20 resultados para Algebraic lattices


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An automatic experimental apparatus for perturbed angular correlation measurements, capable of incorporating Ge(Li) detectors as well as scintillation counters, has been constructed.

The gamma-gamma perturbed angular correlation technique has been used to measure magnetic dipole moments of several nuclear excited states in the osmium transition region. In addition, the hyperfine magnetic fields, experienced by nuclei of 'impurity' atoms embedded in ferromagnetic host lattices, have been determined for several '4d' and '5d' impurity atoms.

The following magnetic dipole moments were obtained in the osmium transition region μ2+(190Os) = 0.54 ± 0.06 nm μ4+(190Os) = 0.88 ± 0.48 nm μ2+(192Os) = 0.56 ± 0.08 nm μ2+(192Pt) = 0.56 ± 0.06 nm μ2+’(192Pt) = 0.62 ± 0.14 nm.

These results are discussed in terms of three collective nuclear models; the cranking model, the rotation-vibration model and the pairing-plus-quadrupole model. The measurements are found to be in satisfactory agreement with collective descriptions of low lying nuclear states in this region.

The following hyperfine magnetic fields of 'impurities' in ferromagnetic hosts were determined; Hint(Cd Ni) = - (64.0 ± 0.8)kG Hint(Hg Fe) = - (440 ± 105)kG Hint(Hg Co) = - (370 ± 78)kG Hint(Hg Ni) = - (86 ± 22)kG Hint(Tl Fe) = - (185 ± 70)kG Hint(Tl Co) = - (90 ± 35)kG Hint(Ra Fe) = - (105 ± 20)kG Hint(Ra Co) = - (80 ± 16)kG Hint(Ra Ni) = - (30 ± 10)kG, where in Hint(AB); A is the impurity atom embedded in the host lattice B. No quantitative theory is available for comparison. However, these results are found to obey the general systematics displayed by these fields. Several mechanisms which may be responsible for the appearance of these fields are mentioned.

Finally, a theoretical expression for time-differential perturbed angular correlation measurement, which duplicates experimental conditions is developed and its importance in data analysis is discussed.


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The structure of the set ϐ(A) of all eigenvalues of all complex matrices (elementwise) equimodular with a given n x n non-negative matrix A is studied. The problem was suggested by O. Taussky and some aspects have been studied by R. S. Varga and B.W. Levinger.

If every matrix equimodular with A is non-singular, then A is called regular. A new proof of the P. Camion-A.J. Hoffman characterization of regular matrices is given.

The set ϐ(A) consists of m ≤ n closed annuli centered at the origin. Each gap, ɤ, in this set can be associated with a class of regular matrices with a (unique) permutation, π(ɤ). The association depends on both the combinatorial structure of A and the size of the aii. Let A be associated with the set of r permutations, π1, π2,…, πr, where each gap in ϐ(A) is associated with one of the πk. Then r ≤ n, even when the complement of ϐ(A) has n+1 components. Further, if π(ɤ) is the identity, the real boundary points of ɤ are eigenvalues of real matrices equimodular with A. In particular, if A is essentially diagonally dominant, every real boundary point of ϐ(A) is an eigenvalues of a real matrix equimodular with A.

Several conjectures based on these results are made which if verified would constitute an extension of the Perron-Frobenius Theorem, and an algebraic method is introduced which unites the study of regular matrices with that of ϐ(A).


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Let F(θ) be a separable extension of degree n of a field F. Let Δ and D be integral domains with quotient fields F(θ) and F respectively. Assume that Δ D. A mapping φ of Δ into the n x n D matrices is called a Δ/D rep if (i) it is a ring isomorphism and (ii) it maps d onto dIn whenever d ϵ D. If the matrices are also symmetric, φ is a Δ/D symrep.

Every Δ/D rep can be extended uniquely to an F(θ)/F rep. This extension is completely determined by the image of θ. Two Δ/D reps are called equivalent if the images of θ differ by a D unimodular similarity. There is a one-to-one correspondence between classes of Δ/D reps and classes of Δ ideals having an n element basis over D.

The condition that a given Δ/D rep class contain a Δ/D symrep can be phrased in various ways. Using these formulations it is possible to (i) bound the number of symreps in a given class, (ii) count the number of symreps if F is finite, (iii) establish the existence of an F(θ)/F symrep when n is odd, F is an algebraic number field, and F(θ) is totally real if F is formally real (for n = 3 see Sapiro, “Characteristic polynomials of symmetric matrices” Sibirsk. Mat. Ž. 3 (1962) pp. 280-291), and (iv) study the case D = Z, the integers (see Taussky, “On matrix classes corresponding to an ideal and its inverse” Illinois J. Math. 1 (1957) pp. 108-113 and Faddeev, “On the characteristic equations of rational symmetric matrices” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 58 (1947) pp. 753-754).

The case D = Z and n = 2 is studied in detail. Let Δ’ be an integral domain also having quotient field F(θ) and such that Δ’ Δ. Let φ be a Δ/Z symrep. A method is given for finding a Δ’/Z symrep ʘ such that the Δ’ ideal class corresponding to the class of ʘ is an extension to Δ’ of the Δ ideal class corresponding to the class of φ. The problem of finding all Δ/Z symreps equivalent to a given one is studied.


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A.G. Vulih has shown how an essentially unique intrinsic multiplication can be defined in certain types of Riesz spaces (vector lattices) L. In general, the multiplication is not universally defined in L, but L can always be imbedded in a large space L# in which multiplication is universally defined.

If ф is a normal integral in L, then ф can be extended to a normal integral on a large space L1(ф) in L#, and L1(ф) may be regarded as an abstract integral space. A very general form of the Radon-Nikodym theorem can be proved in L1(ф), and this can be used to give a relatively simple proof of a theorem of Segal giving a necessary and sufficient condition that the Radon-Nikodym theorem hold in a measure space.

In another application, the multiplication is used to give a representation of certain Riesz spaces as rings of operators on a Hilbert space.


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Let M be an Abelian W*-algebra of operators on a Hilbert space H. Let M0 be the set of all linear, closed, densely defined transformations in H which commute with every unitary operator in the commutant M’ of M. A well known result of R. Pallu de Barriere states that if ɸ is a normal positive linear functional on M, then ɸ is of the form T → (Tx, x) for some x in H, where T is in M. An elementary proof of this result is given, using only those properties which are consequences of the fact that ReM is a Dedekind complete Riesz space with plenty of normal integrals. The techniques used lead to a natural construction of the class M0, and an elementary proof is given of the fact that a positive self-adjoint transformation in M0 has a unique positive square root in M0. It is then shown that when the algebraic operations are suitably defined, then M0 becomes a commutative algebra. If ReM0 denotes the set of all self-adjoint elements of M0, then it is proved that ReM0 is Dedekind complete, universally complete Riesz spaces which contains ReM as an order dense ideal. A generalization of the result of R. Pallu de la Barriere is obtained for the Riesz space ReM0 which characterizes the normal integrals on the order dense ideals of ReM0. It is then shown that ReM0 may be identified with the extended order dual of ReM, and that ReM0 is perfect in the extended sense.

Some secondary questions related to the Riesz space ReM are also studied. In particular it is shown that ReM is a perfect Riesz space, and that every integral is normal under the assumption that every decomposition of the identity operator has non-measurable cardinal. The presence of atoms in ReM is examined briefly, and it is shown that ReM is finite dimensional if and only if every order bounded linear functional on ReM is a normal integral.