22 resultados para Gradient bifurcation problem
The problem of the existence and stability of periodic solutions of infinite-lag integra-differential equations is considered. Specifically, the integrals involved are of the convolution type with the dependent variable being integrated over the range (- ∞,t), as occur in models of population growth. It is shown that Hopf bifurcation of periodic solutions from a steady state can occur, when a pair of eigenvalues crosses the imaginary axis. Also considered is the existence of traveling wave solutions of a model population equation allowing spatial diffusion in addition to the usual temporal variation. Lastly, the stability of the periodic solutions resulting from Hopf bifurcation is determined with aid of a Floquet theory.
The first chapter is devoted to linear integro-differential equations with constant coefficients utilizing the method of semi-groups of operators. The second chapter analyzes the Hopf bifurcation providing an existence theorem. Also, the two-timing perturbation procedure is applied to construct the periodic solutions. The third chapter uses two-timing to obtain traveling wave solutions of the diffusive model, as well as providing an existence theorem. The fourth chapter develops a Floquet theory for linear integro-differential equations with periodic coefficients again using the semi-group approach. The fifth chapter gives sufficient conditions for the stability or instability of a periodic solution in terms of the linearization of the equations. These results are then applied to the Hopf bifurcation problem and to a certain population equation modeling periodically fluctuating environments to deduce the stability of the corresponding periodic solutions.
I. Existence and Structure of Bifurcation Branches
The problem of bifurcation is formulated as an operator equation in a Banach space, depending on relevant control parameters, say of the form G(u,λ) = 0. If dimN(G_u(u_O,λ_O)) = m the method of Lyapunov-Schmidt reduces the problem to the solution of m algebraic equations. The possible structure of these equations and the various types of solution behaviour are discussed. The equations are normally derived under the assumption that G^O_λεR(G^O_u). It is shown, however, that if G^O_λεR(G^O_u) then bifurcation still may occur and the local structure of such branches is determined. A new and compact proof of the existence of multiple bifurcation is derived. The linearized stability near simple bifurcation and "normal" limit points is then indicated.
II. Constructive Techniques for the Generation of Solution Branches
A method is described in which the dependence of the solution arc on a naturally occurring parameter is replaced by the dependence on a form of pseudo-arclength. This results in continuation procedures through regular and "normal" limit points. In the neighborhood of bifurcation points, however, the associated linear operator is nearly singular causing difficulty in the convergence of continuation methods. A study of the approach to singularity of this operator yields convergence proofs for an iterative method for determining the solution arc in the neighborhood of a simple bifurcation point. As a result of these considerations, a new constructive proof of bifurcation is determined.
The branching theory of solutions of certain nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations is developed, when the nonlinear term is perturbed from unforced to forced. We find families of branching points and the associated nonisolated solutions which emanate from a bifurcation point of the unforced problem. Nontrivial solution branches are constructed which contain the nonisolated solutions, and the branching is exhibited. An iteration procedure is used to establish the existence of these solutions, and a formal perturbation theory is shown to give asymptotically valid results. The stability of the solutions is examined and certain solution branches are shown to consist of minimal positive solutions. Other solution branches which do not contain branching points are also found in a neighborhood of the bifurcation point.
The qualitative features of branching points and their associated nonisolated solutions are used to obtain useful information about buckling of columns and arches. Global stability characteristics for the buckled equilibrium states of imperfect columns and arches are discussed. Asymptotic expansions for the imperfection sensitive buckling load of a column on a nonlinearly elastic foundation are found and rigorously justified.
The theory of bifurcation of solutions to two-point boundary value problems is developed for a system of nonlinear first order ordinary differential equations in which the bifurcation parameter is allowed to appear nonlinearly. An iteration method is used to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for bifurcation and to construct a unique bifurcated branch in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point which is a simple eigenvalue of the linearized problem. The problem of bifurcation at a degenerate eigenvalue of the linearized problem is reduced to that of solving a system of algebraic equations. Cases with no bifurcation and with multiple bifurcation at a degenerate eigenvalue are considered.
The iteration method employed is shown to generate approximate solutions which contain those obtained by formal perturbation theory. Thus the formal perturbation solutions are rigorously justified. A theory of continuation of a solution branch out of the neighborhood of its bifurcation point is presented. Several generalizations and extensions of the theory to other types of problems, such as systems of partial differential equations, are described.
