22 resultados para ALKYL BROMIDES


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The isotope effect on propagation rate was determined for four homogeneous ethylene polymerization systems. The catalytic system Cp_2Ti(Et)Cl + EtA1Cl_2 has a k^H_p/k^D_p = 1.035 ± 0.03. This result strongly supports an insertion mechanism which does not involve a hydrogen migration during the rate determining step of propagation (Cossee mechanism). Three metal-alkyl free systems were also studied. The catalyst I_2 (PMe_3)_3Ta(neopentylidene)(H) has a k^H_p/k^D_p = 1.709. It is interpreted as a primary isotope effect involving a non-linear a-hydrogen migration during the rate determining step of propagation (Green mechanism). The lanthanide complexes Cp*_2LuMe•Et_2O and Cp*_2YbMe•Et_2O have a k^H_p/k^D_p = 1.46 and 1.25, respectively. They are interpreted as primary isotope effects due to a partial hydrogen migration during the rate determining step of propagation.

The presence of a precoordination or other intermediate species during the polymerization of ethylene by the mentioned metal-alkyl free catalysts was sought by low temperature NMR spectroscopy. However, no evidence for such species was found. If they exist, their concentrations are very small or their lifetimes are shorter than the NMR time scale.

Two titanocene (alkenyl)chlorides (hexenyl 1 and heptenyl 2 were prepared from titanocene dichloride and a THF solution of the corresponding alkenylmagnesium chloride. They do not cyclize in solution when alone, but cyclization to their respective titanocene(methyl(cycloalkyl) chlorides occurs readily in the presence of a Lewis acid. It is demonstrated that such cyclization occurs with the alkenyl ligand within the coordination sphere of the titanium atom. Cyclization of 1 with EtAlCl_2 at 0°C occurs in less than 95 msec (ethylene insertion time), as shown by the presence of 97% cyclopentyl-capped oligomers when polymerizing ethylene with this system. Some alkyl exchange occurs (3%). Cyclization of 2 is slower under the same reaction conditions and is not complete in 95 msec as shown by the presence of both cyclohexyl-capped oligomers (35%) and odd number α-olefin oligomers (50%). Alkyl exchange is more extensive as evidenced by the even number n-alkanes (15%).

Cyclization of 2-d_1 (titanocene(hept-6-en-1-yl-1-d_1)chloride) with EtA1Cl_2 demonstrated that for this system there is no α-hydrogen participation during said process. The cyclization is believed to occur by a Cossee-type mechanism. There was no evidence for precoordination of the alkenyl double bond during the cyclization process.


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I. Trimethylsilylpotassium reacts with epoxides to give olefins with inversion of stereochemistry. The reaction appears to proceed via the potassium β-silyl alkoxide (2) formed from the S_N2 attack of the silyl anion on the epoxide. Subsequent stereospecific synelimination of 2 affords the olefin of inverted stereo-chemistry. The reaction is convenient and preparatively useful.

The byproduct of the reaction, potassium trimethylsilanolate (17), effectively cleaves hexamethyldisilane to yield trimethylsilylpotassium. Since the latter reagent is generated and reacted in situ with epoxides, the overall reaction can be carried out with less than one equivalent of potassium methoxide.

II. The reaction of aryl halides with trimethylsilyl anions in HMPT provides good yields of aryltrimethylsilanes, useful synthetic intermediates. The choice of metal cation is unimportant. Chlorides and bromides give high yields of silylated products, while iodides give lower yields, with correspondingly increased amounts of reduced products. Arylammonium and arylphosphonium salts also undergo the reaction.

We have permissive evidence for the reaction proceeding via both aryl radical and aryl anion intermediates.

III. Trimethylsilyl and trimethylstannyl methoxycarbene complexes of chromium and tungsten have been prepared. One of these, (CO)_5WC(OMe)SnMe_3, reacts with norbornene at 80° to afford a new olefin polymer. Efforts to effect the alpha-elimination of the nonmetallic carbene ligands have not yet been successful. Reactions of these carbene complexes with acetone have been investigated.


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High-resolution, natural-abundance 13C spectra have been obtained from a wide variety of organic compounds; 13C chemical shifts and coupling constants have been correlated with other molecular properties.

Geminal and vicinal, carbon-proton couplings in benzene and the five- and six-membered aromatic heterocycles have been related to the corresponding proton-proton couplings in substituted ethylenes. The carbon-proton coupling constants in benzene are JCCH = + 1.0, JCCCH = +7.4 and JCCCH = -1.1 Hz. Extended Hückel wavefunctions are uniformly poor in explaining the long-range, carbon-proton couplings in aromatic systems.

