7 resultados para Eguchi-hanson Metric

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis presents a novel framework for state estimation in the context of robotic grasping and manipulation. The overall estimation approach is based on fusing various visual cues for manipulator tracking, namely appearance and feature-based, shape-based, and silhouette-based visual cues. Similarly, a framework is developed to fuse the above visual cues, but also kinesthetic cues such as force-torque and tactile measurements, for in-hand object pose estimation. The cues are extracted from multiple sensor modalities and are fused in a variety of Kalman filters.

A hybrid estimator is developed to estimate both a continuous state (robot and object states) and discrete states, called contact modes, which specify how each finger contacts a particular object surface. A static multiple model estimator is used to compute and maintain this mode probability. The thesis also develops an estimation framework for estimating model parameters associated with object grasping. Dual and joint state-parameter estimation is explored for parameter estimation of a grasped object's mass and center of mass. Experimental results demonstrate simultaneous object localization and center of mass estimation.

Dual-arm estimation is developed for two arm robotic manipulation tasks. Two types of filters are explored; the first is an augmented filter that contains both arms in the state vector while the second runs two filters in parallel, one for each arm. These two frameworks and their performance is compared in a dual-arm task of removing a wheel from a hub.

This thesis also presents a new method for action selection involving touch. This next best touch method selects an available action for interacting with an object that will gain the most information. The algorithm employs information theory to compute an information gain metric that is based on a probabilistic belief suitable for the task. An estimation framework is used to maintain this belief over time. Kinesthetic measurements such as contact and tactile measurements are used to update the state belief after every interactive action. Simulation and experimental results are demonstrated using next best touch for object localization, specifically a door handle on a door. The next best touch theory is extended for model parameter determination. Since many objects within a particular object category share the same rough shape, principle component analysis may be used to parametrize the object mesh models. These parameters can be estimated using the action selection technique that selects the touching action which best both localizes and estimates these parameters. Simulation results are then presented involving localizing and determining a parameter of a screwdriver.

Lastly, the next best touch theory is further extended to model classes. Instead of estimating parameters, object class determination is incorporated into the information gain metric calculation. The best touching action is selected in order to best discern between the possible model classes. Simulation results are presented to validate the theory.


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Part I of the thesis describes the olfactory searching and scanning behaviors of rats in a wind tunnel, and a detailed movement analysis of terrestrial arthropod olfactory scanning behavior. Olfactory scanning behaviors in rats may be a behavioral correlate to hippocampal place cell activity.

Part II focuses on the organization of olfactory perception, what it suggests about a natural order for chemicals in the environment, and what this in tum suggests about the organization of the olfactory system. A model of odor quality space (analogous to the "color wheel") is presented. This model defines relationships between odor qualities perceived by human subjects based on a quantitative similarity measure. Compounds containing Carbon, Nitrogen, or Sulfur elicit odors that are contiguous in this odor representation, which thus allows one to predict the broad class of odor qualities a compound is likely to elicit. Based on these findings, a natural organization for olfactory stimuli is hypothesized: the order provided by the metabolic process. This hypothesis is tested by comparing compounds that are structurally similar, perceptually similar, and metabolically similar in a psychophysical cross-adaptation paradigm. Metabolically similar compounds consistently evoked shifts in odor quality and intensity under cross-adaptation, while compounds that were structurally similar or perceptually similar did not. This suggests that the olfactory system may process metabolically similar compounds using the same neural pathways, and that metabolic similarity may be the fundamental metric about which olfactory processing is organized. In other words, the olfactory system may be organized around a biological basis.

The idea of a biological basis for olfactory perception represents a shift in how olfaction is understood. The biological view has predictive power while the current chemical view does not, and the biological view provides explanations for some of the most basic questions in olfaction, that are unanswered in the chemical view. Existing data do not disprove a biological view, and are consistent with basic hypotheses that arise from this viewpoint.


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The theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, the two most important physics discoveries of the 20th century, not only revolutionized our understanding of the nature of space-time and the way matter exists and interacts, but also became the building blocks of what we currently know as modern physics. My thesis studies both subjects in great depths --- this intersection takes place in gravitational-wave physics.

