5 resultados para Littoral


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The Nha Trang Bay (latitude 12°15'N) and central areas of Vietnam present strong ecological differences from other parts of the country.


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On the area in relation with the very wave battered made, the associations to be noted are: 1) association with Bangia sp., which is seasonal and located at the level of Brachytrichia maculans. 2) Association with Chthamalus stellatus, which is very well developed over under the oysters’ level. 3) Association with Dermonema frappieri, which form a narrow band over the Chnoospora minima band. At the same level are located the associations with Ectocarpus braeviarticulatus, with Centroceras clavulatum, with Gymnogongrus Sereneii and with Chaetomorpha antennina. The infralittoral level does not present any conspicuous different.


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In the "Flore Générale de l'Indochine" three species of phanerogams have been described: Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f., Diplanthera uninervis (Forsk.) Aschers. and Ruppia rostella Koch in Rchb. In 1954, Dawson added to this list Halophila Beccari Aschers. and Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers. Even Mr. Feldmann found in the herbarium of the Oceanographic Institute of Nha-Trang, the Cymodocea rotundata (Ehrenb. & Hernpr.) Asch. & Schweinf., that the authors found in Cua-Be (Nha trang), Qui-Nhon and Da-Nang (Tourane).


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In this part 1, after a brief description of the habitat, the author describes in details (in descending order) the supralittoral, littoral and infralittoral zones. The author describes many permanent groups of Cyanophyceae in the higher horizon of intertidal zone, the cosmopolitan group of Navicula Grevillei, Hildenbrandtia prototypus, the pantropical group of Calothrix pilosa, Chaetomorpha antennina, indopacific group of Dermonema Frappieri, Sargassum, Padina, Thatassia Hemprichii, Halophila. The group of cold or temperate habitat with Bangiophycideae are present in winter. Some are described, formed by the oysters, Vermetus or Cirripeds, or by the algae (Calothrix, Brachytrichia, Gelidium, Dermonema, Chaetomorpha).


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So far, the assessment of Vietnamese coastal bios has not been thoroughly researched yet. Only two short notes of P. H. Fischer in 1952 on the coast of Indochina and Cap Saint-Jacques (Vungtau) can be cited. This paper gives a summary of work carried out since 1956. The study was conducted using measurements and sketches made on site and after photos.