24 resultados para D-dimer


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The problem of s-d exchange scattering of conduction electrons off localized magnetic moments in dilute magnetic alloys is considered employing formal methods of quantum field theoretical scattering. It is shown that such a treatment not only allows for the first time, the inclusion of multiparticle intermediate states in single particle scattering equations but also results in extremely simple and straight forward mathematical analysis. These equations are proved to be exact in the thermodynamic limit. A self-consistent integral equation for electron self energy is derived and approximately solved. The ground state and physical parameters of dilute magnetic alloys are discussed in terms of the theoretical results. Within the approximation of single particle intermediate states our results reduce to earlier versions. The following additional features are found as a consequence of the inclusion of multiparticle intermediate states;

(i) A non analytic binding energy is pre sent for both, antiferromagnetic (J < o) and ferromagnetic (J > o) couplings of the electron plus impurity system.

(ii) The correct behavior of the energy difference of the conduction electron plus impurity system and the free electron system is found which is free of unphysical singularities present in earlier versions of the theories.

(iii) The ground state of the conduction electron plus impurity system is shown to be a many-body condensate state for J < o and J > o, both. However, a distinction is made between the usual terminology of "Singlet" and "Triplet" ground states and nature of our ground state.

(iv) It is shown that a long range ordering, leading to an ordering of the magnetic moments can result from a contact interaction such as the s-d exchange interaction.

(v) The explicit dependence of the excess specific heat of the Kondo systems is obtained and found to be linear in temperatures as T→ o and T ℓnT for 0.3 T_K ≤ T ≤ 0.6 T_K. A rise in (ΔC/T) for temperatures in the region 0 < T ≤ 0.1 T_K is predicted. These results are found to be in excellent agreement with experiments.

(vi) The existence of a critical temperature for Ferromagnetic coupling (J > o) is shown. On the basis of this the apparent contradiction of the simultaneous existence of giant moments and Kondo effect is resolved.


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In the cell, the binding of proteins to specific sequences of double helical DNA is essential for controlling the processes of protein synthesis (at the level of DNA transcription) and cell proliferation (at the level of DNA replication). In the laboratory, the sequence-specific DNA binding/cleaving properties of restriction endonuclease enzymes (secreted by microorganisms to protect them from foreign DNA molecules) have helped to fuel a revolution in molecular biology. The strength and specificity of a protein:DNA interaction depend upon structural features inherent to the protein and DNA sequences, but it is now appreciated that these features (and therefore protein:DNA complexation) may be altered (regulated) by other protein:DNA complexes, or by environmental factors such as temperature or the presence of specific organic molecules or inorganic ions. It is also now appreciated that molecules much smaller than proteins (including antibiotics of molecular weight less than 2000 and oligonucleotides) can bind to double-helical DNA in sequence-specific fashion. Elucidation of structural motifs and microscopic interactions responsible for the specific molecular recognition of DNA leads to greater understanding of natural processes and provides a basis for the design of novel sequence-specific DNA binding molecules. This thesis describes the synthesis and DNA binding/cleaving characteristics of molecules designed to probe structural, stereochemical, and environmental factors that regulate sequence-specific DNA recognition.

Chapter One introduces the DNA minor groove binding antibiotics Netropsin and Distamycin A, which are di- and tri(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide) peptides, respectively. The method of DNA affinity cleaving, which has been employed to determine DNA binding properties of designed synthetic molecules is described. The design and synthesis of a series of Netropsin dimers linked in tail-to-tail fashion (by oxalic, malonic, succinic, or fumaric acid), or in head-to-tail fashion (by glycine, β-alanine, and γ-aminobutanoic acid (Gaba)) are presented. These Bis(Netropsin)s were appended with the iron-chelating functionality EDTA in order to make use of the technique of DNA affinity cleaving. Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds are analogs of penta(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)-EDTA (P5E), which may be considered a head-to-tail Netropsin dimer linked by Nmethylpyrrolecarboxamide. Low- and high-resolution analysis of pBR322 DNA affinity cleaving by the iron complexes of these molecules indicated that small changes in the length and nature of the linker had significant effects on DNA binding/cleaving efficiency (a measure of DNA binding affinity). DNA binding/cleaving efficiency was found to decrease with changes in the linker in the order β-alanine > succinamide > fumaramide > N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide > malonamide >glycine, γ-aminobutanamide > oxalamide. In general, the Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA:Fe compounds retained the specificity for seven contiguous A:T base pairs characteristic of P5E:Fe binding. However, Bis(Netropsin)Oxalamide- EDTA:Fe exhibited decreased specificity for A:T base pairs, and Bis(Netropsin)-Gaba-EDT A:Fe exhibited some DNA binding sites of less than seven base pairs. Bis(Netropsin)s linked with diacids have C2-symmmetrical DNA binding subunits and exhibited little DNA binding orientation preference. Bis(Netropsin)s linked with amino acids lack C2-symmetrical DNA binding subunits and exhibited higher orientation preferences. A model for the high DNA binding orientation preferences observed with head-to-tail DNA minor groove binding molecules is presented.

