95 resultados para Inter-Firm Integration


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The 2006 inter-sessional Science Board and Governing Council meeting: A note from the Chairman (pdf, 0.1 Mb) Future Integrative Science Program – Progress report (pdf, 0.2 Mb) Big-picture synthesis requires understanding the small and "in-between" stuff - A summary of the CCCC Synthesis Symposium (pdf, 0.4 Mb) PICES Calendar (pdf, 0.4 Mb) Integration of ecological indicators for the North Pacific with emphasis on the Bering Sea (pdf, 0.2 Mb) Time series of the Northeast Pacific: A symposium to mark the 50th anniversary of Line-P (pdf, 0.1 Mb) PICES hosts an ESSAS workshop in St. Petersberg, Russia (pdf, 0.2 Mb) Professor Mikhail N. Koshlyakov (pdf, 0.5 Mb) The state of the western North Pacific in the second half of 2005 (pdf, 0.8 Mb) Recent trends in waters of the subarctic NE Pacific (pdf, 0.2 Mb) Unusual invertebrates and fish observed in the Gulf of Alaska, 2004-2005 (pdf, 0.1 Mb) The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events (pdf, 0.2 Mb) The Year of the Euphausiid (pdf, 0.01 Mb) Michio J. Kishi awarded 2005 Uda Prize by the Japan Society of Fisheries Oceanography (pdf, 0.03 Mb)


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Report of Opening Session (pdf 0.07 Mb) Report of Governing Council (pdf 0.2 Mb) Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 0.08 Mb) Reports of Science Board and Committees Science Board inter-sessional meeting (pdf 0.05 Mb) Science Board (pdf 0.1 Mb) Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 0.1 Mb) Fishery Science Committee (pdf 0.04 Mb) Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 0.04 Mb) Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 0.04 Mb) Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 0.04 Mb) Reports of Sections, Working and Study Groups Harmful Algal Blooms Section (pdf 0.03 Mb) Working Group 17 on Biogeochemical data integration and synthesis (pdf 0.03 Mb) Working Group 18 on Mariculture in the 21st century - The intersection between ecology, socio-economics and production (pdf 0.06 Mb) Study Group on Ecosystem-based management science and its application to the North Pacific (pdf 0.04 Mb) Reports of the Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 0.04 Mb) BASS Task Team (pdf 0.04 Mb) CFAME Task Team (pdf 0.04 Mb) MODEL Task Team (pdf 0.04 Mb) MONITOR Task Team (pdf 0.03 Mb) REX Task Team (pdf 0.04 Mb) Reports of Advisory Panels Advisory Panel on Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North Pacific (pdf 0.4 Mb) Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean (pdf 0.03 Mb) Advisory Panel on Marine Birds and Mammals (pdf 0.04 Mb) Advisory Panel on Micronekton Sampling Inter-Calibration experiment (pdf 0.04 Mb) Summary of Scientific Sessions and Workshops (pdf 0.2 Mb) Membership List (pdf 0.07 Mb) List of Participants (pdf 0.09 Mb) List of Acronyms (pdf 0.03 Mb)


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Executive Summary [pdf, 0.01 MB] Introduction [pdf, 0.01 MB] Synthesis of the WOCE/JGOFS global CO2 survey data in the North Pacific [pdf, 0.3 MB] Air-sea CO2 fluxes [pdf, 0.1 MB] DIC, TAlk and anthropogenic CO2 distributions in the North Pacific [pdf, 3 MB] Biogeochemical and global implications [pdf, 0.1 MB] Recommendations for the future of carbon studies within PICES [pdf, 0.1 MB] References [pdf, 0.1 MB] Appendix A. Summary of PICES Working Group 13 activities (1998-2001) [pdf, 0.1 MB] Appendix B. Results of Working Group 13 method inter-comparison studies [pdf, 0.6 MB] Appendix C. Results of Working Group 13 data integration workshops [pdf, 0.5 MB] (57 page document)


