34 resultados para Rates of maturation


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Penaeus indicus harvested after three months of rearing in brackishwater ponds and averaging 6.9 g for females and 5.6 g for males were stocked in two 12 cu m flowthrough ferrocement tanks at 240 females and 200 males per tank. The females were ablated on one eyestalk in one tank and remained unablated in the other tank; all males were unablated. Ablated females spawned up to 7 times per female; unablated females spawned up to only 3 times during the two month duration of the experiment. Ablated females produced a total number of 17.5 x 106 eggs, 6.6 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 23,480 eggs/spawning and 37.8% hatching rate from a total of 757 spawnings. Unablated females produced a total of 2.0 x 106 eggs, 1.1 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 26.990 eggs/spawning and 53.9% hatching rate from a total of 74 spawnings. Survival of ablated females was 53.5% compared to 69.4% for unablated females; males in both tanks averaged more than 90% survival.


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Salvinia (Salvinia minima Willd.) is a water fern found in Florida waters, usually associated with Lemna and other small free-floating species. Due to its buoyancy and mat-forming abilities, it is spread by moving waters. In 1994, salvinia was reported to be present in 247 water bodies in the state (out of 451 surveyed public waters, Schardt 1997). It is a small, rapidly growing species that can become a nuisance due to its explosive growth rates and its ability to shade underwater life (Oliver 1993). Any efforts toward management of salvinia populations must consider that, in reasonable amounts, its presence is desirable since it plays an important role in the overall ecosystem balance. New management alternatives need to be explored besides the conventional herbicide treatments; for example, it has been shown that the growth of S. molesta can be inhibited by extracts of the tropical weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) and its purified toxin parthenin (Pande 1994, 1996). We believe that cattail, Typha spp. may be a candidate for control of S. minima infestations. Cattail is an aggressive aquatic plant, and has the ability to expand over areas that weren't previously occupied by other species (Gallardo et al. 1998a and references cited there). In South Florida, T. domingensis is a natural component of the Everglades ecosystem, but in many cases it has become the dominant marsh species, outcompeting other native plants. In Florida public waters, this cattail species is the most dominant emergent species of aquatic plants (Schardt 1997). Several factors enable it to accomplish opportunistic expansion, including size, growth habits, adaptability to changes in the surroundings, and the release of compounds that can prevent the growth and development of other species. We have been concerned in the past with the inhibitory effects of the T. domingensis extracts, and the phenolic compounds mentioned before, towards the growth and propagation of S. minima (Gallardo et al. 1998b). This investigation deals with the impact of cattail materials on the rates of oxygen production of salvinia, as determined through a series of Warburg experiments (Martin et al. 1987, Prindle and Martin 1996).


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Fisheries management actions taken to protect one species can have unintended, and sometimes positive, consequences on other species. For example, regulatory measures to reduce fishing effort in the winter gillnet fishery for spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) off North Carolina (NC) also led to decreases in the number of bycaught bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). This study found that a marked decrease in fishing effort for spiny dogfish in NC also corresponded with a marked decrease in winter stranding rates of bottlenose dolphins with entanglement lesions (P= 0.002). Furthermore, from 1997 through 2002, there was a significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.79; P= 0.0003) between seasonal bycatch estimates of bottlenose dolphins in gill nets and rates of stranded dolphins with entanglement lesions. With this information, stranding thresholds were developed that would enable the detection of those increases in bycatch in near real-time. This approach is valuable because updated bycatch estimates from observer data usually have a time-lag of two or more years. Threshold values could be used to detect increases in stranding rates, triggering managers immediately to direct observer effort to areas of potentially high bycatch or to institute mitigation measures. Thus, observer coverage and stranding investigations can be used in concert for more effective fishery management.


