17 resultados para tanshinone IIB

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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To explore the role of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms during mouse gametogenesis, fertilization, and early development, localization and microinjection studies were performed using monospecific antibodies to myosin IIA and IIB isotypes. Each myosin II antibody recognizes a 205-kDa protein in oocytes, but not mature sperm. Myosin IIA and IIB demonstrate differential expression during meiotic maturation and following fertilization: only the IIA isoform detects metaphase spindles or accumulates in the mitotic cleavage furrow. In the unfertilized oocyte, both myosin isoforms are polarized in the cortex directly overlying the metaphase-arrested second meiotic spindle. Cortical polarization is altered after spindle disassembly with Colcemid: the scattered meiotic chromosomes initiate myosin IIA and microfilament assemble in the vicinity of each chromosome mass. During sperm incorporation, both myosin II isotypes concentrate in the second polar body cleavage furrow and the sperm incorporation cone. In functional experiments, the microinjection of myosin IIA antibody disrupts meiotic maturation to metaphase II arrest, probably through depletion of spindle-associated myosin IIA protein and antibody binding to chromosome surfaces. Conversely, the microinjection of myosin IIB antibody blocks microfilament-directed chromosome scattering in Colcemid-treated mature oocytes, suggesting a role in mediating chromosome–cortical actomyosin interactions. Neither myosin II antibody, alone or coinjected, blocks second polar body formation, in vitro fertilization, or cytokinesis. Finally, microinjection of a nonphosphorylatable 20-kDa regulatory myosin light chain specifically blocks sperm incorporation cone disassembly and impedes cell cycle progression, suggesting that interference with myosin II phosphorylation influences fertilization. Thus, conventional myosins break cortical symmetry in oocytes by participating in eccentric meiotic spindle positioning, sperm incorporation cone dynamics, and cytokinesis. Although murine sperm do not express myosin II, different myosin II isotypes may have distinct roles during early embryonic development.


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A key step in the activation of heterodimeric integrin adhesion receptors is the transmission of an agonist-induced cellular signal from the short α- and/or β-cytoplasmic tails to the extracellular domains of the receptor. The structural details of how the cytoplasmic tails mediate such an inside-out signaling process remain unclear. We report herein the NMR structures of a membrane-anchored cytoplasmic tail of the αIIb-subunit and of a mutant αIIb-cytoplasmic tail that renders platelet integrin αIIbβ3 constitutively active. The structure of the wild-type αIIb-cytoplasmic tail reveals a “closed” conformation where the highly conserved N-terminal membrane-proximal region forms an α-helix followed by a turn, and the acidic C-terminal loop interacts with the N-terminal helix. The structure of the active mutant is significantly different, having an “open” conformation where the interactions between the N-terminal helix and C-terminal region are abolished. Consistent with these structural differences, the two peptides differ in function: the wild-type peptide suppressed αIIbβ3 activation, whereas the mutant peptide did not. These results provide an atomic explanation for extensive biochemical/mutational data and support a conformation-based “on/off switch” model for integrin activation.


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Integrins link the cell's cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix, as well as to receptors on other cells. These links occur not only at focal contacts but also at smaller integrin-containing protein complexes outside of focal contacts. We previously demonstrated the importance of focal contact-independent integrin–cytoskeleton interactions of β2 integrins: activation of adhesion resulted from a release of integrins from cytoskeletal constraints. To determine whether changes in integrin–cytoskeleton interactions were related to activation of the integrin, we used single particle tracking to examine focal contact-independent cytoskeletal associations of αIIbβ3-integrin, in which activation results in a large conformational change. Direct activation of αIIbβ3 by mutation did not mimic activation of lymphocytes with phorbol ester, because it enhanced integrin–cytoskeleton interactions, whereas activation of lymphocytes decreased them. Using additional integrin mutants, we found that both α- and β-cytoplasmic domains were required for these links. This suggests that 1) both β2- and β3-integrins interact with the cytoskeleton outside of focal contacts; 2) activation of a cell and activation of an integrin are distinct processes, and both can affect integrin–cytoskeleton interactions; and 3) the role of the α-subunit in integrin–cytoskeleton interactions in at least some circumstances is more direct than generally supposed.


