23 resultados para traverse extents

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Two directed evolution experiments on p-nitrobenzyl esterase yielded one enzyme with a 100-fold increased activity in aqueous-organic solvents and another with a 17°C increase in thermostability. Structures of the wild type and its organophilic and thermophilic counterparts are presented at resolutions of 1.5 Å, 1.6 Å, and 2.0 Å, respectively. These structures identify groups of interacting mutations and demonstrate how directed evolution can traverse complex fitness landscapes. Early-generation mutations stabilize flexible loops not visible in the wild-type structure and set the stage for further beneficial mutations in later generations. The mutations exert their influence on the esterase structure over large distances, in a manner that would be difficult to predict. The loops with the largest structural changes generally are not the sites of mutations. Similarly, none of the seven amino acid substitutions in the organophile are in the active site, even though the enzyme experiences significant changes in the organization of this site. In addition to reduction of surface loop flexibility, thermostability in the evolved esterase results from altered core packing, helix stabilization, and the acquisition of surface salt bridges, in agreement with other comparative studies of mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. Crystallographic analysis of the wild type and its evolved counterparts reveals networks of mutations that collectively reorganize the active site. Interestingly, the changes that led to diversity within the α/β hydrolase enzyme family and the reorganization seen in this study result from main-chain movements.


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During activation T cells are thought to change their patterns of gene expression dramatically. To find out whether this is true for T cells activated in animals, the patterns of genes expressed in resting T cells and T cells 8 and 48 hr after activation were examined by using Affymetrix gene arrays. Gene arrays gave accurate comparisons of gene expression in the different cell types because the expression of genes known to vary during activation changed as expected. Of the approximately 6,300 genes assessed by the arrays, about one-third were expressed to appreciable extents in any of the T cells tested. Thus, resting T cells express a surprisingly large diversity of genes. The patterns of gene expression changed considerably within 8 hr of T cell activation but returned to a disposition more like that of resting T cells within 48 hr of exposure to antigen. Not unexpectedly, the activated T cells expressed genes associated with cell division at higher levels than resting T cells. The resting T cells expressed a number of cytokine receptor genes and some genes thought to suppress cell division, suggesting that the state of resting T cells is not a passive failure to respond to extant external stimuli.


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The efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents may be determined by a number of different factors, including the genotype of the tumor cell. The p53 tumor suppressor gene frequently is mutated in human tumors, and this may contribute to chemotherapeutic resistance. We tested the requirement for wild-type p53 in the response of tumor cells to treatment with paclitaxel (trade name Taxol), an antineoplastic agent that stabilizes cellular microtubules. Although paclitaxel is broadly effective against human tumor xenografts in mice, including some known to carry p53 mutations, we found that p53-containing mouse tumor cells were significantly more sensitive to direct treatment with this drug than were p53-deficient tumor cells. In an attempt to reconcile this apparent discrepancy, we examined the requirement for p53 in the cytotoxic effects of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), a cytokine released from murine macrophages upon paclitaxel treatment. Conditioned medium from paclitaxel-treated macrophages was capable of inducing p53-independent apoptosis when applied to transformed mouse embryonic fibroblasts and was inhibitable by antibodies against TNF-α. Furthermore, in response to direct treatment with TNF-α, both wild-type and p53-deficient tumor cells underwent apoptosis to similar extents and with similar kinetics. Our results suggest that the efficacy of paclitaxel in vivo may be due not only to its microtubule-stabilizing activity, but its ability to activate local release of an apoptosis-inducing cytokine.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms, α, βI, and γ of cPKC subgroup, δ and ɛ of nPKC subgroup, and ζ of aPKC subgroup, were tyrosine phosphorylated in COS-7 cells in response to H2O2. These isoforms isolated from the H2O2-treated cells showed enhanced enzyme activity to various extents. The enzymes, PKC α and δ, recovered from the cells were independent of lipid cofactors for their catalytic activity. Analysis of mutated molecules of PKC δ showed that tyrosine residues, which are conserved in the catalytic domain of the PKC family, are critical for PKC activation induced by H2O2. These results suggest that PKC isoforms can be activated through tyrosine phosphorylation in a manner unrelated to receptor-coupled hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids.


