18 resultados para abnormal laboratory result


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The cross sections for the two antiproton-proton annihilation-in-flight modes,

ˉp + p → π+ + π-

ˉp + p → k+ + k-

were measured for fifteen laboratory antiproton beam momenta ranging from 0.72 to 2.62 GeV/c. No magnets were used to determine the charges in the final state. As a result, the angular distributions were obtained in the form [dσ/dΩ (ΘC.M.) + dσ/dΩ (π – ΘC.M.)] for 45 ≲ ΘC.M. ≲ 135°.

A hodoscope-counter system was used to discriminate against events with final states having more than two particles and antiproton-proton elastic scattering events. One spark chamber was used to record the track of each of the two charged final particles. A total of about 40,000 pictures were taken. The events were analyzed by measuring the laboratory angle of the track in each chamber. The value of the square of the mass of the final particles was calculated for each event assuming the reaction

ˉp + p → a pair of particles with equal masses.

About 20,000 events were found to be either annihilation into π ±-pair or k ±-pair events. The two different charged meson pair modes were also distinctly separated.

The average differential cross section of ˉp + p → π+ + π- varied from ~ 25 µb/sr at antiproton beam momentum 0.72 GeV/c (total energy in center-of-mass system, √s = 2.0 GeV) to ~ 2 µb/sr at beam momentum 2.62 GeV/c (√s = 2.64 GeV). The most striking feature in the angular distribution was a peak at ΘC.M. = 90° (cos ΘC.M. = 0) which increased with √s and reached a maximum at √s ~ 2.1 GeV (beam momentum ~ 1.1 GeV/c). Then it diminished and seemed to disappear completely at √s ~ 2.5 GeV (beam momentum ~ 2.13 GeV/c). A valley in the angular distribution occurred at cos ΘC.M. ≈ 0.4. The differential cross section then increased as cos ΘC.M. approached 1.

The average differential cross section for ˉp + p → k+ + k- was about one third of that of the π±-pair mode throughout the energy range of this experiment. At the lower energies, the angular distribution, unlike that of the π±-pair mode, was quite isotropic. However, a peak at ΘC.M. = 90° seemed to develop at √s ~ 2.37 GeV (antiproton beam momentum ~ 1.82 GeV/c). No observable change was seen at that energy in the π±-pair cross section.

The possible connection of these features with the observed meson resonances at 2.2 GeV and 2.38 GeV, and its implications, were discussed.


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Mergers and interacting galaxies are pivotal to the evolution of galaxies in the universe. They are the sites of prodigious star formation and key to understanding the starburst processes: the physical and chemical properties and the dynamics of the molecular gas. ULIRGs or Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies are a result of many of these mergers. They host extreme starbursts, AGNs, and mergers. They are the perfect laboratory to probe the connection between starbursts, black hole accretion and mergers and to further our understanding of star formation and merging.

NGC 6240 and Arp 220 can be considered the founding members of this very active class of objects. They are in different stages of merging and hence are excellent case studies to further our understanding about the merging process. We have imaged the dense star-forming regions of these galaxies at sub-arcsec resolution with CARMA C and B Configurations (2" and 0.5 - 0.8"). Multi-band imaging allows excitation analysis of HCN, HCO+, HNC, and CS along with CO transitions to constrain the properties of the gas. Our dataset is unique in that we have observed these lines at similar resolutions and high sensitivity which can be used to derive line ratios of faint high excitation lines.

Arp 220 has not had confirmed X-ray AGN detections for either nuclei. However, our observations indicate HCN/HNC ratios consistent with the chemistry of X-ray Dominated Regions (XDRs) -- a likely symptom of AGN. We calculated the molecular Hydrogen densities using each of the molecular species and conclude that assuming abundances of HNC and HCO+ similar to those in galactic sources are incorrect in the case of ULIRGs. The physical conditions in the dense molecular gas in ULIRGs alter these abundances. The derived H2 volume densities are ~ 5 x 104 cm-3 in both Arp 220 nuclei and ~ 104 cm-3 in NGC 6240.


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The time distribution of the decays of an initially pure K° beam into π+π-π° has been analyzed to determine the complex parameter W (also known as Ƞ+-° and (x + iy)). The K° beam was produced in a brass target by the interactions of a 2.85 GeV/c π- beam which was generated on an internal target in the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) Bevatron. The counters and hodoscopes in the apparatus selected for events with a neutral (K°) produced in the brass target, two charged secondaries passing through a magnet spectrometer and a ɣ-ray shower in a shower hodoscope.

From the 275K apparatus triggers, 148 K → π+π-π° events were isolated. The presence of a ɣ-ray shower in the optical shower chambers and a two-prong vee in the optical spark chambers were devices used to isolate the events. The backgrounds were further reduced by reconstructing the momenta of the two charged secondaries and applying kinematic constraints.

The best fit to the final sample of 148 events distributed between .3 and 7.0 KS lifetimes gives:

ReW = -.05 ±.17

ImW = +.39 +.35/-.37

This result is consistent with both CPT invariance (ReW = 0) and CP invariance (W = 0). Backgrounds are estimated to be less than 10% and systematic effects have also been estimated to be negligible.

An analysis of the present data on CP violation in this decay mode and other K° decay modes has estimated the phase of ɛ to be 45.3 ± 2.3 degrees. This result is consistent with the super weak theories of CP violation which predicts the phase of ɛ to be 43°. This estimate is in turn used to predict the phase of Ƞ°° to be 48.0 ± 7.9 degrees. This is a substantial improvement on presently available measurements. The largest error in this analysis comes from the present limits on W from the world average of recent experiments. The K → πuʋ mode produces the next largest error. Therefore further experimentation in these modes would be useful.