (655m²) in the Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara, during 1992-93 for maximising production through optimum utilisation of resources are communicated. Round the year intensive cultivation of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus and A. viridus), water-bind weed (Ipomea aquatica), Indian spinach (Basella rubra), radish (Raphanus sativum), amaranth (Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis), cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitota) and papaya (Carica papaya) was undertaken using the treated sewage water from fish ponds for irrigation. The pond dyke yielded 5,626.5 kg vegetable which worked out to 85.9 tons per ha per year. Multiple cropping with these vegetables excluding papaya on a 460 m² dyke recorded a production of 4,926.5 kg at the rate of 107.1t per ha/yr. An improved yearly net return of about 35% over investment could be achieved through the selection of highly productive and pest resistant vegetable crops of longer duration for integration into the system. Introduction of this type of integrated farming would enhance the overall productivity and returns from farming.


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The aquatic ecosystem of the Upper Victoria Nile is part of a wider complex of water bodies (lakes and rivers) in Uganda that is of immense socioeconomic importance, especially the fisheries. A source of food, income, energy, irrigation and drinking water, the protection, sustainable use and management of the Upper Victoria Nile water resources are vital to Uganda's economy. The Upper Victoria Nile,due to its abundance of socio-economic benefits,provides a significant contribution to Uganda's economy. The fisheries contribute to the sector as a major source of the export earnings, second to coffee (NEMA,1996), sustain small fishing villages,provide income and generally improve nutrition. Apart from the socio-economic significance of the fisheries,the riverine features of the Upper Victoria Nile, especially its hydropower potential,distinguish this river from the rest of the aquatic ecosystems in the country.


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Report of Opening Session (pdf 42 KB) Report of Governing Council Meeting (pdf 89 KB) Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board (pdf 88 KB) Study Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report and Regional Analysis Center Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 57 KB) Working Group 14: Effective sampling of micronekton Advisory Panel on Marine Birds and Mammals Fishery Science Committee (pdf 37 KB) Working Group 16: Climate change, shifts to fish production, and fisheries management Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 62 KB) Working Group 15: Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the North Pacific Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 34 KB) Working Group 13: CO2 in the North Pacific Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 24 KB) Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 39 KB) BASS Task Team (pdf 32 KB) Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment MODEL Task Team (pdf 22 KB) MONITOR Task Team (pdf 32 KB) Advisory Panel on Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North Pacific REX Task Team (pdf 21 KB) Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 53 KB) List of Participants (pdf 67 KB) List of Acronyms (pdf 13 KB)


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Research has shown that aquatic weeds, particularly hydrilla ( Hydrilla verticillata , (L.F.) Royle), can be controlled with exposure of 8 to 12 weeks with concentrations of 10 to 15 ppb of fluridone (1-methyl-3-phenyl-5-[3-trifluoromethyl) phenyl]-4(1 H )- pyridinone) (Haller et al. 1990 and Fox et al. 1994). Fluridone label recommendations restrict the use of the treated waters for irrigation of turf or newly seeded crops and seed beds for 30 days following the last application of the herbicide. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of 10 weeks of irrigation with fluridone containing water on a common Florida residential turfgrass.


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American pondweed ( Potamogeton nodosus Poir.) is commonly found in northern California irrigation canals. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that exposure of American pondweed winter buds to dilute acetic acid under field conditions would result in reduced subsequent biomass.


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This study owes its inception to the wisdom and experience of the staff of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center who, after several decades of surveys in the New York Bight, recognized a unique opportunity to capitalize on the decision to stop ocean dumping of sewage sludge and designed an innovative field study to evaluate effects on living marine resources and their habitats. For decades ocean dumping was viewed as a cheap and effective means for disposal of wastes generated by urbanized coastal areas. Even after the 12-mile site was closed, sewage sludge continued to be dumped at Deepwater Dumpsite 106. The 6-mile site off the NewJersey coast is still used as a dumpsite for dredged material from New York Harbor areas. Discussions continue on the propriety of using the deep ocean spaces for disposal of a variety of material including low level radioactive wastes. Consequently, managers are still faced with critical decisions in this area. It is to be hoped that the results from the 12-mile study will provide the necessary information on which these managers can evaluate future risks associated with ocean waste disposal. (PDF file contains 270 pages.)