Chapter Two describes the design, synthesis, and DNA binding properties of a series of chiral molecules: Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds with linkers derived from (R,R)-, (S,S)-, and (RS,SR)-tartaric acids, (R,R)-, (S,S)-, and (RS,SR)-tartaric acid acetonides, (R)- and (S)-malic acids, N ,N-dimethylaminoaspartic acid, and (R)- and (S)-alanine, as well as three constitutional isomers in which an N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide (P1) subunit and a tri(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)-EDTA (P3-EDTA) subunit were linked by succinic acid, (R ,R)-, and (S ,S)-tartaric acids. DNA binding/cleaving efficiencies among this series of molecules and the Bis(Netropsin)s described in Chapter One were found to decrease with changes in the linker in the order β-alanine > succinamide > P1-succinamide-P3 > fumaramide > (S)-malicamide > N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide > (R)-malicamide > malonamide > N ,N-dimethylaminoaspanamide > glycine = Gaba = (S,S)-tartaramide = P1-(S,S)-tanaramide-P3 > oxalamide > (RS,SR)-tartaramide = P1- (R,R)-tanaramide-P3 > (R,R)-tartaramide (no sequence-specific DNA binding was detected for Bis(Netropsin)s linked by (R)- or (S)-alanine or by tartaric acid acetonides). The chiral molecules retained DNA binding specificity for seven contiguous A:T base pairs. From the DNA affinity cleaving data it could be determined that: 1) Addition of one or two substituents to the linker of Bis(Netropsin)-Succinamide resulted in stepwise decreases in DNA binding affinity; 2) molecules with single hydroxyl substituents bound DNA more strongly than molecules with single dimethylamino substituents; 3) hydroxyl-substituted molecules of (S) configuration bound more strongly to DNA than molecules of (R) configuration. This stereochemical regulation of DNA binding is proposed to arise from the inherent right-handed twist of (S)-enantiomeric Bis(Netropsin)s versus the inherent lefthanded twist of (R)-enantiomeric Bis(Netropsin)s, which makes the (S)-enantiomers more complementary to the right-handed twist of B form DNA.

Chapter Three describes the design and synthesis of molecules for the study of metalloregulated DNA binding phenomena. Among a series of Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds linked by homologous tethers bearing four, five, or six oxygen atoms, the Bis(Netropsin) linked by a pentaether tether exhibited strongly enhanced DNA binding/cleaving in the presence of strontium or barium cations. The observed metallospecificity was consistent with the known affinities of metal cations for the cyclic hexaether 18-crown-6 in water. High-resolution DNA affinity cleaving analysis indicated that DNA binding by this molecule in the presence of strontium or barium was not only stronger but of different sequence-specificity than the (weak) binding observed in the absence of metal cations. The metalloregulated binding sites were consistent with A:T binding by the Netropsin subunits and G:C binding by a strontium or barium:pentaether complex. A model for the observed positive metalloregulation and novel sequence-specificity is presented. The effects of 44 different cations on DNA affinity cleaving by P5E:Fe were examined. A series of Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds linked by tethers bearing two, three, four, or five amino groups was also synthesized. These molecules exhibited strong and specific binding to A:T rich regions of DNA. It was found that the iron complexes of these molecules bound and cleaved DNA most efficiently at pH 6.0-6.5, while P5E:Fe bound and cleaved most efficiently at pH 7.5-8.0. Incubating the Bis(Netropsin) Polyamine-EDTA:Fe molecules with K2PdCl4 abolished their DNA binding/cleaving activity. It is proposed that the observed negative metalloregulation arises from kinetically inert Bis(Netropsin) Polyamine:Pd(II) complexes or aggregates, which are sterically unsuitable for DNA complexation. Finally, attempts to produce a synthetic metalloregulated DNA binding protein are described. For this study, five derivatives of a synthetic 52 amino acid residue DNA binding/cleaving protein were produced. The synthetic mutant proteins carried a novel pentaether ionophoric amino acid residue at different positions within the primary sequence. The proteins did not exhibit significant DNA binding/cleaving activity, but they served to illustrate the potential for introducing novel amino acid residues within DNA binding protein sequences, and for the development of the tricyclohexyl ester of EDTA as a superior reagent for the introduction of EDT A into synthetic proteins.