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Over the past four decades, the state of Hawaii has developed a system of eleven Marine Life Conservation Districts (MLCDs) to conserve and replenish marine resources around the state. Initially established to provide opportunities for public interaction with the marine environment, these MLCDs vary in size, habitat quality, and management regimes, providing an excellent opportunity to test hypotheses concerning marine protected area (MPA) design and function using multiple discreet sampling units. NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Team developed digital benthic habitat maps for all MLCD and adjacent habitats. These maps were used to evaluate the efficacy of existing MLCDs for biodiversity conservation and fisheries replenishment, using a spatially explicit stratified random sampling design. Coupling the distribution of habitats and species habitat affinities using GIS technology elucidates species habitat utilization patterns at scales that are commensurate with ecosystem processes and is useful in defining essential fish habitat and biologically relevant boundaries for MPAs. Analysis of benthic cover validated the a priori classification of habitat types and provided justification for using these habitat strata to conduct stratified random sampling and analyses of fish habitat utilization patterns. Results showed that the abundance and distribution of species and assemblages exhibited strong correlations with habitat types. Fish assemblages in the colonized and uncolonized hardbottom habitats were found to be most similar among all of the habitat types. Much of the macroalgae habitat sampled was macroalgae growing on hard substrate, and as a result showed similarities with the other hardbottom assemblages. The fish assemblages in the sand habitats were highly variable but distinct from the other habitat types. Management regime also played an important role in the abundance and distribution of fish assemblages. MLCDs had higher values for most fish assemblage characteristics (e.g. biomass, size, diversity) compared with adjacent fished areas and Fisheries Management Areas (FMAs) across all habitat types. In addition, apex predators and other targeted resources species were more abundant and larger in the MLCDs, illustrating the effectiveness of these closures in conserving fish populations. Habitat complexity, quality, size and level of protection from fishing were important determinates of MLCD effectiveness with respect to their associated fish assemblages. (PDF contains 217 pages)


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Functional linkage between reef habitat quality and fish growth and production has remained elusive. Most current research is focused on correlative relationships between a general habitat type and presence/absence of a species, an index of species abundance, or species diversity. Such descriptive information largely ignores how reef attributes regulate reef fish abundance (density-dependent habitat selection), trophic interactions, and physiological performance (growth and condition). To determine the functional relationship between habitat quality, fish abundance, trophic interactions, and physiological performance, we are using an experimental reef system in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico where we apply advanced sensor and biochemical technologies. Our study site controls for reef attributes (size, cavity space, and reef mosaics) and focuses on the processes that regulate gag grouper (Mycteroperca microlepis) abundance, behavior and performance (growth and condition), and the availability of their pelagic prey. We combine mobile and fixed-active (fisheries) acoustics, passive acoustics, video cameras, and advanced biochemical techniques. Fisheries acoustics quantifies the abundance of pelagic prey fishes associated with the reefs and their behavior. Passive acoustics and video allow direct observation of gag and prey fish behavior and the acoustic environment, and provide a direct visual for the interpretation of fixed fisheries acoustics measurements. New application of biochemical techniques, such as Electron Transport System (ETS) assay, allow the in situ measurement of metabolic expenditure of gag and relates this back to reef attributes, gag behavior, and prey fish availability. Here, we provide an overview of our integrated technological approach for understanding and quantifying the functional relationship between reef habitat quality and one element of production – gag grouper growth on shallow coastal reefs.


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The visit highlighted the vital contribution of the inland fisheries sector to provision of basic food security within the uncleared area (farmers report very low consumption frequencies for all other fish or meat protein substitutes). A 30-mile system of Brackish water lagoons which demarcates the cleared and uncleared areas is the main source of retailed fish in the uncleared area. Second in importance is the inland tank fishery, where the bulk of production emanates from 17 major irrigation reservoirs. [PDF contains 29 pages]