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Growth data obtained from a ten-year collection of scales from Maryland freshwater fish is presented, in this report,in graphs and tables especially designed to be useful for Maryland fishery management. (PDF contains 40 pages)


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ENGLISH: Tag release and return data for the Baja California and Gulf of Guayaquil areas were selected for this study because substantial numbers of returns resulted from these releases and because the effects of emigration are small in these areas. The returns of tags per unit of fishing effort for several experiments in each area were used to estimate the coefficients of total mortality and shedding. The coefficient of annual natural mortality was estimated to be less than 2.0, which is in agreement with a previous estimate of 0.8, but does not improve upon it. The estimates for the average coefficients of catchability are 2.02 X 10-3 for the Baja California area and 0.67 X 10-3 for the Gulf of Guayaquil area. SPANISH: Se seleccionaron para este estudio algunos da tos de liberación y retorno de marcas en las áreas de Baja California y el Golfo de Guayaquil debido a que cantidades substanciales de retornos resultaron de estas liberaciones y porque los efectos de migración son pequeños en estas áreas. Los retornos de marcas por unidad de esfuerzo de pesca de varios experimentos en cada área fueron empleados para estimar los coeficientes de mortalidad total y desprendimiento. Se estimó que el coeficiente de mortalidad natural anual fue inferior a 2.0, lo que está de acuerdo con una estimación anterior de 0.8, pero no la mejora. Las estimaciones de los coeficientes promedios de capturabilidad son 2.02 X 10-3 en el área de Baja California y 0.67 X 10-3 en el área del Golfo de Guayaquil. (PDF contains 58 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Return data for single-tagged fish and for double-tagged fish which had retained one or both tags were used to estimate the rates of shedding of dart tags from yellowfin tuna. The Type-1 shedding, which occurs immediately after release of the fish, is about 10 percent. The Type-2 shedding is assumed to be constant throughout the life of the fish after tagging; it occurs at an instantaneous rate of about 0.278 per year. SPANISH: Se emplearon los datos de retorno de peces marcados con una sola marca y de peces marcados con doble marca los cuales han retenido una o dos marcas para estimar las tasas de pérdida de las marcas de dardo de atunes aleta amarilla. El Tipo-l de pérdida, que ocurre inmediatamente después de haber liberado el pez, es aproximadamente del 10 por ciento. El Tipo-2 de pérdida se supone que sea constante durante la vida del pez después de marcado; ocurre en una tasa instantánea cerca de 0.278 por año. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Longline hook rates of bigeye and yellowfin tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean were standardized by maximum depth of fishing, area, and season, using generalized linear models (GLM's). The annual trends of the standardized hook rates differ from the unstandardized, and are more likely to represent the changes in abundance of tunas in the age groups most vulnerable to longliners in the fishing grounds. For both species all of the interactions in the GLM's involving years, depths of fishing, areas, and seasons were significant. This means that the annual trends in hook rates depend on which depths, areas, and seasons are being considered. The overall average hook rates for each were estimated by weighting each 5-degree quadrangle equally and each season by the number of months in it. Since the annual trends in hook rates for each fishing depth category are roughly the same for bigeye, total average annual hook rate estimates are possible with the GLM. For yellowfin, the situation is less clear because of a preponderance of empty cells in the model. The full models explained 55% of the variation in bigeye hook rate and 33% of that of yellowfin. SPANISH: Se estandardizaron las tasas de captura con palangre de atunes patudo y aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental por la profunidad máxima de pesca, área, y temporada, usando modelos lineales generalizados (MLG). Las tendencias anuales de las tasas de captura estandardizadas son diferentes a las de las tasas no estandardizadas, y es más que representen los cambios en la abundancia de los atunes en los grupos de edad más vulnerables a los palangreros en las áreas de pesca. Para ambas especies fueron significativas todas las interacciones en los MLG con