Couplings between carbon and elements other than hydrogen have been observed in proton decoupled 13C spectra. All of the carbons in fluorobenzene and 1-fluoronaphthalene, but only six of the carbons in 2-fluoronaphthalene are coupled to the fluorine. One-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in trialkylphosphines is negative, while one-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in tetra-alkylphosphonium ions is positive. Atoms which do not use hybrid orbitals to form bonds to carbon (F, P(III), Se, Te) may have negative, one-bond coupling constants because of the failure of the average energy approximation. One-bond couplings between carbon and carbon, silicon, tin, lead and mercury appear to be explainable in terms of an effective nuclear charge and the s-bond order of the metal. Couplings between carbon and nitrogen and phosphorus (IV) have significant negative contributions to the Fermi contact coupling expression, though, within one series, correlations with s-bond order may be valid. Carbon-carbon coupling in cyclopropane derivatives (10-15 Hz) is consistent with a high degree of p character in the interior orbitals. Some two- and three-bond carbon-carbon coupling constants have also been observed.

Substituent effects of hydroxyl groups on the 13C chemical shifts of continuous-chain alkanes depend both on steric and electronic factors. The hydroxyl substituent effects in the long-chain, primary alcohols are α = -48.3, β = -10.2, and γ = +6.0 ppm. The upfield γ effect is attributed to steric crowding in the gauche conformations. Additivity of the hydroxyl and carbonyl and alkyl substituent effects in alkyl-substituted cyclohexanols and cyclohexanones has been demonstrated.


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The synthesis of iodonium salts of the general formula [C6H5IR]+X-, where R is an alkyl group and x- is a stabilizing anion, was attempted. For the choice of R three groups were selected, whose derivatives are known to be sluggish in SN1 and SN2 substitutions: cyclopropyl, 7, 7 -dimethyl-1-norbornyl, and 9 -triptycyl. The synthetic routes followed along classical lines which have been exploited in recent years by Beringer and students. Ultimately, the object of the present study was to study the reactions of the above salts with nucleophiles. In none of the three cases, however, was it possible to isolate a stable salt. A thermodynamic argument suggests that this must be due to kinetic instability rather than thermodynamic instability. Only iodocyclopropane and 1-iodoapocamphane formed isolable iododichlorides.

Several methylated 2, 2-difluoronorbornanes were prepared with the intent of correlating fluorine -19 chemical shifts with geometric features in a rigid system. The effect of a methyl group on the shielding of a β -fluorine is dependent upon the dihedral angle; the maximum effect (an upfield shift of the resonance) occurs at 0° and 180°, whereas almost no effect is felt at a dihedral angle of 120°. The effect of a methyl group on a γ -fluorine is to strongly shift the resonance downfield when fluorine and methyl group are in a 1, 3 - diaxial-like relationship. Molecular orbital calculations of fluorine shielding in a variety of molecules were carried out using the formalism developed by Pople; the results are, at best, in modest agreement with experiment.


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The dependence of the rate of inversion of a dialkylmagnesium compound on the solvent has been studied.

Examination of the temperature dependence of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of 1-phenyl-2-propylmagnesium bromide in diethyl ether solution indicates that inversion of configuration at the methylene group of this Grignard reagent occurs with an approximate rate of 2 sec-1 at room temperature. This is the first example of a rapid inversion rate in a secondary Grignard reagent.

The rates of exchange of alkyl groups between dineopentylmagnesium and di-s-butylmagnesium, bis-(2-methylbutyl)-magnesium and bis-(4, 4-dimethyl-2-pentyl)-magnesium respectively in diethyl ether solution were found to be fast on the nmr time scale. However, the alkyl group exchange rate was found to be slow in a diethyl ether solution of dineopentylmagnesium and bis-(2-methylbutyl)-magnesium containing N, N, N', N'-tetramethylethylenediamine. The unsymmetrical species neopentyl-2-methylbutyl-magnesium was observed at room temperature in the nmr spectrum of the solution containing the diamine.


The exchange of methyl groups in dimethylcadmium has been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Activation parameters for the methyl group exchange have been measured for a neat sample and for a solution in tetrahydrofuran. The exchange is faster in the basic solvent tetrahydrofuran relative to the neat sample and in tetrahydrofuran solution is retarded by the solvating agent N, N, N’, N’-tetramethylethylenediamine and greatly increased by cadmium bromide. The addition of methanol to a solution of dimethylcadmium in tetrahydrofuran appears to have very little effect on the rate of exchange. The exchange was found to proceed with retention of configuration. The rate-limiting step for the exchange of methyl groups in a basic solvent appears to be the dissociation of coordinating solvent from dimethylcadmium.

