12 resultados para ultrafast dephasing

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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To test the significance of ultrafast protein folding signals (≪1 msec), we studied cytochrome c (Cyt c) and two Cyt c fragments with major C-terminal segments deleted. The fragments remain unfolded under all conditions and so could be used to define the unfolded baselines for protein fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) as a function of denaturant concentration. When diluted from high to low denaturant in kinetic folding experiments, the fragments readjust to their new baseline values in a “burst phase” within the mixing dead time. The fragment burst phase reflects a contraction of the polypeptide from a more extended unfolded condition at high denaturant to a more contracted unfolded condition in the poorer, low denaturant solvent. Holo Cyt c exhibits fluorescence and CD burst phase signals that are essentially identical to the fragment signals over the whole range of final denaturant concentrations, evidently reflecting the same solvent-dependent, relatively nonspecific contraction and not the formation of a specific folding intermediate. The significance of fast folding signals in Cyt c and other proteins is discussed in relation to the hypothesis of an initial rate-limiting search-nucleation-collapse step in protein folding [Sosnick, T. R., Mayne, L. & Englander, S. W. (1996) Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. 24, 413–426].


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A pathway of electron transfer is described that operates in the wild-type reaction center (RC) of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The pathway does not involve the excited state of the special pair dimer of bacteriochlorophylls (P*), but instead is driven by the excited state of the monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (BA*) present in the active branch of pigments along which electron transfer occurs. Pump-probe experiments were performed at 77 K on membrane-bound RCs by using different excitation wavelengths, to investigate the formation of the charge separated state P+HA−. In experiments in which P or BA was selectively excited at 880 nm or 796 nm, respectively, the formation of P+HA− was associated with similar time constants of 1.5 ps and 1.7 ps. However, the spectral changes associated with the two time constants are very different. Global analysis of the transient spectra shows that a mixture of P+BA− and P* is formed in parallel from BA* on a subpicosecond time scale. In contrast, excitation of the inactive branch monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (BB) and the high exciton component of P (P+) resulted in electron transfer only after relaxation to P*. The multiple pathways for primary electron transfer in the bacterial RC are discussed with regard to the mechanism of charge separation in the RC of photosystem II from higher plants.


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Experimental intramolecular vibrational dephasing transients for several large organic molecules are reanalyzed. Fits to the experimental data, as well as full numerical quantum calculations with a factorized potential surface for all active degrees of freedom of fluorene indicate that power law decays, not exponentials, occur at intermediate times. The results support a proposal that power law decays describe vibrational dephasing dynamics in large molecules at intermediate times because of the local nature of energy flow.


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Carotenoids are important biomolecules that are ubiquitous in nature and find widespread application in medicine. In photosynthesis, they have a large role in light harvesting (LH) and photoprotection. They exert their LH function by donating their excited singlet state to nearby (bacterio)chlorophyll molecules. In photosynthetic bacteria, the efficiency of this energy transfer process can be as low as 30%. Here, we present evidence that an unusual pathway of excited state relaxation in carotenoids underlies this poor LH function, by which carotenoid triplet states are generated directly from carotenoid singlet states. This pathway, operative on a femtosecond and picosecond timescale, involves an intermediate state, which we identify as a new, hitherto uncharacterized carotenoid singlet excited state. In LH complex-bound carotenoids, this state is the precursor on the reaction pathway to the triplet state, whereas in extracted carotenoids in solution, this state returns to the singlet ground state without forming any triplets. We discuss the possible identity of this excited state and argue that fission of the singlet state into a pair of triplet states on individual carotenoid molecules constitutes the mechanism by which the triplets are generated. This is, to our knowledge, the first ever direct observation of a singlet-to-triplet conversion process on an ultrafast timescale in a photosynthetic antenna.


