3 resultados para variance component models
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The present study explores a “hydrophobic” energy function for folding simulations of the protein lattice model. The contribution of each monomer to conformational energy is the product of its “hydrophobicity” and the number of contacts it makes, i.e., E(h⃗, c⃗) = −Σi=1N cihi = −(h⃗.c⃗) is the negative scalar product between two vectors in N-dimensional cartesian space: h⃗ = (h1, … , hN), which represents monomer hydrophobicities and is sequence-dependent; and c⃗ = (c1, … , cN), which represents the number of contacts made by each monomer and is conformation-dependent. A simple theoretical analysis shows that restrictions are imposed concomitantly on both sequences and native structures if the stability criterion for protein-like behavior is to be satisfied. Given a conformation with vector c⃗, the best sequence is a vector h⃗ on the direction upon which the projection of c⃗ − c̄⃗ is maximal, where c̄⃗ is the diagonal vector with components equal to c̄, the average number of contacts per monomer in the unfolded state. Best native conformations are suggested to be not maximally compact, as assumed in many studies, but the ones with largest variance of contacts among its monomers, i.e., with monomers tending to occupy completely buried or completely exposed positions. This inside/outside segregation is reflected on an apolar/polar distribution on the corresponding sequence. Monte Carlo simulations in two dimensions corroborate this general scheme. Sequences targeted to conformations with large contact variances folded cooperatively with thermodynamics of a two-state transition. Sequences targeted to maximally compact conformations, which have lower contact variance, were either found to have degenerate ground state or to fold with much lower cooperativity.
Programmed cell death (PCD) during neuronal development and disease has been shown to require de novo RNA synthesis. However, the time course and regulation of target genes is poorly understood. By using a brain-biased array of over 7,500 cDNAs, we profiled this gene expression component of PCD in cerebellar granule neurons challenged separately by potassium withdrawal, combined potassium and serum withdrawal, and kainic acid administration. We found that hundreds of genes were significantly regulated in discreet waves including known genes whose protein products are involved in PCD. A restricted set of genes was regulated by all models, providing evidence that signals inducing PCD can regulate large assemblages of genes (of which a restricted subset may be shared in multiple pathways).
Variability in population growth rate is thought to have negative consequences for organism fitness. Theory for matrix population models predicts that variance in population growth rate should be the sum of the variance in each matrix entry times the squared sensitivity term for that matrix entry. I analyzed the stage-specific demography of 30 field populations from 17 published studies for pattern between the variance of a demographic term and its contribution to population growth. There were no instances in which a matrix entry both was highly variable and had a large effect on population growth rate; instead, correlations between estimates of temporal variance in a term and contribution to population growth (sensitivity or elasticity) were overwhelmingly negative. In addition, survivorship or growth sensitivities or elasticities always exceeded those of fecundity, implying that the former two terms always contributed more to population growth rate. These results suggest that variable life history stages tend to contribute relatively little to population growth rates because natural selection may alter life histories to minimize stages with both high sensitivity and high variation.