30 resultados para thiol-based redox regulation

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Bas1p, a divergent yeast member of the Myb family of transcription factors, shares with the proteins of this family a highly conserved cysteine residue proposed to play a role in redox regulation. Substitutions of this residue in Bas1p (C153) allowed us to establish that, despite its very high conservation, it is not strictly required for Bas1p function: its substitution with a small hydrophobic residue led to a fully functional protein in vitro and in vivo. C153 was accessible to an alkylating agent in the free protein but was protected by prior exposure to DNA. The reactivity of cysteines in the first and third repeats was much lower than in the second repeat, suggesting a more accessible conformation of repeat 2. Proteolysis protection, fluorescence quenching and circular dichroism experiments further indicated that DNA binding induces structural changes making Bas1p less accessible to modifying agents. Altogether, our results strongly suggest that the second repeat of the DNA-binding domain of Bas1p behaves similarly to its Myb counterpart, i.e. a DNA-induced conformational change in the second repeat leads to formation of a full helix–turn–helix-related motif with the cysteine packed in the hydrophobic core of the repeat.


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Thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione (GSH) systems are considered to be two major redox systems in animal cells. They are reduced by NADPH via Trx reductase (TR) or oxidized GSH (GSSG) reductase and further supply electrons for deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, antioxidant defense, and redox regulation of signal transduction, transcription, cell growth, and apoptosis. We cloned and characterized a pyridine nucleotide disulfide oxidoreductase, Trx and GSSG reductase (TGR), that exhibits specificity for both redox systems. This enzyme contains a selenocysteine residue encoded by the TGA codon. TGR can reduce Trx, GSSG, and a GSH-linked disulfide in in vitro assays. This unusual substrate specificity is achieved by an evolutionary conserved fusion of the TR and glutaredoxin domains. These observations, together with the biochemical probing and molecular modeling of the TGR structure, suggest a mechanism whereby the C-terminal selenotetrapeptide serves a role of a protein-linked GSSG and shuttles electrons from the disulfide center within the TR domain to either the glutaredoxin domain or Trx.


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Previous studies have shown that the chloride channel gene Clc4 is X-linked and subject to X inactivation in Mus spretus, but that the same gene is autosomal in laboratory strains of mice. This exception to the conservation of linkage of the X chromosome in one of two interfertile mouse species was exploited to compare expression of Clc4 from the X chromosome to that from the autosome. Clc4 was found to be highly expressed in brain tissues of both mouse species. Quantitative analyses of species-specific expression of Clc4 in brain tissues from mice resulting from M. spretus × laboratory strain crosses, demonstrate that each autosomal locus has half the level of Clc4 expression as compared with the single active X-linked locus. In contrast expression of another chloride channel gene, Clc3, which is autosomal in both mouse species is equal between alleles in F1 animals. There is no evidence of imprinting of the Clc4 autosomal locus. These results are consistent with Ohno’s hypothesis of an evolutionary requirement for a higher expression of genes on the single active X chromosome to maintain balance with autosomal gene expression [Ohno, S. (1967) Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Genes (Springer, Berlin)].


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The eukaryotic green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta acclimates to decreased growth irradiance by increasing cellular levels of light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex apoproteins associated with photosystem II (LHCIIs), whereas increased growth irradiance elicits the opposite response. Nuclear run-on transcription assays and measurements of cab mRNA stability established that light intensity-dependent changes in LHCII are controlled at the level of transcription. cab gene transcription in high-intensity light was partially enhanced by reducing plastoquinone with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU), whereas it was repressed in low-intensity light by partially inhibiting the oxidation of plastoquinol with 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB). Uncouplers of photosynthetic electron transport and inhibition of water splitting had no effect on LHCII levels. These results strongly implicate the redox state of the plastoquinone pool in the chloroplast as a photon-sensing system that is coupled to the light-intensity regulation of nuclear-encoded cab gene transcription. The accumulation of cellular chlorophyll at low-intensity light can be blocked with cytoplasmically directed phosphatase inhibitors, such as okadaic acid, microcystin L-R, and tautomycin. Gel mobility-shift assays revealed that cells grown in high-intensity light contained proteins that bind to the promoter region of a cab gene carrying sequences homologous to higher plant light-responsive elements. On the basis of these experimental results, we propose a model for a light intensity signaling system where cab gene expression is reversibly repressed by a phosphorylated factor coupled to the redox status of plastoquinone through a chloroplast protein kinase.


