3 resultados para alkaline phosphatase in lake water

em CaltechTHESIS


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I. Alkaline phosphatase activity in the developing sea urchin Lytechinus pictus has been investigated with respect to intensity at various stages, ionic requirements and intracellular localization. The activity per embryo remains the same in the unfertilized egg, fertilized egg and cleavage stages. At a time just prior to gastrulation (about 10 hours after fertilization) the activity per embryo begins to rise and increases after 300 times over the activity in the cleavage stages during the next 60 hours.

The optimum ionic strength for enzymatic activity shows a wide peak at 0.6 to 1.0. Calcium and magnesium show an additional optimum at a concentration in the range of 0.02 to 0.07 molar. EDTA at concentrations of 0.0001 molar and higher shows a definite inhibition of activity.

The intracellular localization of alkaline phosphatase in homogenates of 72-hour embryos has been studied employing the differential centrifugation method. The major portion of the total activity in these homogenates was found in mitochondrial and microsomal fractions with less than 5% in the nuclear fraction and less than 2% in the final supernatant. The activity could be released from all fractions by treatment with sodium deoxycholate.

II. The activation of protein biosynthesis at fertilization in eggs of the sea urchins Lytechinus pictus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus has been studied in both intact eggs and cell-free homogenates. It is shown that homogenates from both unfertilized and fertilized eggs are dependent on potassium and magnesium ions for optimum amino acid incorporation activity and in the case of the latter the concentration range is quite narrow. Though the optimum magnesium concentrations appear to differ slightly in homogenates of unfertilized and fertilized eggs, in no case was it observed that unfertilized egg homogenates were stimulated to incorporate at a level comparable to that of the fertilized eggs.

An activation of amino acid incorporation into protein has also been shown to occur in parthenogenetically activated non-nucleate sea urchin egg fragments or homogenates thereof. This activation resembles that in the fertilized whole egg or fragment both in amount and pattern of activation. Furthermore, it is shown that polyribosomes form in these non-nucleate fragments upon artificial activation. These findings are discussed along with possible mechanisms for activation of the system at fertilization.


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The uptake of Cu, Zn, and Cd by fresh water plankton was studied by analyzing samples of water and plankton from six lakes in southern California. Co, Pb, Mn, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Al were also determined in the plankton samples. Special precautions were taken during sampling and analysis to avoid metal contamination.

The relation between aqueous metal concentrations and the concentrations of metals in plankton was studied by plotting aqueous and plankton metal concentrations vs time and comparing the plots. No plankton metal plot showed the same changes as its corresponding aqueous metal plot, though long-term trends were similar. Thus, passive sorption did not completely explain plankton metal uptake.

The fractions of Cu, Zn, and Cd in lake water which were associated with plankton were calculated and these fractions were less than 1% in every case.

To see whether or not plankton metal uptake could deplete aqueous metal concentrations by measurable amounts (e.g. 20%) in short periods (e.g. less than six days), three integrated rate equations were used as models of plankton metal sorption. Parameters for the equations were taken from actual field measurements. Measurable reductions in concentration within short times were predicted by all three equations when the concentration factor was greater than 10^5. All Cu concentration factors were less than 10^5.

The role of plankton was regulating metal concentrations considered in the context of a model of trace metal chemistry in lakes. The model assumes that all particles can be represented by a single solid phase and that the solid phase controls aqueous metal concentrations. A term for the rate of in situ production of particulate matter is included and primary productivity was used for this parameter. In San Vicente Reservoir, the test case, the rate of in situ production of particulate matter was of the same order of magnitude as the rate of introduction of particulate matter by the influent stream.


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The durability of concrete in sea water has been a very widely debated question from the time that disintegration of concrete in sea water first became evident. Numerous investigations and reports have been made of isolated structures in various parts of the country and from these, hasty conclusions have been reached which engineers, situated where different conditions prevail, have not been warranted in accepting. A few engineers have made investigations of a much wider scope and consequently their conclusions should be given greater weight.