26 resultados para Buddha (The concept)
This contribution is the first part of a four-part series documenting the development of B:RUN, a software program which reads data for common spreadsheets and presents them as low-resolution maps of slates and processes. The program emerged from a need which arose during a project in Brunei Darussalam for a 'low level' approach for researchers to communicate findings as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Part I provides a overview of the concept and design elements of B:RUN. Part II will highlight results of the economics components of the program evaluating different fishing regimes, sailing distances from ports and fleet operating costs. Environmental aspects will be presented in Part III in the form of overlay maps. Part IV will summarize the implications of B:RUN results to coastal and fishery resources management in Brunei Darussalam and show how this approach can be adapted to other coastlines and used as a teaching and training tool. The following three parts will be published in future editions of Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly. The program is available through ICLARM.
The Scientific Forum on the Gulf of Mexico: The Islands in the Stream Concept took place in January 2008 in Sarasota, Florida. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together scientists and managers from around the Gulf of Mexico to discuss a range of topics on our knowledge of the Gulf of Mexico, from its geology to larger-scale connectivity to the Caribbean region, and their applications to the concept of a more integrated approach to area-based management. The forum included six panels of invited experts who spoke on the oceanographic and biological features in the Gulf of Mexico, including connections with Mexico and the Mesoamerican barrier reef system, and the legal and regulatory structure currently in place. The charge to the group was to share information, identify gaps in our knowledge, identify additional potential areas for protection, and discuss available science about connectivity and the potential value of establishing a marine protected area network in the Gulf of Mexico. (PDF has 108 pages.)
The tectogene, or crustal downbuckle, was proposed in the early 1930s by F.A. Vening Meinesz to explain the unexpected belts of negative gravity anomalies in island arcs. He attributed the isostatic imbalance to a deep sialic root resulting from the action of subcrustal convection currents. Vening Meinesz's model was initially corroborated experimentally by P.H. Kuenen, but additional experiments by D.T. Griggs and geological analysis by H.H. Hess in the late 1930s led to substantial revision in detail. As modified, the tectogene provided a plausible model for the evolution of island arcs into alpine mountain belts for another two decades. Additional revisions became necessary in the early 1950s to accommodate the unexpected absence of sialic crust in the Caribbean and the marginal seas of the western Pacific. By 1960 the cherished analogy between island arcs and alpine mountain belts had collapsed under the weight of the detailed field investigations by Hess and his students in the Caribbean region. Hess then incorporated a highly modified form of the tectogene into his sea-floor spreading hypothesis. Ironically, this final incarnation of the concept preserved some of the weaker aspects of the 1930s original, such as the ad hoc explanation for the regular geometry of island arcs.
Recommendations for changes to service provision and fisheries policy in support of poverty alleviation emerged recently in India from a process know as facilitated advocacy (see Case Study SI 2) that helped to negotiate and support a role for poor people and their service providers, to contribute to changes in services and policies. Two of the key recommendations to emerge from farmers and fishers, which were prioritized by Fisheries Departments, were to change the way that information is made available and to simplify procedures for accessing government schemes and bank loans. This case which identifies the origin of these recommendations to change the way that information is made available, shows how different models of the concept have emerged, and follows the development of the One-stop Aqua Shops (OAS) in the eastern Indian states of Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal, that represent a new and vital tier in communications in aquaculture. (12 p.)
Self-help groups (SHGs) are ways for farmers and fishers, especially those who are poor, to come together and work together. They can be a useful entry point for outsiders, promote a supportive local environment, strengthen voices in decision-making and in negotiations with more powerful forces, increase the effectiveness of local actions, and provide easier access to micro-credit and other resources and services. This case study describes a rural aquaculture development context, in India, the development of SHGs and the concept of a ‘one-stop aqua shop’, set up and run by a federation of self-help groups in Kaipara village, West Bengal (a pilot state along with Jharkhand and Orissa). It outlines testing new ways to share information, as part of a series of revised procedures and institutional arrangements for service delivery recommended by farmers and fishers and prioritized by government, with support from the Department of International Development, London (DFID) Natural Resources Support Programme (NRSP) and the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) to the Support to Regional Aquatic Resources Management (STREAM) Initiative (10 p.)
