17 resultados para Spin Hall conductivity
Part I. Proton Magnetic Resonance of Polynucleotides and Transfer RNA.
Proton magnetic resonance was used to follow the temperature dependent intramolecular stacking of the bases in the polynucleotides of adenine and cytosine. Analysis of the results on the basis of a two state stacked-unstacked model yielded values of -4.5 kcal/mole and -9.5 kcal/mole for the enthalpies of stacking in polyadenylic and polycytidylic acid, respectively.
The interaction of purine with these molecules was also studied by pmr. Analysis of these results and the comparison of the thermal unstacking of polynucleotides and short chain nucleotides indicates that the bases contained in stacks within the long chain poly nucleotides are, on the average, closer together than the bases contained in stacks in the short chain nucleotides.
Temperature and purine studies were also carried out with an aqueous solution of formylmethionine transfer ribonucleic acid. Comparison of these results with the results of similar experiments with the homopolynucleotides of adenine, cytosine and uracil indicate that the purine is probably intercalating into loop regions of the molecule.
The solvent denaturation of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid was followed by pmr. In a solvent mixture containing 83 volume per cent dimethylsulf oxide and 17 per cent deuterium oxide, the tRNA molecule is rendered quite flexible. It is possible to resolve resonances of protons on the common bases and on certain modified bases.
Part II. Electron Spin Relaxation Studies of Manganese (II) Complexes in Acetonitrile.
The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of three Mn+2 complexes, [Mn(CH3CN)6]+2, [MnCl4]-2, and [MnBr4]-2, in acetonitrile were studied in detail. The objective of this study was to relate changes in the effective spin Hamiltonian parameters and the resonance line widths to the structure of these molecular complexes as well as to dynamical processes in solution.
Of the three systems studied, the results obtained from the [Mn(CH3CN)6]+2 system were the most straight-forward to interpret. Resonance broadening attributable to manganese spin-spin dipolar interactions was observed as the manganese concentration was increased.
In the [MnCl4]-2 system, solvent fluctuations and dynamical ion-pairing appear to be significant in determining electron spin relaxation.
In the [MnBr4]-2 system, solvent fluctuations, ion-pairing, and Br- ligand exchange provide the principal means of electron spin relaxation. It was also found that the spin relaxation in this system is dependent upon the field strength and is directly related to the manganese concentration. A relaxation theory based on a two state collisional model was developed to account for the observed behavior.
The objective of this investigation has been a theoretical and experimental understanding of ferromagnetic resonance phenomena in ferromagnetic thin films, and a consequent understanding of several important physical properties of these films. Significant results have been obtained by ferromagnetic resonance, hysteresis, torque magnetometer, He ion backscattering, and X-ray fluorescence measurements for nickel-iron alloy films.
Taking into account all relevant magnetic fields, including the applied, demagnetizing, effective anisotropy and exchange fields, the spin wave resonance condition applicable to the thin film geometry is presented. On the basis of the simple exchange interaction model it is concluded that the normal resonance modes of an ideal film are expected to be unpinned. The possibility of nonideality near the surface of a real film was considered by means of surface anisotropy field, inhomogeneity in demagnetizing field and inhomogeneity of magnetization models. Numerical results obtained for reasonable parameters in all cases show that they negligibly perturb the resonance fields and the higher order mode shapes from those of the unpinned modes of ideal films for thicknesses greater than 1000 Å. On the other hand for films thinner than 1000 Å the resonance field deviations can be significant even though the modes are very nearly unpinned. A previously unnoticed but important feature of all three models is that the interpretation of the first resonance mode as the uniform mode of an ideal film allows an accurate measurement of the average effective demagnetizing field over the film volume. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that it is possible to choose parameters which give indistinguishable predictions for all three models, making it difficult to uniquely ascertain the source of spin pinning in real films from resonance measurements alone.
Spin wave resonance measurements of 81% Ni-19% Fe coevaporated films 30 to 9000 Å thick, at frequencies from 1 to 8 GHz, at room temperature, and with the static magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the film plane have been performed. A self-consistent analysis of the results for films thicker than 1000 Å, in which multiple excitations can be observed, shows for the first time that a unique value of exchange constant A can only be obtained by the use of unpinned mode assignments. This evidence and the resonance behavior of films thinner than 1000 Å strongly imply that the magnetization at the surfaces of permalloy films is very weakly pinned. However, resonance measurements alone cannot determine whether this pinning is due to a surface anisotropy, an inhomogeneous demagnetizing field or an inhomogeneous magnetization. The above analysis yields a value of 4πM=10,100 Oe and A = (1.03 ± .05) x 10-6 erg/cm for this alloy. The ability to obtain a unique value of A suggests that spin wave resonance can be used to accurately characterize the exchange interaction in a ferromagnet.
In an effort to resolve the ambiguity of the source of pinning of the magnetization, a correlation of the ratio of magnetic moment and X-ray film thickness with the value of effective demagnetizing field 4πNM as determined from resonance, for films 45 to 300 Å has been performed. The remarkable agreement of both quantities and a comparison with the predictions of five distinct models, strongly imply that the thickness dependence of both quantities is related to a thickness dependent average saturation magnetization, which is far below 10,100 Oe for very thin films. However, a series of complementary experiments shows that this large decrease of average saturation magnetization cannot be simply explained by either oxidation or interdiffusion processes. It can only be satisfactorily explained by an intrinsic decrease of the average saturation magnetization for very thin films, an effect which cannot be justified by any simple physical considerations.
Recognizing that this decrease of average saturation magnetization could be due to an oxidation process, a correlation of resonance measurements, He ion backscattering, X-ray fluorescence and torque magnetometer measurements, for films 40 to 3500 Å thick has been performed. On basis of these measurements it is unambiguously established that the oxide layer on the surface of purposefully oxidized 81% Ni-19% Fe evaporated films is predominantly Fe-oxide, and that in the oxidation process Fe atoms are removed from the bulk of the film to depths of thousands of angstroms. Extrapolation of results for pure Fe films indicates that the oxide is most likely α-Fe2O3. These conclusions are in agreement with results from old metallurgical studies of high temperature oxidation of bulk Fe and Ni-Fe alloys. However, X-ray fluorescence results for films oxidized at room temperature, show that although the preferential oxidation of Fe also takes place in these films, the extent of this process is by far too small to explain the large variation of their average saturation magnetization with film thickness.