4 resultados para 4 epoxy 1

em CaltechTHESIS


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The preparation and direct observation of triplet 2,4-dimethylene-1,3- cyclobutanediyl (1), the non-Kekule isomer of benzene, is described. The biradical was generated by photolysis of 5,6-dimethylene-2,3- diazabicyclo[2.1.1]hex-2-ene (2) (which was synthesized in several steps from benzvalene) under cryogenic, matrix-isolation conditions. Biradical 1 was characterized by EPR spectroscopy (‌‌‌‌‌│D/hc│ =0.0204 cm^(-1), │E/hc│ =0.0028 cm^(-1)) and found to have a triplet ground state. The Δm_s= 2 transition displays hyperfine splitting attributed to a 7.3-G coupling to the ring methine and a 5.9-G coupling to the exocyclic methylene protons. Several experiments, including application of the magnetophotoselection (mps) technique in the generation of biradical 1, have allowed a determination of the zero-field triplet sublevels as x = -0.0040, y = +0.0136, and z = -0.0096 cm^(-1), where x and y are respectively the long and short in-plane axes and z the out-of-plane axis of 1.

Triplet 1 is yellow-orange and displays highly structured absorption (λ_(max)= 506 nm) and fluorescence (λ_(max) = 510 nm) spectra, with vibronic spacings of 1520 and 620 cm^(-1) for absorption and 1570 and 620 cm^(-1) for emission. The spectra were unequivocally assigned to triplet 1 by the use of a novel technique that takes advantage of the biradical's photolability. The absorption є = 7200 M^(-1) cm^(-1) and f = 0.022, establishing that the transition is spin-allowed. Further use of the mps technique has demonstrated that the transition is x-polarized, and the excited state 1s therefore of B_(1g) symmetry, in accord with theoretical predictions.

Thermolysis or direct photolysis of diazene 2 in fluid solution produces 2,4- dimethylenebicyclo[l.l.0]butane (3), whose ^(l)H NMR spectrum (-80°C, CD_(2)Cl_(2)) consists of singlets at δ 4.22 and 3.18 in a 2:1 ratio. Compound 3 is thermally unstable and dimerizes with second-order kinetics between -80 and -25°C (∆H^(‡) = 6.8 kcal mol^(-1), (∆s^(‡) = -28 eu) by a mechanism involving direct combination of two molecules of 3 in the rate-determining step. This singlet-manifold reaction ultimately produces a mixture of two dimers, 3,8,9- trimethylenetricyclo[^(2,5)]non-4-ene (75) and trans-3,10-dimethylenetricyclo[^(2,5)]deca-4,8-diene (76t), with the former predominating. In contrast, triplet-sensitized photolysis of 2, which leads to triplet 1, provides, in addition to 75 and 76t, a substantial amount of trans-5,10- dimethylenetricyclo[^(3,6)]deca-3,8-diene (77t) and small amounts of two unidentified dimers.

In addition, triplet biradical 1 ring-closes to 3 in rigid media both thermally (77-140 K) and photochemically. In solution 3 forms triplet 1 upon energy transfer from sensitizers having relatively low triplet energies. The implications of the thermal chemistry for the energy surfaces of the system are discussed.


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The synthesis of the first member of a new class of Dewar benzenes has been achieved. The synthesis of 2,3- dimethylbicyclo[2.2.0]hexa-2,5-diene-1, 4-dicarboxylic acid and its anhydride are described. Dibromomaleic anhydride and dichloroethylene were found to add efficiently in a photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition to produce 1,2-dibromo- 3,4-dichlorocyclobutane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. Removal of the bromines with tin/copper couple yielded dichloro- cyclobutenes which added to 2-butyne under photochemical conditions to yield 5,6-dichloro-2,3-dimethylbicyclo [2.2.0] hex-2-ene dicarboxylic acids. One of the three possible isomers yielded a stable anhydride which could be dechlorinated using triphenyltin radicals generated by the photolysis of hexaphenylditin.

