45 resultados para Earthen Construction


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(Document pdf contains 42 pages)


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This report documents abundance and cover for selected elements of the benthic coral reef assemblage at the site of the 1984 grounding of the M/V Wellwood on Molasses Reef, Florida Keys. The purpose of the effort was to establish a pre-construction baseline before the installation of reef modules at the site. The installation process is intended to stabilize fractured substrates that were recently exposed by storm impacts, and to provide three-dimensional relief in order to enhance reef community recovery. It is hoped that the restoration effort will result in a biological assemblage with the character of the transition community that would exist there had the incident not occurred. To date, the assemblage has developed the character of a comparatively featureless hard ground similar in composition to hard ground areas and transition zones surrounding the grounding site. These data will allow scientists and resource managers to better track the trajectory of recovery following the installation of modules. Direct counts of scleractinian and gorgonian corals, hydrocorals of the genus Millepora, and zoanthids of the genus Palythoa were made in three areas within and around the grounding site. The site is poorly developed with respect to scleractinian colony size and cover compared to surrounding areas. Key scleractinian species necessary for the development of topographic relief in the area denuded by the grounding are not well represented in the current community. Though gorgonian cover and richness is similar in all study areas, gorgonian community recovery in the damaged area is not complete. Unlike surrounding areas, one species, Pseudopterogorgia americana, accounts for over half of all corals at the grounding site, over 80% of all gorgonians, and nearly all the coral cover. Based on these findings and other observations made in the 18 years since the grounding, recommendations are made that should be considered in the course of human intervention targeted at stabilizing and enhancing the site. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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Three fertilizer types (NPK, Super-phosphate and cow dung) were applied at two levels (Low, 0.3 kg/25m super(2)/2weeks and High, 0.7kg/25 m super(2)/2weeks) to 12 ponds with two ponds serving as control. Each pond had an area of 25 m super(2). Application of fertilizers and monitoring of plankton productivity and water quality parameters continued fortnightly for 52 days. Results obtained were subjected to Statistical Variance Analysis. The abundance of phytoplankton was in the order: Chlorophyceae > Bacillariophyceae > Cyanophyceae > Desmideaceae. While that of zooplankton followed the order: Crustacean > Rotifer > Protozoan. Primary productivity showed a variation between treatments with lowest value of 5592 mg/O sub(2)/m super(3)/day obtained in the control and cow dung low application rates (1.5 kg/25 m super(2)/2weeks). The highest value for primary productivity was obtained at M sub(2) (0.7 kg/25 m super(2)/2weeks, N.P.K) with primary productivity value of 7200 mg/O sub(2)/m super(3)/day, closely followed by M sub(4) (0.7 kg/25 m super(2)/2weeks, super phosphate) with 6792 mg/O sub(2)/m super(3)/day.


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The maintenance of adequate dissolved oxygen level is very important in the economy of any aquaculture system. An easy to construct aerating device was created using 0.5 hp water-pump, shower rose, Styrofoam, and rubber hose. The aerator works by drawing water from below and discharging it into the atmosphere as a spray. The spray is aerated as it splashes into the water surface. The aerating device has an average spray of 1.2 unit and doubles the dissolved oxygen content of 37.8 m super(3) tank in one hour


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Fish smoking, as a traditional occupation of fishermen and women in Kainji Lake Area (Nigeria) is done using simple traditional ovens called 'Banda', the fuel for the smoking being almost hundred percent dependent on wood. A simple modification was made to the traditional 'Banda' oven using a damper to prevent burning of the fish. A comparison of the improved and the traditional 'Banda' was made. The results indicate that fuel wood consumption was reduced 52 percent by using the improved 'Banda', which implied that 50 percent of fish processor's income could be saved through the adoption of this technology. The most important advantage of the improved kiln, fuel wood conservation, represents for fishers a problem of an economic importance. Whilst they are aware that it is becoming much more difficult to get the needed fuel wood, the children can still conveniently collect enough wood for both home use and processing activities. The cost of the components of the improved kiln, when compared with the traditional version may be considered quite significant, and hence the reluctance of the fish processors in constructing similar ones. Selected blacksmiths were trained to continue the fabrication of the kiln component. The training was carried out to assure that the improved kiln will be constructed even after the project will end to support the fabrication


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The paper reports on the study carried out at the Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries and Technology (Nigeria) and the Hatchery Complex in 1997. The physico-chemical parameters of an earthen fish pond and concrete tank were analysed. The abundance and distribution of phytoplankton and zooplankton were recorded. A total of eight species of phytoplankton were observed. These species can be classified as Chlorophyceae (green algae), Bacillariophyceae (diatom algae) and Cyanophyta (blue-green algae). Eight zooplankton species were observed in the pond and 6 in the tank. Moina was observed and recorded as the most abundant cladoceran species in the tank


