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The Nostoc 'Fa Tsai' is sometimes seen in Chinese cooking materials stores. It is investigated what 'Fa Tsai' consists of and where it originates.


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The objective of the study described here was to determine the effect on variable-leaf watermilfoil of various combinations of triclopyr concentrations and exposure times using dosage rates that controlled Eurasian watermilfoil under laboratory and field conditions (Netherland and Getsinger 1992, Getsinger et al. 1997, Petty et al. 1998).


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This report summarizes the results of a characterization of chemical contaminants in the sediments in southwest Puerto Rico. The report is part of a project to integrate various analytical specialties to assess linkages between chemical contaminants and the condition of coral reefs. In this phase of the project, over 120 chemical contaminants were analyzed in sediments collected, including a number of organic (e.g., hydrocarbons), inorganic (e.g., metals), and biological (bacterial) compounds/analytes. The report also provides a preliminary analysis of the association between sediment contaminants and coral species richness. Overall, the levels of chemical contaminants in the study area between Guanica Bay and the town of La Parguera were fairly low. At most of the sites sampled, particularly adjacent to the town of La Parguera, concentrations of organic and inorganic contaminants were below the median values from NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program, which monitors the Nation’s coastal and estuarine waters for chemical contaminants. Elevated levels of a number of contaminant classes were seen at the two sites sampled within Guanica Bay. An initial analysis of modeled PAH (hydrocarbon) data and coral species richness (reef building species) indicated a strong negative correlation between the presence of PAHs in the sediments and coral species richness. Additional work is needed to assess possible reasons for this observed pattern. (PDF contains 126 pages).


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Estimates of length at birth and early postnatal growth are made for the northern and southern populations of the offshore spotted dolphin in the offshore eastern tropical Pacific. Length at birth is estimated to be 85.4 cm for the northern population and 83.2 cm for the southern population. Analyses of series of monthly distributions of length revealed two cohorts born each year in the northern population, at least in the northern inshore part of its geographic range, but only one cohort born each year in the southern population. Growth curves fitted to the means of the monthly distributions of length gave estimates of length at 1 year of 126.2 and 132.6 cm and length at 2 years of 154.3 and 154.9 cm for the two cohorts in the northern population. and length at 1 year of 127.9 cm for the southern population. A growth curve fitted to lengths and ages (in dental growth layer groups) from the northern population gave estimates of lengths at 1 and 2 years of 123.0 and 143.0 cm, respectively.


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The broad scale features in the horizontal, vertical, and seasonal distribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll a on the northeast U.S. continental shelf are described based on 57,088 measurements made during 78 oceanographic surveys from 1977 through 1988. Highest mean water column chlorophyll concentration (Chlw,) is usually observed in nearshore areas adjacent to the mouths of the estuaries in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), over the shallow water on Georges Bank, and a small area sampled along the southeast edge of Nantucket Shoals. Lowest Chlw «0.125 ug l-1) is usually restricted to the most seaward stations sampled along the shelf-break and the central deep waters in the Gulf of Maine. There is at least a twofold seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass in all areas, with highest phytoplankton concentrations (m3) and highest integrated standing stocks (m2) occurring during the winter-spring (WS) bloom, and the lowest during summer, when vertical density stratification is maximal. In most regions, a secondary phytoplankton biomass pulse is evident during convective destratification in fall, usually in October. Fall bloom in some areas of Georges Bank approaches the magnitude of the WS-bloom, but Georges Bank and Middle Atlantic Bight fall blooms are clearly subordinate to WS-blooms. Measurements of chlorophyll in two size-fractions of the phytoplankton, netplankton (>20 um) and nanoplankton «20 um), revealed that the smaller nanoplankton are responsible for most of the phytoplankton biomass on the northeast U.S. shelf. Netplankton tend to be more abundant in nearshore areas of the MAB and shallow water on Georges Bank, where chlorophyll a is usually high; nanoplankton dominate deeper water at the shelf-break and deep water in the Gulf of Maine, where Chlw is usually low. As a general rule, the percent of phytoplankton in the netplankton size-fraction increases with increasing depth below surface and decreases proceeding offshore. There are distinct seasonal and regional patterns in the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a and percent netplankton, as revealed in composite vertical profiles of chlorophyll a constructed for 11 layers of the water column. Subsurface chlorophyll a maxima are ubiquitous during summer in stratified water. Chlorophyll a in the subsurface maximum layer is generally 2-8 times the concentration in the overlying and underlying water and approaches 50 to 75% of the levels observed in surface water during WS-bloom. The distribution of the ratio of the subsurface maximum chlorophyll a to surface chlorophyll a (SSR) during summer parallels the shelfwide pattern for stability, indexed as the difference in density (sigma-t) between 40 m and surface (stability 40. The weakest stability and lowest SSR's are found in shallow tidally-mixed water on Georges Bank; the greatest stability and highest SSR's (8-12:1) are along the mid and outer MAB shelf, over the winter residual water known as the "cold band." On Georges Bank, the distribution of SSR and the stability40 are roughly congruent with the pattern for maximum surface tidal current velocity, with values above 50 cms-1 defining SSR's less than 2:1 and the well-mixed area. Physical factors (bathymetry, vertical mixing by strong tidal currents, and seasonal and regional differences in the intensity and duration of vertical stratification) appear to explain much of the variability in phytoplankton chlorophyll a throughout this ecosystem. (PDF file contains 126 pages.)