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Many elementary chemical and physical processes such as the breaking of a chemical bond or the vibrational motion of atoms within a molecule take place on a femtosecond (fs = 10−15 s) or picosecond (ps = 10−12 s) time scale. It is now possible to monitor these events as a function of time with temporal resolution well below 100 fs. This capability is based on the pump-probe technique where one optical pulse triggers a reaction and a second delayed optical pulse probes the changes that ensue. To illustrate this capability, the dynamics of ligand motion within a protein are presented. Moving beyond casual observation of a reaction to active control of its outcome requires additional experimental and theoretical effort. To illustrate the concept of control, the effect of optical pulse duration on the vibrational dynamics of a tri-atomic molecule are discussed. The experimental and theoretical resources currently available are poised to make the dream of reaction control a reality for certain molecular systems.


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Studies of molecular structures at or near their equilibrium configurations have long provided information on their geometry in terms of bond distances and angles. Far-from-equilibrium structures are relatively unknown—especially for complex systems—and generally, neither their dynamics nor their average geometries can be extrapolated from equilibrium values. For such nonequilibrium structures, vibrational amplitudes and bond distances play a central role in phenomena such as energy redistribution and chemical reactivity. Ultrafast electron diffraction, which was developed to study transient molecular structures, provides a direct method for probing the nature of complex molecules far from equilibrium. Here we present our ultrafast electron diffraction observations of transient structures for two cyclic hydrocarbons. At high internal energies of ≈4 eV, these molecules display markedly different behavior. For 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene, excitation results in the formation of hot ground-state structures with bond distances similar to those of the initial structure, but with nearly three times the average vibrational amplitude. Energy is redistributed within 5 ps, but with a negative temperature characterizing the nonequilibrium population. In contrast, the ring-opening reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene is shown to result in hot structures with a C—C bond distance of over 1.7 Å, which is 0.2 Å away from any expected equilibrium value. Even up to 400 ps, energy remains trapped in large-amplitude motions comprised of torsion and asymmetric stretching. These studies promise a new direction for studying structural dynamics in nonequilibrium complex systems.


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A temperature jump (T-jump) method capable of initiating thermally induced processes on the picosecond time scale in aqueous solutions is introduced. Protein solutions are heated by energy from a laser pulse that is absorbed by homogeneously dispersed molecules of the dye crystal violet. These act as transducers by releasing the energy as heat to cause a T-jump of up to 10 K with a time resolution of 70 ps. The method was applied to the unfolding of RNase A. At pH 5.7 and 59 degrees C, a T-jump of 3-6 K induced unfolding which was detected by picosecond transient infrared spectroscopy of the amide I region between 1600 and 1700 cm-1. The difference spectral profile at 3.5 ns closely resembled that found for the equilibrium (native-unfolded) states. The signal at 1633 cm-1, corresponding to the beta-sheet structure, achieved 15 +/- 2% of the decrease found at equilibrium, within 5.5 ns. However, no decrease in absorbance was detected until 1 ns after the T-ump. The disruption of beta-sheet therefore appears to be subject to a delay of approximately 1 ns. Prior to 1 ns after the T-jump, water might be accessing the intact hydrophobic regions.


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Proteins play an important role in the biological mechanisms controlling hard tissue development, but the details of molecular recognition at inorganic crystal interfaces remain poorly characterized. We have applied a recently developed homonuclear dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR technique, dipolar recoupling with a windowless sequence (DRAWS), to directly probe the conformation of an acidic peptide adsorbed to hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystals. The phosphorylated hexapeptide, DpSpSEEK (N6, where pS denotes phosphorylated serine), was derived from the N terminus of the salivary protein statherin. Constant-composition kinetic characterization demonstrated that, like the native statherin, this peptide inhibits the growth of HAP seed crystals when preadsorbed to the crystal surface. The DRAWS technique was used to measure the internuclear distance between two 13C labels at the carbonyl positions of the adjacent phosphoserine residues. Dipolar dephasing measured at short mixing times yielded a mean separation distance of 3.2 ± 0.1 Å. Data obtained by using longer mixing times suggest a broad distribution of conformations about this average distance. Using a more complex model with discrete α-helical and extended conformations did not yield a better fit to the data and was not consistent with chemical shift analysis. These results suggest that the peptide is predominantly in an extended conformation rather than an α-helical state on the HAP surface. Solid-state NMR approaches can thus be used to determine directly the conformation of biologically relevant peptides on HAP surfaces. A better understanding of peptide and protein conformation on biomineral surfaces may provide design principles useful for the modification of orthopedic and dental implants with coatings and biological growth factors that are designed to enhance biocompatibility with surrounding tissue.


