4 resultados para Error in substance

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis is a theoretical work on the space-time dynamic behavior of a nuclear reactor without feedback. Diffusion theory with G-energy groups is used.

In the first part the accuracy of the point kinetics (lumped-parameter description) model is examined. The fundamental approximation of this model is the splitting of the neutron density into a product of a known function of space and an unknown function of time; then the properties of the system can be averaged in space through the use of appropriate weighting functions; as a result a set of ordinary differential equations is obtained for the description of time behavior. It is clear that changes of the shape of the neutron-density distribution due to space-dependent perturbations are neglected. This results to an error in the eigenvalues and it is to this error that bounds are derived. This is done by using the method of weighted residuals to reduce the original eigenvalue problem to that of a real asymmetric matrix. Then Gershgorin-type theorems .are used to find discs in the complex plane in which the eigenvalues are contained. The radii of the discs depend on the perturbation in a simple manner.

In the second part the effect of delayed neutrons on the eigenvalues of the group-diffusion operator is examined. The delayed neutrons cause a shifting of the prompt-neutron eigenvalue s and the appearance of the delayed eigenvalues. Using a simple perturbation method this shifting is calculated and the delayed eigenvalues are predicted with good accuracy.


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In this thesis, a method to retrieve the source finiteness, depth of faulting, and the mechanisms of large earthquakes from long-period surface waves is developed and applied to several recent large events.

In Chapter 1, source finiteness parameters of eleven large earthquakes were determined from long-period Rayleigh waves recorded at IDA and GDSN stations. The basic data set is the seismic spectra of periods from 150 to 300 sec. Two simple models of source finiteness are studied. The first model is a point source with finite duration. In the determination of the duration or source-process times, we used Furumoto's phase method and a linear inversion method, in which we simultaneously inverted the spectra and determined the source-process time that minimizes the error in the inversion. These two methods yielded consistent results. The second model is the finite fault model. Source finiteness of large shallow earthquakes with rupture on a fault plane with a large aspect ratio was modeled with the source-finiteness function introduced by Ben-Menahem. The spectra were inverted to find the extent and direction of the rupture of the earthquake that minimize the error in the inversion. This method is applied to the 1977 Sumbawa, Indonesia, 1979 Colombia-Ecuador, 1983 Akita-Oki, Japan, 1985 Valparaiso, Chile, and 1985 Michoacan, Mexico earthquakes. The method yielded results consistent with the rupture extent inferred from the aftershock area of these earthquakes.

In Chapter 2, the depths and source mechanisms of nine large shallow earthquakes were determined. We inverted the data set of complex source spectra for a moment tensor (linear) or a double couple (nonlinear). By solving a least-squares problem, we obtained the centroid depth or the extent of the distributed source for each earthquake. The depths and source mechanisms of large shallow earthquakes determined from long-period Rayleigh waves depend on the models of source finiteness, wave propagation, and the excitation. We tested various models of the source finiteness, Q, the group velocity, and the excitation in the determination of earthquake depths.

The depth estimates obtained using the Q model of Dziewonski and Steim (1982) and the excitation functions computed for the average ocean model of Regan and Anderson (1984) are considered most reasonable. Dziewonski and Steim's Q model represents a good global average of Q determined over a period range of the Rayleigh waves used in this study. Since most of the earthquakes studied here occurred in subduction zones Regan and Anderson's average ocean model is considered most appropriate.

Our depth estimates are in general consistent with the Harvard CMT solutions. The centroid depths and their 90 % confidence intervals (numbers in the parentheses) determined by the Student's t test are: Colombia-Ecuador earthquake (12 December 1979), d = 11 km, (9, 24) km; Santa Cruz Is. earthquake (17 July 1980), d = 36 km, (18, 46) km; Samoa earthquake (1 September 1981), d = 15 km, (9, 26) km; Playa Azul, Mexico earthquake (25 October 1981), d = 41 km, (28, 49) km; El Salvador earthquake (19 June 1982), d = 49 km, (41, 55) km; New Ireland earthquake (18 March 1983), d = 75 km, (72, 79) km; Chagos Bank earthquake (30 November 1983), d = 31 km, (16, 41) km; Valparaiso, Chile earthquake (3 March 1985), d = 44 km, (15, 54) km; Michoacan, Mexico earthquake (19 September 1985), d = 24 km, (12, 34) km.