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Knowledge of the population structure of an exploited stock is necessary for the effective management of a fishery. For this reason the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) has sponsored numerous genetic, morphometric, and migration studies of yellowfin, Thunnus albacares, and skipjack, Katswonus pelamis, in a concerted effort to determine the structure of these stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean. (PDF contains 171 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica for the establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was signed May 31, 1949. Ratifications were exchanged on March 3, 1950, after arrival at understandings respecting the interpretation of certain provisions. The text of the Convention is appended to this report. Also appended are the enabling legislation passed by the United States Congress, giving effect to the Convention, and the Decree ratifying the Convention adopted by the Republic of Costa Rica. The most important provisions of the Convention may be summarized here, as the basis for the policy and actions of the Commission. SPANISH: La Convención entre los Estados Unidos de América y la República de Costa Rica para el establecimiento de la, Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fué suscrita el 31 de Mayo de 1949. El cambio de ratificaciones, después de haber llegado a un entendimiento respecto de la interpretación de ciertas cláusulas, se efectuó el 3 de Marzo de 1950. El texto de la Convención se agrega a este informe. También se agrega la legislación correspondiente, emitida por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos para dar efectividad a la Convención, y el Decreto de Ratificación del Convenio promulgado por la República de Costa Rica. Los aspectos más importantes de la Convención se sintetizan aquí por constituir las bases que regulan la política y los actos de la Comisión, creada en virtud de aquélla. (PDF contains 58 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, established by a Convention between the United States and Costa Rica, has as its purpose the collection and interpretation of information which will facilitate maintaining, at levels of maximum sustained yield, the populations of tropical tunas in the Eastern Pacific and of the bait species used in their capture. To this end, the Commission is directed by the Convention to undertake investigations of the tunas and bait species, and to make recommendations for joint action by the member governments designed to attain the objectives of the Convention. The year 1952 is the second since the initiation of the investigations of the Commission. The Commission was organized in 1950. Its program of investigations ~as outlined and work commenced during 1951. The work during 1952 has been a continuation and logical development of the research commenced the previous year. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, establecida por una Convención entra Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, tiene como deberes recolectar e interpretar la información que facilite el mantenimiento, a niveles de una contínua producción máxima, de las poblaciones de las especies tropicales de atún en el Pacífico Oriental y de los peces de carnada que se emplean para su pesca. Con este propósito la Comisión se encarga, en conformidad con los términos de la antes expresada Convención de efectuar investigaciones sobre los atunes y mencionadas especies de carnada, y de hacer recomendaciones a los Gobiernos Miembros a fin de que pueden tomar una acción conjunta que les permita obtener los resultados que el citado Convenio persigue. El año 1952 es el segundo desde la iniciación de las investigaciones de la Comisión. Esta fué organizada en 1950. Durante 1951 se preparó el programa de estudios y se comenzaron los trabajos. La tarea realizada en el año 1952 ha sido una continuación y lógico desarrollo de las investigaciones empezadas en el año anterior. (PDF contains 61 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was established in 1950 by a Convention between Costa Rica and the United States. The Convention provides for the subsequent adherence of other nations interested in the tuna fishery of the tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. Panama adhered to the Convention in September 1953. The Commission has the duties of collecting and interpreting all necessary factual information respecting the tunas and tuna-bait fishes in order to facilitate maintaining the populations thereof at levels permitting maximum sustained yields, and of making recommendations to the member governments for joint action toward this objective. The Commission commenced its investigations in 1951. The year 1953 is the third year of scientific study. During the year investigations along several lines were continued and further developed. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericano del Atún Tropical fué establecida en 1950 en virtud de una Convención entre Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos. La Convención abre la puerta para que otras naciones interesadas en las pesquerías de atún en aguas tropicales del Pacífico Oriental, puedan adherirse posteriormente. Panamá se adhirió al Tratado en Septiembre de 1953. La Comisión tiene como deberes recolectar e interpretar todos los informes necesarios respecto de las especies de atún y de los peces de carnada que sirven para pescarlas¡ a fin de facilitar el mantenimiento de las respectivas poblaciones a niveles que permitan un rendimiento máximo permanente; y hacer recomendaciones a los gobiernos miembros para que actúen conjuntamente en pro de los indicados objetivos. Nuestro organismo comenzó sus investigaciones en 1951. El año 1953 es el tercero de estudios científicos. Durante dicho año se continuaron investigaciones en diversas líneas y se prosiguió su desarrollo. (PDF contains 87 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Governments of Costa Rica and the United States, being mutually interested in the conservation of the tropical tunas and of the bait-fishes required for capturing them, entered into a Convention in 1950 establishing the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. The Convention provides that other governments having an interest in the tuna and tuna-bait resources may adhere to the Convention by a simple exchange of correspondence with the existing members. The Government of Panama adhered to the Convention in the fall of 1953. SPANISH: Los Gobiernos de Costa Rica y de los Estados Unidos, mutuamente interesados en la conservación de las especies tropicales de atún, así como en la de los peces que sirven de carnada para su pesca, suscribieron en 1950 una Convención por la que se estableció la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical. La Convención permite que otros gobiernos interesados en los recursos del atún y los peces-carnada puedan adherirse a la misma mediante un simple intercambio de correspondencia con los Gobiernos Miembros. El Gobierno de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en el otoño de 1953. (PDF contains 100 pages.)


