26 resultados para rest rooms


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This thesis aims at enhancing our fundamental understanding of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and mechanisms implicated in its climatology in present-day and warmer climates. We focus on the most prominent feature of the EASM, i.e., the so-called Meiyu-Baiu (MB), which is characterized by a well-defined, southwest to northeast elongated quasi-stationary rainfall band, spanning from eastern China to Japan and into the northwestern Pacific Ocean in June and July.

We begin with an observational study of the energetics of the MB front in present-day climate. Analyses of the moist static energy (MSE) budget of the MB front indicate that horizontal advection of moist enthalpy, primarily of dry enthalpy, sustains the front in a region of otherwise negative net energy input into the atmospheric column. A decomposition of the horizontal dry enthalpy advection into mean, transient, and stationary eddy fluxes identifies the longitudinal thermal gradient due to zonal asymmetries and the meridional stationary eddy velocity as the most influential factors determining the pattern of horizontal moist enthalpy advection. Numerical simulations in which the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is either retained or removed show that the TP influences the stationary enthalpy flux, and hence the MB front, primarily by changing the meridional stationary eddy velocity, with reinforced southerly wind on the northwestern flank of the north Pacific subtropical high (NPSH) over the MB region and northerly wind to its north. Changes in the longitudinal thermal gradient are mainly confined to the near downstream of the TP, with the resulting changes in zonal warm air advection having a lesser impact on the rainfall in the extended MB region.

Similar mechanisms are shown to be implicated in present climate simulations in the Couple Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. We find that the spatial distribution of the EASM precipitation simulated by different models is highly correlated with the meridional stationary eddy velocity. The correlation becomes more robust when energy fluxes into the atmospheric column are considered, consistent with the observational analyses. The spread in the area-averaged rainfall amount can be partially explained by the spread in the simulated globally-averaged precipitation, with the rest primarily due to the lower-level meridional wind convergence. Clear relationships between precipitation and zonal and meridional eddy velocities are observed.

Finally, the response of the EASM to greenhouse gas forcing is investigated at different time scales in CMIP5 model simulations. The reduction of radiative cooling and the increase in continental surface temperature occur much more rapidly than changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Without changes in SSTs, the rainfall in the monsoon region decreases (increases) over ocean (land) in most models. On longer time scales, as SSTs increase, rainfall changes are opposite. The total response to atmospheric CO^2 forcing and subsequent SST warming is a large (modest) increase in rainfall over ocean (land) in the EASM region. Dynamic changes, in spite of significant contributions from the thermodynamic component, play an important role in setting up the spatial pattern of precipitation changes. Rainfall anomalies over East China are a direct consequence of local land-sea contrast, while changes in the larger-scale oceanic rainfall band are closely associated with the displacement of the larger-scale NPSH. Numerical simulations show that topography and SST patterns play an important role in rainfall changes in the EASM region.


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A general description of the need for hospital flow meters is given along with an analysis of some common flow measurement methods.

The design criteria, establishment of the basic configuration of the instrument, and the evolution of the final design are presented in detail. The ability of the magnetic crossover mechanism to extract the square root of an input is explained, and design curves are presented. The action of the flow totalizer is described in relation to the rest of the instrument. A complete set of manufacturing drawings for the instrument and its tooling is included in the thesis.

In conclusion, an evaluation of the completed instrument is made, and improvements and modifications are indicated. Mention is made of the adaptability of the magnetic crossover mechanism to other instrumentation.


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An experimental method combined with boundary layer theory is given for evaluating the added mass of a sphere moving along the axis of a circular cylinder filled with water or oil. The real fluid effects are separated from ideal fluid effects.

The experimental method consists essentially of a magnetic steel sphere propelled from rest by an electromagnetic coil in which the current is accurately controlled so that it only supplies force for a short time interval which is within the laminar flow regime of the fluid. The motion of the sphere as a function of time is recorded on single frame photographs using a short-arc multiple flash lamp with accurately controlled time intervals between flashes.

