9 resultados para vector error correction

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The study of the large-sample distribution of the canonical correlations and variates in cointegrated models is extended from the first-order autoregression model to autoregression of any (finite) order. The cointegrated process considered here is nonstationary in some dimensions and stationary in some other directions, but the first difference (the “error-correction form”) is stationary. The asymptotic distribution of the canonical correlations between the first differences and the predictor variables as well as the corresponding canonical variables is obtained under the assumption that the process is Gaussian. The method of analysis is similar to that used for the first-order process.


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Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme α-galactosidase A (α-gal A). This enzyme deficiency leads to impaired catabolism of α-galactosyl-terminal lipids such as globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Patients develop painful neuropathy and vascular occlusions that progressively lead to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal dysfunction and early death. Although enzyme replacement therapy and bone marrow transplantation have shown promise in the murine analog of Fabry disease, gene therapy holds a strong potential for treating this disease in humans. Delivery of the normal α-gal A gene (cDNA) into a depot organ such as liver may be sufficient to elicit corrective circulating levels of the deficient enzyme. To investigate this possibility, a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector encoding human α-gal A (rAAV-AGA) was constructed and injected into the hepatic portal vein of Fabry mice. Two weeks postinjection, α-gal A activity in the livers of rAAV-AGA-injected Fabry mice was 20–35% of that of the normal mice. The transduced animals continued to show higher α-gal A levels in liver and other tissues compared with the untouched Fabry controls as long as 6 months after treatment. In parallel to the elevated enzyme levels, we see significant reductions in Gb3 levels to near normal at 2 and 5 weeks posttreatment. The lower Gb3 levels continued in liver, spleen, and heart, up to 25 weeks with no significant immune response to the virus or α-gal A. Also, no signs of liver toxicity occurred after the rAAV-AGA administration. These findings suggest that an AAV-mediated gene transfer may be useful for the treatment of Fabry disease and possibly other metabolic disorders.


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Fabry disease is an X-linked metabolic disorder due to a deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-gal A; EC Patients accumulate glycosphingolipids with terminal alpha-galactosyl residues that come from intracellular synthesis, circulating metabolites, or from the biodegradation Of senescent cells. Patients eventually succumb to renal, cardio-, or cerebrovascular disease. No specific therapy exists. One possible approach to ameliorating this disorder is to target corrective gene transfer therapy to circulating hematopoietic cells. Toward this end, an amphotropic virus-producer cell line has been developed that produces a high titer (>10(6) i.p. per ml) recombinant retrovirus constructed to transduce and correct target cells. Virus-producer cells also demonstrate expression of large amounts of both intracellular and secreted alpha-gal A. To examine the utility of this therapeutic vector, skin fibroblasts from Fabry patients were corrected for the metabolic defect by infection with this recombinant virus and secreted enzyme was observed. Furthermore, the secreted enzyme was found to be taken up by uncorrected cells in a mannose-6-phosphate receptor-dependent manner. In related experiments, immortalized B cell lines from Fabry patients, created as a hematologic delivery test system, were transduced. As with the fibroblasts, transduced patient B cell lines demonstrated both endogenous enzyme correction and a small amount of secretion together with uptake by uncorrected cells. These studies demonstrate that endogenous metabolic correction in transduced cells, combined with secretion, may provide a continuous source of corrective material in trans to unmodified patient bystander cells (metabolic cooperativity).


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Mice generated by disrupting the clotting factor IX gene exhibit severe bleeding disorder and closely resemble the phenotype seen in hemophilia B patients. Here we demonstrate that a single intraportal injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector encoding canine factor IX cDNA under the control of a liver-specific enhancer/promoter leads to a long-term and complete correction of the bleeding disorder. High level expression of up to 15–20 μg/ml of canine factor IX was detected in the plasma of mice injected with 5.6 × 1011 particles of an AAV vector for >5 months. The activated partial thromboplastin time of the treated mice was fully corrected to higher than normal levels. Liver-specific expression of canine factor IX was confirmed by immunofluorescence staining, and secreted factor IX protein was identified in the mouse plasma by Western blotting. All treated mice survived the tail clip test without difficulty. Thus, a single intraportal injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector expressing factor IX successfully cured the bleeding disorder of hemophilia B mice, proving the feasibility of using AAV-based vectors for liver-targeted gene therapy of genetic diseases.


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The development of gene-replacement therapy for inborn errors of metabolism has been hindered by the limited number of suitable large-animal models of these diseases and by inadequate methods of assessing the efficacy of treatment. Such methods should provide sensitive detection of expression in vivo and should be unaffected by concurrent pharmacologic and dietary regimens. We present the results of studies in a neonatal bovine model of citrullinemia, an inborn error of urea-cycle metabolism characterized by deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase and consequent life-threatening hyperammonemia. Measurements of the flux of nitrogen from orally administered 15NH4 to [15N]urea were used to determine urea-cycle activity in vivo. In control animals, these isotopic measurements proved to be unaffected by pharmacologic treatments. Systemic administration of a first-generation E1-deleted adenoviral vector expressing human argininosuccinate synthetase resulted in transduction of hepatocytes and partial correction of the enzyme defect. The isotopic method showed significant restoration of urea synthesis. Moreover, the calves showed clinical improvement and normalization of plasma glutamine levels after treatment. The results show the clinical efficacy of treating a large-animal model of an inborn error of hepatocyte metabolism in conjunction with a method for sensitively measuring correction in vivo. These studies will be applicable to human trials of the treatment of this disorder and other related urea-cycle disorders.


