6 resultados para POTENTIAL MODEL

em CaltechTHESIS


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Home to hundreds of millions of souls and land of excessiveness, the Himalaya is also the locus of a unique seismicity whose scope and peculiarities still remain to this day somewhat mysterious. Having claimed the lives of kings, or turned ancient timeworn cities into heaps of rubbles and ruins, earthquakes eerily inhabit Nepalese folk tales with the fatalistic message that nothing lasts forever. From a scientific point of view as much as from a human perspective, solving the mysteries of Himalayan seismicity thus represents a challenge of prime importance. Documenting geodetic strain across the Nepal Himalaya with various GPS and leveling data, we show that unlike other subduction zones that exhibit a heterogeneous and patchy coupling pattern along strike, the last hundred kilometers of the Main Himalayan Thrust fault, or MHT, appear to be uniformly locked, devoid of any of the “creeping barriers” that traditionally ward off the propagation of large events. The approximately 20 mm/yr of reckoned convergence across the Himalaya matching previously established estimates of the secular deformation at the front of the arc, the slip accumulated at depth has to somehow elastically propagate all the way to the surface at some point. And yet, neither large events from the past nor currently recorded microseismicity nearly compensate for the massive moment deficit that quietly builds up under the giant mountains. Along with this large unbalanced moment deficit, the uncommonly homogeneous coupling pattern on the MHT raises the question of whether or not the locked portion of the MHT can rupture all at once in a giant earthquake. Univocally answering this question appears contingent on the still elusive estimate of the magnitude of the largest possible earthquake in the Himalaya, and requires tight constraints on local fault properties. What makes the Himalaya enigmatic also makes it the potential source of an incredible wealth of information, and we exploit some of the oddities of Himalayan seismicity in an effort to improve the understanding of earthquake physics and cipher out the properties of the MHT. Thanks to the Himalaya, the Indo-Gangetic plain is deluged each year under a tremendous amount of water during the annual summer monsoon that collects and bears down on the Indian plate enough to pull it away from the Eurasian plate slightly, temporarily relieving a small portion of the stress mounting on the MHT. As the rainwater evaporates in the dry winter season, the plate rebounds and tension is increased back on the fault. Interestingly, the mild waggle of stress induced by the monsoon rains is about the same size as that from solid-Earth tides which gently tug at the planets solid layers, but whereas changes in earthquake frequency correspond with the annually occurring monsoon, there is no such correlation with Earth tides, which oscillate back-and-forth twice a day. We therefore investigate the general response of the creeping and seismogenic parts of MHT to periodic stresses in order to link these observations to physical parameters. First, the response of the creeping part of the MHT is analyzed with a simple spring-and-slider system bearing rate-strengthening rheology, and we show that at the transition with the locked zone, where the friction becomes near velocity neutral, the response of the slip rate may be amplified at some periods, which values are analytically related to the physical parameters of the problem. Such predictions therefore hold the potential of constraining fault properties on the MHT, but still await observational counterparts to be applied, as nothing indicates that the variations of seismicity rate on the locked part of the MHT are the direct expressions of variations of the slip rate on its creeping part, and no variations of the slip rate have been singled out from the GPS measurements to this day. When shifting to the locked seismogenic part of the MHT, spring-and-slider models with rate-weakening rheology are insufficient to explain the contrasted responses of the seismicity to the periodic loads that tides and monsoon both place on the MHT. Instead, we resort to numerical simulations using the Boundary Integral CYCLes of Earthquakes algorithm and examine the response of a 2D finite fault embedded with a rate-weakening patch to harmonic stress perturbations of various periods. We show that such simulations are able to reproduce results consistent with a gradual amplification of sensitivity as the perturbing period get larger, up to a critical period corresponding to the characteristic time of evolution of the seismicity in response to a step-like perturbation of stress. This increase of sensitivity was not reproduced by simple 1D-spring-slider systems, probably because of the complexity of the nucleation process, reproduced only by 2D-fault models. When the nucleation zone is close to its critical unstable size, its growth becomes highly sensitive to any external perturbations and the timings of produced events may therefore find themselves highly affected. A fully analytical framework has yet to be developed and further work is needed to fully describe the behavior of the fault in terms of physical parameters, which will likely provide the keys to deduce constitutive properties of the MHT from seismological observations.


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Threefold symmetric Fe phosphine complexes have been used to model the structural and functional aspects of biological N2 fixation by nitrogenases. Low-valent bridging Fe-S-Fe complexes in the formal oxidation states Fe(II)Fe(II), Fe(II)/Fe(I), and Fe(I)/Fe(I) have been synthesized which display rich spectroscopic and magnetic behavior. A series of cationic tris-phosphine borane (TPB) ligated Fe complexes have been synthesized and been shown to bind a variety of nitrogenous ligands including N2H4, NH3, and NH2-. These complexes are all high spin S = 3/2 and display EPR and magnetic characteristics typical of this spin state. Furthermore, a sequential protonation and reduction sequence of a terminal amide results in loss of NH3 and uptake of N2. These stoichiometric transformations represent the final steps in potential N2 fixation schemes.

