45 resultados para target sites

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Single-stranded regions in RNA secondary structure are important for RNA–RNA and RNA–protein interactions. We present a probability profile approach for the prediction of these regions based on a statistical algorithm for sampling RNA secondary structures. For the prediction of phylogenetically-determined single-stranded regions in secondary structures of representative RNA sequences, the probability profile offers substantial improvement over the minimum free energy structure. In designing antisense oligonucleotides, a practical problem is how to select a secondary structure for the target mRNA from the optimal structure(s) and many suboptimal structures with similar free energies. By summarizing the information from a statistical sample of probable secondary structures in a single plot, the probability profile not only presents a solution to this dilemma, but also reveals ‘well-determined’ single-stranded regions through the assignment of probabilities as measures of confidence in predictions. In antisense application to the rabbit β-globin mRNA, a significant correlation between hybridization potential predicted by the probability profile and the degree of inhibition of in vitro translation suggests that the probability profile approach is valuable for the identification of effective antisense target sites. Coupling computational design with DNA–RNA array technique provides a rational, efficient framework for antisense oligonucleotide screening. This framework has the potential for high-throughput applications to functional genomics and drug target validation.


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Plasmids that contain synthetic genes coding for small oligoribonucleotides called external guide sequences (EGSs) have been introduced into strains of Escherichia coli harboring antibiotic resistance genes. The EGSs direct RNase P to cleave the mRNAs transcribed from these genes thereby converting the phenotype of drug-resistant cells to drug sensitivity. Increasing the EGS-to-target mRNA ratio by changing gene copy number or the number of EGSs complementary to different target sites enhances the efficiency of the conversion process. We demonstrate a general method for the efficient phenotypic conversion of drug-resistant bacterial cultures.


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The ALL-1 gene positioned at 11q23 is directly involved in human acute leukemia either through a variety of chromosome translocations or by partial tandem duplications. ALL-1 is the human homologue of Drosophila trithorax which plays a critical role in maintaining proper spatial and temporal expression of the Antennapedia-bithorax homeotic genes determining the fruit fly’s body pattern. Utilizing specific antibodies, we found that the ALL-1 protein distributes in cultured cells in a nuclear punctate pattern. Several chimeric ALL-1 proteins encoded by products of the chromosome translocations and expressed in transfected cells showed similar speckles. Dissection of the ALL-1 protein identified within its ≈1,100 N-terminal residues three polypeptides directing nuclear localization and at least two main domains conferring distribution in dots. The latter spanned two short sequences conserved with TRITHORAX. Enforced nuclear expression of other domains of ALL-1, such as the PHD (zinc) fingers and the SET motif, resulted in uniform nonpunctate patterns. This indicates that positioning of the ALL-1 protein in subnuclear structures is mediated via interactions of ALL-1 N-terminal elements. We suggest that the speckles represent protein complexes which contain multiple copies of the ALL-1 protein and are positioned at ALL-1 target sites on the chromatin. Therefore, the role of the N-terminal portion of ALL-1 is to direct the protein to its target genes.


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Three novel families of transposable elements, Wukong, Wujin, and Wuneng, are described in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Their copy numbers range from 2,100 to 3,000 per haploid genome. There are high degrees of sequence similarity within each family, and many structural but not sequence similarities between families. The common structural characteristics include small size, no coding potential, terminal inverted repeats, potential to form a stable secondary structure, A+T richness, and putative 2- to 4-bp A+T-biased specific target sites. Evidence of previous mobility is presented for the Wukong elements. Elements of these three families are associated with 7 of 16 fully or partially sequenced Ae. aegypti genes. Characteristics of these mosquito elements indicate strong similarities to the miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) recently found to be associated with plant genes. MITE-like elements have also been reported in two species of Xenopus and in Homo sapiens. This characterization of multiple families of highly repetitive MITE-like elements in an invertebrate extends the range of these elements in eukaryotic genomes. A hypothesis is presented relating genome size and organization to the presence of highly reiterated MITE families. The association of MITE-like elements with Ae. aegypti genes shows the same bias toward noncoding regions as in plants. This association has potentially important implications for the evolution of gene regulation.


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New antibiotics to combat the emerging pandemic of drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are urgently needed. We have investigated the effects on M. tuberculosis of phosphorothioate-modified antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides (PS-ODNs) against the mRNA of glutamine synthetase, an enzyme whose export is associated with pathogenicity and with the formation of a poly-l-glutamate/glutamine cell wall structure. Treatment of virulent M. tuberculosis with 10 μM antisense PS-ODNs reduced glutamine synthetase activity and expression by 25–50% depending on whether one, two, or three different PS-ODNs were used and the PS-ODNs' specific target sites on the mRNA. Treatment with PS-ODNs of a recombinant strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing M. tuberculosis glutamine synthetase selectively inhibited the recombinant enzyme but not the endogenous enzyme for which the mRNA transcript was mismatched by 2–4 nt. Treatment of M. tuberculosis with the antisense PS-ODNs also reduced the amount of poly-l-glutamate/glutamine in the cell wall by 24%. Finally, treatment with antisense PS-ODNs reduced M. tuberculosis growth by 0.7 logs (1 PS-ODN) to 1.25 logs (3 PS-ODNs) but had no effect on the growth of M. smegmatis, which does not export glutamine synthetase nor possess the poly-l-glutamate/glutamine (P-l-glx) cell wall structure. The experiments indicate that the antisense PS-ODNs enter the cytoplasm of M. tuberculosis and bind to their cognate targets. Although more potent ODN technology is needed, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using antisense ODNs in the antibiotic armamentarium against M. tuberculosis.