Photolysis of argon matrix isolated 2,3-dimethylbicyclo [2.2.0]hexa-2, 5-diene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid anhydride produced traces whose strongest bands in the infrared were at 3350 and 600 cm^(-1). This suggested the formation of terminal acetylenes. The spectra of argon matrix isolated E- and Z- 3,4-dimethylhexa-1,5-diyne-3-ene and cis-and trans-octa- 2,6-diyne-4-ene were compared with the spectrum of the photolysis products. Possibly all four diethynylethylenes were present in the anhydride photolysis products. Gas chromatograph-mass spectral analysis of the volatiles from the anhydride photolysis again suggested, but did not confirm, the presence of the diethynylethylenes.


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Methodology for the preparation of allenes from propargylic hydrazine precursors under mild conditions is described. Oxidation of the propargylic hydrazines, which can be readily prepared from propargylic alcohols, with either of two azo oxidants, diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD) or 4-methyl 1,2-triazoline-3,5-dione (MTAD), effects conversion to the allenes, presumably via sigmatropic rearrangement of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate. This rearrangement is demonstrated to proceed with essentially complete stereospecificity. The application of this methodology to the preparation of other allenes, including two that are notable for their reactivity and thermal instability, is also described.

The structural and mechanistic study of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate in the oxidative transformation of propargylic hydrazines to allenes is described. The use of long-range heteronuclear NMR coupling constants for assigning monoalkyl diazene stereochemistry (E vs Z) is also discussed. Evidence is presented that all known monoalkyl diazenes are the E isomers, and the erroneous assignment of stereochemistry in the previous report of the preparation of (Z)-phenyldiazene is discussed.

The synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of 1,6-didehydro[10]annulene are described. This molecule has been recognized as an interesting synthetic target for over 40 years and represents the intersection of two sets of extensively studied molecules: nonbenzenoid aromatic compounds and molecules containing sterically compressed π-systems.The formation of 1,5-dehydronaphthalene from 1 ,6-didehydro[10]annulene is believed to be the prototype for cycloaromatizations that produce 1,4-dehydroaromatic species with the radical centers disposed anti about the newly formed single bond. The aromaticity of this annulene and the facility of its cycloaromatization are also analyzed.


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Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is produced in the atmosphere by oxidation of volatile organic compounds. Laboratory chambers are used understand the formation mechanisms and evolution of SOA formed under controlled conditions. This thesis presents studies of SOA formed from anthropogenic and biogenic precursors and discusses the effects of chamber walls on suspended vapors and particles.

During a chamber experiment, suspended vapors and particles can interact with the chamber walls. Particle wall loss is relatively well-understood, but vapor wall losses have received little study. Vapor wall loss of 2,3-epoxy-1,4-butanediol (BEPOX) and glyoxal was identified, quantified, and found to depend on chamber age and relative humidity.

Particles reside in the atmosphere for a week or more and can evolve chemically during that time period, a process termed aging. Simulating aging in laboratory chambers has proven to be challenging. A protocol was developed to extend the duration of a chamber experiment to 36 h of oxidation and was used to evaluate aging of SOA produced from m-xylene. Total SOA mass concentration increased and then decreased with increasing photooxidation suggesting a transition from functionalization to fragmentation chemistry driven by photochemical processes. SOA oxidation, measured as the bulk particle elemental oxygen-to-carbon ratio and fraction of organic mass at m/z 44, increased continuously starting after 5 h of photooxidation.

The physical state and chemical composition of an organic aerosol affect the mixing of aerosol components and its interactions with condensing species. A laboratory chamber protocol was developed to evaluate the mixing of SOA produced sequentially from two different sources by heating the chamber to induce particle evaporation. Using this protocol, SOA produced from toluene was found to be less volatile than that produced from a-pinene. When the two types of SOA were formed sequentially, the evaporation behavior most closely represented that of SOA from the second parent hydrocarbon, suggesting that the structure of the mixed SOA particles resembles a core of SOA from the first precursor coated by a layer of SOA from the second precursor, indicative of limiting mixing.