6 resultados para stress strain relations

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The yeast peptide-methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA) was overexpressed in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae null mutant of msrA by using a high-copy plasmid harboring the msrA gene and its promoter. The resulting strain had about 25-fold higher MsrA activity than its parent strain. When exposed to either hydrogen peroxide, paraquat, or 2,2′-azobis-(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride treatment, the MsrA overexpressed strain grew better, had lower free and protein-bound methionine sulfoxide and had a better survival rate under these conditions than did the msrA mutant and its parent strain. Substitution of methionine with methionine sulfoxide in a medium lacking hydrogen peroxide had little effect on the growth pattern, which suggests that the oxidation of free methionine in the growth medium was not the main cause of growth inhibition of the msrA mutant. Ultraviolet A radiation did not result in obvious differences in survival rates among the three strains. An enhanced resistance to hydrogen peroxide treatment was shown in human T lymphocyte cells (Molt-4) that were stably transfected with the bovine msrA and exposed to hydrogen peroxide. The survival rate of the transfected strain was much better than its parent strain when grown in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. These results support the proposition that the msrA gene is involved in the resistance of yeast and mammalian cells to oxidative stress.


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The PKC1–MPK1 pathway in yeast functions in the maintenance of cell wall integrity and in the stress response. We have identified a family of genes that are putative regulators of this pathway. WSC1, WSC2, and WSC3 encode predicted integral membrane proteins with a conserved cysteine motif and a WSC1–green fluorescence protein fusion protein localizes to the plasma membrane. Deletion of WSC results in phenotypes similar to mutants in the PKC1–MPK1 pathway and an increase in the activity of MPK1 upon a mild heat treatment is impaired in a wscΔ mutant. Genetic analysis places the function of WSC upstream of PKC1, suggesting that they play a role in its activation. We also find a genetic interaction between WSC and the RAS–cAMP pathway. The RAS–cAMP pathway is required for cell cycle progression and for the heat shock response. Overexpression of WSC suppresses the heat shock sensitivity of a strain in which RAS is hyperactivated and the heat shock sensitivity of a wscΔ strain is rescued by deletion of RAS2. The functional characteristics and cellular localization of WSC suggest that they may mediate intracellular responses to environmental stress in yeast.


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A gene encoding a product with substantial similarity to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) was identified in the preliminary genome sequence of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. A highly similar gene was subsequently isolated and sequenced from Chlorobium limicola f.sp. thiosulfatophilum strain Tassajara. Analysis of these amino acid sequences indicated that they lacked several conserved RubisCO active site residues. The Chlorobium RubisCO-like proteins are most closely related to deduced sequences in Bacillus subtilis and Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which also lack some typical RubisCO active site residues. When the C. tepidum gene encoding the RubisCO-like protein was disrupted, the resulting mutant strain displayed a pleiotropic phenotype with defects in photopigment content, photoautotrophic growth and carbon fixation rates, and sulfur metabolism. Most important, the mutant strain showed substantially enhanced accumulation of two oxidative stress proteins. These results indicated that the C. tepidum RubisCO-like protein might be involved in oxidative stress responses and/or sulfur metabolism. This protein might be an evolutional link to bona fide RubisCO and could serve as an important tool to analyze how the RubisCO active site developed.


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GSK3/shaggy-like genes encode kinases that are involved in a variety of biological processes. By functional complementation of the yeast calcineurin mutant strain DHT22-1a with a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype, we isolated the Arabidopsis cDNA AtGSK1, which encodes a GSK3/shaggy-like protein kinase. AtGSK1 rescued the yeast calcineurin mutant cells from the effects of high NaCl. Also, the AtGSK1 gene turned on the transcription of the NaCl stress-inducible PMR2A gene in the calcineurin mutant cells under NaCl stress. To further define the role of AtGSK1 in the yeast cells we introduced a deletion mutation at the MCK1 gene, a yeast homolog of GSK3, and examined the phenotype of the mutant. The mck1 mutant exhibited a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype that was rescued by AtGSK1. Also, constitutive expression of MCK1 complemented the NaCl-sensitive phenotype of the calcineurin mutants. Therefore, these results suggest that Mck1p is involved in the NaCl stress signaling in yeast and that AtGSK1 may functionally replace Mck1p in the NaCl stress response in the calcineurin mutant. To investigate the biological function of AtGSK1 in Arabidopsis we examined the expression of AtGSK1. Northern-blot analysis revealed that the expression is differentially regulated in various tissues with a high level expression in flower tissues. In addition, the AtGSK1 expression was induced by NaCl and exogenously applied ABA but not by KCl. Taken together, these results suggest that AtGSK1 is involved in the osmotic stress response in Arabidopsis.


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The effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on water relations, leaf development, and gas-exchange characteristics in pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Meteor) plants subjected to drought were investigated. Plants grown throughout their development under a high irradiance of UV-B radiation (0.63 W m−2) were compared with those grown without UV-B radiation, and after 12 d one-half of the plants were subjected to 24 d of drought that resulted in mild water stress. UV-B radiation resulted in a decrease of adaxial stomatal conductance by approximately 65%, increasing stomatal limitation of CO2 uptake by 10 to 15%. However, there was no loss of mesophyll light-saturated photosynthetic activity. Growth in UV-B radiation resulted in large reductions of leaf area and plant biomass, which were associated with a decline in leaf cell numbers and cell division. UV-B radiation also inhibited epidermal cell expansion of the exposed surface of leaves. There was an interaction between UV-B radiation and drought treatments: UV-B radiation both delayed and reduced the severity of drought stress through reductions in plant water-loss rates, stomatal conductance, and leaf area.


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A strain of Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 with no functional Fe superoxide dismutase (SOD), designated sodB−, was characterized by its growth rate, photosynthetic pigments, and cyclic photosynthetic electron transport activity when treated with methyl viologen or norflurazon (NF). In their unstressed conditions, both the sodB− and wild-type strains had similar chlorophyll and carotenoid contents and catalase activity, but the wild type had a faster growth rate and higher cyclic electron transport activity. The sodB− was very sensitive to methyl viologen, indicating a specific role for the FeSOD in protection against superoxide generated in the cytosol. In contrast, the sodB− mutant was less sensitive than the wild type to oxidative stress imposed with NF. This suggests that the FeSOD does not protect the cell from excited singlet-state oxygen generated within the thylakoid membrane. Another up-regulated antioxidant, possibly the MnSOD, may confer protection against NF in the sodB− strain. These results support the hypothesis that different SODs have specific protective functions within the cell.