118 resultados para virus RNA

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A cellular protein, previously described as p35/38, binds to the complementary (−)-strand of the leader RNA and intergenic (IG) sequence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) RNA. The extent of the binding of this protein to IG sites correlates with the efficiency of the subgenomic mRNA transcription from that IG site, suggesting that it is a requisite transcription factor. We have purified this protein and determined by partial peptide sequencing that it is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1, an abundant, primarily nuclear protein. hnRNP A1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm and plays a role in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing. The MHV(−)-strand leader and IG sequences conform to the consensus binding motifs of hnRNP A1. Recombinant hnRNP A1 bound to these two RNA regions in vitro in a sequence-specific manner. During MHV infection, hnRNP A1 relocalizes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where viral replication occurs. These data suggest that hnRNP A1 is a cellular factor that regulates the RNA-dependent RNA transcription of the virus.


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Infection of vertebrate cells with alphaviruses normally leads to prodigious expression of virus-encoded genes and a dramatic inhibition of host protein synthesis. Recombinant Sindbis viruses and replicons have been useful as vectors for high level foreign gene expression, but the cytopathic effects of viral replication have limited their use to transient studies. We recently selected Sindbis replicons capable of persistent, noncytopathic growth in BHK cells and describe here a new generation of Sindbis vectors useful for long-term foreign gene expression based on such replicons. Foreign genes of interest as well as the dominant selectable marker puromycin N-acteyltransferase, which confers resistance to the drug puromycin, were expressed as subgenomic transcripts of noncytopathic replicons or defective-interfering genomes complemented in trans by a replicon. Based on these strategies, we developed vectors that can be initiated via either RNA or DNA transfection and analyzed them for their level and stability of foreign gene expression. Noncytopathic Sindbis vectors express reasonably high levels of protein in nearly every cell. These vectors should prove to be flexible tools for the rapid expression of heterologous genes under conditions in which cellular metabolism is not perturbed, and we illustrate their utility with a number of foreign proteins.


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Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a member of the alphavirus-like superfamily of positive-strand RNA viruses, encodes two proteins, 1a and 2a, that interact with each other, with unidentified host proteins, and with host membranes to form the viral RNA replication complex. Yeast expressing 1a and 2a support replication and subgenomic mRNA synthesis by BMV RNA3 derivatives. Using a multistep selection and screening process, we have isolated yeast mutants in multiple complementation groups that inhibit BMV-directed gene expression. Three complementation groups, represented by mutants mab1–1, mab2–1, and mab3–1 (for maintenance of BMV functions), were selected for initial study. Each of these mutants has a single, recessive, chromosomal mutation that inhibits accumulation of positive- and negative-strand RNA3 and subgenomic mRNA. BMV-directed gene expression was inhibited when the RNA replication template was introduced by in vivo transcription from DNA or by transfection of yeast with in vitro transcripts, confirming that cytoplasmic RNA replication steps were defective. mab1–1, mab2–1, and mab3–1 slowed yeast growth to varying degrees and were temperature-sensitive, showing that the affected genes contribute to normal cell growth. In wild-type yeast, expression of the helicase-like 1a protein increased the accumulation of 2a mRNA and the polymerase-like 2a protein, revealing a new level of viral regulation. In association with their other effects, mab1–1 and mab2–1 blocked the ability of 1a to stimulate 2a mRNA and protein accumulation, whereas mab3–1 had elevated 2a protein accumulation. Together, these results show that BMV RNA replication in yeast depends on multiple host genes, some of which directly or indirectly affect the regulated expression and accumulation of 2a.


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The turnip yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA terminates at its 3' end in a tRNA-like structure that is capable of specific valylation. By directed mutation, the aminoacylation specificity has been switched from valine to methionine, a novel specificity for viral tRNA-like structures. The switch to methionine specificity, assayed in vitro under physiological buffer conditions with wheat germ methionyl-tRNA synthetase, required mutation of the anticodon loop and the acceptor stem pseudoknot. The resultant methionylatable genomes are infectious and stable in plants, but genomes that lack strong methionine acceptance (as previously shown with regard to valine acceptance) replicate poorly. The results indicate that amplification of turnip yellow mosaic virus RNA requires aminoacylation, but that neither the natural (valine) specificity nor interaction specifically with valyl-tRNA synthetase is crucial.


