43 resultados para vertebrate hosts
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
We used the common fish pathogen Ichthyophthirius multifiliis as a model for studying interactions between parasitic ciliates and their vertebrate hosts. Although highly pathogenic, Ichthyophthirius can elicit a strong protective immune response in fish after exposure to controlled infections. To investigate the mechanisms underlying host resistance, a series of passive immunization experiments were carried out using mouse monoclonal antibodies against a class of surface membrane proteins, known as immobilization antigens (or i-antigens), thought to play a role in the protective response. Such antibodies bind to cilia and immobilize I. multifiliis in vitro. Surprisingly, we found that passive antibody transfer in vivo caused rapid exit of parasites from the host. The effect was highly specific for a given I. multifiliis serotype. F(ab)2 subfragments had the same effect as intact antibody, whereas monovalent Fab fragments failed to protect. The activity of Fab could, nevertheless, be restored after subsequent i.p. injection of bivalent goat anti-mouse IgG. Parasites that exit the host had detectable antibody on their surface and appeared viable in all respects. These findings represent a novel instance among protists in which protective immunity (and evasion of the host response) result from an effect of antibody on parasite behavior.
Adult Schistosoma mansoni blood flukes reside in the mesenteric veins of their vertebrate hosts, where they absorb immense quantities of glucose through their tegument by facilitated diffusion. Previously, we obtained S. mansoni cDNAs encoding facilitated-diffusion schistosome glucose transporter proteins 1 and 4 (SGTP1 and SGTP4) and localized SGTP1 to the basal membranes of the tegument and the underlying muscle. In this study, we characterize the expression and localization of SGTP4 during the schistosome life cycle. Antibodies specific to SGTP4 appear to stain only the double-bilayer, apical membranes of the adult parasite tegument, revealing an asymmetric distribution relative to the basal transporter SGTP1. On living worms, SGTP4 is available to surface biotinylation, suggesting that it is exposed at the hose-parasite interface. SGTP4 is detected shortly after the transformation of free-living, infectious cercariae into schistosomula and coincides with the appearance of the double membrane. Within 15 min after transformation, anti-SGTP4 staining produces a bright, patchy distribution at the surface of schistosomula, which becomes contiguous over the entire surface of the schistosomula by 24 hr after transformation. SGTP4 is not detected in earlier developmental stages (eggs, sporocysts, and cercariae) that do not possess the specialized double membrane. Thus, SGTP4 appears to be expressed only in the mammalian stages of the parasite's life cycle and specifically localized within the host-interactive, apical membranes of the tegument.
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is associated with several classes of plasma lipoproteins and mediates uptake of lipoproteins through its ability to interact with specific cell surface receptors. Besides its role in cardiovascular diseases, accumulating evidence has suggested that apoE could play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. In vertebrates, apoA-I is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein. ApoA-I may play an important role in regulating the cholesterol content of peripheral tissues through the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We have isolated cDNA clones that code for apoE and apoA-I from a zebrafish embryo library. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed the presence of a region enriched in basic amino acids in zebrafish apoE similar to the lipoprotein receptor-binding region of human apoE. We demonstrated by whole-mount in situ hybridization that apoE and apoA-I genes are highly expressed in the yolk syncytial layer, an extraembryonic structure implicated in embryonic and larval nutrition. ApoE transcripts were also observed in the deep cell layer during blastula stage, in numerous ectodermal derivatives after gastrulation, and after 3 days of development in a limited number of cells both in brain and in the eyes. Our data indicate that apoE can be found in a nonmammalian vertebrate and that the duplication events, from which apoE and apoA-I genes arose, occurred before the divergence of the tetrapod and teleost ancestors. Zebrafish can be used as a simple and useful model for studying the role of apolipoproteins in embryonic and larval nutrition and of apoE in brain morphogenesis and regeneration.
We used plants as an in vivo pathogenesis model for the identification of virulence factors of the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nine of nine TnphoA mutant derivatives of P. aeruginosa strain UCBPP-PA14 that were identified in a plant leaf assay for less pathogenic mutants also exhibited significantly reduced pathogenicity in a burned mouse pathogenicity model, suggesting that P. aeruginosa utilizes common strategies to infect both hosts. Seven of these nine mutants contain TnphoA insertions in previously unknown genes. These results demonstrate that an alternative nonvertebrate host of a human bacterial pathogen can be used in an in vivo high throughput screen to identify novel bacterial virulence factors involved in mammalian pathogenesis.
