4 resultados para Structural realism

em CaltechTHESIS


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The reactivity of permethylzirconocene and permethylhafnocene complexes with various nucleophiles has been investigated. Permethylzirconocene reacts with sterically hindered ketenes and allenes to afford metallacycle products. Reaction of these cummulenes with permethylzirconocene hydride complexes affords enolate and σ-allyl species, respectively. Reactions which afford enolate products are nonstereospecific, whereas reactions which afford allyl products initially give a cis-σ-allyl complex which rearranges to its trans isomer. The mechanism of these reactions is proposed to occur either by a Lewis Acid-Lewis Base interaction (ketenes) or by formation of a π-olefin intermediate (allenes).

Permethylzirconocene haloacyl complexes react with strong bases such as lithium diisopropylamide or methylene trimethylphosphorane to afford ketene compounds. Depending on the size of the alkyl ketene substituent, the hydrogenation of these compounds affords enolate-hydride products with varying degrees of stereoselectivity. The larger the substituent, the greater is the selectivity for cis hydrogenation products.

The reaction of permethylzirconocene dihydride and permethylhafnocene dihydride with methylene trimethylphosphorane affords methyl-hydride and dimethyl derivatives. Under appropriate conditions, the metallated-ylide complex 1, (η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5)_2 Zr(H)CH_2PMe_2CH_2, is also obtained and has been structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction techniques. Reaction of 1 with CO affords (η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5)_2 Zr(C,O-η^2 -(PMe_3)HC=CO)H which exists in solution as an equilibrium mixture of isomers. In one isomer (2), the η^2-acyl oxygen atom occupies a lateral equatorial coordination position about zirconium, whereas in the other isomer (3), the η-acyl oxygen atom occupies the central equatorial position. The equilibrium kinetics of the 2→3 isomerization have been studied and the structures of both complexes confirmed by X-ray diffraction methods. These studies suggest a mechanism for CO insertion into metal-carbon bonds of the early transition metals.

Permethylhafnocene dihydride and permethylzirconocene hydride complexes react with diazoalkanes to afford η^2-N, N' -hydrazonido species in which the terminal nitrogen atom of the diazoalkane molecule has inserted into a metal-hydride or metal-carbon bond. The structure of one of these compounds, Cp*_2Zr(NMeNCTol_2)OH, has been determined by X-ray diffraction techniques. Under appropriate conditions, the hydrazonido-hydride complexes react with a second equivalent of diazoalkene to afford η' -N-hydrazonido-η^2-N, N' -hydrazonido species.


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Methodology for the preparation of allenes from propargylic hydrazine precursors under mild conditions is described. Oxidation of the propargylic hydrazines, which can be readily prepared from propargylic alcohols, with either of two azo oxidants, diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD) or 4-methyl 1,2-triazoline-3,5-dione (MTAD), effects conversion to the allenes, presumably via sigmatropic rearrangement of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate. This rearrangement is demonstrated to proceed with essentially complete stereospecificity. The application of this methodology to the preparation of other allenes, including two that are notable for their reactivity and thermal instability, is also described.

The structural and mechanistic study of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate in the oxidative transformation of propargylic hydrazines to allenes is described. The use of long-range heteronuclear NMR coupling constants for assigning monoalkyl diazene stereochemistry (E vs Z) is also discussed. Evidence is presented that all known monoalkyl diazenes are the E isomers, and the erroneous assignment of stereochemistry in the previous report of the preparation of (Z)-phenyldiazene is discussed.

The synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of 1,6-didehydro[10]annulene are described. This molecule has been recognized as an interesting synthetic target for over 40 years and represents the intersection of two sets of extensively studied molecules: nonbenzenoid aromatic compounds and molecules containing sterically compressed π-systems.The formation of 1,5-dehydronaphthalene from 1 ,6-didehydro[10]annulene is believed to be the prototype for cycloaromatizations that produce 1,4-dehydroaromatic species with the radical centers disposed anti about the newly formed single bond. The aromaticity of this annulene and the facility of its cycloaromatization are also analyzed.


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A number of cell-cell interactions in the nervous system are mediated by immunoglobulin gene superfamily members. For example, neuroglian, a homophilic neural cell adhesion molecule in Drosophila, has an extracellular portion comprising six C- 2 type immunoglobulin-like domains followed by five fibronectin type III (FnIII) repeats. Neuroglian shares this domain organization and significant sequence identity with Ll, a murine neural adhesion molecule that could be a functional homologue. Here I report the crystal structure of a proteolytic fragment containing the first two FnIII repeats of neuroglian (NgFn 1,2) at 2.0Å. The interpretation of photomicrographs of rotary shadowed Ng, the entire extracellular portion of neuroglian, and NgFnl-5, the five neuroglian Fn III domains, is also discussed.