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The sbeIIa and sbeIIb genes, encoding starch-branching enzyme (SBE) IIa and SBEIIb in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), have been isolated. The 5′ portions of the two genes are strongly divergent, primarily due to the 2064-nucleotide-long intron 2 in sbeIIb. The sequence of this intron shows that it contains a retro-transposon-like element. Expression of sbeIIb but not sbeIIa was found to be endosperm specific. The temporal expression patterns for sbeIIa and sbeIIb were similar and peaked around 12 d after pollination. DNA gel-blot analysis demonstrated that sbeIIa and sbeIIb are both single-copy genes in the barley genome. By fluorescence in situ hybridization, the sbeIIa and sbeIIb genes were mapped to chromosomes 2 and 5, respectively. The cDNA clones for SBEIIa and SBEIIb were isolated and sequenced. The amino acid sequences of SBEIIa and SBEIIb were almost 80% identical. The major structural difference between the two enzymes was the presence of a 94-amino acid N-terminal extension in the SBEIIb precursor. The (β/α)8-barrel topology of the α-amylase superfamily and the catalytic residues implicated in branching enzymes are conserved in both barley enzymes.


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Newly emerged hantaviruses replicate primarily in the pulmonary endothelium, cause acute platelet loss, and result in hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). We now report that specific integrins expressed on platelets and endothelial cells permit the cellular entry of HPS-associated hantaviruses. Infection with HPS-associated hantaviruses, NY-1 and Sin Nombre virus (SNV), is inhibited by antibodies to β3 integrins and by the β3-integrin ligand, vitronectin. In contrast, infection with the nonpathogenic (no associated human disease) Prospect Hill virus was inhibited by fibronectin and β1-specific antibodies but not by β3-specific antibodies or vitronectin. Transfection with recombinant αIIbβ3 or αvβ3 integrins rendered cells permissive to NY-1 and SNV but not Prospect Hill virus infection, indicating that αIIbβ3 and αvβ3 integrins mediate the entry of NY-1 and SNV hantaviruses. Furthermore, entry is divalent cation independent, not blocked by arginine-glycine-aspartic acid peptides and still mediated by, ligand-binding defective, αIIbβ3-integrin mutants. Hence, NY-1 and SNV entry is independent of β3 integrin binding to physiologic ligands. These findings implicate integrins as cellular receptors for hantaviruses and indicate that hantavirus pathogenicity correlates with integrin usage.


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G proteins play a major role in signal transduction upon platelet activation. We have previously reported a patient with impaired agonist-induced aggregation, secretion, arachidonate release, and Ca2+ mobilization. Present studies demonstrated that platelet phospholipase A2 (cytosolic and membrane) activity in the patient was normal. Receptor-mediated activation of glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complex measured by flow cytometry using antibody PAC-1 was diminished despite normal amounts of GPIIb-IIIa on platelets. Ca2+ release induced by guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate (GTP[γS]) was diminished in the patient’s platelets, suggesting a defect distal to agonist receptors. GTPase activity (a function of α-subunit) in platelet membranes was normal in resting state but was diminished compared with normal subjects on stimulation with thrombin, platelet-activating factor, or the thromboxane A2 analog U46619. Binding of 35S-labeled GTP[γS] to platelet membranes was decreased under both basal and thrombin-stimulated states. Iloprost (a stable prostaglandin I2 analog) -induced rise in cAMP (mediated by Gαs) and its inhibition (mediated by Gαi) by thrombin in the patient’s platelet membranes were normal. Immunoblot analysis of Gα subunits in the patient’s platelet membranes showed a decrease in Gαq (<50%) but not Gαi, Gαz, Gα12, and Gα13. These studies provide evidence for a hitherto undescribed defect in human platelet G-protein α-subunit function leading to impaired platelet responses, and they provide further evidence for a major role of Gαq in thrombin-induced responses.


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Neuritic outgrowth is a striking example of directed motility, powered through the actions of molecular motors. Members of the myosin superfamily of actin-associated motors have been implicated in this complex process. Although conventional myosin II is known to be present in neurons, where it is localized at the leading edge of growth cones and in the cell cortex close to the plasma membrane, its functional involvement in growth cone motility has remained unproven. Here, we show that antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides, complementary to a specific isoform of conventional myosin (myosin IIB), attenuate filopodial extension whereas sense and scrambled control oligodeoxyribonucleotides have no effect. Attenuation is shown to be reversible, neurite outgrowth being restored after cessation of the antisense regimen. Myosin IIB mRNA was present during active neurite extension, but levels were minimal in phenotypically rounded cells before neurite outgrowth and message levels decreased during antisense treatment. By contrast, the myosin IIA isoform is shown to be expressed constitutively both before and during neurite outgrowth and throughout exposure to myosin IIB antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides. These results provide direct evidence that a conventional two-headed myosin is required for growth cone motility and is responsible, at least in part, for driving neuritic process outgrowth.


