22 resultados para speaker dependencies
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Across the boreal forest of North America, lynx populations undergo 10-year cycles. Analysis of 21 time series from 1821 to the present demonstrates that these fluctuations are generated by nonlinear processes with regulatory delays. Trophic interactions between lynx and hares cause delayed density-dependent regulation of lynx population growth. The nonlinearity, in contrast, appears to arise from phase dependencies in hunting success by lynx through the cycle. Using a combined approach of empirical, statistical, and mathematical modeling, we highlight how shifts in trophic interactions between the lynx and the hare generate the nonlinear process primarily by shifting functional response curves during the increase and the decrease phases.
Averaged event-related potential (ERP) data recorded from the human scalp reveal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity that is reliably time-locked and phase-locked to experimental events. We report here the application of a method based on information theory that decomposes one or more ERPs recorded at multiple scalp sensors into a sum of components with fixed scalp distributions and sparsely activated, maximally independent time courses. Independent component analysis (ICA) decomposes ERP data into a number of components equal to the number of sensors. The derived components have distinct but not necessarily orthogonal scalp projections. Unlike dipole-fitting methods, the algorithm does not model the locations of their generators in the head. Unlike methods that remove second-order correlations, such as principal component analysis (PCA), ICA also minimizes higher-order dependencies. Applied to detected—and undetected—target ERPs from an auditory vigilance experiment, the algorithm derived ten components that decomposed each of the major response peaks into one or more ICA components with relatively simple scalp distributions. Three of these components were active only when the subject detected the targets, three other components only when the target went undetected, and one in both cases. Three additional components accounted for the steady-state brain response to a 39-Hz background click train. Major features of the decomposition proved robust across sessions and changes in sensor number and placement. This method of ERP analysis can be used to compare responses from multiple stimuli, task conditions, and subject states.
The visual system utilizes binocular disparity to discriminate the relative depth of objects in space. Since the striate cortex is the first site along the central visual pathways at which signals from the left and right eyes converge onto a single neuron, encoding of binocular disparity is thought to begin in this region. There are two possible mechanisms for encoding binocular disparity through simple cells in the striate cortex: a difference in receptive field (RF) position between the two eyes (RF position disparity) and a difference in RF profile between the two eyes (RF phase disparity). Although there have been studies supporting each of the two encoding mechanisms, both mechanisms have not been examined in a single study. Therefore, the relative roles of the two mechanisms have not been determined. To address this issue, we have mapped left and right eye RFs of simple cells in the cat’s striate cortex using binary m-sequence noise, and then we have estimated RF position and phase disparities. We find that RF position disparities are generally limited to small values that are not sufficient to encode large binocular disparities. In contrast, RF phase disparities cover a wide range of binocular disparities and exhibit dependencies on orientation and spatial frequency in a manner expected for a mechanism that encodes binocular disparity. These results indicate that binocular disparity is mainly encoded through RF phase disparity. However, RF position disparity may play a significant role for cells with high spatial frequency selectivity, which are constrained to small RF phase disparities.
Small, single-domain proteins typically fold via a compact transition-state ensemble in a process well fitted by a simple, two-state model. To characterize the rate-limiting conformational changes that underlie two-state folding, we have investigated experimentally the effects of changing solvent viscosity on the refolding of the IgG binding domain of protein L. In conjunction with numerical simulations, our results indicate that the rate-limiting conformational changes of the folding of this domain are strongly coupled to solvent viscosity and lack any significant “internal friction” arising from intrachain collisions. When compared with the previously determined solvent viscosity dependencies of other, more restricted conformational changes, our results suggest that the rate-limiting folding transition involves conformational fluctuations that displace considerable amounts of solvent. Reconciling evidence that the folding transition state ensemble is comprised of highly collapsed species with these and similar, previously reported results should provide a significant constraint for theoretical models of the folding process.