CB1, a cannabinoid receptor enriched in neuronal tissue, was found in high concentration in retinas of rhesus monkey, mouse, rat, chick, goldfish, and tiger salamander by using a subtype-specific polyclonal antibody. Immunolabeling was detected in the two synaptic layers of the retina, the inner and outer plexiform layers, of all six species examined. In the outer plexiform layer, CB1 was located in and/or on cone pedicles and rod spherules. Labeling was detected in some amacrine cells of all species and in the ganglion cells and ganglion cell axons of all species except fish. In addition, sparse labeling was found in the inner and/or outer segments of the photoreceptors of monkey, mouse, rat, and chick. Using GC/MS to detect possible endogenous cannabinoids, we found 3 nmol of 2-arachidonylglycerol per g of tissue, but no anandamide was detectable. Cannabinoid receptor agonists induced a dramatic reduction in the amplitude of voltage-gated L-type calcium channel currents in identified retinal bipolar cells. The presence and distribution of the CB1 receptor, the large amounts of 2-arachidonylglycerol found, and the effects of cannabinoids on calcium channel activity in bipolar cells suggest a substantive role for an endogenous cannabinoid signaling system in retinal physiology, and perhaps vision in general.
During mitosis an inhibitory activity associated with unattached kinetochores prevents PtK1 cells from entering anaphase until all kinetochores become attached to the spindle. To gain a better understanding of how unattached kinetochores block the metaphase/anaphase transition we followed mitosis in PtK1 cells containing two independent spindles in a common cytoplasm. We found that unattached kinetochores on one spindle did not block anaphase onset in a neighboring mature metaphase spindle 20 μm away that lacked unattached kinetochores. As in cells containing a single spindle, anaphase onset occurred in the mature spindles x̄ = 24 min after the last kinetochore attached regardless of whether the adjacent immature spindle contained one or more unattached kinetochores. These findings reveal that the inhibitory activity associated with an unattached kinetochore is functionally limited to the vicinity of the spindle containing the unattached kinetochore. We also found that once a mature spindle entered anaphase the neighboring spindle also entered anaphase x̄ = 9 min later regardless of whether it contained monooriented chromosomes. Thus, anaphase onset in the mature spindle catalyzes a “start anaphase” reaction that spreads globally throughout the cytoplasm and overrides the inhibitory signal produced by unattached kinetochores in an adjacent spindle. Finally, we found that cleavage furrows often formed between the two independent spindles. This reveals that the presence of chromosomes and/or a spindle between two centrosomes is not a prerequisite for cleavage in vertebrate somatic cells.
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a highly conserved, cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that has been implicated in promoting cell migration and transmission of antiapoptotic signals in vertebrate cells. In cultured cells, integrin engagement with the extracellular matrix promotes the recruitment of FAK to focal contacts and increases in its phosphotyrosine content and kinase activity, suggesting FAK is an intracellular mediator of integrin signaling. We have identified a Drosophila FAK homolog, DFak56, that is 33% identical to vertebrate FAK, with the highest degree of homology in domains critical for FAK function, including the kinase and focal adhesion targeting domains, and several protein–protein interaction motifs. Furthermore, when expressed in NIH 3T3 cells, DFak56 both localizes to focal contacts and displays the characteristic elevation of phosphotyrosine content in response to plating the cells on fibronectin. During embryogenesis, DFak56 is broadly expressed, and it becomes elevated in the gut and central nervous system at later stages. Consistent with a role in cell migration, we also observe that DFak56 is abundant in the border cells of developing egg chambers before the onset of, and during, their migration.
