32 resultados para Roches, Guillaume des, d. 1222.


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The effectiveness of 17 α-hydroxy-20 β-dihydroprogesterone (17 α-20 β Pg) or of a trout hypophyseal gonadotrophic extract on the in vitro intrafollicular maturation of trout oocytes can be modulated by steroids which do not have a direct maturing effect; the effectiveness of the gonadotrophic extract is lowered by oestradiol and oestrone and increased by testosterone. As these steroids have no significant effect on maturation induced by 17 α-20 β Pg, the site of their activity is probably in the follicular envelopes. Corticosteroids, and Cortisol and cortisone in particular increase the effectiveness of the gonadotrophic extract, but increase the effectiveness of 17 α-20 β Pg even more strongly, suggesting that this 'progestagen' has a direct effect on oocyte sensitivity.


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As explained in the title, this campaign aimed to assess the diurnal vertical variations in abundance of demersal species off the Côte d'Ivoire


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The exploitation of fish stocks in Aby lagoon was marked by an increase of total fishing effort, yields and therefore by the increase of total production. Fishing effort evolution was due to: the increasing of the number of beach seines which has increased from 26 in 1987 to 32 in 1988, the reappearance of syndicat seines and finally the importance of fishing teams activity.


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A taxonomic assessment of fish species was carried out in the Lake Ayamé as a preliminary evaluation within the framework of a project to appraise the biodiversity changes occurred in fish after the construction of a dam at Ayamé in 1959.


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The present bibliography collects references on lagoon and coastal environments in Côte d'Ivoire. It is mainly based on: - the draft bibliography prepared by Charles-Dominique and Durand in 1979, edited in the Archives Scientifiques du Centre de Recherches Océanographiques d'Abidjan (vol. 5 no. 2); - the synthesis on the marine environment, published in 1993 (LeLoeuff, Marchal and Amon-Kothias editors); - and the synthesis on the lagoon environment, published in 1994 (Durand, Dufour, Guiral and Zabi editors). In spite of a careful check of the available documents, it is more than possible that references are lacking or erroneous. That's why this bibliography is still a draft, and the author will be glad to receive complements and/or corrections from lectors. After these contributions, a more comprehensive version will be proposed. Remarks can be sent to this e-mail: arfi@ortsom.orstom.fr or to the postal address.


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Remote mapping were realised from December 1986 to September 1989 to describe the seasonal evolution of macrophytes colonizing the surface waters of the eastern sector of the Ebrié lagoon. The vegetal cover of this sector and associated lagoons is essentially composed of Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth). Its expansion is favored by the decrease in the salinity of the lagoon waters which is due to rain falls. Its migration through the lagoon environment is ensured by the overflow of the Comoé river. The opening of the Bassam inlet induced its temporary disappearence from the newly created estuarian zone.


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In order to control the proliferation of floating aquatic vegetation in Côte d'Ivoire, a coastal inlet, allowing a direct communication between the Comoe river and the ocean, was created in September 1987. The impact of this operation on the hydrochemistry (salinity, nutrients, algal biomass) and the bacterial contamination level was studied in the area close to the Vridi canal.


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The toxic effects of two herbicides Round up (gliphosate) and 2,4-D (herbazol) were tested on Pistia stratiotes (Linn. Araceae) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The gliphosate appears to be more toxic on Pistia Stratiotes than 2,4-D. It was then tested on tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron juveniles. The lethal dose for tilapia (CL50 = 13.25 mg.l -1) is about 18, 37 and 74 times higher than the glyphosate toxic dose for plants at 1, 2 and 4 meters water depth respectively.


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This article presents the results of three surveys, which were undertaken in order to estimate the levels of organic and bacterial pollutions of the Ebrié lagoon banks in the urban area of Abidjan.


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This paper presents a large scale (1/10000) bathymetric chart along with the beach (s.l.) and shoreface schemes of Port-Bouet littoral. All these charts and maps contributed to identify the three morphological sub-areas which characterize the whole littoral area of Port-Bouet.


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This paper presents the results of a comparative study of chemical and physical characteristics (temperature, oxygen, salinity, turbidity, pH, nutrient: phosphates, nitrates, nitrites, ammoniac) within the extensive aquaculture structure (acadja-enclosure or artificial habitats for fishes) and in the surrounding water. Biological characteristics of the periphyton growing on bamboos from acadja-enclosure were also described.


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Two kinds of fishing gears insure the exploitation in Aby lagoon: the individual gears are represented essentially by gill nets and collective gears by seines. The number of gill nets varies between 1500 in 1981 and 5600 in 1986. The beach seines, which number varies between 40 and 60, are regularly used. The purse seines (15-30) have been superseded by "syndicat" seines (15) in 1990.


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A summary of results obtained from 1969 to 1977 is given. It concerns the biology of the species (ecology and distribution of the adults, behaviour and diel variation of catch rates, reproduction and larval migration, juveniles migration and recruitment at sea, sexual maturity, growth and mortality by marking experiments) and the history of the fishery (catches, efforts, seasonal variations of catch rates). The combined use of a dynamic pool model of Ricker and a production model of Fox leads to the evaluation of the potential of the stock. The simulation of different and combined fishery strategies on adults at sea and juveniles in lagoons, allows the evaluation of the consequences (in yield, value, biomass and potential fecundity) of the different proposed management procedures (reductions in fishing effort, closed seasons on both fisheries).


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A comparison between the yields obtained during 1968 and 1969 from the trawlers based at Abidjan harbour was carried out in various fishing areas. Seasonal fluctuations of abundance were first eliminated and then the regression between yield and motor power was calculated. The unit of fishing effort, one hour of fishing for a standard trawler of 400 BHP, was chosen for the fishing statistics of the Ivorian fleet.


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Computer programs were developed to calculate the parameters commonly used in fisheries statistics: catch per unit effort, catch by species, size distribution, etc. These parameters were computed for collective fishing, purse seine and beach seine; important aspects of the artisanal fisheries in the Ebrié Lagoon.