Chapter Four describes the discovery and characterization of a new DNA binding/cleaving agent, [SalenMn(III)]OAc. This metal complex produces single- and double-strand cleavage of DNA, with specificity for A:T rich regions, in the presence of oxygen atom donors such as iodosyl benzene, hydrogen peroxide, or peracids. Maximal cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]OAc was produced at pH 6-7. A comparison of DNA singleand double-strand cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ and other small molecules (Methidiumpropyl-EDTA:Fe, Distamycin-EDTA:Fe, Neocarzinostatin, Bleomycin:Fe) is presented. It was found that DNA cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ did not require the presence of dioxygen, and that base treatment of DNA subsequent to cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ afforded greater cleavage and alterations in the cleavage patterns. Analysis of DNA products formed upon DNA cleavage by [SalenMn(III)] indicated that cleavage was due to oxidation of the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA. Several mechanisms consistent with the observed products and reaction requirements are discussed.

Chapter Five describes progress on some additional studies. In one study, the DNA binding/cleaving specificities of Distamycin-EDTA derivatives bearing pyrrole N-isopropyl substituents were found to be the same as those of derivatives bearing pyrrole N-methyl substituents. In a second study, the design of and synthetic progress towards a series of nucleopeptide activators of transcription are presented. Five synthetic plasmids designed to test for activation of in vitro run-off transcription by DNA triple helix-forming oligonucleotides or nucleopeptides are described.

Chapter Six contains the experimental documentation of the thesis work.


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The σD values of nitrated cellulose from a variety of trees covering a wide geographic range have been measured. These measurements have been used to ascertain which factors are likely to cause σD variations in cellulose C-H hydrogen.

It is found that a primary source of tree σD variation is the σD variation of the environmental precipitation. Superimposed on this are isotopic variations caused by the transpiration of the leaf water incorporated by the tree. The magnitude of this transpiration effect appears to be related to relative humidity.

Within a single tree, it is found that the hydrogen isotope variations which occur for a ring sequence in one radial direction may not be exactly the same as those which occur in a different direction. Such heterogeneities appear most likely to occur in trees with asymmetric ring patterns that contain reaction wood. In the absence of reaction wood such heterogeneities do not seem to occur. Thus, hydrogen isotope analyses of tree ring sequences should be performed on trees which do not contain reaction wood.

Comparisons of tree σD variations with variations in local climate are performed on two levels: spatial and temporal. It is found that the σD values of 20 North American trees from a wide geographic range are reasonably well-correlated with the corresponding average annual temperature. The correlation is similar to that observed for a comparison of the σD values of annual precipitation of 11 North American sites with annual temperature. However, it appears that this correlation is significantly disrupted by trees which grew on poorly drained sites such as those in stagnant marshes. Therefore, site selection may be important in choosing trees for climatic interpretation of σD values, although proper sites do not seem to be uncommon.

The measurement of σD values in 5-year samples from the tree ring sequences of 13 trees from 11 North American sites reveals a variety of relationships with local climate. As it was for the spatial σD vs climate comparison, site selection is also apparently important for temporal tree σD vs climate comparisons. Again, it seems that poorly-drained sites are to be avoided. For nine trees from different "well-behaved" sites, it was found that the local climatic variable best related to the σD variations was not the same for all sites.

