36 resultados para Economic analysis of law


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The significance of the fishery industry in the Nigerian economy is examined, considering source of domestic fish production and government fish production programmes and also analysis Nigeria's fish imports during the period 1971-80. Suggestions are made regarding the regulation of fish imports to conserve foreign exchange and the removal of constraints in domestic fish production expansion


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Marketing of smoked fish in the Kainji Lake Basin (Nigeria) has been found to be complex, traditional and inefficient. It is also said to be limited in scope due to poor handling and processing techniques, lack of storage facilities and inadequate marketing informations. The invention of Kainji gas kiln has been found suitable to overcoming poor handling and processing techniques. This paper discusses the feasibility of operating Kainji gas kiln commercially supported with adequate storage facilities and competent management hands. The financial indicators of net present value (NPV), 47,481.11, Internal rate of return (IRR) 24% and payback period of 2.3 years that are calculated confirmed that the commercial use of Kainji gas kiln is indeed profitably feasible


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This study examined the economic potential of fish farming in Abeokuta zone of Ogun State in the 2003 production season. Descriptive statistics cost returns and multiple regression analysis were used in analyzing the data. The farmers predominantly practiced monoculture. Inefficiency in the use of pond size, lime and labour with over-utilization of fingerlings stocked was revealed by the study. The average variable cost of N124.67 constituted 45% of the total while average fixed cost was N149.802.67 per average farm size. Fish farming was found to be a profitable venture in the study area with a net income of N761, 400.58 for an average pond size of 301.47sq.m. Based on these findings, it is suggested that for profit maximization, the fish farm will have to increase the level of their use of fingerlings and fertilizers and decrease the use of lime labour and pond size


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Economic analysis of the trawl fishery of Brunei Darussalam was conducted using cost and returns analysis and based on an economic survey of trawlers and B:RUN, a low-level geographic information system. Profitability indicators were generated for the trawl fleet under various economic and operational scenarios. The results show that financial profits are earned by trawlers which operate off Muara, particularly those with high vessel capacity, and that these profits could be further enhanced. On the other hand, a similar fleet operating off Tutong would generate profits due mainly to high fish biomass. Trawling operations offshore are deemed financially unfeasible. Incorporating realistic opportunity costs and externalities for existing trawl operations off Muara results in economic losses.


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Management of the Texas penaeid shrimp fishery is aimed at increasing revenue from brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, landings and decreasing the level of discards. Since 1960 Texas has closed its territorial sea for 45-60 days during peak migration of brown shrimp to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1981 the closure was extended to 200 miles to include the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Simulation modeling is used in this paper to estimate the changes in landings, revenue, costs, and economic rent attributable to the Texas closure. Four additional analyses were conducted to estimate the effects of closing the Gulf 1- to 4-fathom zone for 45 and 60 days, with and without effort redirected to inshore waters. Distributional impacts are analyzed in terms of costs, revenues, and rents, by vessel class, shrimp species, vessel owner, and crew.


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This report is an account of a cross-country study that covered Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Covering four sites (one each in Indonesia and Vietnam) and two sites in the Philippines, the study documented the impacts of three climate hazards affecting coastal communities, namely typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion. It also analyzed planned adaptation options, which communities and local governments can implement, as well as autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards. It employed a variety of techniques, ranging from participatory based approaches such as community hazard mapping and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques, to analyze the impact of climate change and the behavior of affected communities and households.


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Climate change with its attendant geophysical hazards is well studied. A great deal of attention has gone into analyzing climate change impacts as well as searching out possible mitigating adaptive strategies. These matters are very real concerns, especially for coastal communities. Such communities are often the most vulnerable to climate change, since their citizens frequently live in abject poverty and have limited capacity to adapt to geophysical hazards. Their situation is further complicated by the prospect of dealing with a confluence of hazards in comparison with those in other ecosystems. Against this backdrop Worldfish and the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) collaborated to implement the cross-country study “Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability Assessments, Economic and Policy Analysis of Adaptation Strategies in Selected Coastal Areas in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam”. As its title suggests the study covered selected sites in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Employing a gamut of interdisciplinary methodologies -- ranging from community-based approaches such as community hazard mapping and focus group discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques -- the study documented the impacts from three climate hazards affecting coastal communities. These were typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion. The team also analyzed planned adaptation options suited to implementation by communities and local governments, augmenting autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards.


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Marine by-products coming under the ancillary products group found many applications in pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. Although many of these products are fetching very high price at the export market, adequate statistics regarding their current production, marketing and utilisation is lacking. The present analysis deals with the production potential, level of exploitation, uses, export growth rate and potential for the future of some of these marine by-products. The analysis revealed that an estimated quantity of 205 t. of shells, 10 t. of gastropod operculum, 4,932 t. of shark liver oil and 4,384 t. of shark cartilage could be produced annually in India with the current landings. The production potential of chitin is estimated as 3,560 t. from shrimp shell wastes and 1,354 t. from crab shell wastes. The high unit value of different products clearly indicates the scope for their development by evolving appropriate utilisation and marketing strategies.


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The study was conducted to determine the cost, return and relative profitability of pond fish production of Mymensingh and Jessore districts. A total of 75 ponds were selected on the basis of purposive random sampling technique from 7 villages under 2 Upazila (Trishal and Gouripur) of Mymensingh districts and 8 villages under 4 Upazila (Monimmpur, Jhikorgacha, Chowgacha and Sadar) of Jessore district. It was found that per hectare per year gross cost of pond fish production in Mymensingh and Jessore were Tk 333457.75 and Tk 54327.74, while gross return were Tk 434131.16 and Tk. 96640.00 and net return were Tk 100673.41 and Tk. 42312.26, respectively. The findings of this study revealed that the pond fish production in Jessore district was more profitable than that of Mymensingh district. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to realize the specific effect of the factors on pond fish production. Out of six variables included in the function three variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production, in Mymensingh district but five variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production in Jessore district


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Six carp based culture technologies such as, carp-pangas, carp polyculture, carp-golda, pangas monoculture, golda monoculture and nursery have been selected to determine the cost and returns of respective technologies in Bangladesh. The sample farmers selected for these technologies were 55, 100, 65, 50, 51 and 55 respectively and thus the total sample size stood at 376. The study covered 7 districts of Bangladesh, namely, Mymensingh, Bogra, Noakhali, Comilla, Jessore, Khulna and Bagerhat. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. It was found that farmers used a good number of feeds for the selected technologies and they maintained no standard doses for them. Remarkable differences were found among the prices of different feeds and other inputs used for different technologies in different locations. Prices of all inputs were found to be increasing and this increase was more in recent years compared to previous years. Though all the technologies were found to be profitable, the feed situation was not satisfactory. Except rice polish all the local feeds showed deficit in supply to meet the national demand for the country. If this situation persists and no proper measures are taken to secure the local feed supply, the present development of supplementary feed-based aquaculture would be fully dependent on imported feeds and would not be sustainable in future. This study strongly suggests the corresponding authority to handle the matter with proper attention considering its significant livelihood impact on the economy of the country.


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The cost-benefit analysis of 23m and 22m trawlers operated from Visakhapatnam base is presented. The study indicated that the deep sea fishing in Indian waters is a profitable venture. The profit over capital investment for a 23m trawler worked out to about 18% whereas the same was about 10% for a 22m trawler. Catch per trawling operation, cost of production, productivity per man year, energy yield etc. establish the economic superiority of 23m vessel.