A concept of the effect of boundary layer displacement on the fluid flow around a sphere is introduced to evaluate the real fluid effects on the added mass. Surprisingly accurate agreement between experiment and theory is achieved.


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Let PK, L(N) be the number of unordered partitions of a positive integer N into K or fewer positive integer parts, each part not exceeding L. A distribution of the form

Ʃ/N≤x PK,L(N)

is considered first. For any fixed K, this distribution approaches a piecewise polynomial function as L increases to infinity. As both K and L approach infinity, this distribution is asymptotically normal. These results are proved by studying the convergence of the characteristic function.

The main result is the asymptotic behavior of PK,K(N) itself, for certain large K and N. This is obtained by studying a contour integral of the generating function taken along the unit circle. The bulk of the estimate comes from integrating along a small arc near the point 1. Diophantine approximation is used to show that the integral along the rest of the circle is much smaller.


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The assembly history of massive galaxies is one of the most important aspects of galaxy formation and evolution. Although we have a broad idea of what physical processes govern the early phases of galaxy evolution, there are still many open questions. In this thesis I demonstrate the crucial role that spectroscopy can play in a physical understanding of galaxy evolution. I present deep near-infrared spectroscopy for a sample of high-redshift galaxies, from which I derive important physical properties and their evolution with cosmic time. I take advantage of the recent arrival of efficient near-infrared detectors to target the rest-frame optical spectra of z > 1 galaxies, from which many physical quantities can be derived. After illustrating the applications of near-infrared deep spectroscopy with a study of star-forming galaxies, I focus on the evolution of massive quiescent systems.

Most of this thesis is based on two samples collected at the W. M. Keck Observatory that represent a significant step forward in the spectroscopic study of z > 1 quiescent galaxies. All previous spectroscopic samples at this redshift were either limited to a few objects, or much shallower in terms of depth. Our first sample is composed of 56 quiescent galaxies at 1 < z < 1.6 collected using the upgraded red arm of the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS). The second consists of 24 deep spectra of 1.5 < z < 2.5 quiescent objects observed with the Multi-Object Spectrometer For Infra-Red Exploration (MOSFIRE). Together, these spectra span the critical epoch 1 < z < 2.5, where most of the red sequence is formed, and where the sizes of quiescent systems are observed to increase significantly.

We measure stellar velocity dispersions and dynamical masses for the largest number of z > 1 quiescent galaxies to date. By assuming that the velocity dispersion of a massive galaxy does not change throughout its lifetime, as suggested by theoretical studies, we match galaxies in the local universe with their high-redshift progenitors. This allows us to derive the physical growth in mass and size experienced by individual systems, which represents a substantial advance over photometric inferences based on the overall galaxy population. We find a significant physical growth among quiescent galaxies over 0 < z < 2.5 and, by comparing the slope of growth in the mass-size plane dlogRe/dlogM with the results of numerical simulations, we can constrain the physical process responsible for the evolution. Our results show that the slope of growth becomes steeper at higher redshifts, yet is broadly consistent with minor mergers being the main process by which individual objects evolve in mass and size.

By fitting stellar population models to the observed spectroscopy and photometry we derive reliable ages and other stellar population properties. We show that the addition of the spectroscopic data helps break the degeneracy between age and dust extinction, and yields significantly more robust results compared to fitting models to the photometry alone. We detect a clear relation between size and age, where larger galaxies are younger. Therefore, over time the average size of the quiescent population will increase because of the contribution of large galaxies recently arrived to the red sequence. This effect, called progenitor bias, is different from the physical size growth discussed above, but represents another contribution to the observed difference between the typical sizes of low- and high-redshift quiescent galaxies. By reconstructing the evolution of the red sequence starting at z ∼ 1.25 and using our stellar population histories to infer the past behavior to z ∼ 2, we demonstrate that progenitor bias accounts for only half of the observed growth of the population. The remaining size evolution must be due to physical growth of individual systems, in agreement with our dynamical study.