Although many proteins essential for regulated neurotransmitter and peptide hormone secretion have been identified, little is understood about their precise roles at specific stages of the multistep pathway of exocytosis. To study the function of CAPS (Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion), a protein required for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of dense-core vesicles, secretory responses in single rat melanotrophs were monitored by patch-clamp membrane capacitance measurements. Flash photolysis of caged Ca2+ elicited biphasic capacitance increases consisting of rapid and slow components with distinct Ca2+ dependencies. A threshold of ≈10 μM Ca2+ was required to trigger the slow component, while the rapid capacitance increase was recorded already at a intracellular Ca2+ activity < 10 μM. Both kinetic membrane capacitance components were abolished by botulinum neurotoxin B or E treatment, suggesting involvement of SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor)-dependent vesicle fusion. The rapid but not the slow component was inhibited by CAPS antibody. These results were further clarified by immunocytochemical studies that revealed that CAPS was present on only a subset of dense-core vesicles. Overall, the results indicate that dense-core vesicle exocytosis in melanotrophs occurs by two parallel pathways. The faster pathway exhibits high sensitivity to Ca2+ and requires the presence of CAPS, which appears to act at a late stage in the secretory pathway.
This paper describes a variety of statistical methods for obtaining precise quantitative estimates of the similarities and differences in the structures of semantic domains in different languages. The methods include comparing mean correlations within and between groups, principal components analysis of interspeaker correlations, and analysis of variance of speaker by question data. Methods for graphical displays of the results are also presented. The methods give convergent results that are mutually supportive and equivalent under suitable interpretation. The methods are illustrated on the semantic domain of emotion terms in a comparison of the semantic structures of native English and native Japanese speaking subjects. We suggest that, in comparative studies concerning the extent to which semantic structures are universally shared or culture-specific, both similarities and differences should be measured and compared rather than placing total emphasis on one or the other polar position.
We present a theoretical framework that enables us to dissect out the parametric dependencies of the pathogenesis of prion diseases. We are able to determine the influence of both host-dependent factors (connectivity, cell density, protein synthesis rate, and cell death) and strain-dependent factors (cell tropism, virulence, and replication rate). We use a model based on a linked system of differential equations on a lattice to explore how the regional distribution of central nervous system pathology in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome, and fatal familial insomnia relates to each of these factors. The model then is used to make qualitative predictions about the pathology for two possible hypothetical triggers of neuronal loss in prion diseases. Pathological progression in overexpressing mouse models has been shown to depend on the site of initial infection. The model allows us to compare the pathologies resulting from different inoculation routes.
Inositol 1,4,5-tris-phosphate (IP3) binding to its receptors (IP3R) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates Ca2+ release from the ER lumen to the cytoplasm, generating complex cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration signals including temporal oscillations and propagating waves. IP3-mediated Ca2+ release is also controlled by cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration with both positive and negative feedback. Single-channel properties of the IP3R in its native ER membrane were investigated by patch clamp electrophysiology of isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei to determine the dependencies of IP3R on cytoplasmic Ca2+ and IP3 concentrations under rigorously defined conditions. Instead of the expected narrow bell-shaped cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) response centered at ≈300 nM–1 μM, the open probability remained elevated (≈0.8) in the presence of saturating levels (10 μM) of IP3, even as [Ca2+]i was raised to high concentrations, displaying two distinct types of functional Ca2+ binding sites: activating sites with half-maximal activating [Ca2+]i (Kact) of 210 nM and Hill coefficient (Hact) ≈2; and inhibitory sites with half-maximal inhibitory [Ca2+]i (Kinh) of 54 μM and Hill coefficient (Hinh) ≈4. Lowering IP3 concentration was without effect on Ca2+ activation parameters or Hinh, but decreased Kinh with a functional half-maximal activating IP3 concentration (KIP3) of 50 nM and Hill coefficient (HIP3) of 4 for IP3. These results demonstrate that Ca2+ is a true receptor agonist, whereas the sole function of IP3 is to relieve Ca2+ inhibition of IP3R. Allosteric tuning of Ca2+ inhibition by IP3 enables the individual IP3R Ca2+ channel to respond in a graded fashion, which has implications for localized and global cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration signaling and quantal Ca2+ release.