Gravitational waves are "ripples of space-time", long predicted by general relativity. Although indirect evidence of gravitational waves has been discovered from observations of binary pulsars, direct detection of these waves is still actively being pursued. An international array of laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors has been constructed in the past decade, and a first generation of these detectors has taken several years of data without a discovery. At this moment, these detectors are being upgraded into second-generation configurations, which will have ten times better sensitivity. Kilogram-scale test masses of these detectors, highly isolated from the environment, are probed continuously by photons. The sensitivity of such a quantum measurement can often be limited by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and during such a measurement, the test masses can be viewed as evolving through a sequence of nearly pure quantum states.

The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) concerns how to minimize the adverse effect of thermal fluctuations on the sensitivity of advanced gravitational detectors, thereby making them closer to being quantum-limited. My colleagues and I present a detailed analysis of coating thermal noise in advanced gravitational-wave detectors, which is the dominant noise source of Advanced LIGO in the middle of the detection frequency band. We identified the two elastic loss angles, clarified the different components of the coating Brownian noise, and obtained their cross spectral densities.

The second part of this thesis (Chapters 3-7) concerns formulating experimental concepts and analyzing experimental results that demonstrate the quantum mechanical behavior of macroscopic objects - as well as developing theoretical tools for analyzing quantum measurement processes. In Chapter 3, we study the open quantum dynamics of optomechanical experiments in which a single photon strongly influences the quantum state of a mechanical object. We also explain how to engineer the mechanical oscillator's quantum state by modifying the single photon's wave function.

In Chapters 4-5, we build theoretical tools for analyzing the so-called "non-Markovian" quantum measurement processes. Chapter 4 establishes a mathematical formalism that describes the evolution of a quantum system (the plant), which is coupled to a non-Markovian bath (i.e., one with a memory) while at the same time being under continuous quantum measurement (by the probe field). This aims at providing a general framework for analyzing a large class of non-Markovian measurement processes. Chapter 5 develops a way of characterizing the non-Markovianity of a bath (i.e.,whether and to what extent the bath remembers information about the plant) by perturbing the plant and watching for changes in the its subsequent evolution. Chapter 6 re-analyzes a recent measurement of a mechanical oscillator's zero-point fluctuations, revealing nontrivial correlation between the measurement device's sensing noise and the quantum rack-action noise.

Chapter 7 describes a model in which gravity is classical and matter motions are quantized, elaborating how the quantum motions of matter are affected by the fact that gravity is classical. It offers an experimentally plausible way to test this model (hence the nature of gravity) by measuring the center-of-mass motion of a macroscopic object.

The most promising gravitational waves for direct detection are those emitted from highly energetic astrophysical processes, sometimes involving black holes - a type of object predicted by general relativity whose properties depend highly on the strong-field regime of the theory. Although black holes have been inferred to exist at centers of galaxies and in certain so-called X-ray binary objects, detecting gravitational waves emitted by systems containing black holes will offer a much more direct way of observing black holes, providing unprecedented details of space-time geometry in the black-holes' strong-field region.

The third part of this thesis (Chapters 8-11) studies black-hole physics in connection with gravitational-wave detection.

Chapter 8 applies black hole perturbation theory to model the dynamics of a light compact object orbiting around a massive central Schwarzschild black hole. In this chapter, we present a Hamiltonian formalism in which the low-mass object and the metric perturbations of the background spacetime are jointly evolved. Chapter 9 uses WKB techniques to analyze oscillation modes (quasi-normal modes or QNMs) of spinning black holes. We obtain analytical approximations to the spectrum of the weakly-damped QNMs, with relative error O(1/L^2), and connect these frequencies to geometrical features of spherical photon orbits in Kerr spacetime. Chapter 11 focuses mainly on near-extremal Kerr black holes, we discuss a bifurcation in their QNM spectra for certain ranges of (l,m) (the angular quantum numbers) as a/M → 1. With tools prepared in Chapter 9 and 10, in Chapter 11 we obtain an analytical approximate for the scalar Green function in Kerr spacetime.


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The Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Experiment observed the disappearance of reactor $\bar{\nu}_e$ from six $2.9~GW_{th}$ reactor cores in Daya Bay, China. The Experiment consists of six functionally identical $\bar{\nu}_e$ detectors, which detect $\bar{\nu}_e$ by inverse beta decay using a total of about 120 metric tons of Gd-loaded liquid scintillator as the target volume. These $\bar{\nu}_e$ detectors were installed in three underground experimental halls, two near halls and one far hall, under the mountains near Daya Bay, with overburdens of 250 m.w.e, 265 m.w.e and 860 m.w.e. and flux-weighted baselines of 470 m, 576 m and 1648 m. A total of 90179 $\bar{\nu}_e$ candidates were observed in the six detectors over a period of 55 days, 57549 at the Daya Bay near site, 22169 at the Ling Ao near site and 10461 at the far site. By performing a rate-only analysis, the value of $sin^2 2\theta_{13}$ was determined to be $0.092 \pm 0.017$.


