50 resultados para Krishna gatha.


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Editorial An increasingly secure future for wastewater-fed aquaculture in Kolkata, India? by Peter Edwards. First culture-based fisheries growth cycle in Lao PDR is overwhelmingly encouraging, by Sena De Silva. Revival of abandoned shrimp farms in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, by National Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture (NaCSA). Growth of forward and backward industries linked with aquaculture in Kolleru Lake area, Andhra Pradesh, India, by A. K. Roy, G. S. Saha, P. Kumaraiah and N. Sarangi Effective marketing strategies for economic viability of prawn farming in Kuttanad, India, by Ranjeet K. and B. Madhusoodana Kurup. Applications of nutritional biotechnology in aquaculture, by S.D. Singh, S.K. Nayak, M. Sekar and B.K. Behera. Some technical and management aspects of catfish hatcheries in Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province, Vietnam, by H. P. Hung, N. T. T. An, N. V. Trieu, D. T. Yen, U. Na-Nakorn, Thuy T. T. Nguyen. Nodavirus: An emerging threat to freshwater prawn farming, by Biju Sam Kamalam, J., Saravanan, S. and Ajith Stalin, J.L. Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Magazine: Asian seabass farming: Brainstorming workshop and training in India. Comparative study for broodstock management of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in cages and earthen ponds with hormone treatment, by Nani Gopal Das, Md. Shahadat Hossain, Sushanta Bhattacharjee and Prabal Barua. Cultivation of gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) in low saline inland water of the southern part of Israel desert, by Samuel Appelbaum and A. Jesu Arockia Raj. Mariculture development opportunities in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia, by La Ode M. Aslan, Hotman Hutauruk, Armen Zulham,Irwan Effendy, Mhummaed Atid, Michael Phillips, Lars Olsen, Brendan Larkin, Sena S De Silva, Geoff Gooley. Improved hatchery and grow-out technology for marine finfish. NACA Newsletter


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Growth is one of the most important characteristics of cultured species. The objective of this study was to determine the fitness of linear, log linear, polynomial, exponential and Logistic functions to the growth curves of Macrobrachium rosenbergii obtained by using weekly records of live weight, total length, head length, claw length, and last segment length from 20 to 192 days of age. The models were evaluated according to the coefficient of determination (R2), and error sum off square (ESS) and helps in formulating breeders in selective breeding programs. Twenty full-sib families consisting 400 PLs each were stocked in 20 different hapas and reared till 8 weeks after which a total of 1200 animals were transferred to earthen ponds and reared up to 192 days. The R2 values of the models ranged from 56 – 96 in case of overall body weight with logistic model being the highest. The R2 value for total length ranged from 62 to 90 with logistic model being the highest. In case of head length, the R2 value ranged between 55 and 95 with logistic model being the highest. The R2 value for claw length ranged from 44 to 94 with logistic model being the highest. For last segment length, R2 value ranged from 55 – 80 with polynomial model being the highest. However, the log linear model registered low ESS value followed by linear model for overall body weight while exponential model showed low ESS value followed by log linear model in case of head length. For total length the low ESS value was given by log linear model followed by logistic model and for claw length exponential model showed low ESS value followed by log linear model. In case of last segment length, linear model showed lowest ESS value followed by log linear model. Since, the model that shows highest R2 value with low ESS value is generally considered as the best fit model. Among the five models tested, logistic model, log linear model and linear models were found to be the best models for overall body weight, total length and head length respectively. For claw length and last segment length, log linear model was found to be the best model. These models can be used to predict growth rates in M. rosenbergii. However, further studies need to be conducted with more growth traits taken into consideration


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Collection of mahseer (Tor tor) fry during December to January from three centres of the river Narmada near Hoshangabad, (Joshipur ghat, Dungerwada ghat and Kherra ghat) using a special type of fry collection net is described. The physical features and physico-chemical conditions of the collection sites are also dealt with.


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Chromosomal studies were conducted on Macrobrachium rosenbergii. On the basis of 50 metaphase plate counts, 38 metacentric, 14 sub metacentric and 66 telocentric chromosomes (2n = 118) were observed. The total length of the granomme was recorded to be 34.2 micron.


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Experiments were conducted to study the significance of difference between samples taken from the surface and interior of a frozen shrimps block, as well as to determine the size of sample necessary to represent the whole block, with respect to bacterial count determination. The results showed that the surface samples and interior samples did not differ significantly at 5% level of significance and that the minimum quantity representative of the block was 21-26 gms in the case of a block weighing about 1300 gms. The procedure adopted for taking the bacterial count was the normal standard plate count method.


