22 resultados para Semi-infinite optimization


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This thesis studies Frobenius traces in Galois representations from two different directions. In the first problem we explore how often they vanish in Artin-type representations. We give an upper bound for the density of the set of vanishing Frobenius traces in terms of the multiplicities of the irreducible components of the adjoint representation. Towards that, we construct an infinite family of representations of finite groups with an irreducible adjoint action.

In the second problem we partially extend for Hilbert modular forms a result of Coleman and Edixhoven that the Hecke eigenvalues ap of classical elliptical modular newforms f of weight 2 are never extremal, i.e., ap is strictly less than 2[square root]p. The generalization currently applies only to prime ideals p of degree one, though we expect it to hold for p of any odd degree. However, an even degree prime can be extremal for f. We prove our result in each of the following instances: when one can move to a Shimura curve defined by a quaternion algebra, when f is a CM form, when the crystalline Frobenius is semi-simple, and when the strong Tate conjecture holds for a product of two Hilbert modular surfaces (or quaternionic Shimura surfaces) over a finite field.


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This dissertation reformulates and streamlines the core tools of robustness analysis for linear time invariant systems using now-standard methods in convex optimization. In particular, robust performance analysis can be formulated as a primal convex optimization in the form of a semidefinite program using a semidefinite representation of a set of Gramians. The same approach with semidefinite programming duality is applied to develop a linear matrix inequality test for well-connectedness analysis, and many existing results such as the Kalman-Yakubovich--Popov lemma and various scaled small gain tests are derived in an elegant fashion. More importantly, unlike the classical approach, a decision variable in this novel optimization framework contains all inner products of signals in a system, and an algorithm for constructing an input and state pair of a system corresponding to the optimal solution of robustness optimization is presented based on this information. This insight may open up new research directions, and as one such example, this dissertation proposes a semidefinite programming relaxation of a cardinality constrained variant of the H ∞ norm, which we term sparse H ∞ analysis, where an adversarial disturbance can use only a limited number of channels. Finally, sparse H ∞ analysis is applied to the linearized swing dynamics in order to detect potential vulnerable spots in power networks.


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The energy spectrum of heavily-doped molecular crystals was treated in the Green’s function formulation. The mixed crystal Green’s function was obtained by averaging over all possible impurity distributions. The resulting Green’s function, which takes the form of an infinite perturbation expansion, was further approximated by a closed form suitable for numerical calculations. The density-of-states functions and optical spectra for binary mixtures of normal naphthalene and deuterated naphthalene were calculated using the pure crystal density-of-state functions. The results showed that when the trap depth is large, two separate energy bands persist, but when the trap depth is small only a single band exists. Furthermore, in the former case it was found that the intensities of the outer Davydov bands are enhanced whereas the inner bands are weakened. Comparisons with previous theoretical calculations and experimental results are also made.


The energy states and optical spectra of heavily-doped mixed crystals are investigated. Studies are made for the following binary systems: (1) naphthalene-h8 and d8, (2) naphthalene--h8 and αd4, and (3) naphthalene--h8 and βd1, corresponding to strong, medium and weak perturbations. In addition to ordinary absorption spectra at 4˚K, band-to-band transitions at both 4˚K and 77˚K are also analyzed with emphasis on their relations to cooperative excitation and overall density-of-states functions for mixed crystals. It is found that the theoretical calculations presented in a previous paper agree generally with experiments except for cluster states observed in system (1) at lower guest concentrations. These features are discussed semi-quantitatively. As to the intermolecular interaction parameters, it is found that experimental results compare favorably with calculations based on experimental density-of-states functions but not with those based on octopole interactions or charge-transfer interactions. Previous experimental results of Sheka and the theoretical model of Broude and Rashba are also compared with present investigations.


The phosphorescence, fluorescence and absorption spectra of pyrazine-h4 and d4 have been obtained at 4˚K in a benzene matrix. For comparison, those of the isotopically mixed crystal pyrazine-h4 in d4 were also taken. All these spectra show extremely sharp and well-resolved lines and reveal detailed vibronic structure.

