67 resultados para Molly J. Dahm


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After due consideration the EU Commission has decided in December 2005 to admit cod-ends made of netting turned 90 de-grees (T90) as an allowable alternative for the cod fishery of the Baltic. The construction was included as one of two admissibles versions into the newly issued EU regulation 2187/2005 on technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources of the Baltic. This contribution describes some of the investigations preceeding that decision with which some of the previous demurs could be dispelled. In the course of these experiments it was detected that the cod-end netting material plays an important role for the mesh selection of a T90 cod-end, whereas the netting twine diameter is negligible. Problems with modern twine mate-rial have to be taken in consideration for constructional changes of T90 cod-ends. A relation of 1 to 2 in the circumferences in meshes at the joining round between last row of the belly and extension/cod-end turned out to be acceptable. Both the hauling technique (sidetrawler or sterntrawler) and an extensive use in the commercial fishery proved to be of no relevance for to the selection of T90 cod-ends. Taken alone, the different hydrodynamic conditions in a cod-end are insufficient to fully explain the selection phenomena. This was demonstrates by the material-related differences in selectivity of T90 cod-ends.


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In 2004, comparative selectivity investigations were made with the now legal BACOMA codend of 110 mm mesh opening and alternative codends made of netting turned 90° of similar mesh openings on both commercial boats and on research vessels. The results show a certain variability of the BACOMA results – depending on ship type and season (L50 varying between 36,8 and 40,6) – and a general equal efficiency of codends made of netting turned 90° of the same mesh opening. Underwater observations and reduced performance of codends of equal circumference in meshes as the joining round at the end of the tapered part of the trawl indicate the need to reduce the relation of the cir-cumferences of codend and extension to 1 to 0.7 to achieve optimum fit and selectivity.


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Since some time fishing gear scientists express their concern over an observed tendency of the commercial fishery to proceed from codend netting yarns of 3 to 4 mm to higher values or to switch to the use of double instead of single yarn. A recent large EU-financed project collected statistical evidence on the detrimental effect of such behaviour on the selectivity of the codends. In this context data on cod are very scarce. German-Polish experiments in the Baltic from 1999 to 2001 aimed at filling this gap. The investigations prove a clear evidence of a negativ ecorrelation between netting yarn diameter and selectivity factor and/or L50. In addition they demonstrate a clear negative effect on selectivity when switching from single to double yarn The effects are of an order of magnitude that counteracting effects as catch size are masked and support the decision of the IBSFC to define maximum yarn diameters both for single and double yarn netting. A measuring instrument for the enforcement of these new regulations was introduced right in time.


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To improve the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea, a number of regulations have recently been established by the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC) and the European Commission. According to these, fishermen are obliged to use nets with escape windows (BACOMA nets) with a mesh size of the escape window of 120 mm until end of September 2003. These nets however, retain only fish much larger than the legal minimum landing size would al-low. Due to the present stock structure only few of such large fish are however existent. As a consequence fishermen use a legal alternative net. This is a conventional trawl with a cod-end of 130 mm diamond-shaped meshes (IBSFC-rules of 1st April 2002), to be increased to 140 mm on 1st September 2003, according to the mentioned IBSFC-rule. Due legal alterations of the net by the fishermen (e.g. use of extra stiff net material) these nets have acquired extremely low selective properties, i. e. they catch very small fish and produce great amounts of discards. Due to the increase of the minimum landing size from 35 to 38 cm for cod in the Baltic, the amount of discards has even increased since the beginning of 2003. Experiments have now been carried out with the BACOMAnet on German and Swedish commercial and research vessels since arguments were brought forward that the BACOMA net was not yet sufficiently tested on commercial vessels. The results of all experiments conducted so far, are compiled and evaluated here. As a result of the Swedish, Danish and German initiative and research the European Commission reacted upon this in June 2003 and rejected the increase of the diamond-meshed non-BACOMA net from 130 mm to 140mm in September 2003. To protect the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea more effectively the use of traditional diamond meshed cod-ends with-out escape window are prohibited in community waters without derogation, becoming effective 1st of September 2003. To enable more effective and simplified control of the bottom trawl fishery in the Baltic Sea the principle of a ”One-Net-Rule“ is enforced. This is going to be the BACOMA net, with the meshes of the escape window being 110 mm for the time being. The description of the BACOMA net as given in the IBSFC-rules no.10 (revision of the 28th session, Berlin 2002) concentrates on the cod-end and the escape window but only to a less extent on the design and mesh-composition of the remaining parts of the net, such as belly and funnel and many details. Thus, the present description is not complete and leaves, according to fishermen, ample opportunity for manipulation. An initiative has been started in Germany with joint effort from scientists and the fishery to better describe the entire net and to produce a proposal for a more comprehensive description, leaving less space for manipulation. A proposal in this direction is given here and shall be seen as a starting point for a discussion and development towards an internationally uniform net, which is agreed amongst the fishery, scientists and politicians. The Baltic Sea fishery is invited to comment on this proposal, and recommendations for further improvement and specifications are welcomed. Once the design is agreed by the Baltic Fishermen Association, it shall be proposed to the IBSFC and European Commission via the Baltic Fishermen Association.