In Chapter 3, the vertical extent of faulting of the 1983 Akita-Oki, and 1977 Sumbawa, Indonesia earthquakes are determined from fundamental and overtone Rayleigh waves. Using fundamental Rayleigh waves, the depths are determined from the moment tensor inversion and fault inversion. The observed overtone Rayleigh waves are compared to the synthetic overtone seismograms to estimate the depth of faulting of these earthquakes. The depths obtained from overtone Rayleigh waves are consistent with the depths determined from fundamental Rayleigh waves for the two earthquakes. Appendix B gives the observed seismograms of fundamental and overtone Rayleigh waves for eleven large earthquakes.


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Methods that exploit the intrinsic locality of molecular interactions show significant promise in making tractable the electronic structure calculation of large-scale systems. In particular, embedded density functional theory (e-DFT) offers a formally exact approach to electronic structure calculations in which the interactions between subsystems are evaluated in terms of their electronic density. In the following dissertation, methodological advances of embedded density functional theory are described, numerically tested, and applied to real chemical systems.

First, we describe an e-DFT protocol in which the non-additive kinetic energy component of the embedding potential is treated exactly. Then, we present a general implementation of the exact calculation of the non-additive kinetic potential (NAKP) and apply it to molecular systems. We demonstrate that the implementation using the exact NAKP is in excellent agreement with reference Kohn-Sham calculations, whereas the approximate functionals lead to qualitative failures in the calculated energies and equilibrium structures.

Next, we introduce density-embedding techniques to enable the accurate and stable calculation of correlated wavefunction (CW) in complex environments. Embedding potentials calculated using e-DFT introduce the effect of the environment on a subsystem for CW calculations (WFT-in-DFT). We demonstrate that WFT-in-DFT calculations are in good agreement with CW calculations performed on the full complex.

We significantly improve the numerics of the algorithm by enforcing orthogonality between subsystems by introduction of a projection operator. Utilizing the projection-based embedding scheme, we rigorously analyze the sources of error in quantum embedding calculations in which an active subsystem is treated using CWs, and the remainder using density functional theory. We show that the embedding potential felt by the electrons in the active subsystem makes only a small contribution to the error of the method, whereas the error in the nonadditive exchange-correlation energy dominates. We develop an algorithm which corrects this term and demonstrate the accuracy of this corrected embedding scheme.


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The time distribution of the decays of an initially pure K° beam into π+π-π° has been analyzed to determine the complex parameter W (also known as Ƞ+-° and (x + iy)). The K° beam was produced in a brass target by the interactions of a 2.85 GeV/c π- beam which was generated on an internal target in the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) Bevatron. The counters and hodoscopes in the apparatus selected for events with a neutral (K°) produced in the brass target, two charged secondaries passing through a magnet spectrometer and a ɣ-ray shower in a shower hodoscope.

From the 275K apparatus triggers, 148 K → π+π-π° events were isolated. The presence of a ɣ-ray shower in the optical shower chambers and a two-prong vee in the optical spark chambers were devices used to isolate the events. The backgrounds were further reduced by reconstructing the momenta of the two charged secondaries and applying kinematic constraints.

The best fit to the final sample of 148 events distributed between .3 and 7.0 KS lifetimes gives:

ReW = -.05 ±.17

ImW = +.39 +.35/-.37

This result is consistent with both CPT invariance (ReW = 0) and CP invariance (W = 0). Backgrounds are estimated to be less than 10% and systematic effects have also been estimated to be negligible.

An analysis of the present data on CP violation in this decay mode and other K° decay modes has estimated the phase of ɛ to be 45.3 ± 2.3 degrees. This result is consistent with the super weak theories of CP violation which predicts the phase of ɛ to be 43°. This estimate is in turn used to predict the phase of Ƞ°° to be 48.0 ± 7.9 degrees. This is a substantial improvement on presently available measurements. The largest error in this analysis comes from the present limits on W from the world average of recent experiments. The K → πuʋ mode produces the next largest error. Therefore further experimentation in these modes would be useful.