Treatment of an anionic FeN2 complex with excess acid also results in the formation of some NH3, suggesting the possibility of a catalytic cycle for the conversion of N2 to NH3 mediated by Fe. Indeed, use of excess acid and reductant results in the formation of seven equivalents of NH3 per Fe center, demonstrating Fe mediated catalytic N2 fixation with acids and protons for the first time. Numerous control experiments indicate that this catalysis is likely being mediated by a molecular species.

A number of other phosphine ligated Fe complexes have also been tested for catalysis and suggest that a hemi-labile Fe-B interaction may be critical for catalysis. Additionally, various conditions for the catalysis have been investigated. These studies further support the assignment of a molecular species and delineate some of the conditions required for catalysis.

Finally, combined spectroscopic studies have been performed on a putative intermediate for catalysis. These studies converge on an assignment of this new species as a hydrazido(2-) complex. Such species have been known on group 6 metals for some time, but this represents the first characterization of this ligand on Fe. Further spectroscopic studies suggest that this species is present in catalytic mixtures, which suggests that the first steps of a distal mechanism for N2 fixation are feasible in this system.


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A set of coupled-channel differential equations based on a rotationally distorted optical potential is used to calculate the wave functions required to evaluate the gamma ray transition rate from the first excited state to the ground state in ^(13)C and ^(13)N. The bremsstrahlung differential cross section of low energy protons is also calculated and compared with existing data. The marked similarity between the potentials determined at each resonance level in both nuclei supports the hypothesis of the charge symmetry of nuclear forces by explaining the deviation of the ratios of the experimental E1 transition strengths from unity.


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In the measurement of the Higgs Boson decaying into two photons the parametrization of an appropriate background model is essential for fitting the Higgs signal mass peak over a continuous background. This diphoton background modeling is crucial in the statistical process of calculating exclusion limits and the significance of observations in comparison to a background-only hypothesis. It is therefore ideal to obtain knowledge of the physical shape for the background mass distribution as the use of an improper function can lead to biases in the observed limits. Using an Information-Theoretic (I-T) approach for valid inference we apply Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) as a measure of the separation for a fitting model from the data. We then implement a multi-model inference ranking method to build a fit-model that closest represents the Standard Model background in 2013 diphoton data recorded by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Potential applications and extensions of this model-selection technique are discussed with reference to CMS detector performance measurements as well as in potential physics analyses at future detectors.


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The molecular inputs necessary for cell behavior are vital to our understanding of development and disease. Proper cell behavior is necessary for processes ranging from creating one’s face (neural crest migration) to spreading cancer from one tissue to another (invasive metastatic cancers). Identifying the genes and tissues involved in cell behavior not only increases our understanding of biology but also has the potential to create targeted therapies in diseases hallmarked by aberrant cell behavior.

A well-characterized model system is key to determining the molecular and spatial inputs necessary for cell behavior. In this work I present the C. elegans uterine seam cell (utse) as an ideal model for studying cell outgrowth and shape change. The utse is an H-shaped cell within the hermaphrodite uterus that functions in attaching the uterus to the body wall. Over L4 larval stage, the utse grows bidirectionally along the anterior-posterior axis, changing from an ellipsoidal shape to an elongated H-shape. Spatially, the utse requires the presence of the uterine toroid cells, sex muscles, and the anchor cell nucleus in order to properly grow outward. Several gene families are involved in utse development, including Trio, Nav, Rab GTPases, Arp2/3, as well as 54 other genes found from a candidate RNAi screen. The utse can be used as a model system for studying metastatic cancer. Meprin proteases are involved in promoting invasiveness of metastatic cancers and the meprin-likw genes nas-21, nas-22, and toh-1 act similarly within the utse. Studying nas-21 activity has also led to the discovery of novel upstream inhibitors and activators as well as targets of nas-21, some of which have been characterized to affect meprin activity. This illustrates that the utse can be used as an in vivo model for learning more about meprins, as well as various other proteins involved in metastasis.


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A simple model potential is used to calculate Rydberg series for the molecules: nitrogen, oxygen, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, acetylene, formaldehyde, formic acid, diazomethane, ketene, ethylene, allene, acetaldehyde, propyne, acrolein, dimethyl ether, 1, 3-butadiene, 2-butene, and benzene. The model potential for a molecule is taken as the sum of atomic potentials, which are calibrated to atomic data and contain no further parameters. Our results agree with experimentally measured values to within 5-10% in all cases. The results of these calculations are applied to many unresolved problems connected with the above molecules. Some of the more notable of these problems are the reassignment of states in carbon monoxide, the first ionization potential of nitrogen dioxide, the interpretation of the V state in ethylene, and the mystery bands in substituted ethylenes, the identification of the R and R’ series in benzene and the determination of the orbital scheme in benzene from electron impact data.