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Within hours after the ingestion of a blood meal, the mosquito midgut epithelium synthesizes a chitinous sac, the peritrophic matrix. Plasmodium ookinetes traverse the peritrophic matrix while escaping the mosquito midgut. Chitinases (EC are critical for parasite invasion of the midgut: the presence of the chitinase inhibitor, allosamidin, in an infectious blood meal prevents oocyst development. A chitinase gene, PgCHT1, recently has been identified in the avian malaria parasite P. gallinaceum. We used the sequence of PgCHT1 to identify a P. falciparum chitinase gene, PfCHT1, in the P. falciparum genome database. PfCHT1 differs from PgCHT1 in that the P. falciparum gene lacks proenzyme and chitin-binding domains. PfCHT1 was expressed as an active recombinant enzyme in Escherichia coli. PfCHT1 shares with PgCHT1 a substrate preference unique to Plasmodium chitinases: the enzymes cleave tri- and tetramers of GlcNAc from penta- and hexameric oligomers and are unable to cleave smaller native chitin oligosaccharides. The pH activity profile of PfCHT1 and its IC50 (40 nM) to allosamidin are distinct from endochitinase activities secreted by P. gallinaceum ookinetes. Homology modeling predicts that PgCHT1 has a novel pocket in the catalytic active site that PfCHT1 lacks, which may explain the differential sensitivity of PfCHT1 and PgCHT1 to allosamidin. PfCHT1 may be the ortholog of a second, as yet unidentified, chitinase gene of P. gallinaceum. These results may allow us to develop novel strategies of blocking human malaria transmission based on interfering with P. falciparum chitinase.


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In Wnt signaling, β-catenin and plakoglobin transduce signals to the nucleus through interactions with TCF-type transcription factors. However, when plakoglobin is artificially engineered to restrict it to the cytoplasm by fusion with the transmembrane domain of connexin (cnxPg), it efficiently induces a Wnt-like axis duplication phenotype in Xenopus. In Xenopus embryos, maternal XTCF3 normally represses ventral expression of the dorsalizing gene Siamois. Two models have been proposed to explain the Wnt-like activity of cnxPg: 1) that cnxPg inhibits the machinery involved in the turnover of cytosolic β-catenin, which then accumulates and inhibits maternal XTCF3, and 2) that cnxPg directly acts to inhibit XTCF3 activity. To distinguish between these models, we created a series of N-terminal deletion mutations of cnxPg and examined their ability to induce an ectopic axis in Xenopus, activate a TCF-responsive reporter (OT), stabilize β-catenin, and colocalize with components of the Wnt signaling pathway. cnxPg does not colocalize with the Wnt pathway component Dishevelled, but it does lead to the redistribution of APC and Axin, two proteins involved in the regulation of β-catenin turnover. Expression of cnxPg increases levels of cytosolic β-catenin; however, this effect does not completely explain its signaling activity. Although cnxPg and Wnt-1 stabilize β-catenin to similar extents, cnxPg activates OT to 10- to 20-fold higher levels than Wnt-1. Moreover, although LEF1 and TCF4 synergize with β-catenin and plakoglobin to activate OT, both suppress the signaling activity of cnxPg. In contrast, XTCF3 suppresses the signaling activity of both β-catenin and cnxPg. Both exogenous XLEF1 and XTCF3 are sequestered in the cytoplasm of Xenopus cells by cnxPg. Based on these data, we conclude that, in addition to its effects on β-catenin, cnxPg interacts with other components of the Wnt pathway, perhaps TCFs, and that these interactions contribute to its signaling activity.


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One pathway in forming synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMV) involves direct budding from the plasma membrane, requires adaptor protein 2 (AP2) and is brefeldin A (BFA) resistant. A second route leads from the plasma membrane to an endosomal intermediate from which SLMV bud in a BFA-sensitive, AP3-dependent manner. Because AP3 has been shown to bind to a di-leucine targeting signal in vitro, we have investigated whether this major class of targeting signals is capable of directing protein traffic to SLMV in vivo. We have found that a di-leucine signal within the cytoplasmic tail of human tyrosinase is responsible for the majority of the targeting of HRP-tyrosinase chimeras to SLMV in PC12 cells. Furthermore, we have discovered that a Met-Leu di-hydrophobic motif within the extreme C terminus of synaptotagmin I supports 20% of the SLMV targeting of a CD4-synaptotagmin chimera. All of the traffic to the SLMV mediated by either di-Leu or Met-Leu is BFA sensitive, strongly suggesting a role for AP3 and possibly for an endosomal intermediate in this process. The differential reduction in SLMV targeting for HRP-tyrosinase and CD4-synaptotagmin chimeras by di-alanine substitutions or BFA treatment implies that different proteins use the two routes to the SLMV to differing extents.


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How do secretory proteins and other cargo targeted to post-Golgi locations traverse the Golgi stack? We report immunoelectron microscopy experiments establishing that a Golgi-restricted SNARE, GOS 28, is present in the same population of COPI vesicles as anterograde cargo marked by vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein, but is excluded from the COPI vesicles containing retrograde-targeted cargo (marked by KDEL receptor). We also report that GOS 28 and its partnering t-SNARE heavy chain, syntaxin 5, reside together in every cisterna of the stack. Taken together, these data raise the possibility that the anterograde cargo-laden COPI vesicles, retained locally by means of tethers, are inherently capable of fusing with neighboring cisternae on either side. If so, quanta of exported proteins would transit the stack in GOS 28–COPI vesicles via a bidirectional random walk, entering at the cis face and leaving at the trans face and percolating up and down the stack in between. Percolating vesicles carrying both post-Golgi cargo and Golgi residents up and down the stack would reconcile disparate observations on Golgi transport in cells and in cell-free systems.