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ENGLISH: This is the fifth year of investigations, by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, of the fisheries for tunas and tuna-bait fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to the shores of the Americas. These investigations are being conducted by an international scientific staff, under the provisions of a Convention to which Costa Rica, Panama, and the United States are signatories. Other nations having an interest in these fisheries may adhere through exchange of correspondence with the present member governments. SPANISH: Este es el quinto año de investigaciones efectuadas por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical sobre las pesquerías de atún y de peces de carnada usados para la captura de éste, en la zona del Pacífico Oriental adyacente a las costas de las Américas. Estas investigaciones están a cargo de un grupo internacional de científicos, de acuerdo 'con la Convención de la que son signatarias Costa Rica, Panamá y los Estados Unidos. Cualquier nación que tenga interés en estas pesquerías, puede adherirse a la Convención mediante un cambio de correspondencia con los Gobiernos Miembros. (PDF contains 95 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has completed its sixth full year of investigation of the fisheries for the tunas and tuna-bait fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to the shores of the Americas, under a Convention to which Costa Rica, Panama, and the United States of America are signatories. Under the provisions of the Convention other nations having an interest in these fisheries may adhere, and participate on an equal basis, by exchange of correspondence with the present members. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha completado su sexto año en la investigación de las pesquerías de atún y de los peces de carnada para capturarlo, las cuales se desarrollan en el Océano Pacífico Oriental adyacente a las costas de las Américas. Esta investigación se efectúa de acuerdo con una Convención en la que son signatarios Costa Rica, Panamá y los Estados Unidos de América. Una de las cláusulas de la Convención abre las puertas a otras naciones que tengan interés en dichas pesquerías para que puedan adherirse a élla, y participar sobre una base de igualdad. Para la adhesión de un país basta un intercambio de correspondencia con los actuales Gobiernos Miembros. (PDF contains 112 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was established under authority of a Convention between the Governments of Costa Rica and the United States, which entered into force in 1950_ The Convention provides for the adherence of other governments having an interest in the tuna and tuna-bait resources of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, by exchange of correspondence with existing members. Panama adhered to the Convention in 1953. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fué establecida en virtud de una Convención entre los Gobiernos de Costa Rica y de los Estados Unidos, cuya vigencia comenzó en 1950. Dicha Convención permite la entrada de otros gobiernos que tengan interés en los recursos de atún y de peces de carnada para su pesca en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical, mediante el intercambio de correspondencia con los países firmantes. Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953. (PDF contains 134 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was established by a Convention, between the Governments of Costa Rica and the United States, which entered into force in 1950. Under a provision of the Convention inviting the adherence of other nations having an interest in the tuna and tuna-bait resources of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, Panama also adhered in 1953. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fué establecida por una Convención entre los Gobiernos de Costa Rica y de los Estados Unidos, la cual entró en vigencia en 1950. Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953, de conformidad con una cláusula que deja la puerta abierta a los otros paises interesados en los recursos atuneros y de carnada para el atún del Océano Pacifico Oriental Tropical. (PDF contains 121 pages.)