año, profundidad de pesca, área, y temporada. Esto significa que las tendencias anuales de las tasas de captura dependen de cuál profundidad, área, y temporado se está considerando. Para la estimación de la tasa de captura general media para cada especie se ponderó cada cuadrángulo de 5 grados igualmente y cada temporada por el número de meses que contiene. Ya que las tendencias anuales en las tasas de captura para cada categoría de profundidad de pesca son aproximadamente iguales para el patudo, son posibles estimaciones de la tasa de captura anual media total con el MLG. En el caso del aleta amarilla, la situación es más confusa, debido a una preponderancia de celdas vacías en el modelo. Los modelos completos explican el 55% de la variación de la tasa de captura de patudo y 33% de la del aleta amarilla. (PDF contains 19 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Increments in otoliths (sagittae) were examined, using light and scanning electron microscopy, to determine ages and estimate growth rates of larval and early-juvenile black skipjack, Euthynnus lineatus. Larvae and juveniles were collected between 1987 and 1989 from coastal waters of Panama in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Results from a laboratory experiment indicated that immersion for 6 and 12 hours in a 200 mg/L solution of tetracycline hydrochloride adequately marks otoliths and that increments are formed daily in the sagittae of postflexion larvae and early juveniles. Further, survival rates of tetracycline-treated fish were not significantly different from those of control fish. Growth rates were derived from length-age relationships of 218 field-collected specimens ranging in size from 5.7 to 20.3 mm SL. A growth rate of 0.70 mm/d was estimated from the weighted regression of standard length on age for all specimens. This rate lies within the range reported for larvae and early juveniles of other species of subtropical and tropical scombrids. Growth rates of postflexion larvae and early juveniles were not significantly different between the rainy season in July-August 1988 and the dry, upwelling season in January-February 1989. Growth was, however, significantly more variable for older individuals in July-August than in January-February, and may correspond, in part, to seasonal patchiness of prey. The growth rates of the otoliths relative to fish length were also not significantly different between seasons; however, the otoliths were larger relative to the lengths of fish collected in the rainy season, which may reflect slower growth during earlier larval stages. SPANISH: Se examinaron incrementos en otolitos (ságitas), usando microscopia de luz y de barrido electrónico, a fin de determinar la edad y estimar las tasas de crecimiento de barriletes negros, Euthynnus lineatus, larvales y juveniles tempranos. Entre 1987 y 1989 se capturaron larvas y juveniles en las aguas costeras de Panamá en el Océano Pacífico oriental. Los resultados de un experimento de laboratorio indicaron que una inmersión de 6 a 12 horas de duración en una solución de 200 mg/L de hidrocloro de tetraciclina marca los otolitos adecuadamente y que los incrementos se forman a diario en las ságitas de larvas en postflexión y juveniles tempranos. Además, las tasas de supervivencia de los peces tratados con tetraciclina no fueron significativamente diferentes a aquellas de los peces de control. Se calcularon las tasas de crecimiento a partir de las relaciones de talla-edad de 218 especímenes de TE entre 5.7 y 20.3 mm capturados en el mar. Se estimó.una tasa de crecimiento de 0.70 mm/día a partir de la regresión ponderada de talla estándar sobre edad para todos los especímenes. Esta tasa cae dentro del rango reportado para larvas y juveniles tempranos de otras especies de escómbridos subtropicales y tropicales. Las tasas de crecimiento de larvas en postflexión y juveniles tempranos no fueron significativamente diferentes entre la temporada de lluvias en julio-agosto de 1988 y la temporada de sequía y afloramiento en enero-febrero de 1989. Sin emoargo, el crecimiento fue significativamente más variable para los individuos de mayor edad en julio-agosto que en enero-febrero, y quizás corresponda parcialmente a la irregularidad temporal de la abundancia de presas. Las tasas de crecimiento de los otolitos en relación a la talla de los peces tampoco fueron significativamente diferentes entre temporadas; sin embargo, los otolitos eran más grandes en relación a la talla en peces capturados en la temporada de lluvias, lo cual podría reflejar crecimiento más lento durante las etapas larvales más tempranas. (PDF contains 42 pages.)