The theory is applied to the problem of the axisymmetric buckling of thin spherical shells. Results are obtained which confirm recent numerical computations.
The bifurcation and nonlinear stability properties of the Meinhardt-Gierer model for biochemical pattern formation are studied. Analyses are carried out in parameter ranges where the linearized system about a trivial solution loses stability through one to three eigenfunctions, yielding both time independent and periodic final states. Solution branches are obtained that exhibit secondary bifurcation and imperfection sensitivity and that appear, disappear, or detach themselves from other branches.
The problem of "exit against a flow" for dynamical systems subject to small Gaussian white noise excitation is studied. Here the word "flow" refers to the behavior in phase space of the unperturbed system's state variables. "Exit against a flow" occurs if a perturbation causes the phase point to leave a phase space region within which it would normally be confined. In particular, there are two components of the problem of exit against a flow:
i) the mean exit time
ii) the phase-space distribution of exit locations.
When the noise perturbing the dynamical systems is small, the solution of each component of the problem of exit against a flow is, in general, the solution of a singularly perturbed, degenerate elliptic-parabolic boundary value problem.
Singular perturbation techniques are used to express the asymptotic solution in terms of an unknown parameter. The unknown parameter is determined using the solution of the adjoint boundary value problem.
The problem of exit against a flow for several dynamical systems of physical interest is considered, and the mean exit times and distributions of exit positions are calculated. The systems are then simulated numerically, using Monte Carlo techniques, in order to determine the validity of the asymptotic solutions.
The properties of capillary-gravity waves of permanent form on deep water are studied. Two different formulations to the problem are given. The theory of simple bifurcation is reviewed. For small amplitude waves a formal perturbation series is used. The Wilton ripple phenomenon is reexamined and shown to be associated with a bifurcation in which a wave of permanent form can double its period. It is shown further that Wilton's ripples are a special case of a more general phenomenon in which bifurcation into subharmonics and factorial higher harmonics can occur. Numerical procedures for the calculation of waves of finite amplitude are developed. Bifurcation and limit lines are calculated. Pure and combination waves are continued to maximum amplitude. It is found that the height is limited in all cases by the surface enclosing one or more bubbles. Results for the shape of gravity waves are obtained by solving an integra-differential equation. It is found that the family of solutions giving the waveheight or equivalent parameter has bifurcation points. Two bifurcation points and the branches emanating from them are found specifically, corresponding to a doubling and tripling of the wavelength. Solutions on the new branches are calculated.
The first thesis topic is a perturbation method for resonantly coupled nonlinear oscillators. By successive near-identity transformations of the original equations, one obtains new equations with simple structure that describe the long time evolution of the motion. This technique is related to two-timing in that secular terms are suppressed in the transformation equations. The method has some important advantages. Appropriate time scalings are generated naturally by the method, and don't need to be guessed as in two-timing. Furthermore, by continuing the procedure to higher order, one extends (formally) the time scale of valid approximation. Examples illustrate these claims. Using this method, we investigate resonance in conservative, non-conservative and time dependent problems. Each example is chosen to highlight a certain aspect of the method.
The second thesis topic concerns the coupling of nonlinear chemical oscillators. The first problem is the propagation of chemical waves of an oscillating reaction in a diffusive medium. Using two-timing, we derive a nonlinear equation that determines how spatial variations in the phase of the oscillations evolves in time. This result is the key to understanding the propagation of chemical waves. In particular, we use it to account for certain experimental observations on the Belusov-Zhabotinskii reaction.
Next, we analyse the interaction between a pair of coupled chemical oscillators. This time, we derive an equation for the phase shift, which measures how much the oscillators are out of phase. This result is the key to understanding M. Marek's and I. Stuchl's results on coupled reactor systems. In particular, our model accounts for synchronization and its bifurcation into rhythm splitting.
Finally, we analyse large systems of coupled chemical oscillators. Using a continuum approximation, we demonstrate mechanisms that cause auto-synchronization in such systems.
Two separate problems are discussed: axisymmetric equilibrium configurations of a circular membrane under pressure and subject to thrust along its edge, and the buckling of a circular cylindrical shell.
An ordinary differential equation governing the circular membrane is imbedded in a family of n-dimensional nonlinear equations. Phase plane methods are used to examine the number of solutions corresponding to a parameter which generalizes the thrust, as well as other parameters determining the shape of the nonlinearity and the undeformed shape of the membrane. It is found that in any number of dimensions there exists a value of the generalized thrust for which a countable infinity of solutions exist if some of the remaining parameters are made sufficiently large. Criteria describing the number of solutions in other cases are also given.