The multitransmembrane protein Patched (PTCH) is the receptor for Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), a secreted molecule implicated in the formation of embryonic structures and in tumorigenesis. Current models suggest that binding of Shh to PTCH prevents the normal inhibition of the seven-transmembrane-protein Smoothened (SMO) by PTCH. According to this model, the inhibition of SMO signaling is relieved after mutational inactivation of PTCH in the basal cell nevus syndrome. Recently, PTCH2, a molecule with sequence homology to PTCH, has been identified. To characterize both PTCH molecules with respect to the various Hedgehog proteins, we have isolated the human PTCH2 gene. Biochemical analysis of PTCH and PTCH2 shows that they both bind to all hedgehog family members with similar affinity and that they can form a complex with SMO. However, the expression patterns of PTCH and PTCH2 do not fully overlap. While PTCH is expressed throughout the mouse embryo, PTCH2 is found at high levels in the skin and in spermatocytes. Because Desert Hedgehog (Dhh) is expressed specifically in the testis and is required for germ cell development, it is likely that PTCH2 mediates its activity in vivo. Chromosomal localization of PTCH2 places it on chromosome 1p33–34, a region deleted in some germ cell tumors, raising the possibility that PTCH2 may be a tumor suppressor in Dhh target cells.
Leucine-rich nuclear export signals (NESs) are recognized by the NES receptor exportin 1 and are central to the export of multiple shuttling proteins and RNAs. The export of messenger RNA in vertebrates was, however, thought to occur by a different pathway, because inhibition by injection of a synthetic Rev NES conjugate could not be demonstrated. Here we find that peptide conjugates composed of the NES of either protein kinase A inhibitor protein (PKI) or the HIV-1 Rev protein, when coupled to human serum albumin, are potent inhibitors of mRNA and small nuclear RNA export. These results provide direct evidence that mRNA export in vertebrates depends on interactions between an NES and its cognate NES receptors. PKI NES conjugates are significantly more efficient at inhibiting RNA export than are REV NES conjugates, indicating that different NESs may have different abilities to promote protein and RNA export. Surprisingly, an expected control conjugate containing the mutant Rev NES sequence M10 strongly inhibited the export of intronless dihydrofolate reductase mRNA. Nuclear injection of NES peptide conjugates led to mislocalization to the nucleus of 10–20% of the cytoplasmic Ran GTPase-binding protein (RanBP1) indicating that RanBP1 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm via an NES pathway. These results demonstrate that in vertebrates the export of mRNA, like that of small nuclear RNA, 5S rRNA, and transport factors such as RanBP1, employs NES-mediated molecular machinery.
Yeast and vertebrate nuclear pores display significant morphological similarity by electron microscopy, but sequence similarity between the respective proteins has been more difficult to observe. Herein we have identified a vertebrate nucleoporin, Nup93, in both human and Xenopus that has proved to be an evolutionarily related homologue of the yeast nucleoporin Nic96p. Polyclonal antiserum to human Nup93 detects corresponding proteins in human, rat, and Xenopus cells. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy localize vertebrate Nup93 at the nuclear basket and at or near the nuclear entry to the gated channel of the pore. Immunoprecipitation from both mammalian and Xenopus cell extracts indicates that a small fraction of Nup93 physically interacts with the nucleoporin p62, just as yeast Nic96p interacts with the yeast p62 homologue. However, a large fraction of vertebrate Nup93 is extracted from pores and is also present in Xenopus egg extracts in complex with a newly discovered 205-kDa protein. Mass spectrometric sequencing of the human 205-kDa protein reveals that this protein is encoded by an open reading frame, KIAAO225, present in the human database. The putative human nucleoporin of 205 kDa has related sequence homologues in Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To analyze the role of the Nup93 complex in the pore, nuclei were assembled that lack the Nup93 complex after immunodepletion of a Xenopus nuclear reconstitution extract. The Nup93-complex–depleted nuclei are clearly defective for correct nuclear pore assembly. From these experiments, we conclude that the vertebrate and yeast pore have significant homology in their functionally important cores and that, with the identification of Nup93 and the 205-kDa protein, we have extended the knowledge of the nearest-neighbor interactions of this core in both yeast and vertebrates.