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This thesis introduces fundamental equations and numerical methods for manipulating surfaces in three dimensions via conformal transformations. Conformal transformations are valuable in applications because they naturally preserve the integrity of geometric data. To date, however, there has been no clearly stated and consistent theory of conformal transformations that can be used to develop general-purpose geometry processing algorithms: previous methods for computing conformal maps have been restricted to the flat two-dimensional plane, or other spaces of constant curvature. In contrast, our formulation can be used to produce---for the first time---general surface deformations that are perfectly conformal in the limit of refinement. It is for this reason that we commandeer the title Conformal Geometry Processing.

The main contribution of this thesis is analysis and discretization of a certain time-independent Dirac equation, which plays a central role in our theory. Given an immersed surface, we wish to construct new immersions that (i) induce a conformally equivalent metric and (ii) exhibit a prescribed change in extrinsic curvature. Curvature determines the potential in the Dirac equation; the solution of this equation determines the geometry of the new surface. We derive the precise conditions under which curvature is allowed to evolve, and develop efficient numerical algorithms for solving the Dirac equation on triangulated surfaces.

From a practical perspective, this theory has a variety of benefits: conformal maps are desirable in geometry processing because they do not exhibit shear, and therefore preserve textures as well as the quality of the mesh itself. Our discretization yields a sparse linear system that is simple to build and can be used to efficiently edit surfaces by manipulating curvature and boundary data, as demonstrated via several mesh processing applications. We also present a formulation of Willmore flow for triangulated surfaces that permits extraordinarily large time steps and apply this algorithm to surface fairing, geometric modeling, and construction of constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces.


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This thesis introduces new tools for geometric discretization in computer graphics and computational physics. Our work builds upon the duality between weighted triangulations and power diagrams to provide concise, yet expressive discretization of manifolds and differential operators. Our exposition begins with a review of the construction of power diagrams, followed by novel optimization procedures to fully control the local volume and spatial distribution of power cells. Based on this power diagram framework, we develop a new family of discrete differential operators, an effective stippling algorithm, as well as a new fluid solver for Lagrangian particles. We then turn our attention to applications in geometry processing. We show that orthogonal primal-dual meshes augment the notion of local metric in non-flat discrete surfaces. In particular, we introduce a reduced set of coordinates for the construction of orthogonal primal-dual structures of arbitrary topology, and provide alternative metric characterizations through convex optimizations. We finally leverage these novel theoretical contributions to generate well-centered primal-dual meshes, sphere packing on surfaces, and self-supporting triangulations.


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We know from the CMB and observations of large-scale structure that the universe is extremely flat, homogenous, and isotropic. The current favored mechanism for generating these characteristics is inflation, a theorized period of exponential expansion of the universe that occurred shortly after the Big Bang. Most theories of inflation generically predict a background of stochastic gravitational waves. These gravitational waves should leave their unique imprint on the polarization of the CMB via Thompson scattering. Scalar perturbations of the metric will cause a pattern of polarization with no curl (E-mode). Tensor perturbations (gravitational waves) will cause a unique pattern of polarization on the CMB that includes a curl component (B-mode). A measurement of the ratio of the tensor to scalar perturbations (r) tells us the energy scale of inflation. Recent measurements by the BICEP2 team detect the B-mode spectrum with a tensor-to-scalar ratio of r = 0.2 (+0.05, −0.07). An independent confirmation of this result is the next step towards understanding the inflationary universe.

This thesis describes my work on a balloon-borne polarimeter called SPIDER, which is designed to illuminate the physics of the early universe through measurements of the cosmic microwave background polarization. SPIDER consists of six single-frequency, on-axis refracting telescopes contained in a shared-vacuum liquid-helium cryostat. Its large format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors and tight control of systematics will give it unprecedented sensitivity. This thesis describes how the SPIDER detectors are characterized and calibrated for flight, as well as how the systematics requirements for the SPIDER system are simulated and measured.