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The aims of this paper are twofold. Firstly to characterise rural poverty and to give a broad overview of the agro-ecological, climatic and socio-economic conditions in Sri Lanka which shape poverty. Secondly to present the methodology employed to screen suitable field research areas and the techniques subsequently used to carry out Rapid Rural Appraisal in two upper-watersheds villages. Also presented are details of a concurrent stakeholder analysis that aimed to investigate the capacity of secondary stakeholders to promote sustainable aquatic resource development and to invite their participation in the formulation of a participatory research agenda.[PDF contains 58 pages]


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RRAs were carried out in two Small Tank Cascade systems (STCs) of North West Province, Sri Lanka (less than 1000 ha total watershed area). A total of 21 tanks and 7 villages were investigated with primary emphasis on two upper watershed communities. The two systems differ primarily in their resource base; namely rainfall, natural forests and proximity to large scale perennial irrigation resources. [PDF contains 86 pages]


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The visit highlighted the vital contribution of the inland fisheries sector to provision of basic food security within the uncleared area (farmers report very low consumption frequencies for all other fish or meat protein substitutes). A 30-mile system of Brackish water lagoons which demarcates the cleared and uncleared areas is the main source of retailed fish in the uncleared area. Second in importance is the inland tank fishery, where the bulk of production emanates from 17 major irrigation reservoirs. [PDF contains 29 pages]


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The utilization of waste waters in aquaculture were briefly reviewed. At the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), stocking density (20 to 160 fish/m super(3)) experiments using Sarotherodon galilaeus (without supplementary feeding) in floating cages were carried out in a sewage pond (0.4ha surface area). Cage culture of S. galilaeus was observed to have potentials in waste waters aquaculture. Recommendations were made on the execution of an intergrated waste water management and utilization.


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An overview is provided of the literature of socio-economic relevance to the fisheries of Lake Victoria. It covers the following areas: marketing studies; management; changes to the structure of the fishery; and, base-line studies. The bibliography provides a guide to the more important documents on Lake Victoria's socio-economy and includes a total of 177 references


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The list provides addresses of institutions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda which are of managerial relevance to the fisheries of Lake Victoria, indicating the relevant area covered


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The findings are presented of a survey conducted regarding the fishers of Lake Victoria, which examined the relationships affecting supply flows of raw material on to the market, and also the characteristics of fishing activities and their effects on fish quality and distribution. Fish marketing plays a vital role in the lives of much of the lake basin's population, both in terms of employment and nutrition. The results of the survey comprise, in part, a base-line data set which will facilitate further research, analysis and management decision-making in relation to stakeholders of the lake's resources. Data collection, methods and research difficulties encountered are described and details given of a profile of a boat owner/renter and aslo of a profile of a crew member. The survey shows that Lake Victoria's fishery is one of very limited diversity. The fishers recount that they consistently target one or more of the 3 most common species within the lake (Nile perch, tilapia and dagaa) and very rarely consider any other species type. The largest proportion of fishers on the lake are Nile perch fishers; there is considerable demand for this species, and hence fishers have little incentive to either target alternative fish species, not to try and establish firm marketing outlets through the creation of arrangements with their principal buyers. In Kenyan waters, however, the number of Nile perch fishers is equaled by the number of dagaa fishers; this fish now commands a considerable portion of the market for fish from Lake Victoria through its availability as well as its relatively low prices. The tilapia fishery is in decline, and all 3 riparian states would not appear to be attracting investment almost certainly as a result of declining catches. For many of those working in Lake Victoria's fishery, the problems faced appear most often to be associated with the vagaries of an unstable market which may rise or fall depending on the state of the international market or the state of access roads to fish landings. (PDF contains 42 pages)


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Limnological studies in Lake Victoria (Kenyan portion) have been sporadic. Water quality and nutrient dynamics studies are being undertaken in fifteen sampling sites that have been divided into four ecological zones namely: Nyanza Gulf, Rusinga Channel, open waters inshore and open waters. The ongoing study will show how the physical and chemical paramenters affect fish distribution and abundance.