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At present both the wedge gauge and the ICES mesh gauge are used to examine the mesh opening of trawl cod-ends. A thorough investigation of both instruments by an EU project (MESH) has revealed a number of deficiencies. This has lead to the conclusions to not further recommend the use of both devices but to go for the development of a complete new measurement tool. This is presently progressing in a further EU project named OMEGA. Prototypes of the new device have been produced and a number of introductory tests have already been made. This contribution reports on further laboratory tests carried out at the Institute for Fishing technology and Fish Quality with special emphasis on netting yarn diameters below 4 mm. The results demonstrate further yarn size depending inaccuracies of the wedge gauge and support the rapid introduction of the newly developed measurement instrument.


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At present the fishery for the brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) is one of the most economically rewarding fisheries in Europe. Due to the small size of the target objects this fishery has to be carried out with rather small meshes. As it is, however, performed on the nursing grounds of important fish species it encounters a severe bycatch problem. On this basis, EU Council regulation 850/98 demands the use of either sieve nets or sorting grids from 1 July, and to pass pertaining national bye-laws. Germany discusses to use either sieve nets of 70 mm mesh opening or sorting grids of 20 mm bar distance, and tries to achieve a harmonization of the byelaw with neighbouring countries of The Netherlands and Denmark to ensure equal conditions on the same fishing grounds.


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Since the beginning of the nineties the situation of the Baltic cod stock is deteriorating constantly. The fishery administration (International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission) tries to counter this by issuing new technical measures. Existing measures (raise of mesh opening from 105 to 120 mm, “Danish” and “Swedish” escape windows) and newly introduced technical measures (BACOMA codend and raise of the mesh opening in conventional codends to 130 mm) show a number of deficiencies putting their efficiency in doubt. Available well tested alternatives to the newly introduced measures without their negative side effects (codends made of netting turned by 90°, and other designs) are presently left out of regard. Models of socioeconomic effects are likewise ignored.


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The introduction of a long-term management plan for the cod socks by the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC) to ensure stable and high yields and to conserve the fish stocks of the Baltic demands certain conservation measures. One is the use of the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) based on precautionary approches. In addition the exploitation pattern and the selectivy of trawls shall be improved to increase the spawning stock biomass and to reduce the presently high discard rates. The contributation demonstrates by means of model calculations for the cod stock of the ICES Sub-divisions 22 to 24 ( Western Baltic ) the short- and long-term effects of an improvement of the trawl selectivity on stock size, yields and profit.


