34 resultados para ELECTRON INJECTION


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Part I

Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.

Part II

The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r ln r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.


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Since the discovery in 1962 of laser action in semiconductor diodes made from GaAs, the study of spontaneous and stimulated light emission from semiconductors has become an exciting new field of semiconductor physics and quantum electronics combined. Included in the limited number of direct-gap semiconductor materials suitable for laser action are the members of the lead salt family, i.e . PbS, PbSe and PbTe. The material used for the experiments described herein is PbTe . The semiconductor PbTe is a narrow band- gap material (Eg = 0.19 electron volt at a temperature of 4.2°K). Therefore, the radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs between the conduction and valence bands produces photons whose wavelength is in the infrared (λ ≈ 6.5 microns in air).

The p-n junction diode is a convenient device in which the spontaneous and stimulated emission of light can be achieved via current flow in the forward-bias direction. Consequently, the experimental devices consist of a group of PbTe p-n junction diodes made from p –type single crystal bulk material. The p - n junctions were formed by an n-type vapor- phase diffusion perpendicular to the (100) plane, with a junction depth of approximately 75 microns. Opposite ends of the diode structure were cleaved to give parallel reflectors, thereby forming the Fabry-Perot cavity needed for a laser oscillator. Since the emission of light originates from the recombination of injected current carriers, the nature of the radiation depends on the injection mechanism.

The total intensity of the light emitted from the PbTe diodes was observed over a current range of three to four orders of magnitude. At the low current levels, the light intensity data were correlated with data obtained on the electrical characteristics of the diodes. In the low current region (region A), the light intensity, current-voltage and capacitance-voltage data are consistent with the model for photon-assisted tunneling. As the current is increased, the light intensity data indicate the occurrence of a change in the current injection mechanism from photon-assisted tunneling (region A) to thermionic emission (region B). With the further increase of the injection level, the photon-field due to light emission in the diode builds up to the point where stimulated emission (oscillation) occurs. The threshold current at which oscillation begins marks the beginning of a region (region C) where the total light intensity increases very rapidly with the increase in current. This rapid increase in intensity is accompanied by an increase in the number of narrow-band oscillating modes. As the photon density in the cavity continues to increase with the injection level, the intensity gradually enters a region of linear dependence on current (region D), i.e. a region of constant (differential) quantum efficiency.

Data obtained from measurements of the stimulated-mode light-intensity profile and the far-field diffraction pattern (both in the direction perpendicular to the junction-plane) indicate that the active region of high gain (i.e. the region where a population inversion exists) extends to approximately a diffusion length on both sides of the junction. The data also indicate that the confinement of the oscillating modes within the diode cavity is due to a variation in the real part of the dielectric constant, caused by the gain in the medium. A value of τ ≈ 10-9 second for the minority- carrier recombination lifetime (at a diode temperature of 20.4°K) is obtained from the above measurements. This value for τ is consistent with other data obtained independently for PbTe crystals.

Data on the threshold current for stimulated emission (for a diode temperature of 20. 4°K) as a function of the reciprocal cavity length were obtained. These data yield a value of J’th = (400 ± 80) amp/cm2 for the threshold current in the limit of an infinitely long diode-cavity. A value of α = (30 ± 15) cm-1 is obtained for the total (bulk) cavity loss constant, in general agreement with independent measurements of free- carrier absorption in PbTe. In addition, the data provide a value of ns ≈ 10% for the internal spontaneous quantum efficiency. The above value for ns yields values of tb ≈ τ ≈ 10-9 second and ts ≈ 10-8 second for the nonradiative and the spontaneous (radiative) lifetimes, respectively.

The external quantum efficiency (nd) for stimulated emission from diode J-2 (at 20.4° K) was calculated by using the total light intensity vs. diode current data, plus accepted values for the material parameters of the mercury- doped germanium detector used for the measurements. The resulting value is nd ≈ 10%-20% for emission from both ends of the cavity. The corresponding radiative power output (at λ = 6.5 micron) is 120-240 milliwatts for a diode current of 6 amps.


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A review of the theory of electron scattering indicates that low incident beam energies and large scattering angles are the favorable conditions for the observation of optically forbidden transitions in atoms and molecules.

An apparatus capable of yielding electron impact spectra at 90° with incident electron beam energies between 30 and 50 electron volts is described. The resolution of the instrument is about 1 electron volt.

Impact spectra of thirteen molecules have been obtained. Known forbidden transitions to the helium 23S, the hydrogen b3Ʃ+u, the nitrogen A3Ʃ+u, B3πg, a’πg, and C3πu, the carbon monoxide a3π, the ethylene ᾶ3B1u, and the benzene ᾶ3B1u states from the corresponding ground states have been observed.

In addition, singlet-triplet vertical transitions in acetylene, propyne, propadiene, norbornadiene and quadricyclene, peaking at 5.9, 5.9, 4.5, 3.8, and 4.0 ev (±0.2 ev), respectively, have been observed and assigned for the first time.


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Part I. Proton Magnetic Resonance of Polynucleotides and Transfer RNA.

Proton magnetic resonance was used to follow the temperature dependent intramolecular stacking of the bases in the polynucleotides of adenine and cytosine. Analysis of the results on the basis of a two state stacked-unstacked model yielded values of -4.5 kcal/mole and -9.5 kcal/mole for the enthalpies of stacking in polyadenylic and polycytidylic acid, respectively.

The interaction of purine with these molecules was also studied by pmr. Analysis of these results and the comparison of the thermal unstacking of polynucleotides and short chain nucleotides indicates that the bases contained in stacks within the long chain poly nucleotides are, on the average, closer together than the bases contained in stacks in the short chain nucleotides.

Temperature and purine studies were also carried out with an aqueous solution of formylmethionine transfer ribonucleic acid. Comparison of these results with the results of similar experiments with the homopolynucleotides of adenine, cytosine and uracil indicate that the purine is probably intercalating into loop regions of the molecule.

The solvent denaturation of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid was followed by pmr. In a solvent mixture containing 83 volume per cent dimethylsulf oxide and 17 per cent deuterium oxide, the tRNA molecule is rendered quite flexible. It is possible to resolve resonances of protons on the common bases and on certain modified bases.

Part II. Electron Spin Relaxation Studies of Manganese (II) Complexes in Acetonitrile.

The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of three Mn+2 complexes, [Mn(CH3CN)6]+2, [MnCl4]-2, and [MnBr4]-2, in acetonitrile were studied in detail. The objective of this study was to relate changes in the effective spin Hamiltonian parameters and the resonance line widths to the structure of these molecular complexes as well as to dynamical processes in solution.

Of the three systems studied, the results obtained from the [Mn(CH3CN)6]+2 system were the most straight-forward to interpret. Resonance broadening attributable to manganese spin-spin dipolar interactions was observed as the manganese concentration was increased.

In the [MnCl4]-2 system, solvent fluctuations and dynamical ion-pairing appear to be significant in determining electron spin relaxation.

In the [MnBr4]-2 system, solvent fluctuations, ion-pairing, and Br- ligand exchange provide the principal means of electron spin relaxation. It was also found that the spin relaxation in this system is dependent upon the field strength and is directly related to the manganese concentration. A relaxation theory based on a two state collisional model was developed to account for the observed behavior.