Sequence-specific recognition of DNA can be achieved by triple helix-forming oligonucleotides that bind to the major groove of double-helical DNA. These oligonucleotides have been used as sequence-specific DNA ligands for various purposes, including sequence-specific gene regulation in the so-called ‘antigene strategy’. In particular, (G,A)-containing oligonucleotides can form stable triple helices under physiological conditions. However, triplex formation may be in competition with self-association of these oligonucleotides. For biological applications it would be interesting to identify the conditions under which one structure is favoured as compared to the other(s). Here we have directly studied competition between formation of a parallel (G,A) homoduplex and that of a triple helix by a 13 nt (G,A)-containing oligonucleotide. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis allows simultaneous detection of competition between the two structures, because of their different temperature dependencies and gel electrophoretic mobilities, and characterisation of this competition.
Intramolecular electron transfer in azurin in water and deuterium oxide has been studied over a broad temperature range. The kinetic deuterium isotope effect, kH/kD, is smaller than unity (0.7 at 298 K), primarily caused by the different activation entropies in water (−56.5 J K−1 mol−1) and in deuterium oxide (−35.7 J K−1 mol−1). This difference suggests a role for distinct protein solvation in the two media, which is supported by the results of voltammetric measurements: the reduction potential (E0′) of Cu2+/+ at 298 K is 10 mV more positive in D2O than in H2O. The temperature dependence of E0′ is also different, yielding entropy changes of −57 J K−1 mol−1 in water and −84 J K−1 mol−1 in deuterium oxide. The driving force difference of 10 mV is in keeping with the kinetic isotope effect, but the contribution to ΔS‡ from the temperature dependence of E0′ is positive rather than negative. Isotope effects are, however, also inherent in the nuclear reorganization Gibbs free energy and in the tunneling factor for the electron transfer process. A slightly larger thermal protein expansion in H2O than in D2O (0.001 nm K−1) is sufficient both to account for the activation entropy difference and to compensate for the different temperature dependencies of E0′. Thus, differences in driving force and thermal expansion appear as the most straightforward rationale for the observed isotope effect.
With assays of hormone-sensitive behaviors, it is possible to demonstrate both direct and indirect actions of genes on mammalian social behaviors. Direct effects of estrogen receptor gene expression and progesterone receptor gene expression figure prominently in well analyzed neuroendocrine mechanisms for sex behavior, operating through a neural circuit that has been delineated. Indirect effects, notably the consequences of sexual differentiation, display complex dependencies. In a human condition, Kallmann syndrome, the data show a clear, indirect genetic influence on an important human social behavior, in which damage at chromosome Xp-22.3 works through at least six discrete steps to affect libido. Altogether, simplistic extrapolations from lower animals, especially during brief summaries for nonscientists, do not appear justified as we discover and conceptualize genetic influences on mammalian brain and behavior.
The friction of rocks in the laboratory is a function of time, velocity of sliding, and displacement. Although the processes responsible for these dependencies are unknown, constitutive equations have been developed that do a reasonable job of describing the laboratory behavior. These constitutive laws have been used to create a model of earthquakes at Parkfield, CA, by using boundary conditions appropriate for the section of the fault that slips in magnitude 6 earthquakes every 20-30 years. The behavior of this model prior to the earthquakes is investigated to determine whether or not the model earthquakes could be predicted in the real world by using realistic instruments and instrument locations. Premonitory slip does occur in the model, but it is relatively restricted in time and space and detecting it from the surface may be difficult. The magnitude of the strain rate at the earth's surface due to this accelerating slip seems lower than the detectability limit of instruments in the presence of earth noise. Although not specifically modeled, microseismicity related to the accelerating creep and to creep events in the model should be detectable. In fact the logarithm of the moment rate on the hypocentral cell of the fault due to slip increases linearly with minus the logarithm of the time to the earthquake. This could conceivably be used to determine when the earthquake was going to occur. An unresolved question is whether this pattern of accelerating slip could be recognized from the microseismicity, given the discrete nature of seismic events. Nevertheless, the model results suggest that the most likely solution to earthquake prediction is to look for a pattern of acceleration in microseismicity and thereby identify the microearthquakes as foreshocks.
