9 resultados para the teacher’s identity

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A method for cell–cell and cell–liposome fusion at the single-cell level is described. Individual cells or liposomes were first selected and manipulated either by optical trapping or by adhesion to a micromanipulator-controlled ultramicroelectrode. Spatially selective fusion of the cell–cell or cell–liposome pair was achieved by the application of a highly focused electric field through a pair of 5-μm o.d. carbon-fiber ultramicroelectrodes. The ability to fuse together single cells opens new possibilities in the manipulation of the genetic and cellular makeup of individual cells in a controlled manner. In the study of cellular networks, for example, the alteration of the biochemical identity of a selected cell can have a profound effect on the behavior of the entire network. Fusion of a single liposome with a target cell allows the introduction of the liposomal content into the cell interior as well as the addition of lipids and membrane proteins onto the cell surface. This cell–liposome fusion represents an approach to the manipulation of the cytoplasmic contents and surface properties of single cells. As an example, we have introduced a membrane protein (γ-glutamyltransferase) reconstituted in liposomes into the cell plasma membrane.


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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has compiled and maintained a Short Tandem Repeat DNA Internet Database (http://www.cstl.nist.gov/biotech/strbase/) since 1997 commonly referred to as STRBase. This database is an information resource for the forensic DNA typing community with details on commonly used short tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers. STRBase consolidates and organizes the abundant literature on this subject to facilitate on-going efforts in DNA typing. Observed alleles and annotated sequence for each STR locus are described along with a review of STR analysis technologies. Additionally, commercially available STR multiplex kits are described, published polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sequences are reported, and validation studies conducted by a number of forensic laboratories are listed. To supplement the technical information, addresses for scientists and hyperlinks to organizations working in this area are available, along with the comprehensive reference list of over 1300 publications on STRs used for DNA typing purposes.


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Cell cycle progression is regulated by cAMP in several cell types. Cellular cAMP levels depend on the activity of different adenylyl cyclases (ACs), which have varied signal-receiving capabilities. The role of individual ACs in regulating proliferative responses was investigated. Native NIH 3T3 cells contain AC6, an isoform that is inhibited by a variety of signals. Proliferation of exogenous AC6-expressing cells was the same as in control cells. In contrast, expression of AC2, an isoform stimulated by protein kinase C (PKC), resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression and increased doubling time. In AC2-expressing cells, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) elevated cAMP levels in a PKC-dependent manner. PDGF stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases 1 and 2 (MAPK 1,2), DNA synthesis, and cyclin D1 expression was reduced in AC2-expressing cells as compared with control cells. Dominant negative protein kinase A relieved the AC2 inhibition of PDGF-induced DNA synthesis. Expression of AC2 also blocked H-ras-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells. These observations indicate that, because AC2 is stimulated by PKC, it can be activated by PDGF concurrently with the stimulation of MAPK 1,2. The elevation in cAMP results in inhibition of signal flow from the PDGF receptor to MAPK 1,2 and a significant reduction in the proliferative response to PDGF. Thus, the molecular identity and signal receiving capability of the AC isoforms in a cell could be important for proliferative homeostasis.


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Auxins are plant hormones that mediate many aspects of plant growth and development. In higher plants, auxins are polarly transported from sites of synthesis in the shoot apex to their sites of action in the basal regions of shoots and in roots. Polar auxin transport is an important aspect of auxin functions and is mediated by cellular influx and efflux carriers. Little is known about the molecular identity of its regulatory component, the efflux carrier [Estelle, M. (1996) Current Biol. 6, 1589–1591]. Here we show that mutations in the Arabidopsis thaliana AGRAVITROPIC 1 (AGR1) gene involved in root gravitropism confer increased root-growth sensitivity to auxin and decreased sensitivity to ethylene and an auxin transport inhibitor, and cause retention of exogenously added auxin in root tip cells. We used positional cloning to show that AGR1 encodes a putative transmembrane protein whose amino acid sequence shares homologies with bacterial transporters. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, AGR1 promotes an increased efflux of radiolabeled IAA from the cells and confers increased resistance to fluoro-IAA, a toxic IAA-derived compound. AGR1 transcripts were localized to the root distal elongation zone, a region undergoing a curvature response upon gravistimulation. We have identified several AGR1-related genes in Arabidopsis, suggesting a global role of this gene family in the control of auxin-regulated growth and developmental processes.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe win1-1 mutant has a defect in the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. Although the defect is suppressed by wis1+ and wis4+, which are components of a stress-activated MAP kinase pathway that links stress response and cell cycle control, the molecular identity of Win1 has not been known. We show here that win1+ encodes a polypeptide of 1436 residues with an apparent molecular size of 180 kDa and demonstrate that Win1 is a MAP kinase kinase kinase that phosphorylates and activates Wis1. Despite extensive similarities between Win1 and Wis4, the two MAP kinase kinase kinases have distinct functions. Wis4 is able to compensate for loss of Win1 only under unstressed conditions to maintain basal Wis1 activity, but it fails to suppress the osmosignaling defect conferred by win1 mutations. The win1-1 mutation is a spontaneous duplication of 16 nucleotides, which leads to a frameshift and production of a truncated protein lacking the kinase domain. We discuss the cell cycle phenotype of the win1-1 cdc25-22 wee1-50 mutant and its suppression by wis genes.