Two of these trees showed a strong negative correlation with the amount of local summer precipitation. Consideration of factors likely to influence the isotopic composition of summer rain suggests that rainfall intensity may be important. The higher the intensity, the lower the σD value. Such an effect might explain the negative correlation of σD vs summer precipitation amount for these two trees. A third tree also exhibited a strong correlation with summer climate, but in this instance it was a positive correlation of σD with summer temperature.

The remaining six trees exhibited the best correlation between σD values and local annual climate. However, in none of these six cases was it annual temperature that was the most important variable. In fact annual temperature commonly showed no relationship at all with tree σD values. Instead, it was found that a simple mass balance model incorporating two basic assumptions yielded parameters which produced the best relationships with tree σD values. First, it was assumed that the σD values of these six trees reflected the σD values of annual precipitation incorporated by these trees. Second, it was assumed that the σD value of the annual precipitation was a weighted average of two seasonal isotopic components: summer and winter. Mass balance equations derived from these assumptions yielded combinations of variables that commonly showed a relationship with tree σD values where none had previously been discerned.

It was found for these "well-behaved" trees that not all sample intervals in a σD vs local climate plot fell along a well-defined trend. These departures from the local σD VS climate norm were defined as "anomalous". Some of these anomalous intervals were common to trees from different locales. When such widespread commonalty of an anomalous interval occurred, it was observed that the interval corresponded to an interval in which drought had existed in the North American Great Plains.

Consequently, there appears to be a combination of both local and large scale climatic information in the σD variations of tree cellulose C-H hydrogen.


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In the first part of this thesis (Chapters I and II), the synthesis, characterization, reactivity and photophysics of per(difluoroborated) tetrakis(pyrophosphito)diplatinate(II) (Pt(POPBF2)) are discussed. Pt(POP-BF2) was obtained by reaction of [Pt2(POP)4]4- with neat boron trifluoride diethyl etherate (BF3·Et2O). While Pt(POP-BF2) and [Pt2(POP)4]4- have similar structures and absorption spectra, they differ in significant ways. Firstly, as discussed in Chapter I, the former is less susceptible to oxidation, as evidenced by the reversibility of its oxidation by I2. Secondly, while the first excited triplet states (T1) of both Pt(POP-BF2) and [Pt2(POP)4]4- exhibit long lifetimes (ca. 0.01 ms at room temperature) and substantial zero-field splitting (40 cm-1), Pt(POP-BF2) also has a remarkably long-lived (1.6 ns at room temperature) singlet excited state (S1), indicating slow intersystem crossing (ISC). Fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield (QY) of Pt(POP-BF2) were measured over a range of temperatures, providing insight into the slow ISC process. The remarkable spectroscopic and photophysical properties of Pt(POP-BF2), both in solution and as a microcrystalline powder, form the theme of Chapter II.

In the second part of the thesis (Chapters III and IV), the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO by [(L)Mn(CO)3]- catalysts is investigated using density functional theory (DFT). As discussed in Chapter III, the turnover frequency (TOF)-limiting step is the dehydroxylation of [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]0/- (bpy = bipyridine) by trifluoroethanol (TFEH) to form [(bpy)Mn(CO)4]+/0. Because the dehydroxylation of [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]- is faster, maximum TOF (TOFmax) is achieved at potentials sufficient to completely reduce [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]0 to [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]-. Substitution of bipyridine with bipyrimidine reduces the overpotential needed, but at the expense of TOFmax. In Chapter IV, the decoration of the bipyrimidine ligand with a pendant alcohol is discussed as a strategy to increase CO2 reduction activity. Our calculations predict that the pendant alcohol acts in concert with an external TFEH molecule, the latter acidifying the former, resulting in a ~ 80,000-fold improvement in the rate of TOF-limiting dehydroxylation of [(L)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]-.

An interesting strategy for the co-upgrading of light olefins and alkanes into heavier alkanes is the subject of Appendix B. The proposed scheme involves dimerization of the light olefin, operating in tandem with transfer hydrogenation between the olefin dimer and the light alkane. The work presented therein involved a Ta olefin dimerization catalyst and a silica-supported Ir transfer hydrogenation catalyst. Olefin dimer was formed under reaction conditions; however, this did not undergo transfer hydrogenation with the light alkane. A significant challenge is that the Ta catalyst selectively produces highly branched dimers, which are unable to undergo transfer hydrogenation.