This paper includes information about the Pribilof Islands since their discovery by Russia in 1786 and the population of northern fur seals, Cailorhinus ursinus, that return there each summer to bear young and to breed. Russia exterminated the native population of sea Oilers, Enhydra lulris, here and nearly subjected the northern fur seal to the same fate before providing proper protection. The northern fur seal was twice more exposed to extinction following the purchase of Alaska and the Pribilof Islands by the United States in 1867. Excessive harvesting was stopped as a result of strict management by the United States of the animals while on land and a treaty between Japan, Russia, Great Britain (for Canada), and the United States that provided needed protection at sea. In 1941, Japan abrogated this treaty which was replaced by a provisional agreement between Canada and the United States that protected the fur seals in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Japan, the U.S.S.R., Canada, and the United States again insured the survival of these animals with ratification in 1957 of the "Interim Convention on the Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals," which is still in force. Under the auspices of this Convention, the United States launched an unprecedented manipulation of the resource through controlled removal during 1956-68 of over 300,000 females considered surplus. The biological rationale for the reduction was that production of fewer pups would result in a higher pregnancy rate and increased survival, which would, in turn, produce a sustained annual harvest of 55,000-60,000 males and 10,000-30,000 females. Predicted results did not occur. The herd reduction program instead coincided with the beginning of a decline in the number of males available for harvest. Suspected but unproven causes were changes in the toll normally accounted for by predation, disease, adverse weather, and hookworms. Depletion of the animals' food supply by foreign fishing Heets and the entanglement of fur seals in trawl webbing and other debris discarded at sea became a prime suspect in altering the average annual harvest of males on the Pribilof Islands from 71,500 (1940-56) to 40,000 (1957-59) to 36,000 (1960) to 82,000 (1961) and to 27,347 (1972-81). Thus was born the concept of a research control area for fur seals, which was agreed upon by members of the Convention in 1973 and instituted by the United States on St. George Island beginning in 1974. All commercial harvesting of fur seals was stopped on St. George Island and intensive behavioral studies were begun on the now unharvested population as it responds to the moratorium and attempts to reach its natural ceiling. The results of these and other studies here and on St. Paul Island are expected to eventually permit a comparison between the dynamics of unharvested and harvested populations, which should in turn permit more precise management of fur seals as nations continue to exploit the marine resources of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. (PDF file contains 32 pages.)
ENGLISH: Three distinct versions of TUNP0P, an age-structured computer simulation model of the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacores, stock and surface tuna fishery, are used to reveal mechanisms which appear to have a significant effect on the fishery dynamics. Real data on this fishery are used to make deductions on the distribution of the fish and to show how that distribution might influence events in the fishery. The most important result of the paper is that the concept of the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna stock as a homogeneous unit is inadequate to represent the recent history of the fishery. Inferences are made on the size and distribution of the underlying stock as well as its potential yield to the surface fishery as a result of alterations in the level and distribution of the effort. SPANISH: Se han empleado tres versiones diferentes de TUNP0P, un modelo de simulación de la computadora (basado en la estructura de la edad) de la población y la pesca epipelágica del atún aleta amarilla, Tbunnus albacares, del Pacífico oriental, para revelar los mecanismos que parecen tener un efecto importante en la dinámica pesquera. Se emplean los datos verdaderos de esta pesca para hacer deducciones sobre la distribución de los peces y para mostrar cómo puede influir esta distribución en los eventos de pesca. La conclusión más importante de este estudio es que el concepto de que la población del aleta amarilla del Pacífico oriental es una unidad homogénea, es inadecuado para representar la historia reciente de pesca. Se teoriza sobre la talla y distribución de la población subyacente como también sobre su producción potencial en la pesca epipelágica al cambiar el nivel y distribución del esfuerzo.
Aspects of the Nigerian fishing industry are outlined to explain the concept of fishing systems viability which is often influenced by a combination of factors including biological productivity, as well as technical, economic and social factors. The productivity of the aquatic environments can be increased by the construction and installation of artificial reefs and fish aggregating devices. These man-made structures provide shelters, food and breeding grounds for fin fish and shell fish. The habitat enhancement techniques are appropriate, efficient, cheap and simple strategic options for increase in fish production. Recommendations for effective utilization and long term management are outlined.
The article discusses the increasing participation of women in artisanal fishery in Nigeria. The concept of involvement of women in poverty alleviation, food security and social development activities should have high priority and should put women on the research agenda as one of the means of bridging the gap in knowledge regarding their status and contribution in rural development in Nigeria
Within natural resource management, there is increasing criticism of the traditional model of top-down management as a method of governance, as researchers and managers alike have recognized that resources can frequently be better managed when stakeholders are directly involved in management. As a result, in recent years the concept of co-management of natural resources, in which management responsibilities are shared between the government and stakeholders, has become increasingly popular, both in the academic literature and in practice. However, while co-management has significant potential as a successful management tool, the issue of equity in co-management has rarely been addressed. It is necessary to understand the differential impacts on stakeholders of co-management processes and the degree to which diverse stakeholders are represented within co-management. Understanding the interests of various stakeholders can be a way to more effectively address the distributional and social impacts of coastal policies, which can in turn increase compliance with management measures and lead to more sustainable resource management regimes. This research seeks to take a closer look at the concepts of co-management and participation through a number of case studies of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Caribbean. (PDF contains 4 pages)
Restoration of water-bodies from eutrophication has proved to be extremely difficult. Mathematical models have been used extensively to provide guidance for management decisions. The aim of this paper is to elucidate important problems of using models for predicting environmental changes. First, the necessity for a proper uncertainty assessment of the model, upon calibration, has not been widely recognized. Predictions must not be a single time trajectory; they should be a band, expressing system uncertainty and natural variability. Availability of this information may alter the decision to be taken. Second, even with well-calibrated models, there is no guarantee they will give correct projections in situations where the model is used to predict the effects of measures designed to bring the system into an entirely different ”operating point”, as is typically the case in eutrophication abatement. The concept of educated speculation is introduced to partially overcome this difficulty. Lake Veluwe is used as a case to illustrate the point. Third, as questions become more detailed, such as ”what about expected algal composition”, there is a greater probability of running into fundamental problems that are associated with predicting the behaviour of complex non-linear systems. Some of these systems show extreme initial condition sensitivity and even, perhaps, chaotic behaviour, and are therefore fundamentally unpredictable.