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Details are given of a study carried out in Nigeria, to introduce the practice of fish-cum-rice culture, using Sarotherodon galilaeus. Two plots each measuring 360m super(2) were used for this study and were compared with the farmer's two plots measuring 300m super(2) and 350m super(2). The plots were modified and had two central canals. Rice seedlings were transplanted into the plots after 19 days using a planting distance of 20 x 20cm. Three rice seedlings were planted per hole, using rice variety FARO 40, and grown for 90 days. About 240 and 180 S. galilaeus fingerlings of mean weight of 30g and 26g were stocked in the two experimental plots, respectively. They were fed with pelleted feed of 25% C.P. and monitored for 100 days. A yield of 22.8kg was obtained in plot A while 15.66kg was obtained in plot B. A rice yield of 250kg (i.e 5 bags) was obtained in each of the plots. The results obtained were compared with plots with no fish


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This document lists the undesirable effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on fisheries in Lake Kainji (Nigeria) and the integrated Water Hyacinth Control Programme in its ongoing fisheries management and development activities on the lake. Special regard is given to the design, construction and installation of a water hyacinth barrier across the River Niger. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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Aquaculture drive in the Niger Delta has necessitated the springing up of various forms of hatcheries in Nigeria in the area. The hatchery level is high as most fish farmers now want to produce their own fingerlings for the stocking of their production ponds for culture to market (table) size. The paper shows that there is a lot of market in the Niger-Delta for fresh fish. Majority of the numerous fish farmers are not well empowered to breed and produce fish seeds especially species most loved and eaten. The rising cost of materials in the Nigerian economy has become a bottleneck in the construction of more fish hatcheries for fingerling production. However, the assistance of multinationals has become very necessary to enhance its feasibility to encourage better involvement in the fish hatchery works. One remarkable area where assistance is being felt by the communities in the Niger-Delta is in fish farming and more so in the supply of fish fingerling to top fish farmers by The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), a multinational oil company in the area. Few fish farmers have benefited from this. If more hatcheries are available to service and provide the needed fingerlings to stock the available water bodies such as, home backyard ponds, the 0.74 million hectares of brackish water, 1.01 million hectares of perennial swamps, and other marginal land available for aquaculture and properly managed, it will yield between 2.5 and 10 metric tones of fish depending on the species stocked and bred


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The daytime composition and relative abundance of zooplankton species were studied in three treatments of two replicate earthen ponds each with nutrient sources and water replenishment regimes. Treatment -A (200m super(2) surface area supplied 900kgha super(-1) pig manure only). Treatment -B (200m super(2) surface area supplied 70kgha super(-1) month super(-1) pig manure, 50kgha super(-1) month super(-1) N.P.K. [15:15:15] and 30kgha super(-1) month super(-1) Urea) and Treatment-C (1500m2 surface area supplied 1150kgha super(-1) month super(-1) commercial grade 40% crude protein compounded feed). Water replenishment for Treatment A was daily tidal deluge from the New Calabar River while that for treatment B and C was from column-well and occasional rains. No zooplankton species were recovered from the pig-manure only treatment (A) while only Diffugia constricta and Difflugia urceolata were the two protozoans that occurred together in treatments B (combined fertilization) and C (compounded feed only) in contrast, Difflugia acuminate and three rotifers, Collurella uncinata, Diurella stylata and Keratella quadrata occurred only treatment B. similarly, Arcella arenaria, Arcella costata, Centropyxis aculeate, Difflugia pyriformis, Branchionus calyciflorus, Lepadella patella, Polyarthra trigla and Onchocanmptus mohammedi were recovered from treatment C. Arcella costata was the most abundant zooplankton in the entire experiment, while Arcella arenaria was very abundant in treatment C, Collurella uncinata was very abundant in treatment B. The inference is that combined fertilization of earthen freshwater ponds tend to be more suitable for the culture of rotifers such as Brachionus calyciflorus, popular in fish larva nursery, while those supplied compounded feed could be used to produce protozoans where desirable


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The findings are presented of a search conducted on traditional fishing gear design and construction using the ASFA database (1971-90) and the ICLARM Library and professional staff collections.


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Fisheries gear researchers have employed scuba diver-operated sleds to evaluate towed fishing systems since the early 1950's. One of the earliest sled designs was a converted Stokes litter in which two divers sat tandem with the forward diver operating the diving controls (Sand, 1956). The litter was relatively easy to maneuver and provided a comfortable platform for observing operational fishing gear. However, the use of underwater photographic equipment to document gear performance was difficult due to the limited mobility of the observer-cameraman.