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Thioredoxin (TRX) plays important biological roles both in intra- and extracellular compartments, including in regulation of various intracellular molecules via thiol redox control. We produced TRX overexpressing mice and confirmed that there were no anatomical and physiological differences between wild-type (WT) mice and TRX transgenic (Tg) mice. In the present study we subjected mice to focal brain ischemia to shed light on the role of TRX in brain ischemic injury. At 24 hr after middle cerebral artery occlusion, infarct areas and volume were significantly smaller in Tg mice than in WT mice. Moreover neurological deficit was ameliorated in Tg mice compared with WT mice. Protein carbonyl content, a marker of cellular protein oxidation, in Tg mice showed less increase than did that of WT mice after the ischemic insult. Furthermore, c-fos expression in Tg mice was stronger than in WT mice 1 hr after ischemia. Our results suggest that transgene expression of TRX decreased ischemic neuronal injury and that TRX and the redox state modified by TRX play a crucial role in brain damage during stroke.


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Endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide II (EMAP II) is a proinflammatory cytokine and a chemoattractant for monocytes. We show here that, in the mouse embryo, EMAP II mRNA was most abundant at sites of tissue remodeling where many apoptotic cells could be detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP end labeling. Removal of dead cells is known to require macrophages, and these were found to colocalize with areas of EMAP II mRNA expression and programmed cell death. In cultured cells, post-translational processing of pro-EMAP II protein to the mature released EMAP II form (23 kDa) occurred coincidentally with apoptosis. Cleavage of pro-EMAP II could be abrogated in cultured cells by using a peptide-based inhibitor, which competes with the ASTD cleavage site of pro-EMAP II. Our results suggest that the coordinate program of cell death includes activation of a caspase-like activity that initiates the processing of a cytokine responsible for macrophage attraction to the sites of apoptosis.


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The use of low molecular weight organic compounds to induce dimerization or oligomerization of engineered proteins has wide-ranging utility in biological research as well as in gene and cell therapies. Chemically induced dimerization can be used to activate intracellular signal transduction pathways or to control the activity of a bipartite transcription factor. Dimerizer systems based on the natural products cyclosporin, FK506, rapamycin, and coumermycin have been described. However, owing to the complexity of these compounds, adjusting their binding or pharmacological properties by chemical modification is difficult. We have investigated several families of readily prepared, totally synthetic, cell-permeable dimerizers composed of ligands for human FKBP12. These molecules have significantly reduced complexity and greater adaptability than natural product dimers. We report here the efficacies of several of these new synthetic compounds in regulating two types of protein dimerization events inside engineered cells—–induction of apoptosis through dimerization of engineered Fas proteins and regulation of transcription through dimerization of transcription factor fusion proteins. One dimerizer in particular, AP1510, proved to be exceptionally potent and versatile in all experimental contexts tested.


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The expression of cell-specialization genes is likely to be changing in tumor cells as their differentiation declines. Functional changes in these genes might yield unusual peptide epitopes with anti-tumor potential and could occur without modification in the DNA sequence of the gene. Melanomas undergo a characteristic decline in melanization that may reflect altered contributions of key melanocytic genes such as tyrosinase. Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR of the wild-type (C) tyrosinase gene in transgenic (C57BL/6 strain) mouse melanomas has revealed a shift toward alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA that generated increased levels of the Δ1b and Δ1d mRNA splice variants. The spontaneous c2j albino mutation of tyrosinase (in the C57BL/6 strain) changes the pre-mRNA splicing pattern. In c2j/c2j melanomas, alternative splicing was again increased. However, while some mRNAs (notably Δ1b) present in C/C were obligatorily absent, others (Δ3 and Δ1d) were elevated. In c2j/c2j melanomas, the percentage of total tyrosinase transcripts attributable to Δ3 reached approximately 2-fold the incidence in c2j/c2j or C/C skin melanocytes. The percentage attributable to Δ1d rose to approximately 2-fold the incidence in c2j/c2j skin, and to 10-fold that in C/C skin. These differences provide a basis for unique mouse models in which the melanoma arises in skin grafted from a C/C or c2j/c2j transgenic donor to a transgenic host of the same or opposite tyrosinase genotype. Immunotherapy designs then could be based on augmenting those antigenic peptides that are novel or overrepresented in a tumor relative to the syngeneic host.