Finally, we use the stellar population properties to explore the earliest periods which led to the formation of massive quiescent galaxies. We find tentative evidence for two channels of star formation quenching, which suggests the existence of two independent physical mechanisms. We also detect a mass downsizing, where more massive galaxies form at higher redshift, and then evolve passively. By analyzing in depth the star formation history of the brightest object at z > 2 in our sample, we are able to put constraints on the quenching timescale and on the properties of its progenitor.

A consistent picture emerges from our analyses: massive galaxies form at very early epochs, are quenched on short timescales, and then evolve passively. The evolution is passive in the sense that no new stars are formed, but significant mass and size growth is achieved by accreting smaller, gas-poor systems. At the same time the population of quiescent galaxies grows in number due to the quenching of larger star-forming galaxies. This picture is in agreement with other observational studies, such as measurements of the merger rate and analyses of galaxy evolution at fixed number density.


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The Maxwell integral equations of transfer are applied to a series of problems involving flows of arbitrary density gases about spheres. As suggested by Lees a two sided Maxwellian-like weighting function containing a number of free parameters is utilized and a sufficient number of partial differential moment equations is used to determine these parameters. Maxwell's inverse fifth-power force law is used to simplify the evaluation of the collision integrals appearing in the moment equations. All flow quantities are then determined by integration of the weighting function which results from the solution of the differential moment system. Three problems are treated: the heat-flux from a slightly heated sphere at rest in an infinite gas; the velocity field and drag of a slowly moving sphere in an unbounded space; the velocity field and drag torque on a slowly rotating sphere. Solutions to the third problem are found to both first and second-order in surface Mach number with the secondary centrifugal fan motion being of particular interest. Singular aspects of the moment method are encountered in the last two problems and an asymptotic study of these difficulties leads to a formal criterion for a "well posed" moment system. The previously unanswered question of just how many moments must be used in a specific problem is now clarified to a great extent.


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The distal half of the bacteriophage T4 tail fiber interacts with the surface of the bacterium during adsorption. The largest polypeptide in this half fiber is the product of gene 37 (P37). During assembly of the tail fiber, P37 interacts with the product of gene 38 (P38). These two gene products are incompatible with the corresponding gene products from the related phage T2. T2 P37 does not interact with T4 P38 and T2 P38 does not interact with T4 P37. Crosses between T2 and T4 phages mutant in genes 37 and 38 have shown that the carboxyl end of P37 interacts with P38 and with the bacterial surface. In the corresponding region of gene 37 and in gene 38 there is no recombination between T2 and T4. In the rest of gene 37 there are two small regions with relatively high recombination and a region of low recombination.

When T2/T4 heteroduplex DNA molecules are examined in the electron microscope four nonhomologous loops appear in the region of genes 37 and 38. Heteroduplexes between hybrid phages which have part of gene 37 from T4 and part from T2 have roughly located gene 37 mutations in the heteroduplex pattern. For a more precise location of the , mutations a physical map of gene 37 was constructed by determining the molecular weights of amber polypeptide fragments on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. When the physical and heteroduplex maps are aligned, the regions of low recombination correspond to regions of nonhomology between T2 and T4. Regions with relatively high recombination are homologous.

The molecular weight of T2 P37 is about 13,000 greater than that of T4 P37. Analysis of hybrid phage has shown that this molecular weight difference is all at the carboxyl end of P37.

An antiserum has been prepared which is specific for the distal half fiber of T4. Tests of the ability of gene 37 hybrids to block this antiserum show that there are at least 4 subclasses of antigen specified by different parts of P37.

Observations in the electron microscope of the tailfiber - anti- body complexes formed by the gene 37 hybrids and the specific anti- serum have shown that P37 is oriented linearly in the distal half fiber with its N-terminus near the joint between the two half fibers and its C-terminus near the tip of the fiber. These observations lead to a simple model for the structure of the distal half fiber.

The high recombination in T4 gene 34 was also investigated. A comparison of genetic and physical maps of gene 34 showed that there is a gradient of increasing recombination near one end of the gene.