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Using transgenic mice that replicate the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome, we recently demonstrated that class I-restricted, hepatitis B surface antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) can noncytolytically eliminate HBV pregenomic and envelope RNA transcripts from the hepatocyte. We now demonstrate that the steady-state content of these viral transcripts is profoundly reduced in the nucleus and cytoplasm of CTL-activated hepatocytes, but their transcription rates are only slightly reduced. Additionally, we demonstrate that transcripts covering the HBV X coding region are resistant to downregulation by the CTL. These results imply the existence of CTL-inducible hepatocellular factors that interact with a discrete element(s) between nucleotides 3157 and 1239 within the viral pregenomic and envelope transcripts and mediate their degradation, thus converting the hepatocyte from a passive victim to an active participant in the host response to HBV infection.


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In this report we show that yeast expressing brome mosaic virus (BMV) replication proteins 1a and 2a and replicating a BMV RNA3 derivative can be extracted to yield a template-dependent BMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) able to synthesize (-)-strand RNA from BMV (+)-strand RNA templates added in vitro. This virus-specific yeast-derived RdRp mirrored the template selectivity and other characteristics of RdRp from BMV-infected plants. Equivalent extracts from yeast expressing 1a and 2a but lacking RNA3 contained normal amounts of 1a and 2a but had no RdRp activity on BMV RNAs added in vitro. To determine which RNA3 sequences were required in vivo to yield RdRp activity, we tested deletions throughout RNA3, including the 5',3', and intercistronic noncoding regions, which contain the cis-acting elements required for RNA3 replication in vivo. RdRp activity was obtained only from cells expressing 1a, 2a, and RNA3 derivatives retaining both 3' and intercistronic noncoding sequences. Strong correlation between extracted RdRp activity and BMV (-)-strand RNA accumulation in vivo was found for all RNA3 derivatives tested. Thus, extractable in vitro RdRp activity paralleled formation of a complex capable of viral RNA synthesis in vivo. The results suggest that assembly of active RdRp requires not only viral proteins but also viral RNA, either to directly contribute some nontemplate function or to recruit essential host factors into the RdRp complex and that sequences at both the 3'-terminal initiation site and distant internal sites of RNA3 templates may participate in RdRp assembly and initiation of (-)-strand synthesis.


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A virus-based vector was used for the transient expression of the alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein (CP) gene in protoplasts and plants. The accumulation of wild-type CP conferred strong protection against subsequent alfalfa mosaic virus infection, enabling the efficacy of CP mutants to be determined without developing transgenic plants. Expression of the CP mRNA alone without CP accumulation conferred weaker protection against infection. The activity of the N-terminal mutant CPs in protection did not correlate with their activities in genome activation. The activity of a C-terminal mutant suggested that encapsidation did not have a role in protection. Our results indicate that interaction of the CP with alfalfa mosaic virus RNA is not important in protection, thereby leaving open the possibility that interactions with host factors lead to protection.


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The influenza C virus CM2 protein is a small glycosylated integral membrane protein (115 residues) that spans the membrane once and contains a cleavable signal sequence at its N terminus. The coding region for CM2 (CM2 ORF) is located at the C terminus of the 342-amino acid (aa) ORF of a colinear mRNA transcript derived from influenza C virus RNA segment 6. Splicing of the colinear transcript introduces a translational stop codon into the ORF and the spliced mRNA encodes the viral matrix protein (CM1) (242 aa). The mechanism of CM2 translation was investigated by using in vitro and in vivo translation of RNA transcripts. It was found that the colinear mRNA derived from influenza C virus RNA segment 6 serves as the mRNA for CM2. Furthermore, CM2 translation does not depend on any of the three in-frame methionine residues located at the beginning of CM2 ORF. Rather, CM2 is a proteolytic cleavage product of the p42 protein product encoded by the colinear mRNA: a cleavage event that involves the recognition and cleavage of an internal signal peptide presumably by signal peptidase resident in the endoplasmic reticulum. Alteration of the predicted signal peptidase cleavage site by mutagenesis blocked generation of CM2. The other polypeptide species resulting from the cleavage of p42, designated p31, contains the CM1 coding region and an additional C-terminal 17 aa (formerly the CM2 signal peptide). Protein p31, in comparison to CM1, displays characteristics of an integral membrane protein.