The equilibrium between methylcadmium bromide, dimethylcadmium and cadmium bromide in tetrahydrofuran solution has also been studied. At room temperature the interconversion of the species is very fast on the nmr time scale but at -100° distinct absorptions for methylcadmium bromide and imethylcadmium are observed.

The species ethylmethylcadmium has been observed in the nmr spectrum.

The rate of exchange of vinyl groups in a solution of divinylcadmium in tetrahydrofuran has been found to be fast on the nmr time scale.


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The synthesis of 3-bromomethyl-1,2-benzisothiazole and its 5- and 7-methoxy derivatives has been accomplished. In alkylation reactions, these bromides were found to behave much like benzylic bromides; and in this respect they have been used successfully to alkylate strongly basic enolates, thus introducing a latent β-phenylethyl moiety in situations where β-phenylethyl bromide and phenacyl bromide give at best poor yields of alkylated product. In several cases, degradative procedures have been devised to remove the heteroatoms from the benzisothiazoyl system to provide the actual β-phenylethyl fragment; however, no generally applicable degradative method has yet been developed.


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Several new ligand platforms designed to support iron dinitrogen chemistry have been developed. First, we report Fe complexes of a tris(phosphino)alkyl (CPiPr3) ligand featuring an axial carbon donor intended to conceptually model the interstitial carbide atom of the nitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco). It is established that in this scaffold, the iron center binds dinitrogen trans to the Calkyl anchor in three structurally characterized oxidation states. Fe-Calkyl lengthening is observed upon reduction, reflective of significant ionic character in the Fe-Calkyl interaction. The anionic (CPiPr3)FeN2- species can be functionalized by a silyl electrophile to generate (CPiPr3)Fe-N2SiR3. This species also functions as a modest catalyst for the reduction of N2 to NH3. Next, we introduce a new binucleating ligand scaffold that supports an Fe(μ-SAr)Fe diiron subunit that coordinates dinitrogen (N2-Fe(μ-SAr)Fe-N2) across at least three oxidation states (FeIIFeII, FeIIFeI, and FeIFeI). Despite the sulfur-rich coordination environment of iron in FeMoco, synthetic examples of transition metal model complexes that bind N2 and also feature sulfur donor ligands remain scarce; these complexes thus represent an unusual series of low-valent diiron complexes featuring thiolate and dinitrogen ligands. The (N2-Fe(μ-SAr)Fe-N2) system undergoes reduction of the bound N2 to produce NH3 (~50% yield) and can efficiently catalyze the disproportionation of N2H4 to NH3 and N2. The present scaffold also supports dinitrogen binding concomitant with hydride as a co-ligand. Next, inspired by the importance of secondary-sphere interactions in many metalloenzymes, we present complexes of iron in two new ligand scaffolds ([SiPNMe3] and [SiPiPr2PNMe]) that incorporate hydrogen-bond acceptors (tertiary amines) which engage in interactions with nitrogenous substrates bound to the iron center (NH3 and N2H4). Cation binding is also facilitated in anionic Fe(0)-N2 complexes. While Fe-N2 complexes of a related ligand ([SiPiPr3]) lacking hydrogen-bond acceptors produce a substantial amount of ammonia when treated with acid and reductant, the presence of the pendant amines instead facilitates the formation of metal hydride species.

Additionally, we present the development and mechanistic study of copper-mediated and copper-catalyzed photoinduced C-N bond forming reactions. Irradiation of a copper-amido complex, ((m-tol)3P)2Cu(carbazolide), in the presence of aryl halides furnishes N-phenylcarbazole under mild conditions. The mechanism likely proceeds via single-electron transfer from an excited state of the copper complex to the aryl halide, generating an aryl radical. An array of experimental data are consistent with a radical intermediate, including a cyclization/stereochemical investigation and a reactivity study, providing the first substantial experimental support for the viability of a radical pathway for Ullmann C-N bond formation. The copper complex can also be used as a precatalyst for Ullmann C-N couplings. We also disclose further study of catalytic Calkyl-N couplings using a CuI precatalyst, and discuss the likely role of [Cu(carbazolide)2]- and [Cu(carbazolide)3]- species as intermediates in these reactions.

Finally, we report a series of four-coordinate, pseudotetrahedral P3FeII-X complexes supported by tris(phosphine)borate ([PhBP3FeR]-) and phosphiniminato X-type ligands (-N=PR'3) that in combination tune the spin-crossover behavior of the system. Low-coordinate transition metal complexes such as these that undergo reversible spin-crossover remain rare, and the spin equilibria of these systems have been studied in detail by a suite of spectroscopic techniques.