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This thesis has two basic themes: the investigation of new experiments which can be used to test relativistic gravity, and the investigation of new technologies and new experimental techniques which can be applied to make gravitational wave astronomy a reality.

Advancing technology will soon make possible a new class of gravitation experiments: pure laboratory experiments with laboratory sources of non-Newtonian gravity and laboratory detectors. The key advance in techno1ogy is the development of resonant sensing systems with very low levels of dissipation. Chapter 1 considers three such systems (torque balances, dielectric monocrystals, and superconducting microwave resonators), and it proposes eight laboratory experiments which use these systems as detectors. For each experiment it describes the dominant sources of noise and the technology required.

The coupled electro-mechanical system consisting of a microwave cavity and its walls can serve as a gravitational radiation detector. A gravitational wave interacts with the walls, and the resulting motion induces transitions from a highly excited cavity mode to a nearly unexcited mode. Chapter 2 describes briefly a formalism for analyzing such a detector, and it proposes a particular design.

The monitoring of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator on which a classical force acts is important in a variety of high-precision experiments, such as the attempt to detect gravitational radiation. Chapter 3 reviews the standard techniques for monitoring the oscillator; and it introduces a new technique which, in principle, can determine the details of the force with arbitrary accuracy, despite the quantum properties of the oscillator.

The standard method for monitoring the oscillator is the "amplitude- and-phase" method (position or momentum transducer with output fed through a linear amplifier). The accuracy obtainable by this method is limited by the uncertainty principle. To do better requires a measurement of the type which Braginsky has called "quantum nondemolition." A well-known quantum nondemolition technique is "quantum counting," which can detect an arbitrarily weak force, but which cannot provide good accuracy in determining its precise time-dependence. Chapter 3 considers extensively a new type of quantum nondemolition measurement - a "back-action-evading" measurement of the real part X1 (or the imaginary part X2) of the oscillator's complex amplitude. In principle X1 can be measured arbitrarily quickly and arbitrarily accurately, and a sequence of such measurements can lead to an arbitrarily accurate monitoring of the classical force.

Chapter 3 describes explicit gedanken experiments which demonstrate that X1 can be measured arbitrarily quickly and arbitrarily accurately, it considers approximate back-action-evading measurements, and it develops a theory of quantum nondemolition measurement for arbitrary quantum mechanical systems.

In Rosen's "bimetric" theory of gravity the (local) speed of gravitational radiation vg is determined by the combined effects of cosmological boundary values and nearby concentrations of matter. It is possible for vg to be less than the speed of light. Chapter 4 shows that emission of gravitational radiation prevents particles of nonzero rest mass from exceeding the speed of gravitational radiation. Observations of relativistic particles place limits on vg and the cosmological boundary values today, and observations of synchrotron radiation from compact radio sources place limits on the cosmological boundary values in the past.


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A review is presented of the statistical bootstrap model of Hagedorn and Frautschi. This model is an attempt to apply the methods of statistical mechanics in high-energy physics, while treating all hadron states (stable or unstable) on an equal footing. A statistical calculation of the resonance spectrum on this basis leads to an exponentially rising level density ρ(m) ~ cm-3 eβom at high masses.

In the present work, explicit formulae are given for the asymptotic dependence of the level density on quantum numbers, in various cases. Hamer and Frautschi's model for a realistic hadron spectrum is described.

A statistical model for hadron reactions is then put forward, analogous to the Bohr compound nucleus model in nuclear physics, which makes use of this level density. Some general features of resonance decay are predicted. The model is applied to the process of NN annihilation at rest with overall success, and explains the high final state pion multiplicity, together with the low individual branching ratios into two-body final states, which are characteristic of the process. For more general reactions, the model needs modification to take account of correlation effects. Nevertheless it is capable of explaining the phenomenon of limited transverse momenta, and the exponential decrease in the production frequency of heavy particles with their mass, as shown by Hagedorn. Frautschi's results on "Ericson fluctuations" in hadron physics are outlined briefly. The value of βo required in all these applications is consistently around [120 MeV]-1 corresponding to a "resonance volume" whose radius is very close to ƛπ. The construction of a "multiperipheral cluster model" for high-energy collisions is advocated.