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After a retrovirus particle is released from the cell, the dimeric genomic RNA undergoes a change in conformation. We have previously proposed that this change, termed maturation of the dimer, is due to the action of nucleocapsid (NC) protein on the RNA within the virus particle. We now report that treatment of a 345-base synthetic fragment of Harvey sarcoma virus RNA with recombinant or synthetic HIV-1 NC protein converts a less stable form of dimeric RNA to a more stable form. This phenomenon thus appears to reproduce the maturation of dimeric retroviral RNA in a completely defined system in vitro. To our knowledge, maturation of dimeric RNA within a retrovirus particle is the first example of action of an "RNA chaperone" protein in vivo. Studies with mutant NC proteins suggest that the activity depends upon basic amino acid residues flanking the N-terminal zinc finger and upon residues within the N-terminal finger, including an aromatic amino acid, but do not require the zinc finger structures themselves.


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The yeast two-hybrid system and far-Western protein blot analysis were used to demonstrate dimerization of human double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase (PKR) in vivo and in vitro. A catalytically inactive mutant of PKR with a single amino acid substitution (K296R) was found to dimerize in vivo, and a mutant with a deletion of the catalytic domain of PKR retained the ability to dimerize. In contrast, deletion of the two dsRNA-binding motifs in the N-terminal regulatory domain of PKR abolished dimerization. In vitro dimerization of the dsRNA-binding domain required the presence of dsRNA. These results suggest that the binding of dsRNA by PKR is necessary for dimerization. The mammalian dsRNA-binding protein TRBP, originally identified on the basis of its ability to bind the transactivation region (TAR) of human immunodeficiency virus RNA, also dimerized with itself and with PKR in the yeast assay. Taken together, these results suggest that complexes consisting of different combinations of dsRNA-binding proteins may exist in vivo. Such complexes could mediate differential effects on gene expression and control of cell growth.


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The hepatitis C virus RNA genome encodes a long polyprotein that is proteolytically processed into at least 10 products. The order of these cleavage products in the polyprotein is NH2-C-E1-E2-p7-NS2-NS3-NS4A-NS4B-NS5A-NS5B -COOH. A serine proteinase domain located in the N-terminal one-third of nonstructural protein NS3 mediates cleavage at four downstream sites (the 3/4A, 4A/4B, 4B/5A, and 5A/5B sites). In addition to the proteinase catalytic domain, the NS4A protein is required for processing at the 4B/5A site but not at the 5A/5B site. These cleavage events are likely to be essential for virus replication, making the serine proteinase an attractive antiviral target. Here we describe an in vitro assay where the NS3-4A polyprotein, NS3, the serine proteinase domain (the N-terminal 181 residues of NS3), and the NS4A cofactor were produced by cell-free translation and tested for trans-processing of radiolabeled substrates. Polyprotein substrates, NS4A-4B or truncated NS5A-5B, were cleaved in trans by all forms of the proteinase, whereas NS4A was also required for NS4B-5A processing. Proteolysis was abolished by substitution mutations previously shown to inactivate the proteinase or block cleavage at specific sites in vivo. Furthermore, N-terminal sequence analysis established that cleavage in vitro occurred at the authentic 4A/4B site. Translation in the presence of microsomal membranes enhanced processing for some, but not all, proteinase-substrate combinations. Trans-processing was both time and temperature dependent and was eliminated by treatment with a variety of detergents above their critical micelle concentrations. Among many common proteinase inhibitors tested, only high (millimolar) concentrations of serine proteinase inhibitors tosyllysyl chloromethyl ketone and 4-(2-aminoethyl)benzenesulfonyl fluoride inactivated the NS3 proteinase. This in vitro assay should facilitate purification and further characterization of the viral serine proteinase and identification of molecules which selectively inhibit its activity.


