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The author summarises observations on the behaviour of Polyphemus pediculus and functions of its extremities in the process of feeding. The crustacean Polyphemus pediculus seizes its prey, kills it and pulverises its food with the help of its extremities. Therefore for a study of its feeding method was necessary not only to have been acquainted in detail with the structure of its extremities, but also to have observed their interaction for the accomplishment of the stated functions.


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This abstract summarises the 1953-1955 surveys of the distribution of benthos in the Rybinsk Reservoirs. It includes the mean biomass of benthos.


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Viruses, which are characterised by a relative simplicity of chemical composition, are involved with all the groups of the animal and plant world. The discovery of viruses of lower organisms has special interest. Along with the already known viruses lysing bacteria and actinomycetes, viruses have been discovered in recent years which lyse algae. During investigations of water from water-bloom patches and of mud taken from zones of massive accumulation of blue-green algae in the Dneprovsk reservoirs, the authors obtained viruses lysing algae. The revealing of viruses producing lysis of blue-green algae, which one could use in the control of water-blooms, has the greatest interest. With this aim, samples of water were collected from various zones of water-bloom patches in the Kremenchug, Dneprovsk and Kukhov reservoirs. For viruses lysing algae we propose the name 'algophages'. Along with the existence of viruses of algae of the phage type, one cannot deny the possibility of the existence of viruses of another type, multiplying in the cells of algae and causing their virus illnesses.


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Experimental research was conducted to study the development of eggs of Eudiaptomus gracilis Sars. The egg production was studied as well as the population dynamics. Factors like losses in the lake and through the effluent Rhine at Konstanz were considered.


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The caddisfly (Trichoptera) Sericostoma siculum was found in the Marche region in Italy. The article summarises biology and ecology of the caddisfly, focusing on the larvae stage.


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For many years a dye has been used in the practise of pisciculture and pond management, which is known by the name of malachite green, and is used to combat fungus on fish, fish eggs and external animal parasites on fish. The authors describe the problem of the application of malachite green in pisciculture and undertake special, complementary research.


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The vertical zoning of the planktonic Crustacea in a lake is the expression of a complex set of different factors. Besides the measurable, external influences such as light, temperature, acid and C02 stratification, a particularly large part is played by internal factors, which co-ordinate a specific reaction in each species depending on state of development, age and sex. Supporting this extensive, predictable, annual course of diurnal depths and the daily vertical migrations, whose extent is again dependent on external conditions, primarily of course on the amount of light. The individual factors mentioned, however, are here also of great significance. Within the scope of a long-term study of the planktonic Copepoda of Lake Constance, some day and night series were in 1963 also carried out in the Obersee, in order to obtain at least volumetric data on the extent of the daily migrations of these creatures.


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Histochemical experiments are conducted in order to study the interrenal cells of European brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri).


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In recent years interest in the production and description of kinin-type substances has been greatly intensified. So, for example, bradykinin, phyllokinin, physalaemin, ranatensin and caerulein could be extracted from the skin of amphibians as well as. eledoisin out of the salivary glands of Eledon moschata. An examination of lampreys seemed to us particularly profitable in the search for the incidence of further kinins. Ammocoetes of different sizes and also adults of both sexes of the species Eudontomyzon danfordi vladykovi were studied in this research. This species is found in many tributaries of the Danube. Skin extracts were tested on on isolated rat uterus, rat duodenum, guinea pig ileum and rabbit jejunum, further tests were done in order to determine a peptide character of the biologically active substance.


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In a survey of histological preparations of several hundreds of Moina macrocopa Straus , one specimen was discovered, in the left ovary of which was found a parthenogenetic embryo. The short article includes an illustration of a transverse section of parthenogenetic female of Moina macrocopa.


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In the extremely severe winter of 1946-47 the surface of the Pfaffikersee (near Zurich) lay under an unbroken seal of ice for a full three months. The number of wild ducks resting in this location was estimated to be about 400. Six samples of excrements of ducks were microscopically analysed and fragments of algae were identified. These analyses allow the expert to specify with definite certainty the feeding areas under investigation of the studied birds.


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In species of Cladocera not forming ephippia, the latent eggs have a sheath formed by glands of the reproductive canals. Representatives of the families Daphniidae and Moinidae Goulden, 1968, in connection with the formation of their complex-structured ephippia, lost these glands. It was investigated whether there are such glands in species the latent eggs of which are enclosed in primitive ephippia. For this, with the help of histological methods, 55 females of Acroperus elongatus (Sars) (Chydoridea) and 88 females of Lathonura rectirostris (O. F. Muller), (Macrothricidae) were collected near Leningrad, were studied.


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Systematic investigations of the distribution of pollen in stationary water bodies until now have hardly been conducted. For clarification of the problem of how the pollen of different plants which falls into a lake is deposited in relation to its physical properties, the character of the lake, wind currents and other factors, pollen analyses were carried out of surface samples of the bottom sediments of 13 Lithuanian lakes. Lakes were selected of different sizes (areas from 2333 ha. to 8 ha.) and different depths, not uniformly overgrown, situated in different physico-geographic regions of Lithuania. As a result of the investigation, it was established that in the surface layer of the sediments of the lakes of Lithuania pollen of woody species predominates.


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The Nostoc 'Fa Tsai' is sometimes seen in Chinese cooking materials stores. It is investigated what 'Fa Tsai' consists of and where it originates.


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In the waterbodies of central Russia, the Urals and western Siberia four species of Crustacea, related to the genus Mesocyclops, are widely distributed: M. (s.str.) leuckarti (Claus), M. (Thermocyclops) oithonoides Sars, [M.](Th.) crassus (Fisch.) and M. (Th.) dybowskii (Lande). Numbers and biomass of Mesocyclops oithonoides in the pelagic water of various water-bodies of the Urals are presented and observations on the above mentioned species are discussed.