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More than thirty years after the discovery that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) was the causative agent of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the disease remains pandemic as long as no effective universal vaccine is found. Over 34 million individuals in the world are infected with the virus, and the vast majority of them have no access to the antiretroviral therapies that have largely reduced HIV to a chronic disease in the developed world. The first chapter of this thesis introduces the history of the virus. The key to the infectious mechanism of the virus lies in its envelope glycoprotein (Env), a trimeric spike on the viral surface that utilizes host T cell receptors for entry. Though HIV-1 Env is immunogenic, most infected patients do not mount an effective neutralizing antibody response against it. Broadly-neutralizing anti-Env antibodies (bNAbs) present in the serum of a minority of infected individuals are usually sufficient to prevent the progression to full blown AIDS. Thus, the molecular details of these bNAbs as well as the antibody-antigen interface are of prime interest for structural studies, as insight gained would contribute to the design of a more effective immunogen and potential vaccine candidate. The second chapter of this thesis describes the low-resolution crystal structure of one such antibody, 2G12 dimer, which targets a high mannose epitope on the surface of Env. Patients infected with HIV-2, a related virus with ~35% sequence identity in the Env region, can generally mount a robust antibody response sufficient for viral control for reasons still unknown. The final two chapters of this thesis focus on the first reported structural studies of HIV-2 Env, the molecular details of which may inform HIV-1 therapy and immunogen design.


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The proper targeting of membrane proteins is essential to the viability of all cells. Tail-anchored (TA) proteins, defined as having a single transmembrane helix at their C-terminus, are post-translationally targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by the GET pathway (Guided Entry of TA proteins). In the yeast pathway, the handover of TA substrates is mediated by the heterotetrameric Get4/Get5 (Get4/5) complex, which tethers the co-chaperone Sgt2 to the central targeting factor, the Get3 ATPase. Although binding of Get4/5 to Get3 is critical for efficient TA targeting, the mechanisms by which Get4 regulates Get3 are unknown. To understand the molecular basis of Get4 function, we used a combination of structural biology, biochemistry, and cell biology. Get4/5 binds across the Get3 dimer interface, in an orientation only compatible with a closed Get3, providing insight into the role of nucleotide in complex formation. Additionally, this structure reveals two functionally distinct binding interfaces for anchoring and ATPase regulation, and loss of the regulatory interface leads to strong defects in vitro and in vivo. Additional crystal structures of the Get3-Get4/5 complex give rise to an alternate conformation, which represents an initial binding interaction mediated by electrostatics that facilitates the rate of subsequent inhibited complex formation. This interface is supported by an in-depth kinetic analysis of the Get3-Get4/5 interaction confirming the two-step complex formation. These results allow us to generate a refined model for Get4/5 function in TA targeting.


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The energy spectra of tritons and Helium-3 nuclei from the reactions 3He(d,t)2p, 3H(d,3He)2n, 3He(d,3He)pn, and 3H(d,t)pn were measured between 6° and 20° at a bombarding energy of 10.9 MeV. An upper limit of 5 μb/sr. was obtained for producing a bound di-neutron at 6° and 7.5°. The 3He(d,t)2p and 3H(d,3He)2n data, together with previous measurements at higher energies, have been used to investigate whether one can unambiguously extract information on the two-nucleon system from these three-body final state reactions. As an aid to these theoretical investigations, Born approximation calculations were made employing realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials and an antisymmetrized final state wave function for the five-particle system. These calculations reproduce many of the features observed in the experimental data and indicate that the role of exchange processes cannot be ignored. The results show that previous attempts to obtain information on the neutron-neutron scattering length from the 3H(d,3He)2n reaction may have seriously overestimated the precision that could be attained.


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Part I: The mobilities of photo-generated electrons and holes in orthorhombic sulfur are determined by drift mobility techniques. At room temperature electron mobilities between 0.4 cm2/V-sec and 4.8 cm2/V-sec and hole mobilities of about 5.0 cm2/V-sec are reported. The temperature dependence of the electron mobility is attributed to a level of traps whose effective depth is about 0.12 eV. This value is further supported by both the voltage dependence of the space-charge-limited, D.C. photocurrents and the photocurrent versus photon energy measurements.