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The ob/ob mouse is genetically deficient in leptin and exhibits a phenotype that includes obesity and non-insulin-dependent diabetes melitus. This phenotype closely resembles the morbid obesity seen in humans. In this study, we demonstrate that a single intramuscular injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector encoding mouse leptin (rAAV-leptin) in ob/ob mice leads to prevention of obesity and diabetes. The treated animals show normalization of metabolic abnormalities including hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and lethargy. The effects of a single injection have lasted through the 6-month course of the study. At all time points measured the circulating levels of leptin in the serum were similar to age-matched control C57 mice. These results demonstrate that maintenance of normal levels of leptin (2–5 ng/ml) in the circulation can prevent both the onset of obesity and associated non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Thus a single injection of a rAAV vector expressing a therapeutic gene can lead to complete and long-term correction of a genetic disorder. Our study demonstrates the long-term correction of a disease caused by a genetic defect and proves the feasibility of using rAAV-based vectors for the treatment of chronic disorders like obesity.


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Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is the most effective treatment for Hurler syndrome but, since this therapy is not available to all patients, we have considered an alternative approach based on transfer and expression of the normal gene in autologous bone marrow. A retroviral vector carrying the full-length cDNA for alpha-L-iduronidase has been constructed and used to transduce bone marrow from patients with this disorder. Various gene-transfer protocols have been assessed including the effect of intensive schedules of exposure of bone marrow to viral supernatant and the influence of growth factors. With these protocols, we have demonstrated successful gene transfer into primitive CD34+ cells and subsequent enzyme expression in their maturing progeny. Also, by using long-term bone marrow cultures, we have demonstrated high levels of enzyme expression sustained for several months. The efficiency of gene transfer has been assessed by PCR analysis of hemopoietic colonies as 25-56%. No advantage has been demonstrated for the addition of growth factors or intensive viral exposure schedules. The enzyme is secreted into the medium and functional localization has been demonstrated by reversal of the phenotypic effects of lysosomal storage in macrophages. This work suggests that retroviral gene transfer into human bone marrow may offer the prospect for gene therapy of Hurler syndrome in young patients without a matched sibling donor.


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The gene transfer efficiency of human hematopoietic stem cells is still inadequate for efficient gene therapy of most disorders. To overcome this problem, a selectable retroviral vector system for gene therapy has been developed for gene therapy of Gaucher disease. We constructed a bicistronic retroviral vector containing the human glucocerebrosidase (GC) cDNA and the human small cell surface antigen CD24 (243 bp). Expression of both cDNAs was controlled by the long terminal repeat enhancer/promoter of the Molony murine leukemia virus. The CD24 selectable marker was placed downstream of the GC cDNA and its translation was enhanced by inclusion of the long 5' untranslated region of encephalomyocarditis virus internal ribosomal entry site. Virus-producing GP+envAM12 cells were created by multiple supernatant transductions to create vector producer cells. The vector LGEC has a high titer and can drive expression of GC and the cell surface antigen CD24 simultaneously in transduced NIH 3T3 cells and Gaucher skin fibroblasts. These transduced cells have been successfully separated from untransduced cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, based on cell surface expression of CD24. Transduced and sorted NIH 3T3 cells showed higher GC enzyme activity than the unsorted population, demonstrating coordinated expression of both genes. Fibroblasts from Gaucher patients were transduced and sorted for CD24 expression, and GC enzyme activity was measured. The transduced sorted Gaucher fibroblasts had a marked increase in enzyme activity (149%) compared with virgin Gaucher fibroblasts (17% of normal GC enzyme activity). Efficient transduction of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors (20-40%) was accomplished and fluorescence-activated cell sorted CD24(+)-expressing progenitors generated colonies, all of which (100%) were vector positive. The sorted, CD24-expressing progenitors generated erythroid burst-forming units, colony-forming units (CFU)-granulocyte, CFU-macrophage, CFU-granulocyte/macrophage, and CFU-mix hematopoietic colonies, demonstrating their ability to differentiate into these myeloid lineages in vitro. The transduced, sorted progenitors raised the GC enzyme levels in their progeny cells manyfold compared with untransduced CD34+ progenitors. Collectively, this demonstrates the development of high titer, selectable bicistronic vectors that allow isolation of transduced hematopoietic progenitors and cells that have been metabolically corrected.


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We have studied the use of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to reverse the pathologic changes of lysosomal storage disease caused by beta-glucuronidase deficiency in the eyes of mice with mucopolysaccharidosis VII. A recombinant adenovirus carrying the human beta-glucuronidase cDNA coding region under the control of a non-tissue-specific promoter was injected intravitreally or subretinally into the eyes of mice with mucopolysaccharidosis VII. At 1-3 weeks after injection, the treated and control eyes were examined histochemically for beta-glucuronidase expression and histologically for phenotypic correction of the lysosomal storage defect. Enzymatic expression was detected 1-3 weeks after injection. Storage vacuoles in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) were still present 1 week after gene transfer but were reduced to undetectable levels by 3 weeks in both intravitreally and subretinally injected eyes. There was minimal evidence of ocular pathology associated with the viral injection. These data indicate that adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to the eye may provide for adjunctive therapy for lysosomal storage diseases affecting the RPE in conjunction with enzyme replacement and/or gene therapies for correction of systemic disease manifestations. The data also support the view that recombinant adenovirus may be useful as a gene therapy vector for retinal degenerations that result from a primary genetic defect in the RPE cells.