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Part I

The physical phenomena which will ultimately limit the packing density of planar bipolar and MOS integrated circuits are examined. The maximum packing density is obtained by minimizing the supply voltage and the size of the devices. The minimum size of a bipolar transistor is determined by junction breakdown, punch-through and doping fluctuations. The minimum size of a MOS transistor is determined by gate oxide breakdown and drain-source punch-through. The packing density of fully active bipolar or static non-complementary MOS circuits becomes limited by power dissipation. The packing density of circuits which are not fully active such as read-only memories, becomes limited by the area occupied by the devices, and the frequency is limited by the circuit time constants and by metal migration. The packing density of fully active dynamic or complementary MOS circuits is limited by the area occupied by the devices, and the frequency is limited by power dissipation and metal migration. It is concluded that read-only memories will reach approximately the same performance and packing density with MOS and bipolar technologies, while fully active circuits will reach the highest levels of integration with dynamic MOS or complementary MOS technologies.

Part II

Because the Schottky diode is a one-carrier device, it has both advantages and disadvantages with respect to the junction diode which is a two-carrier device. The advantage is that there are practically no excess minority carriers which must be swept out before the diode blocks current in the reverse direction, i.e. a much faster recovery time. The disadvantage of the Schottky diode is that for a high voltage device it is not possible to use conductivity modulation as in the p i n diode; since charge carriers are of one sign, no charge cancellation can occur and current becomes space charge limited. The Schottky diode design is developed in Section 2 and the characteristics of an optimally designed silicon Schottky diode are summarized in Fig. 9. Design criteria and quantitative comparison of junction and Schottky diodes is given in Table 1 and Fig. 10. Although somewhat approximate, the treatment allows a systematic quantitative comparison of the devices for any given application.

Part III

We interpret measurements of permittivity of perovskite strontium titanate as a function of orientation, temperature, electric field and frequency performed by Dr. Richard Neville. The free energy of the crystal is calculated as a function of polarization. The Curie-Weiss law and the LST relation are verified. A generalized LST relation is used to calculate the permittivity of strontium titanate from zero to optic frequencies. Two active optic modes are important. The lower frequency mode is attributed mainly to motion of the strontium ions with respect to the rest of the lattice, while the higher frequency active mode is attributed to motion of the titanium ions with respect to the oxygen lattice. An anomalous resonance which multi-domain strontium titanate crystals exhibit below 65°K is described and a plausible mechanism which explains the phenomenon is presented.


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Experimental investigations were made of the nature of weak superconductivity in a structure having well-defined, controllable characteristics and geometry. Controlled experiments were made possible by using a thin-film structure which was entirely metallic and consisted of a superconducting film with a localized section that was weak in the sense that its transition temperature was depressed relative to the rest of the film. The depression of transition temperature was brought about by underlaying the superconductor with a normal metal.

The DC and AC electrical characteristics of this structure were studied. It was found that this structure exhibited a non-zero, time-average supercurrent at finite voltage to at least .2 mV, and generated an oscillating electric potential at a frequency given by the Josephson relation. The DC V-I characteristic and the amplitude of the AC oscillation were found to be consistent with a two- fluid (normal current-supercurrent) model of weak super-conductivity based on e thermodynamically irreversible process of repetitive phase-slip, and featuring a periodic time dependence in the amplitude of the superconducting order parameter.

The observed linewidth of the AC oscillation could be accounted for by incorporating Johnson noise in the two-fluid model.

Experimentally it was found that the behavior of a short (length on the order of the coherence distance) weak superconductor could be characterized by its critical current and normal-state resistance, and an empirical expression was obtained for the time dependence of the super-current and voltage.

It was found that the results could not be explained on the basis of the theory of the Josephson junction.