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An isoform of the mammalian renal type II Na/Pi-cotransporter is described. Homology of this isoform to described mammalian and nonmammalian type II cotransporters is between 57 and 75%. Based on major diversities at the C terminus, the new isoform is designed as type IIb Na/Pi-cotransporter. Na/Pi-cotransport mediated by the type IIb cotransporter was studied in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. The results indicate that type IIb Na/Pi-cotransport is electrogenic and in contrast to the renal type II isoform of opposite pH dependence. Expression of type IIb mRNA was detected in various tissues, including small intestine. The type IIb protein was detected as a 108-kDa protein by Western blots using isolated small intestinal brush border membranes and by immunohistochemistry was localized at the luminal membrane of mouse enterocytes. Expression of the type IIb protein in the brush borders of enterocytes and transport characteristics suggest that the described type IIb Na/Pi-cotransporter represents a candidate for small intestinal apical Na/Pi-cotransport.


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By using site-specific protein-DNA photocrosslinking, we define the positions of TATA-binding protein, transcription factor IIB, transcription factor IIF, and subunits of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) relative to promoter DNA within the human transcription preinitiation complex. The results indicate that the interface between the largest and second-largest subunits of RNAPII forms an extended, ≈240 Å channel that interacts with promoter DNA both upstream and downstream of the transcription start. By using electron microscopy, we show that RNAPII compacts promoter DNA by the equivalent of ≈50 bp. Together with the published structure of RNAPII, the results indicate that RNAPII wraps DNA around its surface and suggest a specific model for the trajectory of the wrapped DNA.


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IgG antibodies can suppress more than 99% of the antibody response against the antigen to which they bind. This is used clinically to prevent rhesus-negative (Rh−) women from becoming immunized against Rh+ erythrocytes from their fetuses. The suppressive mechanism is poorly understood, but it has been proposed that IgG/erythrocyte complexes bind to the inhibitory Fc receptor for IgG (FcγRIIB) on the B cell surface, thereby triggering negative signals that turn off the B cell. We show that IgG induces the same degree of suppression of the response to sheep erythrocytes in animals lacking the known IgG-binding receptors FcγRIIB, FcγRI + III, FcγRI + IIB + III, and FcRn (the neonatal Fc receptor) as in wild-type animals. Reinvestigation of the ability of F(ab′)2 fragments to suppress antibody responses demonstrated that they were nearly as efficient as intact IgG. In addition, monoclonal IgE also was shown to be suppressive. These findings suggest that IgG inhibits antibody responses through Fc-independent mechanisms, most likely by masking of antigenic epitopes, thereby preventing B cells from binding and responding to antigen. In agreement with this, we show that T cell priming is not abolished by passively administered IgG. The results have implications for the understanding of in vivo regulation of antibody responses and Rh prophylaxis.


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In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase II transcribes messenger RNAs and several small nuclear RNAs. Like RNA polymerases I and III, polymerase II cannot act alone. Instead, general initiation factors [transcription factor (TF) IIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH] assemble on promoter DNA with polymerase II, creating a large multiprotein–DNA complex that supports accurate initiation. Another group of accessory factors, transcriptional activators and coactivators, regulate the rate of RNA synthesis from each gene in response to various developmental and environmental signals. Our current knowledge of this complex macromolecular machinery is reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on insights gained from structural studies of transcription factors.


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Starch granules from maize (Zea mays) contain a characteristic group of polypeptides that are tightly associated with the starch matrix (C. Mu-Forster, R. Huang, J.R. Powers, R.W. Harriman, M. Knight, G.W. Singletary, P.L. Keeling, B.P. Wasserman [1996] Plant Physiol 111: 821–829). Zeins comprise about 50% of the granule-associated proteins, and in this study their spatial distribution within the starch granule was determined. Proteolysis of starch granules at subgelatinization temperatures using the thermophilic protease thermolysin led to selective removal of the zeins, whereas granule-associated proteins of 32 kD or above, including the waxy protein, starch synthase I, and starch-branching enzyme IIb, remained refractory to proteolysis. Granule-associated proteins from maize are therefore composed of two distinct classes, the surface-localized zeins of 10 to 27 kD and the granule-intrinsic proteins of 32 kD or higher. The origin of surface-localized δ-zein was probed by comparing δ-zein levels of starch granules obtained from homogenized whole endosperm with granules isolated from amyloplasts. Starch granules from amyloplasts contained markedly lower levels of δ-zein relative to granules prepared from whole endosperm, thus indicating that δ-zein adheres to granule surfaces after disruption of the amyloplast envelope. Cross-linking experiments show that the zeins are deposited on the granule surface as aggregates. In contrast, the granule-intrinsic proteins are prone to covalent modification, but do not form intermolecular cross-links. We conclude that individual granule intrinsic proteins exist as monomers and are not deposited in the form of multimeric clusters within the starch matrix.