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In account of the decision of the IBSFC (International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission) to admit alternative codend constructions to the presently legal of diamond meshes with 120 mm mesh opening, since seven years a vivid research activity is encouraged at the fishing technology institutions around the Baltic. Though a center of gravity in this field of research lies in the EUproject BACOMA (participants Finland Sweden, Denmark) also the corresponding national institutes of other Baltic countries (Germany, Poland, Russia) have been active with similar investigations. German experiments in 1999 dealt with the effect of the use of netting made of double instead of single yarn on the selectivity. Further research was done on modifications of codends made from netting turned 90° from its original orientation and on simplified versions of the so-called Multipanel codend which consists of three equal diamond and three square mesh panels. The experiments demonstrated on the one hand a definite deterioration of the selective properties in a codend made from double instead of single yarn. Constructional changes in codends made from netting turned 90° on the other hand brought a further improvement of the selectivity of such codends. Finally, the investigations on the Multipanel codend revealed the overwhelming influence of the square mesh panels on the selectivity success. If in a conventional diamond codend three windows are cut out starting 50 cm from the real end of the codend in such a way that the remaining parts have the same breadth as the square mesh panels to insert, the selective effect of such a codend is remarkably improved. According to further preliminary tests this seems to be nearly independent from the type of material used.


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Trotz der 1993 getroffenen Entscheidung der Internationalen Ostseefischereikommission, die Steertmaschenmindestöffnung von 105 auf 120 mm zu erhöhen, hat sich die allgemeine Situation der Dorschbestände in der zentralen Ostsee (Ernst 1998) bisher nicht verbessert. Man muß daher fragen, warum bisher keine wirksamen technischen Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Jungfische eingeführt und durchgesetzt worden sind. Die Entscheidung zur Einführung einer erhöhten Steertmaschenöffnung wurde 1993 bereits durch Einsprüche der Praxis relativiert. Es wurde von der Fischereipraxis verlangt, alternative Steertkonstruktionen zuzulassen, die es gestatten würden, die mit einem Steertwechsel verbundene Kosten zu minimieren. Dem war mit der Maßgabe zugestimmt worden, daß für solche alternativen Steerte der Nachweis geführt wird, daß mindestens 50 % der Dorsche von 38 cm Länge noch entkommen können. Zwei neuartige Steertformen, die sogenannte "schwedische" und die "dänische" (Dahm und Thiele 1996), wurden dann - allerdings ohne solchen gesicherten Nachweis - in das Regelwerk der Ostseefischereikommission aufgenommen und als zulässig erklärt.


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Die Hoffnung, daß sich Fischbestände mit Hilfe von technischen Maßnahmen, wie der Festsetzung einer Mindeststeertmaschenöffnung, in Größe und Zusammensetzung regulieren lassen, ist in Kreisen der ischereiadministration und -wissenschaft weit verbreitet. Irritierend wirkt aber die Tatsache, daß von zwei oder mehr unabhängigen Untersuchern selten oder nie identische Ausleseeigenschaften bei der gleichen Maschenöffnung festgestellt werden. Bereits bei der Untersuchung eines einzigen Steerts, hinter dem gleichen Schleppnetz an einem Fangplatz eingesetzt, ergeben sich für die einzelnen Hols erhebliche Unterschiede, die nur durch die mehrfache Wiederholung des gleichen Experiments einigermaßen auszugleichen sind. Das bedingt einen erheblichen Aufwand für Selektionsuntersuchungen, bzw. bedingt die Varianz ihrer Ergebnisse. Während einer Forschungsschiffsreise können selten mehr als zwei oder drei verschiedene Konfigurationen geprüft werden. Für die eigentlich notwendige Wiederholung zu anderer Zeit und an anderem Ort fehlen in der Regel die Mittel.


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Die gegenwärtige Situation der westlichen und östlichen Dorschbestände in der Ostsee wird von den Experten des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung, verglichen mit den 80er Jahren, als ungünstig beurteilt. Noch 1994 wurde daher kein Anlaß gesehen, trotz massiver Proteste der Praxis, die Empfehlung für eine moderate Befischung aufzuheben (Anon. 1994).


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A widespread belief among fishermen that sidetrawlers show a better selectivity than sterntrawlers was investigated in a comparative fishing exercise in the Baltic. In contrary to earlier observations during this experiment in May no essential differences with regard to the selectivity of the trawls used could be found for both types of fishing vessels. Possible explanations for the result are discussed.