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Elongated fibrinogen molecules are comprised of two outer “D” domains, each connected through a “coiled-coil” region to the central “E” domain. Fibrin forms following thrombin cleavage in the E domain and then undergoes intermolecular end-to-middle D:E domain associations that result in double-stranded fibrils. Factor XIIIa mediates crosslinking of the C-terminal regions of γ chains in each D domain (the γXL site) by incorporating intermolecular ɛ-(γ-glutamyl)lysine bonds between amine donor γ406 lysine of one γ chain and a glutamine acceptor at γ398 or γ399 of another. Several lines of evidence show that crosslinked γ chains extend “transversely” between the strands of each fibril, but other data suggest instead that crosslinked γ chains can only traverse end-to-end-aligned D domains within each strand. To examine this issue and determine the location of the γXL site in fibrinogen and assembled fibrin fibrils, we incorporated an amine donor, thioacetyl cadaverine, into glutamine acceptor sites in fibrinogen in the presence of XIIIa, and then labeled the thiol with a relatively small (0.8 nm diameter) electron dense gold cluster compound, undecagold monoaminopropyl maleimide (Au11). Fibrinogen was examined by scanning transmission electron microscopy to locate Au11-cadaverine-labeled γ398/399 D domain sites. Seventy-nine percent of D domain Au11 clusters were situated in middle to proximal positions relative to the end of the molecule, with the remaining Au11 clusters in a distal position. In fibrin fibrils, D domain Au11 clusters were located in middle to proximal positions. These findings show that most C-terminal γ chains in fibrinogen or fibrin are oriented toward the central domain and indicate that γXL sites in fibrils are situated predominantly between strands, suitably aligned for transverse crosslinking.


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DC-SIGN, a C-type lectin expressed on the surface of dendritic cells (DCs), efficiently binds and transmits HIVs and simian immunodeficiency viruses to susceptible cells in trans. A DC-SIGN homologue, termed DC-SIGNR, has recently been described. Herein we show that DC-SIGNR, like DC-SIGN, can bind to multiple strains of HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus and transmit these viruses to both T cell lines and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Binding of virus to DC-SIGNR was dependent on carbohydrate recognition. Immunostaining with a DC-SIGNR-specific antiserum showed that DC-SIGNR was expressed on sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver and on endothelial cells in lymph node sinuses and placental villi. The presence of this efficient virus attachment factor on multiple endothelial cell types indicates that DC-SIGNR could play a role in the vertical transmission of primate lentiviruses, in the enabling of HIV to traverse the capillary endothelium in some organs, and in the presentation of virus to CD4-positive cells in multiple locations including lymph nodes.


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The distinction between physiological (apoptotic) and pathological (necrotic) cell deaths reflects mechanistic differences in cellular disintegration and is of functional significance with respect to the outcomes that are triggered by the cell corpses. Mechanistically, apoptotic cells die via an active and ordered pathway; necrotic deaths, conversely, are chaotic and passive. Macrophages and other phagocytic cells recognize and engulf these dead cells. This clearance is believed to reveal an innate immunity, associated with inflammation in cases of pathological but not physiological cell deaths. Using objective and quantitative measures to assess these processes, we find that macrophages bind and engulf native apoptotic and necrotic cells to similar extents and with similar kinetics. However, recognition of these two classes of dying cells occurs via distinct and noncompeting mechanisms. Phosphatidylserine, which is externalized on both apoptotic and necrotic cells, is not a specific ligand for the recognition of either one. The distinct modes of recognition for these different corpses are linked to opposing responses from engulfing macrophages. Necrotic cells, when recognized, enhance proinflammatory responses of activated macrophages, although they are not sufficient to trigger macrophage activation. In marked contrast, apoptotic cells profoundly inhibit phlogistic macrophage responses; this represents a cell-associated, dominant-acting anti-inflammatory signaling activity acquired posttranslationally during the process of physiological cell death.