Donnell-type equations are used to model a circular cylindrical shell. The static problem of bifurcation of buckled modes from Poisson expansion is analyzed using an iteration scheme and pertubation methods. Analysis shows that although buckling loads are usually simple eigenvalues, they may have arbitrarily large but finite multiplicity when the ratio of the shell's length and circumference is rational. A numerical study of the critical buckling load for simple eigenvalues indicates that the number of waves along the axis of the deformed shell is roughly proportional to the length of the shell, suggesting the possibility of a "characteristic length." Further numerical work indicates that initial post-buckling curves are typically steep, although the load may increase or decrease. It is shown that either a sheet of solutions or two distinct branches bifurcate from a double eigenvalue. Furthermore, a shell may be subject to a uniform torque, even though one is not prescribed at the ends of the shell, through the interaction of two modes with the same number of circumferential waves. Finally, multiple time scale techniques are used to study the dynamic buckling of a rectangular plate as well as a circular cylindrical shell; transition to a new steady state amplitude determined by the nonlinearity is shown. The importance of damping in determining equilibrium configurations independent of initial conditions is illustrated.
We consider the following singularly perturbed linear two-point boundary-value problem:
Ly(x) ≡ Ω(ε)D_xy(x) - A(x,ε)y(x) = f(x,ε) 0≤x≤1 (1a)
By ≡ L(ε)y(0) + R(ε)y(1) = g(ε) ε → 0^+ (1b)
Here Ω(ε) is a diagonal matrix whose first m diagonal elements are 1 and last m elements are ε. Aside from reasonable continuity conditions placed on A, L, R, f, g, we assume the lower right mxm principle submatrix of A has no eigenvalues whose real part is zero. Under these assumptions a constructive technique is used to derive sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique solution of (1). These sufficient conditions are used to define when (1) is a regular problem. It is then shown that as ε → 0^+ the solution of a regular problem exists and converges on every closed subinterval of (0,1) to a solution of the reduced problem. The reduced problem consists of the differential equation obtained by formally setting ε equal to zero in (1a) and initial conditions obtained from the boundary conditions (1b). Several examples of regular problems are also considered.
A similar technique is used to derive the properties of the solution of a particular difference scheme used to approximate (1). Under restrictions on the boundary conditions (1b) it is shown that for the stepsize much larger than ε the solution of the difference scheme, when applied to a regular problem, accurately represents the solution of the reduced problem.
Furthermore, the existence of a similarity transformation which block diagonalizes a matrix is presented as well as exponential bounds on certain fundamental solution matrices associated with the problem (1).
A zero pressure gradient boundary layer over a flat plate is subjected to step changes in thermal condition at the wall, causing the formation of internal, heated layers. The resulting temperature fluctuations and their corresponding density variations are associated with turbulent coherent structures. Aero-optical distortion occurs when light passes through the boundary layer, encountering the changing index of refraction resulting from the density variations. Instantaneous measurements of streamwise velocity, temperature and the optical deflection angle experienced by a laser traversing the boundary layer are made using hot and cold wires and a Malley probe, respectively. Correlations of the deflection angle with the temperature and velocity records suggest that the dominant contribution to the deflection angle comes from thermally-tagged structures in the outer boundary layer with a convective velocity of approximately 0.8U∞. An examination of instantaneous temperature and velocity and their temporal gradients conditionally averaged around significant optical deflections shows behavior consistent with the passage of a heated vortex. Strong deflections are associated with strong negative temperature gradients, and strong positive velocity gradients where the sign of the streamwise velocity fluctuation changes. The power density spectrum of the optical deflections reveals associated structure size to be on the order of the boundary layer thickness. A comparison to the temperature and velocity spectra suggests that the responsible structures are smaller vortices in the outer boundary layer as opposed to larger scale motions. Notable differences between the power density spectra of the optical deflections and the temperature remain unresolved due to the low frequency response of the cold wire.
This thesis covers a range of topics in numerical and analytical relativity, centered around introducing tools and methodologies for the study of dynamical spacetimes. The scope of the studies is limited to classical (as opposed to quantum) vacuum spacetimes described by Einstein's general theory of relativity. The numerical works presented here are carried out within the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC) infrastructure, while analytical calculations extensively utilize Wolfram's Mathematica program.