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The Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), hosted an international workshop, 'The Importance of Prerecruit Walleye Pollock to the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ecosystems," from 28 to 30 October 1993. This workshop was held in conjunction with the annual International North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) meeting held in Seattle. Nearly 100 representatives from government agencies, universities, and the fishing industry in Canada, Japan, the People's Republic of China, Russia, and the United States took part in the workshop to review and discuss current knowledge on juvenile pollock from the postlarval period to the time they recruit to the fisheries. In addition to its importance to humans as a major commercial species, pollock also serves as a major forage species for many marine fishes, birds, and mammals in the North Pacific region. (PDF file contains 236 pages.)


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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos have been used to quantify the teratogenic potential of environmental samples and harmful substances respectively. The short spawning interval renders this species a good test organism in toxicological research. Due to the transparency of the eggs several lethal and non-lethal endpoints can be detected in parallel after 48 h of embryonic development. Zebrafishembryos have been shown to be sensitive to a number of environmental relevant contaminants, as well as to ex-tracts from polluted sediments


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The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The present assessment of the situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: the stock is still relatively high, this, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in 22–24 (Baltic): stock is inside save biological limits. F, however, is above the recommendation of the IBSFC. Greenland Halibut: state of the stock not quite clear. The present fishing intensity seems to be sustainable. Herring (Atlanto- scandian, Norwegian spring spawner): stock is within safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the recent years will lead to a reduction of biomass. Herring: for Baltic spring spawner in 22–24 and IIIa still no increasing tendency detectable. North Sea Herring: further increasing tendency, with 900 000 t over B lim, good recruitment. Herring in VIa: stable. Redfish: generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended. Signs of recovery, however, visible for some units


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Twenty four matured samples of Bagrus bayad macropterus from the wild (Shiroro Lake, Nigeria) and under captivity, size ranging from 412.69-3300.00 g total body weight, were analysed for sexual maturity,fecundity and egg size. The average fecundity obtained were 53352.59 and 21028.32 eggs for the wild and cultured fish respectively.Positive relationship was observed between fecundity, body size and gonad weight. Fecundity increased as body size increased. A more positive and linear relationship was observed between fecundity and gonad weight than fecundity and total body weight. Egg diameter,length and weight were determined from the egg samples. The mean size range of eggs for cultured fish was 0.74-1.05 mm of diameter; 1.01-1.20 mm of length and 0.25-0.40 mg of weight. Wild samples had mean size range of 0.68-l.09 mm of diameter, 0.85-1.38 mm of length and egg mean weight range was 0.15- 0.40 mg. Sexual maturity is dependent on size (1 kg and above). The egg diameter, egg length and weight bear no relationship with each other. Gonad development study indicated that gonad development was faster under captivity than in wild


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Limnological studies in Lake Victoria (Kenyan portion) have been sporadic. Water quality and nutrient dynamics studies are being undertaken in fifteen sampling sites that have been divided into four ecological zones namely: Nyanza Gulf, Rusinga Channel, open waters inshore and open waters. The ongoing study will show how the physical and chemical paramenters affect fish distribution and abundance.


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250 years ago, in Hamburg a herring polar migration theory was published as part of the "Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Straße Davis" from the literary remains of the mayor Dr. Johann Anderson. Based on various sources and capable to answer to the herring questions of the time, this one-stock-migration theory became international hypothesis during the following tenth of years. It still is classified as remarkable because some actual ideas on herring migration were thought already 250 years ago. Abstract DE: In Hamburg wurde vor 250 Jahren eine Polarstamm-Theorie zur Heringswanderung als Teil der Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis aus dem Nachlass des Bürgermeisters Dr. Johann Anderson veröffentlicht. Aufbauend auf unterschiedliche Quellen und in der Lage, die damaligen Fragen um den Hering zu beantworten, wurde diese Ein-Stamm-Theorie zur heringswanderung über Jahrzehnte internationale Lehrmeinung. Sie wird auch heute noch als bemerkenswert eingestuft. Denn sie enthielt vor 250 Jahren schon Gedankengänge, die noch aktuell sind.