The analysis of the weak fluorescence spectrum resolves the long-disputed question of whether one or two transitions are involved in the near-ultraviolet absorption of pyrazine. The “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission shows that the lowest singlet state is an allowed transition, properly designated as 1B3u1A1g. The forbidden component 1B2g, predicted by both “exciton” and MO theories to be below the allowed component, must lie higher. Its exact location still remains uncertain.

The phosphorescence spectrum when compared with the excitation phosphorescence spectra, indicates that the lowest triplet state is also symmetry allowed, showing a strong 0-0 band and a “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission. In accordance with previous work, the triplet state is designated as 3B3u.

The vibronic structure of the phosphorescence spectrum is very complicated. Previous work on the analysis of this spectrum all concluded that a long progression of v6a exists. Under the high resolution attainable in our work, the supposed v6a progression proves to have a composite triplet structure, starting from the second member of the progression. Not only is the v9a hydrogen-bending mode present as shown by the appearance of the C-D bending mode in the d4 spectrum, but a band of 1207 cm-1 in the pyrazine in benzene system and 1231 cm-1 in the mixed crystal system is also observed. This band is assigned as 2v6b and of a1g symmetry. Its anonymously strong intensity in the phosphorescence spectrum is interpreted as due to the Fermi resonance with the 2v6a and v9a band.

To help resolve the present controversy over the crystal phosphorescence spectrum of pyrazine, detailed vibrational analyses of the emission spectra were made. The fluorescence spectrum has essentially the same vibronic structure as the phosphorescence spectrum.


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Let {Ƶn}n = -∞ be a stochastic process with state space S1 = {0, 1, …, D – 1}. Such a process is called a chain of infinite order. The transitions of the chain are described by the functions

Qi(i(0)) = Ƥ(Ƶn = i | Ƶn - 1 = i (0)1, Ƶn - 2 = i (0)2, …) (i ɛ S1), where i(0) = (i(0)1, i(0)2, …) ranges over infinite sequences from S1. If i(n) = (i(n)1, i(n)2, …) for n = 1, 2,…, then i(n) → i(0) means that for each k, i(n)k = i(0)k for all n sufficiently large.

Given functions Qi(i(0)) such that

(i) 0 ≤ Qi(i(0) ≤ ξ ˂ 1

(ii)D – 1/Ʃ/i = 0 Qi(i(0)) Ξ 1

(iii) Qi(i(n)) → Qi(i(0)) whenever i(n) → i(0),

we prove the existence of a stationary chain of infinite order {Ƶn} whose transitions are given by

Ƥ (Ƶn = i | Ƶn - 1, Ƶn - 2, …) = Qin - 1, Ƶn - 2, …)

With probability 1. The method also yields stationary chains {Ƶn} for which (iii) does not hold but whose transition probabilities are, in a sense, “locally Markovian.” These and similar results extend a paper by T.E. Harris [Pac. J. Math., 5 (1955), 707-724].

Included is a new proof of the existence and uniqueness of a stationary absolute distribution for an Nth order Markov chain in which all transitions are possible. This proof allows us to achieve our main results without the use of limit theorem techniques.


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Climate change is arguably the most critical issue facing our generation and the next. As we move towards a sustainable future, the grid is rapidly evolving with the integration of more and more renewable energy resources and the emergence of electric vehicles. In particular, large scale adoption of residential and commercial solar photovoltaics (PV) plants is completely changing the traditional slowly-varying unidirectional power flow nature of distribution systems. High share of intermittent renewables pose several technical challenges, including voltage and frequency control. But along with these challenges, renewable generators also bring with them millions of new DC-AC inverter controllers each year. These fast power electronic devices can provide an unprecedented opportunity to increase energy efficiency and improve power quality, if combined with well-designed inverter control algorithms. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop scalable power flow optimization and control methods that achieve system-wide efficiency, reliability, and robustness for power distribution networks of future with high penetration of distributed inverter-based renewable generators.