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From early in the AIDS epidemic, psychosocial stressors have been proposed as contributors to the variation in disease course. To test this hypothesis, rhesus macaques were assigned to stable or unstable social conditions and were inoculated with the simian immunodeficiency virus. Animals in the unstable condition displayed more agonism and less affiliation, shorter survival, and lower basal concentrations of plasma cortisol compared with stable animals. Early after inoculation, but before the emergence of group differences in cortisol levels, animals receiving social threats had higher concentrations of simian immunodeficiency virus RNA in plasma, and those engaging in affiliation had lower concentrations. The results indicate that social factors can have a significant impact on the course of immunodeficiency disease. Socially induced changes in pituitary–adrenal hormones may be one mechanism mediating this relationship.


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The satellite tobacco necrosis virus RNA is uncapped and requires a 3′ translational enhancer domain (TED) for translation. Both in the wheat germ extract and in tobacco, TED stimulates in cis translation of heterologous, uncapped RNAs. In this study we investigated to what extent translation stimulation by TED depends on binding to wheat germ factors. We show that in vitro TED binds at least seven wheat germ proteins. Translation and crosslinking assays, to which TED or TED derivatives with reduced functionality were included as competitor, showed that TED function correlates with binding to a 28 kDa protein (p28). One particular condition of competition revealed that p28 binding is not obligatory for TED function. Under this condition, a 30 kDa protein (p30) binds to TED. Importantly, affinity of p30 correlates with functionality of TED. These results strongly suggest that TED has the capacity to stimulate translation by recruiting the translational machinery either via binding to p28 or via binding to p30.


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The capsid protein of hepatitis B virus, consisting of an “assembly” domain (residues 1–149) and an RNA-binding “protamine” domain (residues 150–183), assembles from dimers into icosahedral capsids of two different sizes. The C terminus of the assembly domain (residues 140–149) functions as a morphogenetic switch, longer C termini favoring a higher proportion of the larger capsids, it also connects the protamine domain to the capsid shell. We now have defined the location of this peptide in capsids assembled in vitro by engineering a mutant assembly domain with a single cysteine at its C terminus (residue 150), labeling it with a gold cluster and visualizing the cluster by cryo-electron microscopy. The labeled protein is unimpaired in its ability to form capsids. Our density map reveals a single undecagold cluster under each fivefold and quasi-sixfold vertex, connected to sites at either end of the undersides of the dimers. Considering the geometry of the vertices, the C termini must be more crowded at the fivefolds. Thus, a bulky C terminus would be expected to favor formation of the larger (T = 4) capsids, which have a greater proportion of quasi-sixfolds. Capsids assembled by expressing the full-length protein in Escherichia coli package bacterial RNAs in amounts equivalent to the viral pregenome. Our density map of these capsids reveals a distinct inner shell of density—the RNA. The RNA is connected to the protein shell via the C-terminal linkers and also makes contact around the dimer axes.


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We report the crystal structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of hepatitis C virus, a major human pathogen, to 2.8-Å resolution. This enzyme is a key target for developing specific antiviral therapy. The structure of the catalytic domain contains 531 residues folded in the characteristic fingers, palm, and thumb subdomains. The fingers subdomain contains a region, the “fingertips,” that shares the same fold with reverse transcriptases. Superposition to the available structures of the latter shows that residues from the palm and fingertips are structurally equivalent. In addition, it shows that the hepatitis C virus polymerase was crystallized in a closed fingers conformation, similar to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in ternary complex with DNA and dTTP [Huang H., Chopra, R., Verdine, G. L. & Harrison, S. C. (1998) Science 282, 1669–1675]. This superposition reveals the majority of the amino acid residues of the hepatitis C virus enzyme that are likely to be implicated in binding to the replicating RNA molecule and to the incoming NTP. It also suggests a rearrangement of the thumb domain as well as a possible concerted movement of thumb and fingertips during translocation of the RNA template-primer in successive polymerization rounds.