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Previous studies of cortical retinotopy focused on influences from the contralateral visual field, because ascending inputs to cortex are known to be crossed. Here, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to demonstrate and analyze an ipsilateral representation in human visual cortex. Moving stimuli, in a range of ipsilateral visual field locations, revealed activity: (i) along the vertical meridian in retinotopic (presumably lower-tier) areas; and (ii) in two large branches anterior to that, in presumptive higher-tier areas. One branch shares the anterior vertical meridian representation in human V3A, extending superiorly toward parietal cortex. The second branch runs antero-posteriorly along lateral visual cortex, overlying motion-selective area MT. Ipsilateral stimuli sparing the region around the vertical meridian representation also produced signal reductions (perhaps reflecting neural inhibition) in areas showing contralaterally driven retinotopy. Systematic sampling across a range of ipsilateral visual field extents revealed significant increases in ipsilateral activation in V3A and V4v, compared with immediately posterior areas V3 and VP. Finally, comparisons between ipsilateral stimuli of different types but equal retinotopic extent showed clear stimulus specificity, consistent with earlier suggestions of a functional segregation of motion vs. form processing in parietal vs. temporal cortex, respectively.


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Accurately identifying accessible sites in RNA is a critical prerequisite for optimising the cleavage efficiency of hammerhead ribozymes and other small nucleozymes. Here we describe a simple RNase H-based procedure to rapidly identify hammerhead ribozyme-accessible sites in gene length RNAs. Twelve semi-randomised RNA–DNA–RNA chimeric oligonucleotide probes, known as ‘gapmers’, were used to direct RNase H cleavage of transcripts with the specificity expected for hammerhead ribozymes, i.e. after NUH sites (where H is A, C or U). Cleavage sites were identified simply by the mobility of RNase H cleavage products relative to RNA markers in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Sites were identified in transcripts encoding human interleukin-2 and platelet-derived growth factor. Thirteen minimised hammerhead ribozymes, miniribozymes (Mrz), were synthesised and in vitro cleavage efficiency (37°C, pH 7.6 and 1 mM MgCl2) at each site was analysed. Of the 13 Mrz, five were highly effective, demonstrating good initial rate constants and extents of cleavage. The speed and accuracy of this method commends its use in screening for hammerhead-accessible sites.


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Single-molecule studies of the conformations of the intact β2 adrenergic receptor were performed in solution. Photon bursts from the fluorescently tagged adrenergic receptor in a micelle were recorded. A photon-burst algorithm and a Poisson time filter were implemented to characterize single molecules diffusing across the probe volume of a confocal microscope. The effects of molecular diffusion and photon number fluctuations were deconvoluted by assuming that Poisson distributions characterize the molecular occupation and photon numbers. Photon-burst size histograms were constructed, from which the source intensity distributions were extracted. Different conformations of the β2 adrenergic receptor cause quenching of the bound fluorophore to different extents and hence produce different photon-burst sizes. An analysis of the photon-burst histograms shows that there are at least two distinct substates for the native adrenergic membrane receptor. This behavior is in contrast to one peak observed for the dye molecule, rhodamine 6G. We test the reliability and robustness of the substate number determination by investigating the application of different binning criteria. Conformational changes associated with agonist binding result in a marked change in the distribution of photon-burst sizes. These studies provide insight into the conformational heterogeneity of G protein-coupled receptors in the presence and absence of a bound agonist.


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Despite the fact that Papilio glaucus and Papilio polyxenes share no single hostplant species, both species feed to varying extents on hostplants that contain furanocoumarins. P. glaucus contains two nearly identical genes, CYP6B4v2 and CYP6B5v1, and P. polyxenes contains two related genes, CYP6B1v3 and CYP6B3v2. Except for CYP6B3v2, the substrate specificity of which has not yet been defined, each of the encoded cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) metabolizes an array of linear furanocoumarins. All four genes are transcriptionally induced in larvae by exposure to the furanocoumarin xanthotoxin; several are also induced by other furanocoumarins. Comparisons of the organizational structures of these genes indicate that all have the same intron/exon arrangement. Sequences in the promoter regions of the P. glaucus CYP6B4v2/CYP6B5v1 genes and the P. polyxenes CYP6B3v2 gene are similar but not identical to the -146 to -97 region of CYP6B1v3 gene, which contains a xanthotoxin-responsive element (XRE-xan) important for basal and xanthotoxin-inducible transcription of CYP6B1v3. Complements of the xenobiotic-responsive element (XRE-AhR) in the dioxin-inducible human and rat CYP1A1 genes also exist in all four promoters, suggesting that these genes may be regulated by dioxin. Antioxidant-responsive elements (AREs) in mouse and rat glutathione S-transferase genes and the Barbie box element (Bar) in the bacterial CYP102 gene exist in the CYP6B1v3, CYP6B4v2, and CYP6B5v1 promoters. Similarities in the protein sequences, intron positions, and xanthotoxin- and xenobiotic-responsive promoter elements indicate that these insect CYP6B genes are derived from a common ancestral gene. Evolutionary comparisons between these P450 genes are the first available for a group of insect genes transcriptionally regulated by hostplant allelochemicals and provide insights into the process by which insects evolve specialized feeding habits.