We begin by examining highly dynamical spacetimes such as binary black hole mergers, which can be investigated using numerical simulations. However, there are difficulties in interpreting the output of such simulations. One difficulty stems from the lack of a canonical coordinate system (henceforth referred to as gauge freedom) and tetrad, against which quantities such as Newman-Penrose Psi_4 (usually interpreted as the gravitational wave part of curvature) should be measured. We tackle this problem in Chapter 2 by introducing a set of geometrically motivated coordinates that are independent of the simulation gauge choice, as well as a quasi-Kinnersley tetrad, also invariant under gauge changes in addition to being optimally suited to the task of gravitational wave extraction.
Another difficulty arises from the need to condense the overwhelming amount of data generated by the numerical simulations. In order to extract physical information in a succinct and transparent manner, one may define a version of gravitational field lines and field strength using spatial projections of the Weyl curvature tensor. Introduction, investigation and utilization of these quantities will constitute the main content in Chapters 3 through 6.
For the last two chapters, we turn to the analytical study of a simpler dynamical spacetime, namely a perturbed Kerr black hole. We will introduce in Chapter 7 a new analytical approximation to the quasi-normal mode (QNM) frequencies, and relate various properties of these modes to wave packets traveling on unstable photon orbits around the black hole. In Chapter 8, we study a bifurcation in the QNM spectrum as the spin of the black hole a approaches extremality.
This work is concerned with the derivation of optimal scaling laws, in the sense of matching lower and upper bounds on the energy, for a solid undergoing ductile fracture. The specific problem considered concerns a material sample in the form of an infinite slab of finite thickness subjected to prescribed opening displacements on its two surfaces. The solid is assumed to obey deformation-theory of plasticity and, in order to further simplify the analysis, we assume isotropic rigid-plastic deformations with zero plastic spin. When hardening exponents are given values consistent with observation, the energy is found to exhibit sublinear growth. We regularize the energy through the addition of nonlocal energy terms of the strain-gradient plasticity type. This nonlocal regularization has the effect of introducing an intrinsic length scale into the energy. We also put forth a physical argument that identifies the intrinsic length and suggests a linear growth of the nonlocal energy. Under these assumptions, ductile fracture emerges as the net result of two competing effects: whereas the sublinear growth of the local energy promotes localization of deformation to failure planes, the nonlocal regularization stabilizes this process, thus resulting in an orderly progression towards failure and a well-defined specific fracture energy. The optimal scaling laws derived here show that ductile fracture results from localization of deformations to void sheets, and that it requires a well-defined energy per unit fracture area. In particular, fractal modes of fracture are ruled out under the assumptions of the analysis. The optimal scaling laws additionally show that ductile fracture is cohesive in nature, i.e., it obeys a well-defined relation between tractions and opening displacements. Finally, the scaling laws supply a link between micromechanical properties and macroscopic fracture properties. In particular, they reveal the relative roles that surface energy and microplasticity play as contributors to the specific fracture energy of the material. Next, we present an experimental assessment of the optimal scaling laws. We show that when the specific fracture energy is renormalized in a manner suggested by the optimal scaling laws, the data falls within the bounds predicted by the analysis and, moreover, they ostensibly collapse---with allowances made for experimental scatter---on a master curve dependent on the hardening exponent, but otherwise material independent.
The current power grid is on the cusp of modernization due to the emergence of distributed generation and controllable loads, as well as renewable energy. On one hand, distributed and renewable generation is volatile and difficult to dispatch. On the other hand, controllable loads provide significant potential for compensating for the uncertainties. In a future grid where there are thousands or millions of controllable loads and a large portion of the generation comes from volatile sources like wind and solar, distributed control that shifts or reduces the power consumption of electric loads in a reliable and economic way would be highly valuable.
Load control needs to be conducted with network awareness. Otherwise, voltage violations and overloading of circuit devices are likely. To model these effects, network power flows and voltages have to be considered explicitly. However, the physical laws that determine power flows and voltages are nonlinear. Furthermore, while distributed generation and controllable loads are mostly located in distribution networks that are multiphase and radial, most of the power flow studies focus on single-phase networks.
This thesis focuses on distributed load control in multiphase radial distribution networks. In particular, we first study distributed load control without considering network constraints, and then consider network-aware distributed load control.