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The production of colour by homogenised fish material in a simplified sugar medium containing and acid indicator has been made use of for the rapid approximation of bacterial load in such products. The medium thus developed contains poptone, tryptone, yeast extract, sodium chloride and beef extract besides dextrose. The time of colour production is influenced to some extent by the level of sodium chloride in the medium and is almost always inversely proportional to the bacterial load in the homogenate.


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The paper contains a brief review of the studies on the life histories of Indian species of prawns chiefly belonging to the family Penaeidae. References to similar work carried out outside India are furnished where significant variations have been observed. The three main larval stages viz., Nauplius, Protozoea and Zoea (Mysis) and their important characteristics, including modes of locomotion, are described. The post-larval development of one species that has been studied in detail (Metapenaeus dobsoni) is indicated in outline. Some aspects of the bionomics of these prawns, especially breeding and migration, are also briefly dealt with in view of their relevance in their life cycle. An outline of the life histories of some Palaemonid prawns of both fresh water and marine habitats is added at the end and the need for well- planned investigations in regard to species of such economic value as Palaemon carcinus (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is indicated.


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The paper presents the results of a bacteriological survey carried out on 2,917 samples of frozen prawn, 55 samples of raw material, 35 samples of water, 4 samples of ice and 42 samples of various equipment used for processing. The survey covered a period of three years (1960-63) and comprised of samples collected from five of the leading processing factories in Cochin. Frozen products tested consisted of headless (marine and fresh water), peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Statistical analysis of the data shows that there is no significant variation between samples and between factories with respect to product quality. The standard plate count varied between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(6 superscript) per gram for headless and between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(7 superscript) for peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Majority of the samples had bacterial load well within the limits prescribed for such products.


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Studies on small trawls seem to be comparatively less. These trawls are generally operated in shallower waters, where due to the limitations in the length of warp that could be released, size restrictions have to be considered for their efficient functioning. An attempt has been made to assess the effective scope-ratio of length of warp required for the operation of trawls at shallower depth and to a judge the size of trawl suitable for use at lower depths.


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Rectangular, horizontal curved and oval otter boards were tested under identical fishing conditions and their relative efficiency ascertained on the basis of towing tension and the horizontal opening of the boards. While the tension in the warps with the different otter boards was not significant, the horizontal curved board gave increased lateral spread to the net.


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A study on the occurrence of defective pieces of prawns at three different stages of processing of headless shell on and peeled and deveined varieties was undertaken, each in one freezing factory. The average percentages of the defective prawns together with the standard deviation observed over a period of one year at the three stages are mentioned. Correlation is indicated between the occurrence of the defective pieces at the pre-freezing stage and those of earlier stages.


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This study was undertaken with a view to finding out the comparative fishing ability and economic performance of different fishing vessel sizes 9.15m (30'), 9.76m (32') and 10.97m (36') designed by the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology and operating along the Kerala coast. Data were collected from selected vessels of these sizes for four consecutive fishing seasons from 1964-65 to 1967-68. The catch/unit effort and total effort per year for the 10.97m (36') vessels were much better than those for the 9.76m (32') vessels. The yearly landings and the crew remuneration for the former were about twice those of the 9.76m (32') vessels. The economic efficiency of the 10.97m (36') vessels was also much better. The decline in landings per year in both size groups was more due to the reduction in the effort per year than the decline in catch/unit effort.


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With a view to constituting a taste panel in the laboratory for detecting the flavor changes in canned and frozen prawn, three methods of panel selection (scalar scoring method, range and deviation method and triangular method) were tried. Out of the three, triangular method was found to be suitable for panel formation in canned and frozen prawn. Using this method a panel of six members was formed for detecting flavor changes in the two products.


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From the results of fishing operations during 3 years (from August 1963 to July 1966) attempts were made to study the extent of availability of prawns for bottom trawls. It was found that prawns formed 22.5% of the total catch on an average of the catch rate of 12.3 kg per trawling hour. The prawns were found to be abundant during two periods from November to February and again from April to July. The depth range of 11-15 m yielded better catch rate with best frequency of the optimum catch per hour.


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The importance of small trawlers for the economic exploitation of the inshore demersal fisheries is well recognized and accordingly mechanized boats of sizes 30' and 32' fitted with engines of h.p. ranging from 30 to 45 came into existence particularly at Kakinada. The need to work out the most suitable trawling gear for these classes of boats becomes imperative and as an appurtenance to this, comparative fishing experiments were attempted with different trawls. In the present communication certain observations made on the relative catch efficiency of two different trawl nets used in combination with two different shaped otter boards are given.