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The snowshoe hare and the Canadian lynx in the boreal forests of North America show 9- to 11-year density cycles. These are generally assumed to be linked to each other because lynx are specialist predators on hares. Based on time series data for hare and lynx, we show that the dominant dimensional structure of the hare series appears to be three whereas that of the lynx is two. The three-dimensional structure of the hare time series is hypothesized to be due to a three-trophic level model in which the hare may be seen as simultaneously regulated from below and above. The plant species in the hare diet appear compensatory to one another, and the predator species may, likewise, be seen as an internally compensatory guild. The lynx time series are, in contrast, consistent with a model of donor control in which their populations are regulated from below by prey availability. Thus our analysis suggests that the classic view of a symmetric hare–lynx interaction is too simplistic. Specifically, we argue that the classic food chain structure is inappropriate: the hare is influenced by many predators other than the lynx, and the lynx is primarily influenced by the snowshoe hare.


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The pervasive role of circadian clocks in regulating physiology and behavior is widely recognized. Their adaptive value is their ability to be entrained by environmental cues such that the internal circadian phase is a reliable predictor of solar time. In mammals, both light and nonphotic behavioral cues can entrain the principal oscillator of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). However, although light can advance or delay the clock during circadian night, behavioral events trigger phase advances during the subjective day, when the clock is insensitive to light. The recent identification of Period (Per) genes in mammals, homologues of dperiod, which encodes a core element of the circadian clockwork in Drosophila, now provides the opportunity to explain circadian timing and entrainment at a molecular level. In mice, expression of mPer1 and mPer2 in the SCN is rhythmic and acutely up-regulated by light. Moreover, the temporal relations between mRNA and protein cycles are consistent with a clock based on a transcriptional/translational feedback loop. Here we describe circadian oscillations of Per1 and Per2 in the SCN of the Syrian hamster, showing that PER1 protein and mRNA cycles again behave in a manner consistent with a negative-feedback oscillator. Furthermore, we demonstrate that nonphotic resetting has the opposite effect to light: acutely down-regulating these genes. Their sensitivity to nonphotic resetting cues supports their proposed role as core elements of the circadian oscillator. Moreover, this study provides an explanation at the molecular level for the contrasting but convergent effects of photic and nonphotic cues on the clock.


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Xenopus oocyte maturation requires the phosphorylation and activation of p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Likewise, the dephosphorylation and inactivation of p42 MAPK are critical for the progression of fertilized eggs out of meiosis and through the first mitotic cell cycle. Whereas the kinase responsible for p42 MAPK activation is well characterized, little is known concerning the phosphatases that inactivate p42 MAPK. We designed a microinjection-based assay to examine the mechanism of p42 MAPK dephosphorylation in intact oocytes. We found that p42 MAPK inactivation is mediated by at least two distinct phosphatases, an unidentified tyrosine phosphatase and a protein phosphatase 2A–like threonine phosphatase. The rates of tyrosine and threonine dephosphorylation were high and remained constant throughout meiosis, indicating that the dramatic changes in p42 MAPK activity seen during meiosis are primarily attributable to changes in MAPK kinase activity. The overall control of p42 MAPK dephosphorylation was shared among four partially rate-determining dephosphorylation reactions, with the initial tyrosine dephosphorylation of p42 MAPK being the most critical of the four. Our findings provide biochemical and kinetic insight into the physiological mechanism of p42 MAPK inactivation.