Proposed solutions to power flow control problems in the literature range from fully centralized to fully local ones. In this thesis, we will focus on the two ends of this spectrum. In the first half of this thesis (chapters 2 and 3), we seek optimal solutions to voltage control problems provided a centralized architecture with complete information. These solutions are particularly important for better understanding the overall system behavior and can serve as a benchmark to compare the performance of other control methods against. To this end, we first propose a branch flow model (BFM) for the analysis and optimization of radial and meshed networks. This model leads to a new approach to solve optimal power flow (OPF) problems using a two step relaxation procedure, which has proven to be both reliable and computationally efficient in dealing with the non-convexity of power flow equations in radial and weakly-meshed distribution networks. We will then apply the results to fast time- scale inverter var control problem and evaluate the performance on real-world circuits in Southern California Edison’s service territory.

The second half (chapters 4 and 5), however, is dedicated to study local control approaches, as they are the only options available for immediate implementation on today’s distribution networks that lack sufficient monitoring and communication infrastructure. In particular, we will follow a reverse and forward engineering approach to study the recently proposed piecewise linear volt/var control curves. It is the aim of this dissertation to tackle some key problems in these two areas and contribute by providing rigorous theoretical basis for future work.


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The problem of global optimization of M phase-incoherent signals in N complex dimensions is formulated. Then, by using the geometric approach of Landau and Slepian, conditions for optimality are established for N = 2 and the optimal signal sets are determined for M = 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.

The method is the following: The signals are assumed to be equally probable and to have equal energy, and thus are represented by points ṡi, i = 1, 2, …, M, on the unit sphere S1 in CN. If Wik is the halfspace determined by ṡi and ṡk and containing ṡi, i.e. Wik = {ṙϵCN:| ≥ | ˂ṙ, ṡk˃|}, then the Ʀi = ∩/k≠i Wik, i = 1, 2, …, M, the maximum likelihood decision regions, partition S1. For additive complex Gaussian noise ṅ and a received signal ṙ = ṡie + ṅ, where ϴ is uniformly distributed over [0, 2π], the probability of correct decoding is PC = 1/πN ∞/ʃ/0 r2N-1e-(r2+1)U(r)dr, where U(r) = 1/M M/Ʃ/i=1 Ʀi ʃ/∩ S1 I0(2r | ˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ), and r = ǁṙǁ.

For N = 2, it is proved that U(r) ≤ ʃ/Cα I0(2r|˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ) – 2K/M. h(1/2K [Mσ(Cα)-σ(S1)]), where Cα = {ṡϵS1:|˂ṡ, ṡi˃| ≥ α}, K is the total number of boundaries of the net on S1 determined by the decision regions, and h is the strictly increasing strictly convex function of σ(Cα∩W), (where W is a halfspace not containing ṡi), given by h = ʃ/Cα∩W I0 (2r|˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ). Conditions for equality are established and these give rise to the globally optimal signal sets for M = 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.


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This thesis presents a topology optimization methodology for the systematic design of optimal multifunctional silicon anode structures in lithium-ion batteries. In order to develop next generation high performance lithium-ion batteries, key design challenges relating to the silicon anode structure must be addressed, namely the lithiation-induced mechanical degradation and the low intrinsic electrical conductivity of silicon. As such, this work considers two design objectives of minimum compliance under design dependent volume expansion, and maximum electrical conduction through the structure, both of which are subject to a constraint on material volume. Density-based topology optimization methods are employed in conjunction with regularization techniques, a continuation scheme, and mathematical programming methods. The objectives are first considered individually, during which the iteration history, mesh independence, and influence of prescribed volume fraction and minimum length scale are investigated. The methodology is subsequently extended to a bi-objective formulation to simultaneously address both the compliance and conduction design criteria. A weighting method is used to derive the Pareto fronts, which demonstrate a clear trade-off between the competing design objectives. Furthermore, a systematic parameter study is undertaken to determine the influence of the prescribed volume fraction and minimum length scale on the optimal combined topologies. The developments presented in this work provide a foundation for the informed design and development of silicon anode structures for high performance lithium-ion batteries.