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V(D)J recombination is thought to be regulated by changes in the accessibility of target sites, such as modulation of methylation. To test whether demethylation of the kappa locus can activate recombination, we generated two recombinationally active B cell lines in which the gene for maintenance of genomic DNA methylation, Dnmt1, was flanked with loxP sites. Transduction with a retrovirus expressing both the cre recombinase and green fluorescent protein allowed us to purify recombinationally active cells devoid of methylation. Loss of methylation of the kappa locus was not sufficient to activate recombination, although transcription was activated in one line. It appears that demethylation of the kappa locus is not the rate-limiting step for altering accessibility and thus regulated demethylation does not generate specificity of recombination.


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Multizinc finger peptides are likely to reach increased prominence in the search for the “ideal” designer transcription factor for in vivo applications such as gene therapy. However, for these treatments to be effective and safe, the peptides must bind with high affinity and, more importantly, with great specificity. Our previous research has shown that zinc finger arrays can be made to bind 18 bp of DNA with picomolar affinity, but also has suggested that arrays of fingers also may bind tightly to related sequences. This work addresses the question of zinc finger DNA binding specificity. We show that by changing the way in which zinc finger arrays are constructed—by linking three two-finger domains rather than two three-finger units—far greater target specificity can be achieved through increased discrimination against mutated or closely related sequences. These new peptides have the added capability of being able to span two short gaps of unbound DNA, although still binding with picomolar affinity to their target sites. We believe that this new method of constructing zinc finger arrays will offer greater efficacy in the fields of gene therapy and in the production of transgenic organisms than previously reported zinc finger arrays.


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Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 (eEF-1) contains the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eEF-1B that loads the G protein eEF-1A with GTP after each cycle of elongation during protein synthesis. Two features of eEF-1B have not yet been elucidated: (i) the presence of the unique valyl-tRNA synthetase; (ii) the significance of target sites for the cell cycle protein kinase CDK1/cyclin B. The roles of these two features were addressed by elongation measurements in vitro using cell-free extracts. A poly(GUA) template RNA was generated to support both poly(valine) and poly(serine) synthesis and poly(phenylalanine) synthesis was driven by a poly(uridylic acid) template. Elongation rates were in the order phenylalanine > valine > serine. Addition of CDK1/cyclin B decreased the elongation rate for valine whereas the rate for serine and phenylalanine elongation was increased. This effect was correlated with phosphorylation of the eEF-1δ and eEF-1γ subunits of eEF-1B. Our results demonstrate specific regulation of elongation by CDK1/cyclin B phosphorylation.


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All eukaryotic DNA transposons reported so far belong to a single category of elements transposed by the so-called “cut-and-paste” mechanism. Here, we report a previously unknown category of eukaryotic DNA transposons, Helitron, which transpose by rolling-circle replication. Autonomous Helitrons encode a 5′-to-3′ DNA helicase and nuclease/ligase similar to those encoded by known rolling-circle replicons. Helitron-like transposons have conservative 5′-TC and CTRR-3′ termini and do not have terminal inverted repeats. They contain 16- to 20-bp hairpins separated by 10–12 nucleotides from the 3′-end and transpose precisely between the 5′-A and T-3′, with no modifications of the AT target sites. Together with their multiple diverged nonautonomous descendants, Helitrons constitute ≈2% of both the Arabidopsis thaliana and Caenorhabditis elegans genomes and also colonize the Oriza sativa genome. Sequence conservation suggests that Helitrons continue to be transposed.


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The cis-regulatory systems that control developmental expression of two sea urchin genes have been subjected to detailed functional analysis. Both systems are modular in organization: specific, separable fragments of the cis-regulatory DNA each containing multiple transcription factor target sites execute particular regulatory subfunctions when associated with reporter genes and introduced into the embryo. The studies summarized here were carried out on the CyIIIa gene, expressed in the embryonic aboral ectoderm and on the Endo16 gene, expressed in the embryonic vegetal plate, archenteron, and then midgut. The regulatory systems of both genes include modules that control particular aspects of temporal and spatial expression, and in both the territorial boundaries of expression depend on a combination of negative and positive functions. In both genes different regulatory modules control early and late embryonic expression. Modular cis-regulatory organization is widespread in developmentally regulated genes, and we present a tabular summary that includes many examples from mouse and Drosophila. We regard cis-regulatory modules as units of developmental transcription control, and also of evolution, in the assembly of transcription control systems.