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Selenium has been increasingly recognized as an essential element in biology and medicine. Its biochemistry resembles that of sulfur, yet differs from it by virtue of both redox potentials and stabilities of its oxidation states. Selenium can substitute for the more ubiquitous sulfur of cysteine and as such plays an important role in more than a dozen selenoproteins. We have chosen to examine zinc–sulfur centers as possible targets of selenium redox biochemistry. Selenium compounds release zinc from zinc/thiolate-coordination environments, thereby affecting the cellular thiol redox state and the distribution of zinc and likely of other metal ions. Aromatic selenium compounds are excellent spectroscopic probes of the otherwise relatively unstable functional selenium groups. Zinc-coordinated thiolates, e.g., metallothionein (MT), and uncoordinated thiolates, e.g., glutathione, react with benzeneseleninic acid (oxidation state +2), benzeneselenenyl chloride (oxidation state 0) and selenocystamine (oxidation state −1). Benzeneseleninic acid and benzeneselenenyl chloride react very rapidly with MT and titrate substoichiometrically and with a 1:1 stoichiometry, respectively. Selenium compounds also catalyze the release of zinc from MT in peroxidation and thiol/disulfide-interchange reactions. The selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase catalytically oxidizes MT and releases zinc in the presence of t-butyl hydroperoxide, suggesting that this type of redox chemistry may be employed in biology for the control of metal metabolism. Moreover, selenium compounds are likely targets for zinc/thiolate coordination centers in vivo, because the reactions are only partially suppressed by excess glutathione. This specificity and the potential to undergo catalytic reactions at low concentrations suggests that zinc release is a significant aspect of the therapeutic antioxidant actions of selenium compounds in antiinflammatory and anticarcinogenic agents.


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The Escherichia coli transcription factor OxyR is activated by the formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond and subsequently is deactivated by enzymatic reduction of the disulfide bond. Here we show that OxyR can be activated by two possible pathways. In mutants defective in the cellular disulfide-reducing systems, OxyR is constitutively activated by a change in the thiol—disulfide redox status in the absence of added oxidants. In wild-type cells, OxyR is activated by hydrogen peroxide. By monitoring the presence of the OxyR disulfide bond after exposure to hydrogen peroxide in vivo and in vitro, we also show that the kinetics of OxyR oxidation by low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide is significantly faster than the kinetics of OxyR reduction, allowing for transient activation in an overall reducing environment. We propose that the activity of OxyR in vivo is determined by the balance between hydrogen peroxide levels and the cellular redox environment.


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We have characterized HsCdc6, a human protein homologous to the budding yeast Cdc6p that is essential for DNA replication. We show that, unlike Cdc6p, the levels of HsCdc6 protein remain constant throughout the cell cycle in human cells. However, phosphorylation of HsCdc6 is regulated during the cell cycle. HsCdc6 is an excellent substrate for Cdk2 in vitro and is phosphorylated in vivo at three sites (Ser-54, Ser-74, and Ser-106) that are phosphorylated by Cdk2 in vitro, strongly suggesting that HsCdc6 is an in vivo Cdk substrate. HsCdc6 is nuclear in G1, but translocates to the cytoplasm at the start of S phase via Crm1-dependent export. An HsCdc6A1A2A3 mutant, which mimics unphosphorylated HsCdc6, is exclusively nuclear, and its expression inhibits initiation of DNA replication. An HsCdc6E1E2E3 mutant, which mimics phosphorylated HsCdc6, is exclusively cytoplasmic and is not associated with the chromatin/nuclear matrix fraction. Based on these results, we propose that phosphorylation of HsCdc6 by Cdks regulates DNA replication of at least two steps: first, by promoting initiation of DNA replication and, second, through nuclear exclusion preventing DNA rereplication.


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Mammalian xanthine oxidoreductases, which catalyze the last two steps in the formation of urate, are synthesized as the dehydrogenase form xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) but can be readily converted to the oxidase form xanthine oxidase (XO) by oxidation of sulfhydryl residues or by proteolysis. Here, we present the crystal structure of the dimeric (Mr, 290,000) bovine milk XDH at 2.1-Å resolution and XO at 2.5-Å resolution and describe the major changes that occur on the proteolytic transformation of XDH to the XO form. Each molecule is composed of an N-terminal 20-kDa domain containing two iron sulfur centers, a central 40-kDa flavin adenine dinucleotide domain, and a C-terminal 85-kDa molybdopterin-binding domain with the four redox centers aligned in an almost linear fashion. Cleavage of surface-exposed loops of XDH causes major structural rearrangement of another loop close to the flavin ring (Gln 423—Lys 433). This movement partially blocks access of the NAD substrate to the flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor and changes the electrostatic environment of the active site, reflecting the switch of substrate specificity observed for the two forms of this enzyme.