As the field is increased from 10 kV/cm to 30 kV/cm a second mechanism for electron transport becomes appreciable and eventually dominates. Evidence that this is due to impurity band conduction at an appreciably lower mobility (4.10-4 cm2/V-sec) is presented. No low mobility hole current could be detected. When fields exceeding 30 kV/cm for electron transport and 35 kV/cm for hole transport are applied, avalanche phenomena are observed. The results obtained are consistent with recent energy gap studies in sulfur.

The theory of the transport of photo-generated carriers is modified to include the case of appreciable thermos-regeneration from the traps in one transit time.

Part II: An explicit formula for the electric field E necessary to accelerate an electron to a steady-state velocity v in a polarizable crystal at arbitrary temperature is determined via two methods utilizing Feynman Path Integrals. No approximation is made regarding the magnitude of the velocity or the strength of the field. However, the actual electron-lattice Coulombic interaction is approximated by a distribution of harmonic oscillator potentials. One may be able to find the “best possible” distribution of oscillators using a variational principle, but we have not been able to find the expected criterion. However, our result is relatively insensitive to the actual distribution of oscillators used, and our E-v relationship exhibits the physical behavior expected for the polaron. Threshold fields for ejecting the electron for the polaron state are calculated for several substances using numerical results for a simple oscillator distribution.


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Part I. The regions of sequence homology and non-homology between the DNA molecules of T2, T4, and T6 have been mapped by the electron microscopic heteroduplex method. The heteroduplex maps have been oriented with respect to the T4 genetic map. They show characteristic, reproducible patterns of substitution and deletion loops. All heteroduplex molecules show more than 85% homology. Some of the loop patterns in T2/T4 heteroduplexes are similar to those in T4/T6.

We find that the rII, the lysozyme and ac genes, the D region, and gene 52 are homologous in T2, T4, and T6. Genes 43 and 47 are probably homologous between T2 and T4. The region of greatest homology is that bearing the late genes. The host range region, which comprises a part of gene 37 and all of gene 38, is heterologous in T2, T4, and T6. The remainder of gene 37 is partially homologous in the T2/T4 heteroduplex (Beckendorf, Kim and Lielausis, 1972) but it is heterologous in T4/T6 and in T2/T6. Some of the tRNA genes are homologous and some are not. The internal protein genes in general seem to be non-homologous.

The molecular lengths of the T-even DNAs are the same within the limit of experimental error; their calculated molecular weights are correspondingly different due to unequal glucosylation. The size of the T2 genome is smaller than that of T4 or T6, but the terminally repetitious region in T2 is larger. There is a length distribution of the terminal repetition for any one phage DNA, indicating a variability in length of the DNA molecules packaged within the phage.

Part II. E. coli cells infected with phage strains carrying extensive deletions encompassing the gene for the phage ser-tRNA are missing the phage tRNAs normally present in wild type infected cells. By DNA-RNA hybridization we have demonstrated that the DNA complementary to the missing tRNAs is also absent in such deletion mutants. Thus the genes for these tRNAs must be clustered in the same region of the genome as the ser-tRNA gene. Physical mapping of several deletions of the ser-tRNA and lysozyme genes, by examination of heteroduplex DNA in the electron microscope, has enabled us to locate the cluster, to define its maximum size, and to order a few of the tRNA genes within it. That such deletions can be isolated indicates that the phage-specific tRNAs from this cluster are dispensable.

Part III. Genes 37 and 38 between closely related phages T2 and T4 have been compared by genetic, biochemical, and hetero-duplex studies. Homologous, partially homologous and non-homologous regions of the gene 37 have been mapped. The host range determinant which interacts with the gene 38 product is identified.

Part IV. A population of double-stranded ØX-RF DNA molecules carrying a deletion of about 9% of the wild-type DNA has been discovered in a sample cultivated under conditions where the phage lysozyme gene is nonessential. The structures of deleted monomers, dimers, and trimers have been studied by the electron microscope heteroduplex method. The dimers and trimers are shown to be head-to-tail repeats of the deleted monomers. Some interesting examples of the dynamical phenomenon of branch migration in vitro have been observed in heteroduplexes of deleted dimer and trimer strands with undeleted wild-type monomer viral strands.