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Five retrotransposon families of rice (Tos1-Tos5) have been reported previously. Here we report 15 new retrotransposon families of rice (Tos6-Tos20). In contrast to yeast and Drosophila retrotransposons, all of the rice retrotransposons examined appear inactive (or almost inactive) under normal growth conditions. Three of the rice retrotransposons (Tos10, Tos17, and Tos19) are activated under tissue culture conditions. The most active one, Tos17, was studied in detail. The copy number of Tos17 increased with prolonged culture period. In all of the plants regenerated from tissue cultures, including transgenic plants, 5 to 30 transposed Tos17 copies were detected. The transcript of Tos17 was only detected under tissue culture conditions, indicating that the transposition of Tos17 is mainly regulated at the transcriptional level. To examine the target-site specificity of Tos17 transposition, sequences flanking transposed Tos17 copies were analyzed. At least four out of eight target sites examined are coding regions. Other target sites may also be in genes because two out of four were transcribed. The regenerated plants with Tos17-insertions in the phytochrome A gene and the S-receptor kinase-related gene were identified. These results indicate that activation of Tos17 is an important cause of tissue culture-induced mutations. Tissue culture-induced activation of Tos17 may be a useful tool for insertional mutagenesis and functional analysis of genes.


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Site-specific recombinases are being developed as tools for "in vivo" genetic engineering because they can catalyze precise excisions, integrations, inversions, or translocations of DNA between their distinct recognition target sites. Here it is demonstrated that Flp recombinase can effectively mediate site-specific excisional recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells, in differentiating embryonal carcinoma cells, and in transgenic mice. Broad Flp expression is compatible with normal development, suggesting that Flp can be used to catalyze recombination in most cell types. These properties indicate that Flp can be exploited to make prescribed alterations in the mouse genome.


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Binding studies were conducted to identify the anatomical location of brain target sites for OB protein, the ob gene product. 125I-labeled recombinant mouse OB protein or alkaline phosphatase-OB fusion proteins were used for in vitro and in vivo binding studies. Coronal brain sections or fresh tissue from lean, obese ob/ob, and obese db/db mice as well as lean and obese Zucker rats were probed to identify potential central OB protein-binding sites. We report here that recombinant OB protein binds specifically to the choroid plexus. The binding of OB protein (either radiolabeled or the alkaline phosphatase-OB fusion protein) and its displacement by unlabeled OB protein was similar in lean, obese ob/ob, and obese db/db mice as well as lean and obese Zucker rats. These findings suggest that OB protein binds with high affinity to a specific receptor in the choroid plexus. After binding to the choroid plexus receptor, OB protein may then be transported across the blood-brain barrier into the cerebrospinal fluid. Alternatively, binding of OB protein to a specific receptor in the choroid plexus may activate afferent neural inputs to the neural network that regulates feeding behavior and energy balance or may result in the clearance or degradation of OB protein. The identification of the choroid plexus as a brain binding site for OB protein will provide the basis for the construction of expression libraries and facilitate the rapid cloning of the choroid plexus OB receptor.


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A highly fluorescent mutant form of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been fused to the rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR). When GFP-GR is expressed in living mouse cells, it is competent for normal transactivation of the GR-responsive mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. The unliganded GFP-GR resides in the cytoplasm and translocates to the nucleus in a hormone-dependent manner with ligand specificity similar to that of the native GR receptor. Due to the resistance of the mutant GFP to photobleaching, the translocation process can be studied by time-lapse video microscopy. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed nuclear accumulation in a discrete series of foci, excluding nucleoli. Complete receptor translocation is induced with RU486 (a ligand with little agonist activity), although concentration into nuclear foci is not observed. This reproducible pattern of transactivation-competent GR reveals a previously undescribed intranuclear architecture of GR target sites.


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The double sex gene (dsx) encodes two proteins, DSX(M) and DSX(F), that regulate sex-specific transcription in Drosophila. These proteins bind target sites in DNA from which the male-specific DSX(M) represses and the female-specific DSX(F) activates transcription of yolk protein (Yp) genes. We investigated the physical properties of these DSX proteins, which are identical in their amino-terminal 397 residues but are entirely different in their carboxyl-terminal sequences (DSX(F), 30 amino acids; DSX(M), 152 amino acids). DSX(M) and DSX(F) were overexpressed in cultured insect cells and purified to near homogeneity. Gel filtration chromatography and glycerol gradient sedimentation showed that at low concentrations both proteins are dimers of highly asymmetrical shape. The axial ratios are approximately 18:1 (DSX(M), 860 X 48 angstroms; DSX(F), 735 X 43 angstroms). At higher concentrations, the proteins form tetramers. Through use of a novel, double crosslinking assay (protein-DNA plus protein-protein), we demonstrated that a DNA regulatory site binds to both monomers of the DSX dimer and to only two monomers of the tetramer. Furthermore, binding another DNA molecule to what we presume is the second and identical site in the tetramer dramatically shifts the equilibrium from tetramers to dimers. These oligomerization and DNA binding properties are indistinguishable between the male and female proteins.