The phosphoprotein phosducin (Pd) regulates many guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein)-linked signaling pathways. In visual signal transduction, unphosphorylated Pd blocks the interaction of light-activated rhodopsin with its G protein (Gt) by binding to the beta gamma subunits of Gt and preventing their association with the Gt alpha subunit. When Pd is phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, it no longer inhibits Gt subunit interactions. Thus, factors that determine the phosphorylation state of Pd in rod outer segments are important in controlling the number of Gts available for activation by rhodopsin. The cyclic nucleotide dependencies of the rate of Pd phosphorylation by endogenous cAMP-dependent protein kinase suggest that cAMP, and not cGMP, controls Pd phosphorylation. The synthesis of cAMP by adenylyl cyclase in rod outer segment preparations was found to be dependent on Ca2+ and calmodulin. The Ca2+ dependence was within the physiological range of Ca2+ concentrations in rods (K1/2 = 230 +/- 9 nM) and was highly cooperative (n app = 3.6 +/- 0.5). Through its effect on adenylyl cyclase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase, physiologically high Ca2+ (1100 nM) was found to increase the rate of Pd phosphorylation 3-fold compared to the rate of phosphorylation at physiologically low Ca2+ (8 nM). No evidence for Pd phosphorylation by other (Ca2+)-dependent kinases was found. These results suggest that Ca2+ can regulate the light response at the level of Gt activation through its effect on the phosphorylation state of Pd.
Reprotonation of the transiently deprotonated retinal Schiff base in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle is greatly slowed when the proton donor Asp-96 is removed with site-specific mutagenesis, but its rate is restored upon adding azide or other weak acids such as formate and cyanate. As expected, between pH 3 and 7 the rate of Schiff base protonation in the photocycle of the D96N mutant correlates with the concentrations of the acid forms of these agents. Dissection of the rates in the biexponential reprotonation kinetics of the Schiff base between pH 7 and 9 yielded calculated rate constants for the protonation equilibrium. Their dependencies on pH and azide or cyanate concentrations are consistent with both earlier suggested mechanisms: (i) azide and other weak acids may function as proton carriers in the protonation equilibrium of the Schiff base, or (ii) the binding of their anionic forms may catalyze proton conduction to and from the Schiff base. The measured rate constants allow the calculation of the pKa of the Schiff base during its reprotonation in the photocycle of D96N. It is 8.2-8.3, a value much below the pKa determined earlier in unphotolyzed bacteriorhodopsin.
We have used capacitance measurements with a 1-microsecond voltage clamp technique to probe electrogenic ion-transporter interactions in giant excised membrane patches. The hydrophobic ion dipicrylamine was used to test model predictions for a simple charge-moving reaction. The voltage and frequency dependencies of the apparent dipicrylamine-induced capacitance, monitored by 1-mV sinusoidal perturbations, correspond to single charges moving across 76% of the membrane field at a rate of 9500 s-1 at 0 mV. For the cardiac Na,K pump, the combined presence of cytoplasmic ATP and sodium induces an increase of apparent membrane capacitance which requires the presence of extracellular sodium. The dependencies of capacitance changes on frequency, voltage, ATP, and sodium verify that phosphorylation enables a slow, 300- to 900-s-1, pump transition (the E1-E2 conformational change), which in turn enables fast, electrogenic, extracellular sodium binding reactions. For the GAT1 (gamma-aminobutyric acid,Na,Cl) cotransporter, expressed in Xenopus oocyte membrane, we find that chloride binding from the cytoplasmic side, and probably sodium binding from the extracellular side, results in a decrease of membrane capacitance monitored with 1- to 50-kHz perturbation frequencies. Evidently, ion binding by the GAT1 transporter suppresses an intrinsic fast charge movement which may originate from a mobility of charged residues of the transporter binding sites. The results demonstrate that fast capacitance measurements can provide new insight into electrogenic processes closely associated with ion binding by membrane transporters.