The structure of NgFn 1,2 consists of two roughly cylindrical β-barrel structural motifs arranged in a head-to-tail fashion with the domains meeting at an angle of ~120, as defined by the cylinder axes. The folding topology of each domain is identical to that previously observed for single FnIII domains from tenascin and fibronectin. The domains of NgFn1,2 are related by an approximate two fold screw axis that is nearly parallel to the longest dimension of the fragment. Assuming this relative orientation is a general property of tandem FnIII repeats, the multiple tandem FnIII domains in neuroglian and other proteins are modeled as thin straight rods with two domain zig-zag repeats. When combined with the dimensions of pairs of tandem immunoglobulin-like domains from CD4 and CD2, this model suggests that neuroglian is a long narrow molecule (20 - 30 Å in diameter) that extends up to 370Å from the cell surface.

In photomicrographs, rotary shadowed Ng and NgFn1-5 appear to be highly flexible rod-like molecules. NgFn 1-5 is observed to bend in at least two positions and has a mean total length consistent with models generated from the NgFn1,2 structure. Ng molecules have up to four bends and a mean total length of 392 Å, consistent with a head-to-tail packing of neuroglian's C2-type domains.


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β-lactamases are a group of enzymes that confer resistance to penam and cephem antibiotics by hydrolysis of the β-lactam ring, thereby inactivating the antibiotic. Crystallographic and computer modeling studies of RTEM-1 β-lactamase have indicated that Asp 132, a strictly conserved residue among the class A β-lactamases, appears to be involved in substrate binding, catalysis, or both. To study the contribution of residue 132 to β-lactamase function, site saturation mutagenesis was used to generate mutants coding for all 20 amino acids at position 132. Phenotypic screening of all mutants indicated that position 132 is very sensitive to amino acid changes, with only N132C, N132D, N132E, and N132Q showing any appreciable activity. Kinetic analysis of three of these mutants showed increases in K_M, along with substantial decreases in k_(cat). Efforts to trap a stable acyl-enzyme intermediate were unsuccessfuL These results indicate that residue 132 is involved in substrate binding, as well as catalysis, and supports the involvement of this residue in acylation as suggested by Strynadka et al.

Crystallographic and computer modeling studies of RTEM-1 β-lactamase have indicated that Lys 73 and Glu 166, two strictly conserved residues among the class A β-lactamases, appear to be involved in substrate binding, catalysis, or both. To study the contribution of these residues to β-lactamase function, site saturation mutagenesis was used to generate mutants coding for all 20 amino acids at positions 73 and 166. Then all 400 possible combinations of mutants were created by combinatorial mutagenesis. The colonies harboring the mutants were screened for growth in the presence of ampicillin. The competent colonys' DNA were sequenced, and kinetic parameters investigated. It was found that lysine is essential at position 73, and that position 166 only tolerated fairly conservative changes (Aspartic acid, Histidine, and Tyrosine). These functional mutants exhibited decreased kcat's, but K_M was close to wild-type levels. The results of the combinatorial mutagenesis experiments indicate that Lysis absolutely required for activity at position 73; no mutation at residue 166 can compensate for loss of the long side chain amine. The active mutants found--K73K/E166D, K73KIE166H, and K73KIE166Y were studied by kinetic analysis. These results reaffirmed the function of residue 166 as important in catalysis, specifically deacylation.

The identity of the residue responsible for enhancing the active site serine (Ser 70) in RTEM-1 β-lactamase has been disputed for some time. Recently, analysis of a crystal structure of RTEM-1 β-lactamase with covalently bound intermediate was published, and it was suggested that Lys 73, a strictly conserved residue among the class A β-lactamases, was acting as a general base, activating Ser 70. For this to be possible, the pK_a of Lys 73 would have to be depressed significantly. In an attempt to assay the pK_a of Lys 73, the mutation K73C was made. This mutant protein can be reacted with 2-bromoethylamine, and activity is restored to near wild type levels. ^(15)N-2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide and ^(13)C-2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide were synthesized. Reacting these compounds with the K73C mutant gives stable isotopic enrichment at residue 73 in the form of aminoethylcysteine, a lysine homologue. The pK_a of an amine can be determined by NMR titration, following the change in chemical shift of either the ^(15)N-amine nuclei or adjacent Be nuclei as pH is changed. Unfortunately, low protein solubility, along with probable label scrambling in the Be experiment, did not permit direct observation of either the ^(15)N or ^(13)C signals. Indirect detection experiments were used to observe the protons bonded directly to the ^(13)C atoms. Two NMR signals were seen, and their chemical shift change with pH variation was noted. The peak which was determined to correspond to the aminoethylcysteine residue shifted from 3.2 ppm down to 2.8 ppm over a pH range of 6.6 to 12.5. The pK_a of the amine at position 73 was determined to be ~10. This indicates that residue 73 does not function as a general base in the acylation step of the reaction. However the experimental measurement takes place in the absence of substrate. Since the enzyme undergoes conformational changes upon substrate binding, the measured pK_a of the free enzyme may not correspond to the pK_a of the enzyme substrate complex.