Distributed implementation of load control is the main challenge if network constraints can be ignored. In this case, we first ignore the uncertainties in renewable generation and load arrivals, and propose a distributed load control algorithm, Algorithm 1, that optimally schedules the deferrable loads to shape the net electricity demand. Deferrable loads refer to loads whose total energy consumption is fixed, but energy usage can be shifted over time in response to network conditions. Algorithm 1 is a distributed gradient decent algorithm, and empirically converges to optimal deferrable load schedules within 15 iterations.
We then extend Algorithm 1 to a real-time setup where deferrable loads arrive over time, and only imprecise predictions about future renewable generation and load are available at the time of decision making. The real-time algorithm Algorithm 2 is based on model-predictive control: Algorithm 2 uses updated predictions on renewable generation as the true values, and computes a pseudo load to simulate future deferrable load. The pseudo load consumes 0 power at the current time step, and its total energy consumption equals the expectation of future deferrable load total energy request.
Network constraints, e.g., transformer loading constraints and voltage regulation constraints, bring significant challenge to the load control problem since power flows and voltages are governed by nonlinear physical laws. Remarkably, distribution networks are usually multiphase and radial. Two approaches are explored to overcome this challenge: one based on convex relaxation and the other that seeks a locally optimal load schedule.
To explore the convex relaxation approach, a novel but equivalent power flow model, the branch flow model, is developed, and a semidefinite programming relaxation, called BFM-SDP, is obtained using the branch flow model. BFM-SDP is mathematically equivalent to a standard convex relaxation proposed in the literature, but numerically is much more stable. Empirical studies show that BFM-SDP is numerically exact for the IEEE 13-, 34-, 37-, 123-bus networks and a real-world 2065-bus network, while the standard convex relaxation is numerically exact for only two of these networks.
Theoretical guarantees on the exactness of convex relaxations are provided for two types of networks: single-phase radial alternative-current (AC) networks, and single-phase mesh direct-current (DC) networks. In particular, for single-phase radial AC networks, we prove that a second-order cone program (SOCP) relaxation is exact if voltage upper bounds are not binding; we also modify the optimal load control problem so that its SOCP relaxation is always exact. For single-phase mesh DC networks, we prove that an SOCP relaxation is exact if 1) voltage upper bounds are not binding, or 2) voltage upper bounds are uniform and power injection lower bounds are strictly negative; we also modify the optimal load control problem so that its SOCP relaxation is always exact.
To seek a locally optimal load schedule, a distributed gradient-decent algorithm, Algorithm 9, is proposed. The suboptimality gap of the algorithm is rigorously characterized and close to 0 for practical networks. Furthermore, unlike the convex relaxation approach, Algorithm 9 ensures a feasible solution. The gradients used in Algorithm 9 are estimated based on a linear approximation of the power flow, which is derived with the following assumptions: 1) line losses are negligible; and 2) voltages are reasonably balanced. Both assumptions are satisfied in practical distribution networks. Empirical results show that Algorithm 9 obtains 70+ times speed up over the convex relaxation approach, at the cost of a suboptimality within numerical precision.
This study investigates lateral mixing of tracer fluids in turbulent open-channel flows when the tracer and ambient fluids have different densities. Longitudinal dispersion in flows with longitudinal density gradients is investigated also.
Lateral mixing was studied in a laboratory flume by introducing fluid tracers at the ambient flow velocity continuously and uniformly across a fraction of the flume width and over the entire depth of the ambient flow. Fluid samples were taken to obtain concentration distributions in cross-sections at various distances, x, downstream from the tracer source. The data were used to calculate variances of the lateral distributions of the depth-averaged concentration. When there was a difference in density between the tracer and the ambient fluids, lateral mixing close to the source was enhanced by density-induced secondary flows; however, far downstream where the density gradients were small, lateral mixing rates were independent of the initial density difference. A dimensional analysis of the problem and the data show that the normalized variance is a function of only three dimensionless numbers, which represent: (1) the x-coordinate, (2) the source width, and (3) the buoyancy flux from the source.
A simplified set of equations of motion for a fluid with a horizontal density gradient was integrated to give an expression for the density-induced velocity distribution. The dispersion coefficient due to this velocity distribution was also obtained. Using this dispersion coefficient in an analysis for predicting lateral mixing rates in the experiments of this investigation gave only qualitative agreement with the data. However, predicted longitudinal salinity distributions in an idealized laboratory estuary agree well with published data.