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Ets factors play a critical role in oncogenic Ras- and growth factor-mediated regulation of the proximal rat prolactin (rPRL) promoter in pituitary cells. The rPRL promoter contains two key functional Ets binding sites (EBS): a composite EBS/Pit-1 element located at –212 and an EBS that co-localizes with the basal transcription element (BTE, or A-site) located at –96. Oncogenic Ras exclusively signals to the –212 site, which we have named the Ras response element (RRE); whereas the response of multiple growth factors (FGFs, EGF, IGF, insulin and TRH) maps to both EBSs. Although Ets-1 and GA binding protein (GABP) have been implicated in the Ras and insulin responses, respectively, the precise identity of the pituitary Ets factors that specifically bind to the RRE and BTE sites remains unknown. In order to identify the Ets factor(s) present in GH4 and GH3 nuclear extracts (GH4NE and GH3NE) that bind to the EBSs contained in the RRE and BTE, we used EBS-RRE and BTE oligonucleotides in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs), antibody supershift assays, western blot analysis of partially purified fractions and UV-crosslinking studies. EMSAs, using either the BTE or EBS-RRE probes, identified a specific protein–DNA complex, designated complex A, which contains an Ets factor as determined by oligonucleotide competition studies. Using western blot analysis of GH3 nuclear proteins that bind to heparin–Sepharose, we have shown that Ets-1 and GABP, which are MAP kinase substrates, co-purify with complex A, and supershift analysis with specific antisera revealed that complex A contains Ets-1, GABPα and GABPβ1. In addition, we show that recombinant full-length Ets-1 binds equivalently to BTE and EBS-RRE probes, while recombinant GABPα/β preferentially binds to the BTE probe. Furthermore, comparing the DNA binding of GH4NE containing both Ets-1 and GABP and HeLa nuclear extracts devoid of Ets-1 but containing GABP, we were able to show that the EBS-RRE preferentially binds Ets-1, while the BTE binds both GABP and Ets-1. Finally, UV-crosslinking experiments with radiolabeled EBS-RRE and BTE oligonucleotides showed that these probes specifically bind to a protein of ∼64 kDa, which is consistent with binding to Ets-1 (54 kDa) and/or the DNA binding subunit of GABP, GABPα (57 kDa). These studies show that endogenous, pituitary-derived GABP and Ets-1 bind to the BTE, whereas Ets-1 preferentially binds to the EBS-RRE. Taken together, these data provide important insights into the mechanisms by which the combination of distinct Ets members and EBSs transduce differential growth factor responses.


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We report the isolation of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cDNA that encodes the β-subunit of tryptophan synthase (TSB). This cDNA was cloned by functional complementation of a trp-operon-deleted strain of Escherichia coli. Hybridization analysis indicated that the gene exists in a single copy. The predicted amino acid sequence showed the greatest identity to TSB polypeptides from other photosynthetic organisms. With the goal of identifying mutations in the gene encoding this enzyme, we isolated 11 recessive and 1 dominant single-gene mutation that conferred resistance to 5-fluoroindole. These mutations fell into three complementation groups, MAA2, MAA7, and TAR1. In vitro assays showed that mutations at each of these loci affected TSB activity. Restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis suggested that MAA7 encodes TSB. MAA2 and TAR1 may act to regulate the activity of MAA7 or its protein product.


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The free energy difference between complexes of the restriction nuclease EcoRI with nonspecific DNA and with the enzyme's recognition sequence is linearly dependent on the water chemical potential of the solution, set using several very different solutes, ranging from glycine and glycerol to triethylene glycol and sucrose. This osmotic dependence indicates that the nonspecific complex sequesters some 110 waters more than the specific complex with the recognition sequence. The insensitivity of the difference in number of waters released to the solute identity further indicates that this water is sequestered in a space that is sterically inaccessible to solutes, most likely at the protein-DNA interface of the nonspecific complex. Calculations based on the structure of the specific complex suggest that the apposing DNA and protein surfaces in the nonspecific complex retain approximately a full hydration layer of water.


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During fertilization in marine invertebrates, fusion between sperm and egg cell membranes occurs at the tip of the sperm acrosomal process. In abalone sperm the acrosomal process is coated with an 18-kDa protein. In situ, this protein has no effect on the egg vitelline envelope, but in vitro it is a potent fusagen of liposomes. Thus, the 18-kDa protein may mediate membrane fusion between the gametes, a step in gamete recognition known to restrict heterospecific fertilization in other species. The cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of the 18-kDa protein were determined for five species of California abalone. The deduced amino acid sequences exhibit extraordinary divergence; the percent identity varies from 27% to 87%. Analysis of nucleotide substitution shows extremely high frequencies of amino acid-altering substitution compared to silent substitution, demonstrating that positive Darwinian selection promotes the divergence of this protein. However, amino acid replacement is conservative with respect to size and polarity of residue. The data support the developing idea that in free-spawning marine invertebrates, the proteins mediating fertilization may be subjected to intense, and as yet unknown, selective forces. The extraordinary divergence of fertilization proteins may be related to the establishment of barriers to heterospecific fertilization.