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The Goggausee, in spite of its modest depth (Zmax = 12 metres), shows meromictic properties: autumn and spring circulation extend only to a depth of 8 metres. The water layers below about 10 metres are constantly oxygen-free, the critical zone with at least intermittent oxygen loss lies at a depth of between 6 and 10 metres. A limnological excursion in May 1974 offered an opportunity to investigate the daily vertical migration of the species Chaoborus flavicans with reference to its food supply of zooplankton as well as the chance to carry out some preliminary experiments on its rate of food intake. Among the studied features were the planktonic depth distribution of Chaoborus flavicans and the food intake of Chaoborus larvae under experimental conditions.


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Three different methods for determining bacterial growth rate in rivers are described. Two of the methods are for bacteria in suspension: a recirculating experimental channel method and a radioactive tracer technique using super(35)SO sub(4). The third method is for bacteria attached to surfaces and specifically considers the surface of the common duckweed Lemna minor).


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Minimizing bycatch of seabirds is a major goal of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. In Alaska waters, the bycatch (i.e., inadvertent catches) of seabirds has been an incidental result of demersal groundfish longline fishery operations. Notably, the endangered short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) has been taken in this groundfish fishery. Bycatch rates of seabirds from individual vessels may be of particular interest because vessels with high bycatch rates may not be functioning effectively with seabird avoidance gears, and there may be a need for suggestions on how to use these avoidance gears more effectively. Therefore, bycatch estimates are usually made on an individual vessel basis and then summed to obtain the total estimate for the entire fleet.


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Oceanic incidence and spawning frequency of Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxatilis) were estimated by using microchemical analysis of strontium in otoliths. Otoliths from 40 males and 82 females sampled from Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay were analyzed for seasonal and age-specific patterns in strontium and calcium levels. The proportion of oceanic females increased from 50% to 75% between ages seven to 13; the proportion of oceanic males increased from 20% to ~50% between ages four to 13. Contrary to an earliermodel of Chesapeake Bay striped bass migration, results indicated that a substantial number of males undertook oceanic migrations. Further, we observed no mass emigration of females from three to four years of age from the Chesapeake Bay. Seasonal patterns of estuarine habitat use were consistent with annual spawning runs by striped bass of mature age classes, but with noteworthy exceptions for newly mature females. Evidence of an early oceanic presence indicated that Chesapeake Bay yearlings move into coastal regions—a pattern observed also for Hudson River striped bass. Otolith microchemical analyses revealed two types of behaviors (estuarine and oceanic) that confirm migratory behaviors recently determined for other populations of striped bass and diadromous species (e.g., American eels [Anguilla rostrata] American shad [Alosa sapidissima] and white perch [Morone Americana]).


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Standard and routine metabolic rates (SMRs and RMRs, respectively) of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) were measured over a range of body sizes (n=34) and temperatures normally associated with western Atlantic coastal nursery areas. The mean SMR Q10 (increase in metabolic rate with temperature) was 2.9 ±0.2. Heart rate decreased with increasing body mass but increased with temperature at a Q10 of 1.8−2.2. Self-paired measures of SMR and RMR were obtained for 15 individuals. Routine metabolic rate averaged 1.8 ±0.1 times the SMR and was not correlated with body mass. Assuming the maximum metabolic rate of sandbar sharks is 1.8−2.75 times the SMR (as is observed in other elasmobranch species), sandbar sharks are using between 34% and 100% of their metabolic scope just to sustain their routine continuous activity. This limitation may help to explain their slow individual and population growth rates, as well as the slow recoveries from overfishing of many shark stocks worl


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Using a bioenergetics model, we estimated daily ration and seasonal prey consumption rates for six age classes of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in the lower Chesapeake Bay summer nursery area. The model, incorporating habitat and species-specific data on growth rates, metabolic rate, diet composition, water temperature (range 16.8−27.9°C), and population structure, predicted mean daily rations between 2.17 ±0.03 (age-0) and 1.30 ±0.02 (age-5) % body mass/day. These daily rations are higher than earlier predictions for sandbar sharks but are comparable to those for ecologically similar shark species. The total nursery population of sandbar sharks was predicted to consume ~124,000 kg of prey during their 4.5 month stay in the Chesapeake Bay nursery. The predicted consumption rates support the conclusion that juvenile sandbar sharks exert a lesser top-down effect on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem than do teleost piscivores and hu


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The hatching rates of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) eggs on four natural substrates: the roots of Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes), water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), pond weed (Ceratophyllum dermasum) and green grass leaves (Commelina sp.), and four artificial substrates: sisal mats, nylon mats, papyrus mats and kakaban mats, was assessed. Concrete slabs were used as control. The natural substrates performed better than the artificial ones. Pistia roots gave the best mean hatching rate of 66.2 ± 3.62%. Green grass leaves were second with a mean rate of 54.0 ± 3.46%, water hyacinth was third with 49.7 ± 3.16% and Ceratophyllum fourth with a mean of 13.0 ± 2.37%. Concrete slabs gave a mean rate of 18.6 ± 2.8%, sisal mats 18.6 ± 2.0%, papyrus 12.2 ± 1.2% and kakaban 11.8 ± 1.9%. Nylon mats were the last, with a mean rate of 4.0 ± 0.7%. The best performing natural substrates were those with the ability to float and thin fibrous roots that seemed to allow higher aeration of the eggs during incubation. The cost of using natural substrates was minimal.