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Integrins are major two-way signaling receptors responsible for the attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix and for cell-cell interactions that underlie immune responses, tumor metastasis, and progression of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. We report the structure-function analysis of the cytoplasmic tail of integrin beta 3 (glycoprotein IIla) based on the cellular import of synthetic peptide analogs of this region. Among the four overlapping cell-permeable peptides, only the peptide carrying residues 747-762 of the carboxyl-terminal segment of integrin beta 3 inhibited adhesion of human erythroleukemia (HEL) cells and of human endothelial cells (ECV) 304 to immobilized fibrinogen mediated by integrin beta 3 heterodimers, alpha IIb beta 3, and alpha v beta 3, respectively. Inhibition of adhesion was integrin-specific because the cell-permeable beta 3 peptide (residues 747-762) did not inhibit adhesion of human fibroblasts mediated by integrin beta 1 heterodimers. Conversely, a cell-permeable peptide representing homologous portion of the integrin beta 1 cytoplasmic tail (residues 788-803) inhibited adhesion of human fibroblasts, whereas it was without effect on adhesion of HEL or ECV 304 cells. The cell-permeable integrin beta 3 peptide (residues 747-762) carrying a known loss-of-function mutation (Ser752Pro) responsible for the genetic disorder Glanzmann thrombasthenia Paris I did not inhibit cell adhesion of HEL or ECV 304 cells, whereas the beta 3 peptide carrying a Ser752Ala mutation was inhibitory. Although Ser752 is not essential, Tyr747 and Tyr759 form a functionally active tandem because conservative mutations Tyr747Phe or Tyr759Phe resulted in a nonfunctional cell permeable integrin beta 3 peptide. We propose that the carboxyl-terminal segment of the integrin beta 3 cytoplasmic tail spanning residues 747-762 constitutes a major intracellular cell adhesion regulatory domain (CARD) that modulates the interaction of integrin beta 3-expressing cells with immobilized fibrinogen. Import of cell-permeable peptides carrying this domain results in inhibition "from within" of the adhesive function of these integrins.


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To examine the hypothesis that surface P-selectin-positive (degranulated) platelets are rapidly cleared from the circulation, we developed novel methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo. Washed platelets prepared from nonhuman primates (baboons) were labeled with PKH2 (a lipophilic fluorescent dye), thrombin-activated, washed, and reinfused into the same baboons. Three-color whole blood flow cytometry was used to simultaneously (i) identify platelets with a mAb directed against glycoprotein (GP)IIb-IIIa (integrin alpha 11b beta 3), (ii) distinguish infused platelets by their PKH2 fluorescence, and (iii) analyze platelet function with mAbs. Two hours after infusion of autologous thrombin-activated platelets (P-selectin-positive, PKH2-labeled), 95 +/- 1% (mean +/- SEM, n = 5) of the circulating PKH2-labeled platelets had become P-selectin-negative. Compared with platelets not activated with thrombin preinfusion, the recovery of these circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets was similar 24 h after infusion and only slightly less 48 h after infusion. The loss of platelet surface P-selectin was fully accounted for by a 67.1 +/- 16.7 ng/ml increase in the plasma concentration of soluble P-selectin. The circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets were still able to function in vivo, as determined by their (i) participation in platelet aggregates emerging from a bleeding time wound, (ii) binding to Dacron in an arteriovenous shunt, (iii) binding of mAb PAC1 (directed against the fibrinogen binding site on GPIIb-IIIa), and (iv) generation of procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles. In summary, (i) circulating degranulated platelets rapidly lose surface P-selectin to the plasma pool, but continue to circulate and function; and (ii) we have developed novel three-color whole blood flow cytometric methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo.


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We have used a novel site-specific protein-DNA photocrosslinking procedure to define the positions of polypeptide chains relative to promoter DNA in binary, ternary, and quaternary complexes containing human TATA-binding protein, human or yeast transcription factor IIA (TFIIA), human transcription factor IIB (TFIIB), and promoter DNA. The results indicate that TFIIA and TFIIB make more extensive interactions with promoter DNA than previously anticipated. TATA-binding protein, TFIIA, and TFIIB surround promoter DNA for two turns of DNA helix and thus may form a "cylindrical clamp" effectively topologically linked to promoter DNA. Our results have implications for the energetics, DNA-sequence-specificity, and pathway of assembly of eukaryotic transcription complexes.