Photoreceptors of the Xenopus laevis retina are the site of a circadian clock. As part of a differential display screen for rhythmic gene products in this system, we have identified a photoreceptor-specific mRNA expressed in peak abundance at night. cDNA cloning revealed an open reading frame encoding a putative 388 amino acid protein that we have named “nocturnin” (for night-factor). This protein has strong sequence similarity to the C-terminal domain of the yeast transcription factor, CCR4, as well as a leucine zipper-like dimerization motif. Nocturnin mRNA levels exhibit a high amplitude circadian rhythm and nuclear run-on analysis indicates that it is controlled by the retinal circadian clock at the level of transcription. Our observations suggest that nocturnin may function through protein–protein interaction either as a component of the circadian clock or as a downstream effector of clock function.
Leishmania promastigotes synthesize an abundance of phosphoglycans, either attached to the cell surface through phosphatidylinositol anchors (lipophosphoglycan, LPG) or secreted as protein-containing glycoconjugates. These phosphoglycans are thought to promote the survival of the parasite within both its vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. The relative contributions of different phosphoglycan-containing molecules in Leishmania–sand fly interactions were tested by using mutants specifically deficient in either total phosphoglycans or LPG alone. Leishmania donovani promastigotes deficient in both LPG and protein-linked phosphoglycans because of loss of LPG2 (encoding the Golgi GDP-Man transporter) failed to survive the hydrolytic environment within the early blood-fed midgut. In contrast, L. donovani and Leishmania major mutants deficient solely in LPG expression because of loss of LPG1 (involved in biosynthesis of the core oligosaccharide LPG domain) had only a slight reduction in the survival and growth of promastigotes within the early blood-fed midgut. The ability of the LPG1-deficient promastigotes to persist in the midgut after blood meal excretion was completely lost, and this defect was correlated with their inability to bind to midgut epithelial cells in vitro. For both mutants, when phosphoglycan expression was restored to wild-type levels by reintroduction of LPG1 or LPG2 (as appropriate), then the wild-type phenotype was also restored. We conclude, first, that LPG is not essential for survival in the early blood-fed midgut but, along with other secreted phosphoglycan-containing glycoconjugates, can protect promastigotes from the digestive enzymes in the gut and, second, that LPG is required to mediate midgut attachment and to maintain infection in the fly during excretion of the digested blood meal.
In vertebrate visual pigments, a glutamic acid serves as a negative counterion to the positively charged chromophore, a protonated Schiff base of retinal. When photoisomerization leads to the Schiff base deprotonating, the anionic glutamic acid becomes protonated, forming a neutral species that activates the visual cascade. We show that in octopus rhodopsin, the glutamic acid has no anionic counterpart. Thus, the “counterion” is already neutral, so no protonated form of an initially anionic group needs to be created to activate. This helps to explain another observation—that the active photoproduct of octopus rhodopsin can be formed without its Schiff base deprotonating. In this sense, the mechanism of light activation of octopus rhodopsin is simpler than for vertebrates, because it eliminates one of the steps required for vertebrate rhodopsins to achieve their activating state.
Much has been learned about vertebrate development by random mutagenesis followed by phenotypic screening and by targeted gene disruption followed by phenotypic analysis in model organisms. Because the timing of many developmental events is critical, it would be useful to have temporal control over modulation of gene function, a luxury frequently not possible with genetic mutants. Here, we demonstrate that small molecules capable of conditional gene product modulation can be identified through developmental screens in zebrafish. We have identified several small molecules that specifically modulate various aspects of vertebrate ontogeny, including development of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the neural crest, and the ear. Several of the small molecules identified allowed us to dissect the logic of melanocyte and otolith development and to identify critical periods for these events. Small molecules identified in this way offer potential to dissect further these and other developmental processes and to identify novel genes involved in vertebrate development.
Morphological specialization for a specific role has, until now, been assumed to be restricted to social invertebrates. Herein we show that complete physical dimorphism has evolved between reproductives and helpers in the eusocial naked mole-rat. Dimorphism is a consequence of the lumbar vertebrae lengthening after the onset of reproduction in females. This is the only known example of morphological castes in a vertebrate and is distinct from continuous size variation between breeders and helpers in other species of cooperatively breeding vertebrates. The evolution of castes in a mammal and insects represents a striking example of convergent evolution for enhanced fecundity in societies characterized by high reproductive skew. Similarities in the selective environment between naked mole-rats and eusocial insect species highlight the selective conditions under which queen/worker castes are predicted to evolve in animal societies.