ENGLISH: In April 1981 the IATTC convened a working group of scientists in Managua, Nicaragua to discuss the tuna-dolphin association and to suggest priorities for future research which would enable the effects of any interaction to be detected or quantified. The yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, fishery in the eastern tropical Pacific is unique in that a significant proportion of the catch is of fish found in association with one or more species of dolphins. This association has never been fully understood but for many years tuna fishermen have used the more visible and more easily herded dolphin schools to help them locate and capture the tuna. In recent years, the concept of managing renewable resources in relation to their environments has been more fully developed. Any renewable resource is closely linked to other components in its general system and it is becoming increasingly more apparent that the harvesting of one resource affects another. This is the case with yellowfin tuna and dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific, although the dolphins are killed incidental to the fishery and are not harvested. There would seem to be obvious advantages in managing the tuna-dolphin complex as a whole. To do this it is necessary to understand the effect that tuna and dolphins have on each other and the causal mechanisms of the interactions. SPANISH: En abril de 1981, la CIAT convoco un grupo de trabajo de investigadores en Managua (Nicaragua), para deliberar sobre la asociación atún-delfín e indicar prioridades referentes a una investigación futura que pueda facilitar la cuantificación o el reconocimiento de los efectos de cualquier interacción. La pesca del atún aleta amarilla Thunnus albacares en el Pacifico oriental tropical, es única, ya que una proporción importante de su captura es de peces encontrados en asociación con una o mas especies de delfines. No se ha logrado comprender cabalmente esta asociación, pero por varios anos los pescadores atuneros han utilizado los cardúmenes de delfines que son mas visibles y que pueden agruparse mas fácilmente para poder localizar y capturar los atunes. En los últimos anos, el concepto de administrar los recursos renovables con relación a su ambiente, ha tenido mas auge. Cualquier recurso renovable se vincula estrechamente a otros componentes en el sistema general y actualmente es mas evidente que la explotación de un recurso afecta otro. Este es el caso del atún aleta amarilla y de los delfines en el Pacifico oriental tropical aunque los delfines mueren incidentalmente con relación a la pesca y no son explotados. Parece que se obtendr1an ventajas evidentes si se administrara como un todo el conjunto atún-delfín. Para realizar esto es necesario comprender los efectos que tienen los atunes y delfines los unos sabre los otros y los mecanismos causantes de la interacción.
The Pacific Rim population structure of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) was examined with a survey of microsatellite variation to describe the distribution of genetic variation and to evaluate whether chum salmon may have originated from two or more glacial refuges following dispersal to newly available habitat after glacial retreat. Variation at 14 microsatellite loci was surveyed for over 53,000 chum salmon sampled from over 380 localities ranging from Korea through Washington State. An index of genetic differentiation, FST, over all populations and loci was 0.033, with individual locus values ranging from 0.009 to 0.104. The most genetically diverse chum salmon were observed from Asia, particularly Japan, whereas chum salmon from the Skeena River and Queen Charlotte Islands in northern British Columbia and those from Washington State displayed the fewest number of alleles compared with chum salmon in other regions. Differentiation in chum salmon allele frequencies among regions and populations within regions was approximately 18 times greater than that of annual variation within populations. A regional structuring of populations was the general pattern observed, with chum salmon spawning in different tributaries within a major river drainage or spawning in smaller rivers in a geographic area generally more similar to each other than to populations in different major river drainages or geographic areas. Population structure of chum salmon on a Pacific Rim basis supports the concept of a minimum of two refuges, northern and southern, during the last glaciation, but four possible refuges fit better the observed distribution of genetic variation. The distribution of microsatellite variation of chum salmon on a Pacific Rim basis likely reflects the origins of salmon radiating from refuges after the last glaciation period.
User involvement in fisheries management has been around for some time, but few analytical papers have been published on the subject in Africa. Most of these initiatives fall under the rubric of co-management. But what is the concept of co-management in theory and how does it work in practice? In reviewing a comprehensive artisanal fisheries development project, we will attempt to answer this question in the context of The Gambia.