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The fluorescence of a polyanionic conjugated polymer can be quenched by extremely low concentrations of cationic electron acceptors in aqueous solutions. We report a greater than million-fold amplification of the sensitivity to fluorescence quenching compared with corresponding “molecular excited states.” Using a combination of steady-state and ultrafast spectroscopy, we have established that the dramatic quenching results from weak complex formation [polymer(−)/quencher(+)], followed by ultrafast electron transfer from excitations on the entire polymer chain to the quencher, with a time constant of 650 fs. Because of the weak complex formation, the quenching can be selectively reversed by using a quencher-recognition diad. We have constructed such a diad and demonstrate that the fluorescence is fully recovered on binding between the recognition site and a specific analyte protein. In both solutions and thin films, this reversible fluorescence quenching provides the basis for a new class of highly sensitive biological and chemical sensors.


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We report the development of a practical ultrafast allelic profiling assay for the analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) by using a highly optimized microfluidic electrophoresis device. We have achieved baseline-resolved electrophoretic separations of single-locus STR samples in 30 sec. Analyses of PCR samples containing the four loci CSF1PO, TPOX, THO1, and vWA (abbreviated as CTTv) were performed in less than 2 min. This constitutes a 10- to 100-fold improvement in speed relative to capillary or slab gel systems. The separation device consists of a microfabricated channel 45 μm × 100 μm in cross section and 26 mm in length, filled with a replaceable polyacrylamide matrix operated under denaturing conditions at 50°C. A fluorescently labeled STR ladder was used as an internal standard for allele identification. Samples were prepared by standard procedures and only 4 μl was required for each analysis. The device is capable of repetitive operation and is suitable for automated high-speed and high-throughput applications.


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A form of two-dimensional (2D) vibrational spectroscopy, which uses two ultrafast IR laser pulses, is used to examine the structure of a cyclic penta-peptide in solution. Spectrally resolved cross peaks occur in the off-diagonal region of the 2D IR spectrum of the amide I region, analogous to those in 2D NMR spectroscopy. These cross peaks measure the coupling between the different amide groups in the structure. Their intensities and polarizations relate directly to the three-dimensional structure of the peptide. With the help of a model coupling Hamiltonian, supplemented by density functional calculations, the spectra of this penta-peptide can be regenerated from the known solution phase structure. This 2D-IR measurement, with an intrinsic time resolution of less than 1 ps, could be used in all time regimes of interest in biology.


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Diverse biophysical and biochemical studies have sought to understand electron transfer (ET) in DNA in part because of its importance to DNA damage and its repair. However, the dynamics and mechanisms of the elementary processes of ET in this medium are not fully understood and have been heavily debated. Two fundamental issues are the distance over which charge is transported and the time-scale on which the transport through the π-stack of the DNA base pairs may occur. With femtosecond resolution, we report direct observation in DNA of ultrafast ET, initiated by excitation of tethered ethidium (E), the intercalated electron acceptor (A); the electron donor (D) is 7-deazaguanine (Z), a modified base, placed at different, fixed distances from A. The ultrafast ET between these reactants in DNA has been observed with time constants of 5 ps and 75 ps and was found to be essentially independent of the D–A separation (10–17 Å). However, the ET efficiency does depend on the D–A distance. The 5-ps decay corresponds to direct ET observed from 7-deazaguanine but not guanine to E. From measurements of orientation anisotropies, we conclude that the slower 75-ps process requires the reorientation of E before ET, similar to E/nucleotide complexes in water. These results reveal the nature of ultrafast ET and its mechanism: in DNA, ET cannot be described as in proteins simply by a phenomenological parameter, β. Instead, the involvement of the base pairs controls the time scale and the degree of coherent transport.